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Everything posted by ryanko

  1. If you're not bad you can stun lock a sentinel before he can pop his guarded by the force. Wait never mind, most of you just spam disables without thinking so by the time the sent is low on hp he has full resolve.
  2. Get 4 medals and go afk, fairly simple.
  3. sentinel/marauder, they are way to overpowered.
  4. I'd like to receive more than one commendation after opening 16 battlemaster bags. Furthermore I would appreciate if kills in ilum and wins in warzone would be credited towards my *********** QUESTS.
  5. I've yet to receive a single Battlemaster commendation for the past 7 days of doing every daily/weekly. Have fun getting that ez champ gear
  6. What about the people who join a wz and don't participate?
  7. This is the first MMO I've played where you can smash the **** out of your keyboard, get a global cooldown and still not have the skill go off. Although the game does have a mean raid assists window
  8. Usually people will get upset if I tell them to ignore mid. Then we lose and I laugh.
  9. I'm going to be switching from artifice to this. Pretty retarded only biochem can use the reusable stints and med packs.
  10. My companion always talks about how all the "fashion designers" are on the dark side.
  11. I've gotten around 10 or more of those where it doesn't count.
  12. All I know is that I crit for much higher dmg when I was lv 10-20 opposed to what I do now at lv 30.
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