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Patch 1.1: PvP failure


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Level 50's do have an advantage over lower level players but it is hardly as game breaking as people think. Most of that advantage comes from experience and familiarity of their characters. I will be very happy to continue to play my lower level characters against level 50's any day of the week.



Thats a load of ********... my juggernaut can 2 shot ppl with 7k crits... im very very positive i have never hit above 2.5k crits with a level 20 or something like that.. The level 50 gear makes a huge differance, maybe not for ur class but atleast for most of em.

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From patch notes

A notification is now displayed when a player gains Valor.


Since its listed under Ilum changes I guess its restricted to that planet only but I had hopes that valor gains would be added to ALL PvP since I'm playing on a PvP-server.

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TBH, couldn't careless about the changes with Ilum as it's a joke. However what irks me is this...


  • Ka on Voss is now a PvP Sanctuary.


Does Bioware hate PvPers and open-world PvP by adding another "lol no fight zone" into the game.


so you skipped the storyline did you?

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Full Premades?














Waaah I'll never be able to win PvP again because I have no friends in a MMO, note, MMO (Massively Multiplayer Game) because I lack the social stability of the general user base, waaah.

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the lvl 50 only brackets are an awesome add that a lot of people were askign for long.


Fightign a groups of 50s with low lvl chars that get blown up in a few shots is stresseful and pointless. Lets at least put both sides with the same ability range even if not the same gear.. wich is a matter of time.


Furthermore low lvl chars are usually played by players with less experience about the game, gimping even more the side they were on.


so, lvl 50 only -- > check --> good one.


One thing they forgot to add was the no n premade brackets also.


Getting the no premades choice would bring an healthier warzone ambiance, droping the groups focusing fire with vent and used to almsot military like specific tactics.


NO PREMADES bracket not implemented yet ---> no check --> needs to be ingame fast.

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I'm going to have to agree with some of the posts here and say go play another game. WoW, Warhammer, whatever just take your PvP rants and go away. You want real PvP Go play MW3 or battlefield or something to that affect. Bioware and Lucas Arts have specifically said that this is a RP game and want people to feel like they are a part of the star wars universe. PvP does not advance any storyline ever.



PvP is the same on all games like this. There is little to no communication between teammates. You die a lot. You get mad at the 12 year old that lol's you every time he is by you even if he is getting killed and then you log. These rants are on every forum for every game and they are mostly by PvPERS

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I find it funny how people in MMO's think PvP is the main point to playing ANY and EVERY mmo...sorry to burst your bubble but PvP is not the ONLY reason to play an MMO, as well as its not the only content that matters. People that PvP only do so because what skill does it take to capture a flag or throw a ball and kill people (or be killed 1000000 times and then let your team carry you to a win). PvP is rediculous. Its the god father of all Carry Me's. Most of you are too high to even know which attacks to use....so do everyone a favor and put down the laced weed that is killing your brain cells, and accept that PvE is the MAIN focus of MMOs such as WoW and this game. I accept that PvE is part of the game as well as PvP.


Pvp creates a good esport community so thats why you want a good pvp system in your mmo.

WoW did not get more then 10 million subscribers because of their questing or other kind of carebearing.

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Because companies like Blizzard, Arenanet , have big money tournaments for PvE right...and since you can judge, so will I. Go back to bottlenecking a 1400 WoW rating. Push close to 3k and then say PvP requires no skill, because it is the complete other way around buddy.


Oh the boss is going to do said ability in 5 sec, prepare for it again in 45 sec.. rinse and repeat.

Insinuating is fun isn't it


You go and have fun with your little pug raids then since you consider that end game.

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So ppl deliberetly chose not to kill enemy players on Illum, and instead they just trade objectives and than they whine on these forums why there is no pvp ?

Than BW says: " Ok, sure we will encourage you to kill each other. Now you have to kill enemy player to finish daily, and you get nice valor bonus for doing so"

And now ppl are whinig and asking put things back to the way they were....




In case you havent noticed because you arent playing the game it seems.

On most if not all servers Imperial outnumber Republic players, so in case of ilum you as a republic player are screwed.


