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Any Actual females not female characters play this game?


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LOL women have been forced to play as men in roleplaying games for years.


Ummm really? :confused: Please tell me you're joking or even trolling...


Just in case you are not, I've been playing pen and paper and online RPGs for years and I have never once felt "forced" to play as a guy. If I make a male toon it's because I choose to.

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Ummm really? :confused: Please tell me you're joking or even trolling...


Just in case you are not, I've been playing pen and paper and online RPGs for years and I have never once felt "forced" to play as a guy. If I make a male toon it's because I choose to.


From what I've seen in MMO's it's an easier choice to play a male character simply because majority of the time the armour sets look a bit more ****** on male characters.

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So i had this problem when i ployed lotro that i could never find any girls that played the game, i mean my entire guild on lotro are boys, the entire guild on here are boys... is there no other girl on the face of the planet that plays swtor on my server (Telos Restoration Project) I feel so alone... not to mention that boys who have girl characters are kinda weird... on lotro i had a male character and i had to delete him because it was to weird lol...a not that i care but its kinda dissapointed when you think your talking to a girl and it turns out tht the person behind the character is a dude,,nywayz just wondering, no need to get in a hater mood i was just asking




For the record, I am a guy that plays male characters. I am not sure I believe you OP. When I played LOTRO (on 2 of the RP Servers) I couldn’t seemingly avoid bumping into female game players just walking around the game world and they were some of my best gaming friends. I don’t know why, we just got along well. Seems like my whole friends list was women that liked to play music in that game but it also lead to me having one of the more awesome house warming social event RP party… perhaps ever.


They all thought I had a good ear for matching the right ABC file to the right instruments.


I have encountered several female players on RP servers here in SWTOR but not made nearly as many friends. I need to find a home server rather than dabbling across several.


I have ended up the only guy in a couple of flashpoint runs. They told me I’d have to move all the heavy furniture… O.o


Some of the female game players I have met don’t want to attract attention to the fact for some reason. I think they don’t want to be hit on by guys or something. These are usually the ones I meet playing male characters.


However, your remark about girls playing male characters reminds me of a friend that liked the idea of an RP romance and the guy character she thought was played by a guy turned out to be another female looking to cheat on her spouse in ERP… That was really crazy stuff with a stand in she wanted to pretend to be her RL hubby. That mess sparked some hilarious GM tickets.


However, that was the rare exception rather than the actual rule as crazy comes in all shapes and forms.

Edited by SDFX
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really? i think girls who play guy toons are weirder than guys who play girl toons 0_o.


Why? Many male players play a female character to, I quote "have something pretty to look at" (ie. that behind there swaying gently each step etc), and well, I know far more than one female player who uses this reasoning for playing a male character. Something about that tight fitting imperial agent uniform for male characters...

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How so is it proved?


You can't say something like that and not expect someone to ask this


Might not be proven but there sure is a lot of unsavory types amongst the male gender, sure, met plenty of unfriendly girl gamers too, but not to the same extent as with male gamers. Especially when it pertains dealing with the opposite sex. Had friends leave MMO's due to being "favored" by male players.

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Ummm really? :confused: Please tell me you're joking or even trolling...


Just in case you are not, I've been playing pen and paper and online RPGs for years and I have never once felt "forced" to play as a guy. If I make a male toon it's because I choose to.


I was referring to computer role playing games of course, which until fairly recently, had primarily male avatars.



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I'm sorry to hear that. I enjoy playing male characters sometimes. It doesn't make me question my own femininity or feel weird in any way. I'm not cybersexing with people or hitting on other players, so it's not that big of a deal. Also...It doesn't bother me if a male plays a female character. I'm not sexist, but that's me.


Whatever floats your boat.


I am female and play male characters more than I play female characters. When I played wow the temptation wasn't as strong as it is here, seems as if the game developers actually put some thought into the male avatars too-- they're actually good to look at! :p

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When I played wow the temptation wasn't as strong as it is here, seems as if the game developers actually put some thought into the male avatars too-- they're actually good to look at! :p


Same here. In wow I couldn't stand appearances of any kind of males, but in swtor they look pretty nice, so I'm all for playing both male and female characters. Besides, playing as a male character is whole another and very fun experience :D

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eh it's not always about OH I DON WAN GUYS WHISPER ME bs

sometimes i feel like women roll male toons just to prove something, like oh take me seriously i'm a GIRL GAMERZ i don wan attentuns (when we all know that's not true).


idk i had a male UD glad spriest on WoW and the only reason was because the casting animations looked less gay. and partially because people like zizek and noxn were my heroes. tldr no one gives a **** if you have **** just don't suck.

