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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR has ruined other MMO's for me.


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The only thing I miss is the responsiveness, no combat lag whatsoever and proper textures.


Oh, and a proper AH.


And a proper UI.


Also, I'm surprised they let you get away with your sig. I laughed, but then I cried.

Edited by monjiay
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Yes there is still alot of work for BW to do, but hey its only a month in. I appreciate that this game focuses on story. This means that for the first few months, the core subs who, if you believe BW, hasn't reach lvl 40 yet would not be thinking about what to do at level 50.


I don't get why people moan about everyone being undergeared, no raids etc etc. MMO's fail because blizzard made wow so easy and practically spoon feeds teh user that they don't want to have to work for anything elsewhere.


I'm happy with the UI although would be nice to make some changes, marketplace is annoying but still usable to a point.

I think I may give this a few more months, not seen many MMO's deliver this much quality on launch.


Just my opinion. :)

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As far as Wow is concerned i could only cope with the 1st 30 day trial.Nothing against anyone who got hooked but it wasnt for me for many reasons.


Now, SWTOR I enjoyed it right from the gate.Why?.. who knows, could make a list but no one will care, All that matters is I like the game,It doesnt feel TEDIOUSE.


No one is the same,.Other MMOs will have its fans, SWTOR will have its fans.


I did think a while ago, I sure would like to play Mass Effect or a Sci-Fi made by Bioware with Dragon Age Origons quick bar mechanics.

Thats sort of happened with SWTOR only with much much more than my fleeting thought pondered and its an mmo with alot going on.

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And a proper UI.


Also, I'm surprised they let you get away with your sig. I laughed, but then I cried.


Amen to that. But for now I could settle with a simple scale option and possibly som minor customization.


And yeah, I remain without infractions and violations still.


Could be the mods might be wanting the same, who knows..

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I've been raiding in WoW for almost 7 years now and I find myself crying about having to log out of SW on raid nights and sit in WoW. If SW picks up some of the fun little things WoW has and makes guilds a little more perk friendly, my guildies and I will probably make the swap to full time SWTOR!
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Yeah the combat just feels "right" in WoW whereas it's currently pretty clunky in SWTOR... I'm not sure I will keep playing WoW because the grind to 85 looks crazy time-consuming and the expansions are expensive but BW really needs to step it up if they want to keep their subs.


There are aspects of SWTOR I like and I am a big fan of Bioware, but I don't really see why I should keep paying a monthly fee to play a game that's inferior to another 6-year-old game.


You could level to 85 as fast as it would take to get to 50 in SWTOR these days. WoW is and will always be a great game imo. People just dismiss it to be a cool kid wow hater. I am having fun in SWTOR right now but our guild starts raiding on tuesday and I hear it is very buggy. Im not sure ill be happy about that.

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time will simply tell. I'm older than most I presume,...forgive me if wrong on that. WoW came out and it catered to a wider audience...how? By simplifying the mmo mechanics. to this day I am amazed that WoW players consider themselves hardcore. Imo it's elite mmorpg with training wheels.


Mmorpg have always been a low subscriber and scarce following since it was due to the number crunching and "real life devotion" that was involved. WoW comes out and draws ###millions. do the math.


mainstream ftw.


I dont want to argue and I'm stating only my opinions...which mean natta but to only myself.


Take care though and I hope to see some of u in game.


5 years from now while we're all subb'in :p


i agree with your opinions here even if they are only to yourself ;)


I started with asherons call back in the ninetys and imo things will never be the same as they were back then with the amount of freedom you had in every aspect of the game.. Even down to being able to place loot down on the ground in the game world itself, like flaming torchs etc..


Obviously this caused its own issues and people were asked to refrain from placing hundreds of torchs down in one area and lagging out the server for everyone but hey! it was an awesome era as developers were playing around with the mmo mechanic...


To your question OP yes it has kinda :)

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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.


SWTOR has made me appreciate the little things the above mmo's have.

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op must be kidding. it never felt as annoying to level a toon up to 50 in an MMO as it did in swtor. the most repetitive, uninspired, boring, whatever quest design you could imagine. have a look at the 7 years of experience that influenced wow's quest and judge again. the quests in swtor are a damn joke.
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SWTOR has made me appreciate the little things the above mmo's have.


Repetitive Questing?

Storyless Adventure?

Never ending Grinding?

Real Game not starting until end-cap level?


I can't say I agree with you at all. I don't miss any of that.

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Agreed. The place I'm at is funny actually. I continually wish that SWTOR had some of the great things from WoW like LFD, macros, mods, etc... But then I go back and try to play WoW and I continually wish that WoW had voiced quests, dialogue choices, characters that actually mattered, light-sabers, etc...



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op must be kidding. it never felt as annoying to level a toon up to 50 in an MMO as it did in swtor. the most repetitive, uninspired, boring, whatever quest design you could imagine. have a look at the 7 years of experience that influenced wow's quest and judge again. the quests in swtor are a damn joke.


Did you even level in WoW or pay some Korean to do it for you?

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Repetitive Questing?

Storyless Adventure?

Never ending Grinding?

Real Game not starting until end-cap level?


I can't say I agree with you at all. I don't miss any of that.


Well you assumed incorrectly to what i was referring too and youre playing with rose tinted goggles because SWTOR has all of the above.

Edited by Thorun
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I'm feeling the opposite, I am well getting bored with SWTOR.

In fact it made me appreciate quite some previous MMO's I played.

This game is just , mediocre I almost feel guilty for saying it.



I see a lot of people stating 'leveling is so fun'.

Well I'll be honest, I find it tedious.


The main planet story line and quest line stories are interesting, in fact it's amazing.

How ever the side quests are just a waste of recourses, they are annoying and repetitive.

They always ask for the same thing and my character tends to respond with the same lines.



Every quest I've done involves killing stuff or clicking, it's as mind numbing as it can get.

In the end I well think I'm playing the poor mans version of Rift/WOW, it's pretty sad actually.


I wish the game was more than that, but it might as well have been single player.

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I'm feeling the opposite, I am well getting bored with SWTOR.

In fact it made me appreciate quite some previous MMO's I played.

This game is just , mediocre I almost feel guilty for saying it.



I see a lot of people stating 'leveling is so fun'.

Well I'll be honest, I find it tedious.


The main planet story line and quest line stories are interesting, in fact it's amazing.

How ever the side quests are just a waste of recourses, they are annoying and repetitive.

They always ask for the same thing and my character tends to respond with the same lines.



Every quest I've done involves killing stuff or clicking, it's as mind numbing as it can get.

In the end I well think I'm playing the poor mans version of Rift/WOW, it's pretty sad actually.


I wish the game was more than that, but it might as well have been single player.


you sir, can have all my internets of today.

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Actually I played WoW for the first time ever yesterday night and so far I enjoyed it more than my time spent with SWTOR. Everything feels a lot more intuitive and it somehow still looks better IMO.


Lol im installing wow as i type :S I've nvr wanted to play as much in the last week for at least the last 2 years, im dieing for some smooth pvp :D

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Story and presentation wise SWTOR is among the elite MMOs ever made, far surpassing WoW. It's shocking to me how people bash 'repetitive questing'...it's an MMO! That's what this is about! Doing the same thing over and over, boosting stats, crunching numbers, do it all again! I think some people come on these forums to whine because they have nothing better to do. Get bent people Edited by comeonucrazyguy
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