But like i said if you dont know this then you arent playing the game.

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Illum is a work in progress. The initial idea was great but people just wish to trade and get pvp gear without actually pvping (Lack of republic contributes to this).


Guild premades and ladders for Huttball would make pvp extremely exciting on all servers. Faction imbalance would have no impact on this.


Double commendation days could also be a good idea.

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Well, there barely are enough 50s on my server to fill up one warzone. The 50 bracket will be painful ... Empire will have dozens of queued players versus 8-10 on Republic side, welcome to even more Huttball.


Full premades would be nice but would reduce my chances of keeping 100% win rate in the games where we queue as a group of 3 or 4, needs to wait till we get/level more people :p ... So far there's barely any competition in PvP, the few premades we meet offer some resistance but as a guy that has done pretty much 0 WoW Arena, minimal premades in WoW and mostly premades here I would have expected more organization.


On the Ilum side ... well, I can live without that bag if it would require me to actually kill people. I don't really have a chance when I normally don't have the healer with me when doing that daily plus we'd always be outnumbered plus is it really worth the time effort to try and find some Empire players to kill and wait for respawns and fight for objectives with low chances of getting them? I think I'm better off winning a few WZs where numbers are even.

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anyone remember the good ol' days when players went out and found that perfect spot... and started a freaking war! the discovery of TM/SS in wow was one of the greatest pvp moments ive ever had, second only to the 300+ battle we started in SWG and were then told never to do again because it crashed the server.


why do people insist that developers hand them a place to pvp outside of warzones? why dont you people get off your lazy asses, grab your buddies, grab the rest of your freaking faction for that matter, and go kill.... everything! stop demanding that you have everything handed to you like a freaking child and do something for yourselves!

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I am sorry fanboys are still defending PvP in TOR: Thanks to people like you this game will be dead soon. As soon as the PvP community migrates to another game (Tera and GW2 are just around the corner). BW should be pruod of you.


GW2 will be a big fail cause its a joke of a game. If you think this game has issues, wait till you see GW2 at launch. I lol'd when I got to play it and uninstalled it faster then I installed it (I suppose that always happens when uninstalling ;p)


As for Tera, its a korean game, it will be full of bots and what not so enjoy playing that as well. I thought it would be a good game, but looking at it and what my friend told me (Sinve he is in beta), the game will offer fun for a little bit and die pretty quick. but you never know.


You guys all speak like this game has been out for 1 year or something. The game is not even ONE MONTH OLD! Have some darn patience and learn to understand that all MMO's have issues at launch. Yes, even Rift had them. WOW was even worse then this and look at it, it's the #1 game in the world right now as far as MMO's are concerned.


TOR has things lined up and I am pretty sure they will fix things. They admit to Ilum being a mess and they will fix it. It's a process that isn't done in one day. Also, class balancing, they said they will start doing that march-april'ish.


Learn to have patience people.

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also to add about this Ilum thing. If you did play WoW during the wrath expac and had that privldge to play wintergrasp for the first time, do you remember how bad that was? the horrible lag? the being out numbered 30 -1? being in there with 70's when you were an 80? they took months to fix that place and when Blizzard finally got it somewhat balanced they came out with a new expansion.


so just wait and they will attend to your PvP needs. Bioware has more pressing issues to deal with. Like those effing green and orange lines everywhere what the hell is that about?

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After reading that the game is not going to have RVR and there is not the slightest concept of great RVR (DAOC is the best) I won't be subscribing when my subscription runs out.I cannot comprehend how laymen like us players ...."get it" when it comes to endless end game with RVR and the "pro's" don't.I can't express my deep disappointment.
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also to add about this Ilum thing. If you did play WoW during the wrath expac and had that privldge to play wintergrasp for the first time, do you remember how bad that was? the horrible lag? the being out numbered 30 -1? being in there with 70's when you were an 80? they took months to fix that place and when Blizzard finally got it somewhat balanced they came out with a new expansion.


so just wait and they will attend to your PvP needs. Bioware has more pressing issues to deal with. Like those effing green and orange lines everywhere what the hell is that about?


