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Any Actual females not female characters play this game?


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I'm a guy and I make all my chars male but I do have one bada** fem sith warrior.

Other than that I don't roll girl toons, its too weird.


To be honest the only SWTOR players I know in real life are females, including myself.


Anyway I play as a female in any game I can, having a female lead character is so rare in games, it's nice to play as someone you can relate too. I was a little disappointed when Revan turned out to be a male in the Star Wars cannon. They should have just left Revan without any sort of identity, to me Revan will always be the female character I played as in KOTOR.



I don't see whats wrong with Revan being male?

The exile was female in canon, and Exile had a cool storyline...just kinda lame that Biowarez decided to kill off the Exile by lamea$* Scourge


Edited by Belarrasus
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When people find out you are female, they always want to know how old you are and what you look like. I find I have a much easier time if I tell them I am over 40 and have flabby arms. Whether it's true or not, I never get bothered after that. And if they want a picture, I have a friend that is well over 250 pounds. That is why I like to play with people that I have met in person.


I play female characters because I find I cannot play cross gender characters very well. And as far as being female and staring at a female behind in game - I find that I stare at the butt and it keeps me motivated to stay on the treadmill longer. Someday I'm going to have someone follow me with a camera and see just how much my butt looks like my character's. But I refuse to get a mohawk.

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I'm male and have two male characters (Blackbartblues, Prowler) and two female (Theironmaiden, Ohura).


When I play as the female characters, my wife makes all the dialogue choices, I do all the levelling and other stuff...


On a side note, she told me that I have to take a break from SWTOR to play Mass Effect 3 when it arrives, so she can see what happens! :D

Edited by Black_bart_blues
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I'm male and My best MMO friend is female, and she plays better than I do.


I'm not terrible, infact im pretty good with a lot of experience. She used to heal and I tanked. But we decided to swap roles for this MMO. So I'm taking the back seat now. It's a fun way of mixing it up and improving friendship.


Don't give them special treatment or discriminate.


Treat her like a person :p like another gamer. The gaming experience is much better this way.


Women want equal treatment. Stop drooling over your keyboard while your facerolling as a sorc. :D

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Ummm really? :confused: Please tell me you're joking or even trolling...


Just in case you are not, I've been playing pen and paper and online RPGs for years and I have never once felt "forced" to play as a guy. If I make a male toon it's because I choose to.


I'd taken the comment about rpgs and women forced to play male characters from a video game aspect. After all, used to be (and sometimes still is) rpg-type video games only offered one character, male. Like Fable.


I play male and female characters on tabletop and in video games. Whatever happens to float my boat when I get a character idea. I've actually played in tabletop games where all players were playing the opposite sex, good times. I will admit most of my toons in TOR are female, simply because I don't care for the cruddy facial hair / hair styles for the guys. I'd say my male to female ratio on WoW and Rift was 50/50.


I've never gotten any creepy whispers from guys in-game, nor have I experienced the whole "you're a girl?!?!?!!" reaction in Vent/Mumble. I have experienced being stalked by another player, and surprisingly, that player was female as well. Now THAT was creepy in a mental kind of way because we'd never met, just spoken in guild chat and on vent, but she "loved" me. I think I'd be less creeped out if she had been a guy, mainly because I expect it from them ;)

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I think we wised up a bit nowadays on the internet, there are some very nice but also some very "strange" people. Most female players would only admit being a female to another female, although reading the bit above even that can have interesting consequences. Edited by PuCycat
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I prefer to keep being a girl gamer to myself, but if I become friends with someone I feel weird if I don't tell them I'm a female behind the character and not another dude. And I see no problem with play as a male character if your a girl or a guy playing as a female character. I personally prefer to stick to my own gender when I play MMO's but whatever floats your boat go with it. :p Edited by IlyStrategy
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To be perfectly frank, most of the time, most people don't care if you are a guy or a girl. As long as you are a cool person-- people don't care.


You know who often gives girl gamers a bad reputation? Girl Gamers. If you act like a Jedi Mind-Ho-- or an Intergalactic ******, then that's your problem. I have no issues being able to have a conversation in general, no matter if I tell people I'm a woman or not. Sure, you get one or two kids who pull the 'no girlz on the interwebz' but they go away if you just don't respond to their crap.


I have just about zero respect for women who pretend to be all harassed and stalked on their video game. It's way, WAY too easy to avoid/ignore people who act like douchebags. Act like an adult, and you'll be treated as such.

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After playing a male character in FFXI for 8 years, i have only rolled female characters on all MMO's i have played since. Armor looks better on the female body in comparison to a male any way. As well I'll be looking at that *** for least 3 months so might as well make it worth while looking at. Key is i use tomboy names so even in vent i can be called by my characters name... Am a guy if you have not guessed on Dart Sion.... :p
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Rule #1 just assume that everyone else playing the game is a 55+ furry guy. That keeps things much simpler.



