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Any Actual females not female characters play this game?


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If you're worrying about whether a character in a game is a girl behind it or not then you have much deeper issues and should seek therapy. Video games aren't pickup parlours and the last thing any girl is going to want is some immature freak hitting on her in a game.


As to whether women play? Both my wife and my daughter do ;)

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I'm a girl playing a girl, but people definitely assume I am a guy. And you know what, it doesn't really matter! I'm sure sometimes the words I type or the emoticons I use tick other players off to the fact that I may be a female, but unless they ask, I don't make a point of announcing myself one way or the other. I think at this point, only about three or four specific players know I'm a girl and only because it came up in conversation. But, they are all people I've played in a group with on more than one occasion. One of them even told me I shouldn't tell my guild because I'll end up with quite a bit of unwanted attention...
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So i had this problem when i ployed lotro that i could never find any girls that played the game, i mean my entire guild on lotro are boys, the entire guild on here are boys... is there no other girl on the face of the planet that plays swtor on my server (Telos Restoration Project) I feel so alone... not to mention that boys who have girl characters are kinda weird... on lotro i had a male character and i had to delete him because it was to weird lol...a not that i care but its kinda dissapointed when you think your talking to a girl and it turns out tht the person behind the character is a dude,,nywayz just wondering, no need to get in a hater mood i was just asking


you're kinda weird yourself

Edited by HBninjaX
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So i had this problem when i ployed lotro that i could never find any girls that played the game, i mean my entire guild on lotro are boys, the entire guild on here are boys... is there no other girl on the face of the planet that plays swtor on my server (Telos Restoration Project) I feel so alone... not to mention that boys who have girl characters are kinda weird... on lotro i had a male character and i had to delete him because it was to weird lol...a not that i care but its kinda dissapointed when you think your talking to a girl and it turns out tht the person behind the character is a dude,,nywayz just wondering, no need to get in a hater mood i was just asking




Consider this: the next time you are talking to a MALE toon, it just might be a soccer mom/housewife.


You'd be surprised how many of us are out there xD.


It's naive to assume the gender of someone based upon the gender of their toon.


I am a happily married, heterosexual woman who simply prefers the aesthetics of male characters.


Simple as that.

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Consider this: the next time you are talking to a MALE toon, it just might be a soccer mom/housewife.


You'd be surprised how many of us are out there xD.


It's naive to assume the gender of someone based upon the gender of their toon.


I am a happily married, heterosexual woman who simply prefers the aesthetics of male characters.


Simple as that.


Agreed! Why should I have to stare at some awkwardly proportioned feminine collection of pixels with an awkward run animation.

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really? i think girls who play guy toons are weirder than guys who play girl toons 0_o.


And why is that? Why the double standard for women and not men? I'm a woman who is perfectly comfortable with rolling male toons and I always get a tad irritated with how ignorant people can be in-game and how HARD it is for them to get past my RL gender when I tell them.


It's like they don't believe me. I've gotten to the point now where I just don't tell anyone. My husband and I play together and HE doesn't have an issue with it. Did it ever occur to you that some women simply prefer looking at a male toon while playing? Did it ever occur to you that MAYBE some people don't place any of their identity inside of a made up character?


When I play any of my toons (ALL male, I might add) I am watching a story unfold. I don't mary sue myself into that character as some representation of all I wished I could be.


I realize some people do this. To me, THAT'S weird.

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But, just for the record...female gamers like looking at pretty/handsome avatars, too. We can be kinda piggish at time as well (though we aren't lucky enough to have a slave guy outfit to throw a male avatar into...yet). ;)

That would be nice...

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I am a real female! All of my toons are female, except one and I have a male bounty hunter named Severussnape LOL


Plus the guy toons on here are pretty cute! Why wouldn't you want to stare at a lovely piece of meat Mwahaha

Edited by Kayleah
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As a male, I ONLY play female characters in the game. Why? Well why would I want to spend god knows how many hours staring male toon when I could be doing the exact same thing with a female toon?


Hell, half of my guild, who are males, play female toons for the same reason.


So why would it be weird at all if a female played a male toon?


However, the better question would be, why should anyone care what gender the player is? And if you do care, I can pretty much guarantee that you are a sexist piece of ****.


THANK you, sir! Couldn't have said it better myself!

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Most girls do not play male characters because they want to, they play them because they have to (to tell you the truth playing a guy really ruins the game but i have to cause i get harassed every waking moment that i play a girl).

