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Commandos verses Sorcerers: The Game Formerly Known as PvP


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You know the best way to get a class nerfed? It's not all these posts complaining about things being overpowered. The best way to get a class nerfed is to roll it.


Looking at PvP lately, I'm pretty sure Commandos and Sorcerers are gonna get the crap nerfed out of them. No one plays anything else! It's like maybe 4 non-commando/sorcerers in the entire WZ each time I queue.


Can everyone please roll a Scoundrel/Operative, so my classes don't get nerfed? Think of all that burst damage! :D

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You know the best way to get a class nerfed? It's not all these posts complaining about things being overpowered. The best way to get a class nerfed is to roll it.


Looking at PvP lately, I'm pretty sure Commandos and Sorcerers are gonna get the crap nerfed out of them. No one plays anything else! It's like maybe 4 non-commando/sorcerers in the entire WZ each time I queue.


Can everyone please roll a Scoundrel/Operative, so my classes don't get nerfed? Think of all that burst damage! :D


Except for all those powertechs, operatives, and assassins out there.....

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Except for all those powertechs, operatives, and assassins out there.....


I never see powertechs, I sometimes see operatives, and assassins are sometimes sprinkled in with the sorcerers which adds to it looking like there are so many, but they are usually easy to spot due to their weapon, so I'm pretty sure it's mostly sorcs.


As for troopers, the area around the pvp terminal at fleet looks like we are doing a reenactment of clone wars.

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I wish there was a census that would display the overall data for class breakdown of all servers, but no the commandos nor sages will get nerfed just because people play them at the moment. They're just extremely fun, and neither is OP to me. (I'm a guard) The commando's/ whatever they are on sith side, are not overpowered :X nor are sages/sith w/e. Lightning spam is a problem to handle, but at least it doesn't hit as hard as a lot of other abilities (backstab *cough* newbs *cough* 1 button spam) Anyways, to beat either of them don't initially open up with your roots, just run and only when you get slowed or knocked back then root them to catch up and do not immediately pop the stun, wait for the heal and interupt /stun if you have it, at that moment and finish them off, rinse repeat and keep on them. Not many sages can heal through a single target when they get interupted correctly. best of luck if it helps you at all.
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I have a Gunslinger.


I have to say, it's a lot of fun getting gang ****d every time I setup. No, really, it's loads of fun.


I think if they streamlined the way the cover system works in PvP you'd see more people playing those roles. As is, I would wager that a good portion of people you're encountering that are PvP'ing regularly who have rerolled have done so because they were roles that used the cover system.


Tactics is a skill tree that is just made for PvP. Everything about it exudes PvP from it's very pores. So it's no surprise you see a lot of troopers and their BH counterparts in PvP. And as far as Sins/Shadows... well let's see. You get stealth, shield generators, an AoE KB, a Pull, AoE taunt, Guard, a modicum of self healing... you would have to actually go out of your way to make a bad spec with Sins/Shadows.


They are the PvP class of choice. Plus they get double bladed lightsabers for a double dose of pimpin.


The only thing that surprises me is that only 1/2 of the PvP population consists of Sins/Shadows and not 90%.


You absolutely right because once I enter a war zone with my Sith Juggernaut the game morphs into a commando.


Mine morphs me into a Tombstone. I heard this goes away if I respec out of Immortal. Immortal... lulz. But I refuse to do so.

Edited by Gankstah
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I saw a ton of fellow Sorcs when the game first launched, now not so many. Still a popular spec to play but what did you expect would happen when it's the only ranged caster available in an MMO. Most players of this genre are used to the sword and spell types so why wouldn't you see a lot of people flocking to the ONLY caster available? Edited by Numerii
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I wonder how many slicers and biochemists said the exact same thing.


They're not going to be nerfing biochemists. Slicing yeah they were receiving better rewards than the other people, that's not fair, but considering you can buy the stims biochems produce to be equivalent to them, gz, they don't have an unfair advantage... derp

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They're not going to be nerfing biochemists. Slicing yeah they were receiving better rewards than the other people, that's not fair, but considering you can buy the stims biochems produce to be equivalent to them, gz, they don't have an unfair advantage... derp


You didn't see the notice about how they plan on reducing the heal amount on the medpacs and the damage amount on cybertech grenades? Or has there been new information reversing this?

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Combination of self-healing and heavy hitting makes these classes extremely effective in pvp even in pug teams.


Commandos can't really heal at all in a pvp spec, and I see plenty of the other jedi ACs too - the smuggler ACs are the only one that seem underplayed.

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