What does it matter on Earth of Tatooine what 'sex' or 'gender' (there got those that wanna stick to technical definitions before they could whine about intent vs delivery!) the other player is, seriously?! So what if that player has girl parts in real life or boy parts??



Just enjoy the game and accept that when they are playing a female toon - they are female and when they play a male toon, they are male. But 'ware! In either case, refer to rule #1.



That's it, that's all. Easy peasy



Before I forget - If I work with a player that has a male toon and later I work with that player and they are using their female toon: The male toon = male, I will refer to them in chats as he. The female toon = female, I will refer to them in chats as she. But above all, rule #1. Because sex and gender in the game is irrelevant.

Edited by Ogster
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First off im a guy. But in my guild there are no girls either, and i always play mmorpg games with atleast 1 female in guild, it basicly comes down to, "women, cant live with them, cant live without them" except here its just "cant live without them". It gives a guild much more character to have a girl in there.


Oh and btw, im glad you atleast play the game ;) hope you find some more girls to play with. ^^

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Meh, 26 F, Jung MA server. It's not like it really matters anyway... guys in these games are such jerks nowadays that you could show up naked at their front door and they'd still think you were a guy. It's like, *** does my sex have to do with anything anyway? It's not like I'm going out with you or sleeping with you, so what's it matter to you anyway?


BTW, I have a friend who met her husband while playing WoW, and I have other GF's who play various things. We actually DO exist, contrary to what all the loser guys think.


Honestly though, it's only the guys who even care at all. And even then the only reason they DO care is because they are (sexually frustrated) and if you're really a girl gamer they see you as a possible hookup. It's just that simple.


I think sometimes you can tell it's a female based on the character's name and the way they talk in chat. Female players tend to be more polite and use phrases such as "I'd love to help."

Not really. I go out of my way to be a b*tch some times. It's about venting. I'm way too nice in real life... but in the game I can be as crappy to people as I want... it feels good.

Edited by DaedalEVE
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It's not like I'm going out with you or sleeping with you, so what's it matter to you anyway?


BTW, I have a friend who met her husband while playing WoW...

Le contradiction. xD


I've tried playing male toons, but that went horribly wrong since I'm a roleplayer. They always turn into some sort of...a whoopsie. >_>

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Quite honestly, it bothers me a great deal when I think I'm talking to a dude and it's a woman, or I think I'm talking to a woman and it's a dude. My chat with men can be sort of crass, where as if there's a woman present, I'm much more respectful in the way I talk. I feel it's poor form to make dirty jokes in the presence of a woman. Not every woman wants to be treated like a lady, but I'm going to do that by default :p


Quite honestly, the last RL girlfriend I had I met online. Of course in the end she tore my heart out and just left a hole, but that's besides the point. You *can* meet people online, and people playing opposite genders just muddies the water, I feel. W/e you're free to do whatever you want, I just prefer to know who I'm talking to.


You know, I can empathize with this guy because I've noticed that guys do talk differently if they think they are with all guys... honestly they tell funnier jokes if you ask me, lol. But women do the same thing too, they talk about things with other women that they wouldn't want men to hear.


BTW, I noticed this about guys because I tend to join an vent channel and not speak--not because I am afraid of being a female gamer or what will be said to me, but because I really, really hate the sound of my own voice :p Anyway, they act differently (and like I said, tell better jokes) when they don't know I am female.


For the record, I don't like to be treated rudely, but I've honestly never had that problem either--even if they think I am a guy.


Anyway, I've never had any real issues with guys in MMOs. Some are a little flirty now and then, but most (including the flirty ones) are just nice guys playing a game and having fun. I've met very few creeps in the 7 years I've been playing MMOs and they are easily dispatched with a high dose of wit. :)

Edited by Jilla
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I likened your perspective to that of an immature male. That doesn't make you male, it only makes you someone who sadly shares the common qualities of an immature male. The only thing that is 100% clear in this thread is that you bear a level animosity towards female gamers. To you, they're either shallow "femy" stereotypes who use "hey, I'm a girl" as an argument, attention seeking manipulators or deluded narcissists who feel they're too special and deserve correction. And all these women who "annoy" you share the common trait of not living up to your expectations as you "dare" expect better. How noble of you. Somehow, and this is just a guess, but I doubt you'll find women lining up to thank you for all your hard work in the trenches of equality.


Oh, I'm sorry, did you not notice the word "some" in my post or did you deliberately ignore it in an attempt to win your argument? Hm, yeah, I'm going to assume the latter. I never once said that all women/girls act that way. Regardless, please feel free to keep treating women in-game like they're queens who can do no wrong, I'm sure there are some that will wallow delightedly in such treatment.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did you not notice the word "some" in my post or did you deliberately ignore it in an attempt to win your argument? Hm, yeah, I'm going to assume the latter. I never once said that all women/girls act that way. Regardless, please feel free to keep treating women in-game like they're queens who can do no wrong, I'm sure there are some that will wallow delightedly in such treatment.




This thread has turned cray cray.

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