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Hey gabe, thank you for all the pvp stun!


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The only real thing BW needs to fix is the consistency in what raises the resolve level, and what is effected by resolve.


Currently, knockbacks do not increase resolve, meaning you can be knocked off the edge when running the huttball indefinitely, if the other team is not attempting to stun/cc you. However, when your resolve bar is full, knockback does not affect you.


Knockbacks should still affect players with full resolve, or raise the resolve bar when used against a player to bring them more in line with cc/stuns.


Snares/roots are slightly more consistent, as they do not raise resolve and are not affected by resolve, but for a melee character, a root may as well be a stun/cc because it severely cripples their ability selection. Furthermore, there are no diminishing returns on roots, meaning you can have a full resolve bar and still be unable to move for the duration of the bar.

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IF you think the stun/mez is bad, Try playing DAoC. Cause that is all you get, is Stun, Stun, Stun, Stun, Mez, Mez, Nuked, Nuked, Dead.


Which is probably why no one plays DAoC.


June 2011 DaOC subscribers...5,000, even at its peak it only ever had 250,000 subscribers.


Which is half of what Everquest had in 2000.

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One melee range stun, one aoe mez on a long cooldown, one interrupt, one snare on a cooldown, one knockback on a decent cooldown

Defensively balanced to perfection :)


Maybe it's due to the positioning required for your classes playstyle that doesn't put you into the path of a lot of cc focus. As a mele I find that I'm stunned, slowed, kb and basically out of control of my character way more than is anything close to fun. I'm getting severely annoyed with it. If you are out on the edges of fights, you aren't going to be the focus of much of the cc that is thrown around and you aren't going to see the problem. There is one and it's huge, the CC in this game is utterly ridiculous.

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Beeing stunned in pvp is really enjoyable, please make stuns last longer than they currently do, and add more, because then I do not have to move at all while playing a warzone!


Yes, I was beeing ironic.


Yeah these Mythic leads they brought in REALLY KNOW THEIR STUFF!

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I'd take adding roots and knockbacks to increasing Resolve. Make knockbacks and roots fill half the resolve. All stuns/mezes/knockdowns always fill the resolve bar.


I think any pulls should also tied to the resolve bar too, probably on the same level as knockbacks.


PvP would be a lot more enjoyable if you didn't lose control of your character so often.

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Then someone will start a thread saying "Hey gabe, thank you for all the pvp knockback!"

You just can't please everyone.


This is bad reasoning.


Weather or not you can please "everyone" has nothing to do with this issue, and currently getting stunned over and over and over again is not fun or good for the game.


People will complain about other issues, sure, and those can be considered on a case by case basis, but to just throw out this issue based on the idea that you can't please everyone is missing the entire point.

Edited by Spymaster
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Knockbacks and Pulls already effect Resolve. Anyone saying otherwise needs to L2P.


To be honest, most of the people in this thread need to L2P. If you're being chain stunned, it means you're being focused, which means you're dead anyway. If you're not dead, you should be getting heals and your team should be stunning the enemy and helping you out. If your team isn't helping you then it's GG, no matter what you do.

Edited by KaiHeilos
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To be honest, most of the people in this thread need to L2P. If you're being chain stunned, it means you're being focused, which means you're dead anyway.


Why do you people feel the need to insult always? There is nothing about L2P about beeing chained stuned, only broken game mechanics.

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Force Stasis


Range: 10m

Subdues the target, stunning it while the ability is channeled and dealing 792 kinetic damage every second. Builds 1 focus per second.


It's channeled meaning any damage we take will shorten the period of the stun.


This is not a stun at all. 2 people lose control of their characters during the same duration, one of them takes damage.

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He is right though. If you are chain stunned multiple people are focused on you. Your teammates need to help you out.


Assumption: No, he is probably playing some ranged class hiding 95% of the time, wich is fine, but then has no idea of the issue this is for melee chars.

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If you think balanced combat isn't the epitome of fun in PvP... please quit video games


Why do you even post when clearly you can't comprehend what he is saying? Balanced gameplay and fun gameplay are not mutually exclusive. The poster is saying he doesn't find the, in his opinion, excessive amount of stuns to be fun. It's certainly plausible that the game can be balanced with less stuns in the game, and thus making it more fun for him, and most likely others as well. Also, the notion that the game is balanced at the moment anyway, is laughable itself.

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Assumption: No, he is probably playing some ranged class hiding 95% of the time, wich is fine, but then has no idea of the issue this is for melee chars.


Darkness Assassin, mostly play in pugs occasionally with a couple of friends in premades. Find a good healer and fight with him, keep him alive and he'll do the same for you. If your team doesn't have a good healer then you're probably screwed anyway. Eat as many stuns as you can, use your own CC as needed, use your trinket when your resolve bar fills for 15 seconds of immunity.

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Yes lets just stand next to each other and mash our nuke keybinds until someone dies and then move off to another target. That would make PvP so much more enjoyable.


On a more serious note, L2P.


This. A million times.

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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