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Any Actual females not female characters play this game?


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How is it weird? I enjoy looking at handsome men while playing, just as there are men who enjoy looking at beautiful women while playing. Nothing more to it than that. People try to over-analyze the issue but really, it's a simple matter of aesthetics. It doesn't make you any less of a man or a woman for playing a character of the opposite gender.


On a side note, since I have no shame in admitting that I'm a total perv... my male smuggler looks delectable in those tight pants of his. So to you men out there who make those rear-end comments in regards to your female characters - I can totally see where you are coming from. It can be hypnotic at times.


I think its weird that girls play guy toons only because you don't see them as often.... some big burly bounty hunter your questing with informs you that "he's" a girl its a *** moment lol. Mind you not "*** ewww perv" but "*** really?? thats crazy". Trust me I understand playing a character of the opposite sex and don't care that anyone does. My issue comes when guys play female characters and girls play male characters in a role play setting. Sorry but flirting with straight people when you are a straight person is weird. BUT if you're gay then HEY keep on doin what you're doin lol.

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I think its weird that girls play guy toons only because you don't see them as often.... some big burly bounty hunter your questing with informs you that "he's" a girl its a *** moment lol. Mind you not "*** ewww perv" but "*** really?? thats crazy". Trust me I understand playing a character of the opposite sex and don't care that anyone does. My issue comes when guys play female characters and girls play male characters in a role play setting. Sorry but flirting with straight people when you are a straight person is weird. BUT if you're gay then HEY keep on doin what you're doin lol.


I... am forced to agree. While I've gotten used to seeing males play females the fact that females playing males are relatively rare its still slightly jarring to find out that Body Type 3 Juggernaut you're running with is played by a girl.


But... I can't agree with the RP aspect. I chose the genders of my characters purely based on the personality and type of character I want them to have. While yes, I have engaged in flirting with male characters (played by males) I personally see nothing wrong with it. Why? Because Roleplaying is no different than Acting.


Many, MANY years ago, there WERE no females in theatre. Females were always played by young boys that had yet to reach puberty. Was it weird when they kissed? No, because it was acting. It wasn't real.


Today, if an actor on a TV show or movie dresses up as a female, does that make them a crossdresser? No, its acting. If they play a role as a lesbian/gay, that doesn't mean they're not straight. I personally see RP as something no different than a form of impromptu acting using a medium separate from the stage.


As for erotic roleplay? No thanks. I have no interest in that no matter what the situation is, even if both participants are playing their true genders.

Edited by Xontier
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I think its weird that girls play guy toons only because you don't see them as often.... some big burly bounty hunter your questing with informs you that "he's" a girl its a *** moment lol. Mind you not "*** ewww perv" but "*** really?? thats crazy". Trust me I understand playing a character of the opposite sex and don't care that anyone does. My issue comes when guys play female characters and girls play male characters in a role play setting. Sorry but flirting with straight people when you are a straight person is weird. BUT if you're gay then HEY keep on doin what you're doin lol.


That's something to consider the next time you are questing with someone, guys. Maybe it's some dainty female behind that Hulk Hogan and she's just playing that character to avoid the creeps. I don't play burly characters so that wouldn't apply in my case. :p Mine are more pretty-boy/handsome than the rip your face off type.


I usually don't tell people I'm a female irl though I have been asked if I was gay before (lol). That does result in some awkwardness. Guess my girliness peeks out occasionally when I'm chatting with people and they start to wonder.

Edited by Cassandra_R
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Loads of us around.


I'll probably get flamed for saying it like this.. but the 'REAL' girl-gamers don't tend to make themselves known... I mean the one's that actually play games because they like games and not male attention.


My game play and how good I can play has always been judged on what I have between my legs. But I've played in alot of top guilds in the past in many games and mainly that's because I let them see me play and shizzle before I made my gender known.


No, you're getting flamed for being a twilek, and putting an apostrophe in a plural "ones".

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My issue comes when guys play female characters and girls play male characters in a role play setting. Sorry but flirting with straight people when you are a straight person is weird. BUT if you're gay then HEY keep on doin what you're doin lol.


Typically the whole point of Roleplaying is to create and develop a character that *isn't* merely oneself, the player, in pixelated form. Thus in-character flirting is guided by the gender identity and sexual orientation of the character, not the player piloting him/her.

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... not to mention that boys who have girl characters are kinda weird...


I am a male that plays female characters, an it isn't about looking at the back side. Females have voices that are easier to listen to, especially when they are saying repetitive things. "Now you have my complete attention" for instance.


In a game that is fully voice acted, not being annoyed at the voice of your own toon is a must.


As a side note I have two daughters and I do want them to see that women can play a strong leading role in stories as well.

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I am a male that plays female characters, an it isn't about looking at the back side. Females have voices that are easier to listen to, especially when they are saying repetitive things. "Now you have my complete attention" for instance.


In a game that is fully voice acted, not being annoyed at the voice of your own toon is a must.


As a side note I have two daughters and I do want them to see that women can play a strong leading role in stories as well.


Doesn't Satele do that too? ^_^ I hope they make Satele a companion eventually but one that all Republic players can get, maybe obtain an item from a nightmare mode operation where she can be a companion?