Edited by dindin
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eh it's not always about OH I DON WAN GUYS WHISPER ME bs

sometimes i feel like women roll male toons just to prove something, like oh take me seriously i'm a GIRL GAMERZ i don wan attentuns (when we all know that's not true).


idk i had a male UD glad spriest on WoW and the only reason was because the casting animations looked less gay. and partially because people like zizek and noxn were my heroes. tldr no one gives a **** if you have **** just don't suck.


No, actually most women play men for the same reason men play women. It has nothing to do with proving anything. And if you think that, then you're very sorely mistaken, or have very little knowledge about women to begin with.


So, by your reasoning all men who play female characters are also doing it just for attention? Your logic is a little faulty there, and you are being quite close minded.

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My sister introduced me to the game. She played open beta with her husband, and generally plays MMOs with him. Plenty of female players out there. I know a lot of them don't like the kind of attention it can attract, however, so they don't really publicize the fact to strangers in game.


And, as a side note:

idk i had a male UD glad spriest on WoW and the only reason was because the casting animations looked less gay.

Could you kindly refrain from using "gay" as an all-purpose pejorative? Thanks.

Edited by Uluain
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I am female and play male characters more than I play female characters. When I played wow the temptation wasn't as strong as it is here, seems as if the game developers actually put some thought into the male avatars too-- they're actually good to look at! :p


Exactly the same here :D.

Edited by Neulwen
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or how about the guys in general chat swearing up and down that any guy playing a female toon is gay? lol

I run into that all the time and have never understood it - some people are really disturbed by people - particularly guys - playing characters of the opposite gender.


I admit I have two female characters - my Jedi Guardian and my Sith Marauder. But it's my male toons I have dressed in tight leather pants while I run them around, staring at their caboose. ;)

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Edit: Am I the only one who is bothered by the fact that as a girl gamer, it sometimes seem like you have to almost hide your gender to avoid getting accused of using it for attention? I don't usually go around advertising my gender, but I've had people tell me that I was "just trying to get their attention for being a girl" when I asked if my husband could join our group. Yeah, cause I was so trying to use that as a pick-up line <.<


You don't have to hide it, it just isn't relevant, you don't know for sure the sex of most characters in the game though you can guess based solely by the fact that most players are male. If a random player sees me in game I could or could not be a female but either way it is unimportant.


I don't tell everyone around me "Hey I am man" and neither should women if you don't want to look like you are fishing for attention. Many women know that men react to women differently than they do to men and some of them exploit it, if you don't like the reputation this behaviour brings then you should call other girls out on it.

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You don't have to hide it, it just isn't relevant, you don't know for sure the sex of most characters in the game though you can guess based solely by the fact that most players are male. If a random player sees me in game I could or could not be a female but either way it is unimportant.


I don't tell everyone around me "Hey I am man" and neither should women if you don't want to look like you are fishing for attention. Many women know that men react to women differently than they do to men and some of them exploit it, if you don't like the reputation this behaviour brings then you should call other girls out on it.


Not exactly the issue though. The thing she's talking about is the double standard. While some, probably most, women seek attention in video games not all do. Things like what she pointed out "husband/boyfriend" being used when asking someone to join a group seems to be seen by men in games as terms used to look for attention while if a guy says "wife/girlfriend" when asking the same question nobody makes any mention of it. So this leads to some women trying to go to greater lengths to hide it and have to actively think about changing word usage just to avoid being called out as seeking attention when it's simply not the case.

Edited by Meegie
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I've seen a few concerns about girls trying to use their gender to garner attention.


I myself make it known fairly early that I'm female when running with a group I plan on running with again, or whenever I join a guild. I like it known that I'm female because there are SO many men in games. I've said it before, I'm proud to be a female gamer in the last Boys' Club frontier.


Not to mention, gaming companies are always looking for ways to cater to females a bit more. They want our input so much because we're still a minority in gaming. They'd love to bring in more of us, that'd mean more money! It's probably why I immediately heard back about playtesting a game for $100. Turns out I was the only female to show up to the second day, so at least for that day I spoke for women everywhere when I gave them feedback about that game.

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