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Any Actual females not female characters play this game?


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Personally I have always take toons at face value. Until I know the gender and or wish of the player behind the toon, I will always refer to them as he/she off of the toon they are playing. I also know quite a few other gamers who have this viewpoint. I honestly couldn't care less if a guy is playing a female toon or if a girls is playing a male toon...


This is pretty much my mind set in regards to MMO's, I think its pretty much the only way to play, I cant be bothered with running around, grouping with folk and wondering what gender they really are. Of course, if for what ever reason they take a interest in you, then you may have case for asking those kind of questions.


I been playing MMO's for a good 6 to 8 years, played with many good female players quite a few have been for more capable than they guys, I have never really seen a lack of female players being known as an issue or problem. Never known any to hide by using a different gender.


Im a guy I have played female toons once or twice over the years but personally I just find it more comfortable to be a guy.

Edited by Kaesoron
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So i had this problem when i ployed lotro that i could never find any girls that played the game, i mean my entire guild on lotro are boys, the entire guild on here are boys... is there no other girl on the face of the planet that plays swtor on my server (Telos Restoration Project) I feel so alone... not to mention that boys who have girl characters are kinda weird... on lotro i had a male character and i had to delete him because it was to weird lol...a not that i care but its kinda dissapointed when you think your talking to a girl and it turns out tht the person behind the character is a dude,,nywayz just wondering, no need to get in a hater mood i was just asking


Half my kin in lotro are women, I'd say LotRO has some of the highest % of women players in any mmo. And I have some women in my guild here, maybe you're just unlucky?

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The fact you find it weird is your problem. It's an avatar.... I have 4 males, 2 females, and will create 2 more females. Frankly, I think the female models look better. And as a rule of thumb, I address the character I'm interacting with, not the player behind it. (No I don't roleplay being a female very well and I don't try to.)


That being said, yes girls play. I play with one regularly.

Edited by Lumathix
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I got into wow a while back because my girlfriend at the time played. She was the top healer on her server. I completly understand how annoying it is for girls to try to be taken seriously. She would get so much **** from everyone until they actualy played with her. I think it's stupid to assume that girls who play MMO's are bad. Even worse when people assume they are ugly.


On another note, She actualy prefered that i played girl toons because she didn't like any of the male toons.

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Im a guy, i have 3 female toons and 5 male toons, i prefer balance as often as i can in games, every other run though of a game with gender options i always switch, one reason to see the differences you never know what jokes ect your missing out on, second reason, i get very bored stairing at the same character over and over again, i know 3-5 aint exactly even but i do get a little sick of the penalization i get from friends when i meet up with em in an mmo with a female toon.


I know (or rather knew when i was still in uni) two girls that were addicted to WoW, i only know one playing TOR but then again i only know 3 other people playing it, i don't care personal what gender or role anyone chooses to play as, i only get weird out when guys pretend to be girls and reverse, don't relay know why, but i never saw a reason to hide my identity i do see why they want to.


I have to admit though when im playing games like CoD i naturally assume everyone im playing with is a guy mainly because its the type of game that more often than not attracts the male audience, star wars does have a largely male fan group but that dosent mean there arnt also girls who are interested in the series, my sisters evidence of that, she actually introduced me to sci-fi when we were kids, now im kinda a sci-fi nut (btw by sci-fi im referencing the fictional technology, while hyper-drives and light-sabers may one day exist as of now there is no evidence one ever could hence fiction).

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I just wanted to reiterate that I'm pretty proud to be a female gamer. Gaming is basically the last "Boys' Club Frontier" and I'm glad to be part of it. :p


I feel the need to point out my gender not because I want attention, but because I'm proud of who I am. Take it or leave it, that's just me.

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I just wanted to reiterate that I'm pretty proud to be a female gamer. Gaming is basically the last "Boys' Club Frontier" and I'm glad to be part of it. :p


I feel the need to point out my gender not because I want attention, but because I'm proud of who I am. Take it or leave it, that's just me.



Thumbs up to you, and fully there with you .... well said :D

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I just wanted to reiterate that I'm pretty proud to be a female gamer. Gaming is basically the last "Boys' Club Frontier" and I'm glad to be part of it. :p


I feel the need to point out my gender not because I want attention, but because I'm proud of who I am. Take it or leave it, that's just me.


Never understood how stating a gender could be considered 'flaunting' or being an attention whore. Now if you constantly go 'tee hee :)' and act like an exaggerated e-barbie, that's actually detrimental to the cause.


Although, sadly, as long as the current perception of women in fashion/media what have you exists, there will always be some lingering sexism (not everyone mind you, but in a fairly large portion of the male community).

