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Any Actual females not female characters play this game?


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I'm a girl, this is the first mmo I've played. I'd like to join a guild with vent as having to type everything typing is majorly inhibiting.


Is people knowing you're a girl really as bad as some of the posts in this thread say?

Any tips on how to get it to work out?


(and i swear there was a 'guild hall' forum here before. how do you canvass possible guilds now? just pst and hope for the best?)

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As a male, I ONLY play female characters in the game. Why? Well why would I want to spend god knows how many hours staring male toon when I could be doing the exact same thing with a female toon?


Hell, half of my guild, who are males, play female toons for the same reason.


So why would it be weird at all if a female played a male toon?


However, the better question would be, why should anyone care what gender the player is? And if you do care, I can pretty much guarantee that you are a sexist piece of ****.


Not saying you're wrong or anything (really, whatever floats your boat - right?), however, I have a different mentality when playing my characters. Folks who play female characters just so they have a more appealing set of pixels on screen is all fine and good, but I personally would not for that reason. I would not feel any kind of connection to the character, which would result in me playing it far less. When I play, I do not role-play at all, but I do feel I am assuming the role of that character created. I try to create a character (name, looks, etc) that - in my mind - "fits" the selected class I have chosen. I guess I don't get the perspective of "staring" at your character being more appealing choosing a female (its a game. Pixels. Makes no difference).

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I'm a girl, this is the first mmo I've played. I'd like to join a guild with vent as having to type everything typing is majorly inhibiting.


Is people knowing you're a girl really as bad as some of the posts in this thread say?

Any tips on how to get it to work out?


(and i swear there was a 'guild hall' forum here before. how do you canvass possible guilds now? just pst and hope for the best?)


No it's not bad at all. Only problem is pre-pubescent teenagers that get overly-excited. Just find a mature guild with Vent, and you'll be fine!

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When I play, I do not role-play at all, but I do feel I am assuming the role of that character created. I try to create a character (name, looks, etc) that - in my mind - "fits" the selected class I have chosen. I guess I don't get the perspective of "staring" at your character being more appealing choosing a female (its a game. Pixels. Makes no difference).

That's a sort of roleplay however, even if it's just on your own. You seek immersion during your gameplay, which means that you do follow the story and its events. You assume the role, like you said. I.e. roleplay. :)


That's why I previously stated that I can see the majority of males using a female toons being non-RPers. They don't care about neither the story nor about the character directly. They care about killing mobs, leveling, maxing and the female pixels to escort them while doing so. :p

Edited by Kiyosa
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I'm a girl, this is the first mmo I've played. I'd like to join a guild with vent as having to type everything typing is majorly inhibiting.


Is people knowing you're a girl really as bad as some of the posts in this thread say?

Any tips on how to get it to work out?


(and i swear there was a 'guild hall' forum here before. how do you canvass possible guilds now? just pst and hope for the best?)


I pretty much second what Bruinologist said. It's not that bad... just look for a mature guild and you'll be fine. Good luck and have fun!

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Female here. I don't see the point in saying I'm a woman in game, or rather, it's not something that comes up often in a conversation.

If somebody ask I tell them, or they eventually find out in vent.

Been a gamer since Atari first came out, been into the mmorpg genre for about 9 years, have husband and kids who are also into gaming, we have the nerdiest/geekiest house decor :jawa_smile:

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I'm so new to MMO's I had no idea that this was even an issue. IRL I'm a married, middleaged, blue collar man- on server I'm playing a male toon (33/6/0 sage). I've been tanking at RL for a long time now - so it's nice to play a supportive/management role. But it never occured to me to consider the gender of the player behind the toon having any bearing on their ability to play the game- I'm just assuming that they are human and have a pulse. I have noticed that on the Rep side players did sort of stereotype themselves with their choice of their main. I can understand the the MMO as a concept is so catching, because it serves as a wonderful icebreaker for people who are not socialy graceful in RL. And for those who are socially outgoing- it's just another way to spned time with friends and like minded people.


I'm almost to social III playing almost exclusively with pick up groups. Players usually give their gender and age away pretty quickly in Party chat if you actually talk to them, not because they say things like "I'm a girl" - but because males and females of different ages don't behave the same way in a social setting. Non-sociopathic people generally desire to be known and accepted for who they are, even if they are not %100 comfortable with themselves in RL. Most people place some sort of importance on their gender as a part of their identity, though they may not be able to see what that effect is from their own perspective. In a fantasy world like this- people like to play the part of how they want to be- rather than be limited in the same way that they are in RL. But it doens't matter one bit to me if girls play male toons or guys play a female toon, and I don't think it's really relevant to their own sexual identity. I've never assumed that a female player or toon needed help playing the game, although I have given away some premium loot to players who seemed to struggle with being socially assertive in a group, just to help them play more confidently in the future. By the same token I've blocked & kicked more than a few people for not playing well with others, male & female.


But I do think the number of bikini clad twileks is a little creepy..... - sort of like holiday & the holodancer the premium buyers have... But hey- that is their business, and none of mine.

Edited by Cleet_Xia
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Le contradiction. xD


I've tried playing male toons, but that went horribly wrong since I'm a roleplayer. They always turn into some sort of...a whoopsie. >_>

I mean in general it just shouldn't matter. I mean clearly if you end up developing a relationship to the point that it ends up leading to actual marriage in real life.... that's different.

I'll be honest though, I've never met anyone IN A GAME that I ended up meeting in real life. I've met people ONLINE and gotten together with them, but not from any game. I don't expect that to change any time soon, especially because I play in order to escape all the drama in my life, not create more. >_<


Female here. I don't see the point in saying I'm a woman in game, or rather, it's not something that comes up often in a conversation.

If somebody ask I tell them, or they eventually find out in vent.