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As a female gamer myself, I only ever create female characters - it's just a personal preference. I've known plenty of guys who are perfectly normal, have families and children, etc. who roll female characters themselves, so I don't find this practice to be unusual. Indeed, most female characters you find in a typical MMO will, in fact, be played by men, and for various reasons and motivations.


[rant] One thing I notice is how folks seem to want to help me more when they see the female avatar - and it pisses me off. I'm a skilled player and I can't stand it when people think I need help killing a few on-level regular mobs. Especially as a Kinetic Combat Shadow with a pocket healer, I eat some Champions for breakfast. I didn't make it this many levels through charity. On the other hand, while I played Warcraft, this same thing always happened, so I made my only male character to see how differently I'd be treated. Not once did I receive unwanted help killing something, or completing an objective, or whatever. Makes you wonder. [/rant]


Just my two credits worth. Trust me, there are plenty of female gamers in SW:TOR, we're just hiding in plain sight.

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I am a male that plays female characters, an it isn't about looking at the back side. Females have voices that are easier to listen to, especially when they are saying repetitive things. "Now you have my complete attention" for instance.


In a game that is fully voice acted, not being annoyed at the voice of your own toon is a must.


As a side note I have two daughters and I do want them to see that women can play a strong leading role in stories as well.


That too. The male agent voice is horrible to listen to compared to the female.

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i don't think i've ever encountered any guys who swoon over female characters. obviously, they know they can make an exact copy of any toon themselves, and know that a lot of guys play female characters, so why would they care/think anything of it? still under this impression that most gamers have lives IRL and know plenty of girls and dgaf about girls online.
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I'm a female gamer. I play on Prophecy of the Five. There is one other female in my guild, but our guild is small right now. Mainly it's RL friends, and some of us met playing WoW together and decided to jump ship.


I'm sure there are more females out there than one might expect.

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Female player here too, and I almost always play female characters in game. There's a ton of us out there, but really there's no reason to run around saying "Hi. I'm (name here) and I'm a female in real life", just like I could care less who is really male and who isn't.


I play MMO's to play the actual game, not use it as a hook up/dating service.

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I personally don't care if males play females or if females play males. I'm a male and i only play one character at the moment who is a male. I'm satisfied at looking at my girl companion or other female AI, but when I'm not anymore, I'll probably make a girl character just so i can look at her butt for most of the game.:cool:
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I'm a woman and I play on Krayt Dragon. I can't bring myself to say 'I'm a girl' because I turned 40 last year and it's starting to seem like it's been a looong time since I was a girl. I'd say about 1/3 to 1/2 of my guild are women real life. Most of them are all coworkers in the same business. I've been playing computer games since the original Pools of Radiance came out in 1988. I actually was playing computer games before my husband was--i convinced him to get Diablo and we did a great many dungeon runs together back when we were still dating.


I've never hidden the fact that I'm female real life, in any MMO, and I've never played an MMO where I was the only woman in my guild. I enjoy surprising people on Ventrilo and voice chat programs. If I had a dollar for every time I heard some mook say "Women don't play video games" or "pictures or it's not true" I might not be rich but I'd be pretty well off. I cant quite remember the circumstances around it, but once in EQ2 someone said that he would never believe there were women playing the game unless he saw live video of them playing or spoke tot hem on the phone. I've never been one to back down from a challenge, so I gave him my cell phone number. Only, i accidently gave it in general chat, instead of via /tell :o Ironically, I only got 1 phone call, from the guy who had challenged me, and then we chatted for a few moments before he admitted in general chat that yes, I was actually female. My daughter calling me 'mommy' in the background probably helped my case though

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Peculiar subject since it comes up in every MMO that I've played thus far.


The player's sex doesn't make a difference; if they're bad then they'll get insulted and look like a keyboard-turning clicker. If they're good then they'll get praise and people will enjoy grouping with them.


In regards to the OP though, there's plenty of women in most MMOs and they're not in hiding I can assure you. I've found the larger female communities on RP servers and PvE servers, but there's usually a reasonable amount on PvP servers as well, it's just not like they're all going to do a roll call every time they log in and let everyone know their sex though.

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I think the only time I remember recently that I was party to a person being small-minded about my gender was on SWTOR. I can't remember what we were discussing in general chat on the server, but I made some comments. Someone asked me what my gender was (based on something I had said, I guess). I told them I was a female.


To which, I got the standard crap of "Really? I don't believe you." "Well, you know what MMORPG means, right? Many Men online roleplaying girls..." (implying I'm a male pretending to be a female was out of line).


I was offended. I should not have to PROVE my gender. That's just rude.

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To which, I got the standard crap of "Really? I don't believe you." "Well, you know what MMORPG means, right? Many Men online roleplaying girls..." (implying I'm a male pretending to be a female was out of line).


I was offended. I should not have to PROVE my gender. That's just rude.


You know most people are taking you for a ride, right? Most people are just kidding. And with how many guys out there that do actually pretend to be girls, then it's a perfectly valid response.


It's a game. People are anonymous. You could be a 45 year old basement creeper with a paedo van for all anyone knows.


I just find it amusing more than anything. If you can't laugh, then what's the point?

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