-I am a girl-

See people probably reacted like "Oh My God! she wants Attention!" and if i was in the game "OMG! i am going to Troll and follow her around the whole *********** planet"

Yes i know that i can ignore and take down my general chat but why should i HAVE to do that I mean seriously Just Let Me Play The *********** Game.


by the way sorry for my language but it just really gets me upset when talking about

how much harassment goes on, but again sorry about that :o




I'm going to call shenanigans on your opening comment. I play male toons because I WANT TO not because I feel like I HAVE to. Good Grief. NO ONE is forcing you to play male toons. If playing a male toon RUINS it for you, then WHY do you DO it?


It's usually the gals who make a big deal about the fact that they are FEMALE that get harassed. If one went by your logic, then EVERYONE who played female toons would be harassed.


Pro tip - keep your gender to yourself and you won't have these problems.

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the absolute first rule of MMO:


any person claiming to be female must be assumed to be male, until you are physically touching her b(.Y.)bs.


i have a guild mate who loves playing female toons, and role plays like he's actually a girl (he doesn't go out luring guys, but if someone assumes he's a girl, he doesn't say anything to correct them). he'd generally let that play out for a couple weeks, before "accidentally" letting it slip that he's a guy. usually the other guy is mortified.. :D

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really? i think girls who play guy toons are weirder than guys who play girl toons 0_o.


You only think that, because you don't know why we guys play female chars. First, experienced gamers know that the kiddie boys will give all their stuff to a female character, because they don't believe it's a guy. Second, and this is the reason I play female character, my wife knows i'm not trying to hookup with anyone this way, plus Third, most mmo male characters look like females anyway, and that is worse than playing a female.

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There are 4+ female players in my guild, including myself. Females are not particularly uncommon in MMOs in my experience, from Nexon Dark Ages through EQ through DAoC through LOTRO through City of Heroes through WoW through SWTOR. I don't know that they're as...vocal on forums, and I suspect hardcore raiding skews male for various reasons, but there are plenty of women gaming online, and not just in Farmville. :) Not to mention, Bioware has plenty of fangirls already; check out any of the long-running character appreciation threads on the BW forums or check places like devArt and Livejournal for similar groups and you will find loads of ladies drawing, modding, fic-writing and so on.
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the absolute first rule of MMO:


any person claiming to be female must be assumed to be male, until you are physically touching her b(.Y.)bs.


i have a guild mate who loves playing female toons, and role plays like he's actually a girl (he doesn't go out luring guys, but if someone assumes he's a girl, he doesn't say anything to correct them). he'd generally let that play out for a couple weeks, before "accidentally" letting it slip that he's a guy. usually the other guy is mortified.. :D


This is absolute bull, along with the G.I.R.L. thing that's been going around lately. I'm female and I'm a gamer and I'm damn proud of having wiggled my way into the Good Ol' Boy's Club. I let it be known that I'm female. I'll gladly hop in vent or skype or hand out my facebook page to anyone who doesn't believe me.


Like hell I'm gonna let anyone but my boyfriend touch my bewbs though. D<

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I like being a total mystery in games like this, that's a big part of the fun, having a virtual alter ego. My toon is all I want you to know about my age, sex, or my personal life. That's why I won't join a guild, the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter are perfect classes for my gaming persona.
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I'm a girl gamer and I play with two of my female friends and my hubby. I'm on Shadowlands and Krayt Dragon, though. I like playing both male and female characters. Some of the male voice acting is too great to pass up, particularly the male sith warrior and the male imperial agent. :)
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I too am a female playing this game with toons of both genders. I prefer to play female toons but sometimes a character concept works better in another gender. Nothing wrong with that. It's good to see there are other ladies out there that do play both in-game and you too guys. =)
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I never go out of my way to determine if the player's male or female. Why? Because it doesn't mean a damn thing to me. It's not important to me. What is important is how you behave towards other players. Generally speaking, I don't attach a gender to any player I see running around unless they outright tell me what they are, and even then it doesn't change my perception much. Hell, the only thing it might change is how I read their text in my head.


As an aside, I'm a male and I play both genders. Generally, I play as a male first, female second. In an MMO's case, I alternate. However, with the voice acting in this game, I find the female voices to fit certain classes better than the male voices. It goes the other way around too. I like the female Consular more than the male, but I like the male Smuggler more than the female.


To each their own. Whatever makes the game enjoyable for you, go with it. (As long as it doesn't blatantly piss others off that is)

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