Been a gamer since Atari first came out, been into the mmorpg genre for about 9 years, have husband and kids who are also into gaming, we have the nerdiest/geekiest house decor :jawa_smile:

Really? Because any time I get into an actual conversation I end up being asked. Like I was saying in a previous post, most guys don't think we actually exist. Guess they forget that gamer, sci-fi, otaku nerd girls like to use computers too.

Edited by DaedalEVE
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Female here. I don't see the point in saying I'm a woman in game, or rather, it's not something that comes up often in a conversation.

If somebody ask I tell them, or they eventually find out in vent.

Been a gamer since Atari first came out, been into the mmorpg genre for about 9 years, have husband and kids who are also into gaming, we have the nerdiest/geekiest house decor :jawa_smile:


Yeah, I generally don't feel the need to announce I'm female. I "pass" as male to most guys most likely because I'm a techie and I talk sports in chat. I started with Atari as well then moved on to tabletop RPGs, then found UO and Evercrack. I've been participating in both RPG worlds ever since.

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Iam a male. I have chars that is both male and female and they are a part of my in game legacie.

I never identify my self whit the char, when i play a game.


I dont care if thos i meet ingame are female or male in rl.


just play the game and have fun and leave the rl stuff to where it belongs :)

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I mean in general it just shouldn't matter. I mean clearly if you end up developing a relationship to the point that it ends up leading to actual marriage in real life.... that's different.

I'll be honest though, I've never met anyone IN A GAME that I ended up meeting in real life. I've met people ONLINE and gotten together with them, but not from any game. I don't expect that to change any time soon, especially because I play in order to escape all the drama in my life, not create more. >_<

I don't see how having rl meetings with people you initially met online is any different from meeting people from MMOs... >_>

Yeah, I generally don't feel the need to announce I'm female. I "pass" as male to most guys most likely because I'm a techie and I talk sports in chat. I started with Atari as well then moved on to tabletop RPGs, then found UO and Evercrack. I've been participating in both RPG worlds ever since.

Same with me and PvP. Most guys assume I'm one as well. That's how my gender kept being a "secret" for almost 3 years of WoW, before voice com needed to be used for arena and rated.

Edited by Kiyosa
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Lol well I am a chick gamer, but my brother is one of the weird guys that plays a girl toon, he says his reason is "if I have to stare at something for 8 hours it might as well have curves" still weirds me out, had the same issue on WoW which always made vent awkward! Anyway Im Matika and Mellisa on the razor (sith) if you want group :p
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I'm a girl gamer and proud of it :D Been gaming since i was five thanks to Mario on the nes. I usually tell I'm a girl so i don't get asked. So far i have not seen that many girl gamers but i found a few so far. Its nice see that there are so many girls playing


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Loads of us around.


I'll probably get flamed for saying it like this.. but the 'REAL' girl-gamers don't tend to make themselves known... I mean the one's that actually play games because they like games and not male attention.


My game play and how good I can play has always been judged on what I have between my legs. But I've played in alot of top guilds in the past in many games and mainly that's because I let them see me play and shizzle before I made my gender known.


Sad that there seems to be a need for women to keep thier gender a secret till they have proven that they are good with the class they play. From my own experience in games,grouping with women for quests has been less risky than men,far less likely to team up with someone who wants to use leet speak at me and say about ten things in the first five minutes that make me wish I had just ignored the invite lol. I also make a point of not asking someones gender...I dont care if you are male or female.As long as you don't spallter the screen with racist,sexist,political or religious garbage,you are OK by me.


Edit...I forgot to add. Not that I care if a bloke is playing a female character,but to the ones who say its so they have something nice to look at....I can't help thinking about blokes who say they buy playboy for the articles :p

Edited by Sedgecammel
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I'm a woman (not girl, winds me up for some reason when that term is used), all my characters are women too. Have never gotten chatted up or to for that matter.


Made me laugh when my hubby made a female character and within 30 mins was being asked if he single. Not if he was actually female, only single. :rolleyes:

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I mean in general it just shouldn't matter. I mean clearly if you end up developing a relationship to the point that it ends up leading to actual marriage in real life.... that's different.

I'll be honest though, I've never met anyone IN A GAME that I ended up meeting in real life. I've met people ONLINE and gotten together with them, but not from any game. I don't expect that to change any time soon, especially because I play in order to escape all the drama in my life, not create more. >_<.


As a guy that met his last three girlfriend in mmos, it'not that different. One of the relationship went quite far, unfortunately sickness took her away from me. The others didn't work out. It's nice in a sense since you are sure they like your video game hobby. I even met my WoW duo partner for lunch.


Kinda miss having a girl partner around, being stuck on my jedi knight as I posted in my thread about A bit of Despair that can't find people to do heroics with. Actually might as well post it here, if any girl or woman wants to partner up and get to know a nice guy, hit me up in a message. I like doing the tank/healer combo, where I'm normally the healer >.>

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It's all about demographics. The Brad Pitts of the world aren't playing MMOs, so most guys are going to be considered "creepy".


Women who want to engage in typically male dominated activities WITH MEN, will always have to deal with this. The only way to escape this is to play single player games.


I find it odd that any woman would have different expectations. Actually I take that back, what usually happens is they ruin it for guys by complaining. No more scantily clad women and everyone's equal!!!!

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I'm a female and I agree with a previous poster, it's not so rare anymore. There are five or six females in my guild. That's about 10% female, but I remember the early days of my gaming life where I'd be the only girl :eek:. I've seen other guilds with higher female populations and I've seen one or two female only guilds.


But, many guys do roll female toons. Many of our male guild members have female toons. I joked the other day and told them I'm rolling a guy toon just to boost the number of male avatars in our rp events. They told me I'm not allowed to call him I'machic.

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