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A full 1/3 of my guild is female, myself included. Several times, while grouping with random people to kill boss mobs or do heroics, I've run across someone who asks, "Are you really a girl? Cause I'm tired of being the only girl on here!" We're not quite as rare as some might believe.


I think a lot of female gamers don't tell people their gender to avoid unwanted male attention, as is the case with me. I'll tell you if you ask, and my guild knows, but I never volunteer the info and will respond to "Dude..." and "Yo man" and "bro" because it's just easier. I come here to play the game, not be followed around by some lonely guy, or to flirt all day. Not only that, but like a whole lot of female gamers, I'm quite firmly attached. You might be surprised to find out how many of us are married and have children old enough to play. :)

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really? i think girls who play guy toons are weirder than guys who play girl toons 0_o.



Yea I never could figure out why its ok for guys to do wierd things but its not ok for girls to do wierd things. Well I am a woman and I have a male toon. Not my main but just wanted to play one as I carried him over from swg, male zabrak, sith with the same name. Guess that makes me wierd..............:/

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my thoughts exactly.....i dont really want to stare at a guys *** all day


If you are doing that you are not playing the game right anyway ;)


I mean when in combat I need to look at everything at once, regardless if I play a tank, a healer or a dps at the time. And when not in combat I look at the chat.

When would I have the time to stare at characters (and why would I want to?)


regarding my own character and alts, their gender is determined by their backstory. I tend to find it easier to relate to my own gender, and stories come up more easily, but I'm not oppossed to playing the opposite gender.


Other players I treat like the gender of their character, but then I am a roleplayer at heart. And if somebody gets bent out of shape for being called a girl when they are running around as one then I label said player a creep and relegate him to my ignore list. And yes, the opposite would apply too, though I have yet to encounter a girl playing a male character who gets all upset and offended in her grrrl-pride for being called a he.

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My personal experience is that RP servers tend to attract more women than others. I think it has something to do with a more welcoming, mature community. All I'm saying is come to Sanctum of the Exalted, it's a nice mix :)
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Never understood how stating a gender could be considered 'flaunting' or being an attention whore. Now if you constantly go 'tee hee :)' and act like an exaggerated e-barbie, that's actually detrimental to the cause.


Although, sadly, as long as the current perception of women in fashion/media what have you exists, there will always be some lingering sexism (not everyone mind you, but in a fairly large portion of the male community).


Let me preface this by saying I'm not sexist, but when I started gaming (wow that's weird to say) - girls in gaming was unheard of.


As a result, I call everyone "dude" and "bro" and lately, people have been telling me they're Chicks. In the past I haven't believed them but still treat everyone respectfully so I don't think it mattered. However, I was reading a female members blog recently and she mentioned how she kind of resented that type of mentality and I realized how I was kind of being sexist and didn't even know it.


Anyway, as a result I don't do that anymore. They're a huge female community here and correcting people who assume that they're dudes isn't a cry for attention, it's more reminding people to respect that there's women in gaming now.


My $0.02...

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Why would women want to play Star Wars? The Old Republic era isn't so bad (at least you have the Exile), but look at the movies. Every female character needs to be rescued by a man (some will bring up Leia or Padme using a blaster rifle but when push comes to shove they are damsels in distress). In this regard Star Wars is barely better then Twilight when it comes to strong female rolemodels.


Two things.

First the fact that it is portrayed in the movies in a certain way does not mean you have to play a game in exactly the same way. By your logic there should be only1 female character in the game (since the movie had only one female lead)


Second, you have to look at the time when the first movie was made. Books with strong female leads were something of a fringe oddity (and certainly had no place in mainstream). it was still firmly believed that girls and women could not possibly be interested in technical or science (fiction) subjects. Movies with a strong female character were still seen as something of a financial risk (unless it was a women's movie and the whole cast was female, and even then their goal in life was to find a man). The idea of a movie with a female leading character was not even a glimmer in anybody's imagination (it would not be until Alien till that happened and even then it was a bit of an accident and almost cost the director his job despite his stellar reputation).


In other words: it is not 1977 anymore. Get over it.

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I'm 39. I'm a woman. I saw SW:ANH in the theatre when I was 5 ... and every single movie thereafter. I'm a SW and sci-fi nerdling. I can't say that I know every single detail of the SW Universe and EU, but I'm conversant enough.