wintergrasp was still pretty awesome though, siege tanks and catapult rushes and murdering people. if you wanted less people, you had the option to show up when it was less populated


this is praying for republic to show up so we can start trading. it's not something you can avoid by getting on in 3 hours and hoping less people are trying to do wintergrasp. it's a poorly designed massive pvp battleground which, because gearing is tied pretty tightly to it, is a necessary, drab, tedious drag for a part of the game which should be fun

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GW2 will be a big fail cause its a joke of a game. If you think this game has issues, wait till you see GW2 at launch. I lol'd when I got to play it and uninstalled it faster then I installed it (I suppose that always happens when uninstalling ;p)


As for Tera, its a korean game, it will be full of bots and what not so enjoy playing that as well. I thought it would be a good game, but looking at it and what my friend told me (Sinve he is in beta), the game will offer fun for a little bit and die pretty quick. but you never know.


You guys all speak like this game has been out for 1 year or something. The game is not even ONE MONTH OLD! Have some darn patience and learn to understand that all MMO's have issues at launch. Yes, even Rift had them. WOW was even worse then this and look at it, it's the #1 game in the world right now as far as MMO's are concerned.


TOR has things lined up and I am pretty sure they will fix things. They admit to Ilum being a mess and they will fix it. It's a process that isn't done in one day. Also, class balancing, they said they will start doing that march-april'ish.


Learn to have patience people.


The irony of this post is great. I see what you did there. ;)

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In case you havent noticed because you arent playing the game it seems.

On most if not all servers Imperial outnumber Republic players, so in case of ilum you as a republic player are screwed.


But like i said if you dont know this then you arent playing the game.


screwed as Rep player, because you are outnumbered? isnt it the other way round? you are screwed as imp, because they are not many Reps to kill.

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I find it funny how people in MMO's think PvP is the main point to playing ANY and EVERY mmo...sorry to burst your bubble but PvP is not the ONLY reason to play an MMO, as well as its not the only content that matters. People that PvP only do so because what skill does it take to capture a flag or throw a ball and kill people (or be killed 1000000 times and then let your team carry you to a win). PvP is rediculous. Its the god father of all Carry Me's. Most of you are too high to even know which attacks to use....so do everyone a favor and put down the laced weed that is killing your brain cells, and accept that PvE is the MAIN focus of MMOs such as WoW and this game. I accept that PvE is part of the game as well as PvP.


i completely agree with you, i like pvp but it is not everything in an mmo. If there isn't a story or some reason for me to play besides pvp then i dont play and get bored of it very quickly. Now in terms of TOR i have been playing this for a while even in beta i got immersed into the story, and couldnt give a rats *** about pvp. I rolled onto a pvp server because i like the off chance of fighting a player of the other faction and the fact that my guild rolled on a pvp server. So to the people whining that pvp is going to suck now please get off your high horses and realize that you dont make up the majority of the people playing the game. I am also no fanboy by any means, I just like how the game is right now with the story.

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i completely agree with you, i like pvp but it is not everything in an mmo. If there isn't a story or some reason for me to play besides pvp then i dont play and get bored of it very quickly. Now in terms of TOR i have been playing this for a while even in beta i got immersed into the story, and couldnt give a rats *** about pvp. I rolled onto a pvp server because i like the off chance of fighting a player of the other faction and the fact that my guild rolled on a pvp server. So to the people whining that pvp is going to suck now please get off your high horses and realize that you dont make up the majority of the people playing the game. I am also no fanboy by any means, I just like how the game is right now with the story.


Hey there! I don't know your parents, I've never met them, but I'm fairly sure that at some point during your childhood they told you the choice phrase "if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all".


You came into a thread offering feedback on Bioware's recent pvp changes (the title of the thread is "Patch 1.1: PvP failure", so I'd be very worried if you weren't aware of the content!) and decided that the best input to offer would be "LOL LOSERS, I DONT CARE ABOUT PVP SO BIOWARE SHOULD DO NOTHING AT ALL ABOUT IT".

Edited by LilSaihah
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