I remember having a Princess Leia doll. With the donut hair-do. I had that doll running and jumping and fighting things. Never had tea. Screw tea. When I played outside I pretended I was in space ships and when we played "cops and robbers" I insisted we play "smugglers and troopers" with blasters instead of guns. I didn't need imaginary bullets .. I had imaginary laser beams! My mother also loved the story and read fantasy books ... she got us membership into the sci-fi book club. When she bought our Atari 2600 I pretended I was a female Han blasting away when I played "Asteroids".


I game. I have played omg number of games and mmo's. I'm a SW nerdling. I'm a female. I'm not single and am in a decade long relationship with a dude who is another SW nerdling who also plays the game.


None of these things are exclusive of each other. And I do not believe I am abnormal or that unique.


I like playing tank and dps spots mostly. Or utility. Love being the debuffer, if such a role exists. I do feel weird creating male characters, so always create female ones. As for what people term me while playing ... the sheer majority of people I directly play/party with are people I know in RL, so go figure.

Edited by Rhaethe
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39 and a woman here, too. I saw the first movie with my parents at a drive-in, and they say not only did I stay awake the whole time, but I sat in the front seat with them and shushed them when they tried to talk.


Both my parents are into science fiction, and I started sneaking their Heinlein books to read at about 9. I have two younger sisters and we all played video games, watched sci-fi, and discussed Star Trek over dinner. Later, my go to movies when babysitting were always the Star Wars movies, and it kept both boys and girls entertained -- girls even more so, actually. When my sister was 7, she actually insisted on dressing up as Darth Vader, she didn't want to be a princess!


As far as gaming goes, I mostly play fem characters, but I'll usually roll one or two male characters also. And having a male lead doesn't stop me from loving games like The Witcher, either.


I don't usually announce or correct people in groups if they use a wrong pronoun, or call me dude or bro. Most of the time it's a pick up group, and I won't be playing with them again. If it happens to come up in the conversation, or if they're actually good, nice players that I friend, I'd be more likely to correct the pronoun use.


I don't actively try to hide it or lie -- but if it's just a quick group, I don't want to have to go through the whole "pictures or it didn't happen" or "there are no girls" or "men are men, women are men and children are FBI agents". I know sometimes they're trying to be funny, but it gets so exhausting to hear it every single time. If I'm not going to be playing with them again, why bother?


And I really hate when guys say people only say they're girls in order to get things. I don't know one women who's "taken" something from some random guy (unless it was her husband!).


As far as roles & alignment go -- I'm always dps and my alignment is all over the place, depending on the character. I take great glee in killing; ranged, melee, whathaveyou. I plan to try a healer out for the first time in swtor, just because I can play a BH or smuggler and still do some healing.


tl;dr. Girls exist in gaming, enjoy Star Wars and don't just play healers. I'm one.

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dumbest ****in thread in the world and i hate myself for reading all of it. The fact male players on female characters even dignify others with a response that looks like they're defending their choice just makes it look weird.



As far as female players go, the only discrimination i've ever given them was not joking around when they're in vent, since i've yet to meet a female that enjoys our darker sense of humor. Hell, even some of the guys in our vent dont.

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I see no problem with girls playing as male characters, played with plenty of them in the past. In fact my second gf I met in a mmo was playing a male character and I thought she was a guy until she told me her name was beth.


Since I knew she was a girl in real life had no problem doing /kiss on her male toon lol.

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dumbest ****in thread in the world and i hate myself for reading all of it. The fact male players on female characters even dignify others with a response that looks like they're defending their choice just makes it look weird.



As far as female players go, the only discrimination i've ever given them was not joking around when they're in vent, since i've yet to meet a female that enjoys our darker sense of humor. Hell, even some of the guys in our vent dont.


Female gamer here with a very dark, gallows sense of humour. I can out black humour most guys I meet. :D


I don't fancy crude or sexual talk though and I do tend to correct people who refer to me as he. The old bit of assuming almost all players are male is stupid these days and not backed up by fact.

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<------ female :) My hubby and I play together. We kind of break the stereotype...I'm the tank and he's the healer...I had to talk him into playing the game with me...my last 3 mmos he wouldn't touch. Thank goodness for the star wars pull :) I don't announce myself in general chat or anything...that just gets too crass for my taste. Everyone in my guild knows I"m a girl though, and there is one other girl in our guild so I'm not the only one. If they want to get crazy on vent we have an arrangement and I just switch my vent off, if there's something important I need to know 'cus we're raiding or something my hubby will pass it on.
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I play both male and female characters. Usually when I play a female character, it's the aesthetics that do it, not just the rear-end, but it's nice to see a pretty face on my character select screen sometimes. I have noticed I tend to get treated nicer when on a female toon though.
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