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Sentinel Needs Serious Love


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Just like to say I agree with most of the original post



I have a 50 sentinel and even geared up full champ and columi gear I find it underpowered compared with other classes of which I have 2 at 50. As DPS is all we can do it should be higher output than it is currently no matter which tree you use. We suffer from bugged skills, slow inductions and far too long cd on our leap.


I have had 300k in warzone but its not the norm, nor for any of our class ive seen on server including our few battlemasters on both sides. 2 of our best skills dont work (pommel strike and opportune strike and master strike is mostly useless as funny enough everyone runs away). As we cant guard or heal really our medals come from dps. Never seen a 5k hit, so we must play our socks off to get anything. Also noticed that im losing health alot quicker since patch, maybe more targeting of me dunno. When was the last time you saw us top any list?


PvE isnt much better. Although we can put dps on 1 target well, were in the firing line for all the baddy skills. Were not good on trash as no real AOE and slow switching target. We cant off heal or off tank (no taunt). Found now that its preferable to take ranged DPS to just about everything as they have more fire power, deal with trash tons better and generally take a lot less damage.


This should be a uniquely usefull class with huge dps that people want with them. It seems just overly complicated which even if mastered will be second best to every other class. I hope Bioware get round to giving them some love soon as they are becoming a rare sight.

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Just like to say I agree with most of the original post



I have a 50 sentinel and even geared up full champ and columi gear I find it underpowered compared with other classes of which I have 2 at 50. As DPS is all we can do it should be higher output than it is currently no matter which tree you use. We suffer from bugged skills, slow inductions and far too long cd on our leap.


I have had 300k in warzone but its not the norm, nor for any of our class ive seen on server including our few battlemasters on both sides. 2 of our best skills dont work (pommel strike and opportune strike and master strike is mostly useless as funny enough everyone runs away). As we cant guard or heal really our medals come from dps. Never seen a 5k hit, so we must play our socks off to get anything. Also noticed that im losing health alot quicker since patch, maybe more targeting of me dunno. When was the last time you saw us top any list?


PvE isnt much better. Although we can put dps on 1 target well, were in the firing line for all the baddy skills. Were not good on trash as no real AOE and slow switching target. We cant off heal or off tank (no taunt). Found now that its preferable to take ranged DPS to just about everything as they have more fire power, deal with trash tons better and generally take a lot less damage.


This should be a uniquely usefull class with huge dps that people want with them. It seems just overly complicated which even if mastered will be second best to every other class. I hope Bioware get round to giving them some love soon as they are becoming a rare sight.


"I have had 300k in warzone but its not the norm, nor for any of our class ive seen on server including our few battlemasters on both sides.": I often get over 300k (max is 370k), and I've seen sentinels in watchman spec get 450k with 6 digit heals. My comp is a dinosaur and my university's wireless is crap- making my fps terrible (3-8)- so other sentinels who have good fps should probably be able to do better than me.


"Never seen a 5k hit": Ive hit light armored sith for 5.9k. Inspiration plus expertise adrenal plus relic, fully charged sweep


"When was the last time you saw us top any list?": I'm top dps around 2/3 of my games, and top the medal list about half that often.


"no real AOE": How about our sweep in focus spec that hits for 4k?


"Also noticed that im losing health alot quicker since patch, maybe more targeting of me dunno".: Focus spec has the best survivabilty, with an extra 7% dmg reduction. Also, the talent that grants 10 centering when transcendence ends is amazing, since it actually grants 20 stacks if transcendence buffed an ally, and 30 if it buffed 2. This = endless transcendence in group fights- I shouldn't have to explain the usefullness of this. You don't get hit as much when youre running circles around enemies, and when you do get focused you can run away much easier. Also close distance on targets much easier.

Regardless of this talent, focus spec doesn't get focused- hehe- as much, since youre using more mid range force powers as opposed to getting in people's face hacking away at them with 2 lightsabers. An opponent with 2 sabers hacking at a teammate is an instant signal to stop watch youre doing and kill them. Exhaustion, stasis and even zealous leap isn't as conspicuous as saber hacking, and ppl will leave you alone more often. Until you sweep them for 3-5k that is- then they get mad.


"PvE isnt much better": Watchman spec for fps/raids is awesome. Does so much damage tanks have a hard time keeping aggro. But its ok if they lose it, because I have rebuke, saber ward, camoflage, guarded by the force, and heal myself with crit burns, plus the whole party with zen. Talented camoflage means you won't take dmg if Gharj pounces right on top of you in case you didnt run back in time, and I don't think u take dmg from the lava either.


"It seems just overly complicated": I really enjoy the complexity of the class, and other sents ive talked to feel the same. It takes longer to learn and master, but with practice you can dominate.


Things I agree with: A little shorter cd on leap would definitely be nice.


They should make all 3 trees of similar effectiveness (combat sucks).


Yes, slow skill inductions is a pain. Other players shouldn't be able to knock me back in the middle of my sweep and make it hit the ground 10m away from them. If I am within 5 meters of the person the moment the sweep animation activated, they should get hit. Otherwise, I'm stuck with a felling blow buff and singularity stacks that I can't utilize for the 9 seconds it takes for sweep to cd, which completely blows.


"Pommel strike and opportune strike and master strike is mostly useless as funny enough everyone runs away": Yeah, I agree, these attacks should probably work in pvp, and master strike should probably root the target no matter what spec you are. I hear rumors that even for combat sents (bless their souls) who have the master strike root talent, it still doesn't root them.

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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So to compensate for your servers inbalance and currently popular player versus player strategies, you want BioWare to ignore everything else and boost up a class you're playing so you can overcome unfair odds such as player versus player team ratios?


Your problems sound purely server related. Short of overpowering the class, you're not going to see an improvement until your server environment improves. There isn't a "class" fix for that. Your solution in all honestly is:


- Stick it out and wait for things to improve.

- Roll a new Character more capable of dealing with 2v1/3v1 situations consistently.

- Roll a new CHaracter on a better balanced server. Not all servers are 80-20.


erm did i say that i want them to change the whole thing????


no with that i meant that they need to give those players who are on a server wheres hardly any balancing a free server swap and possibly close the server but thats another issue. thats what i was going at and yes it doesnt fit in to this topic.



bout the class well they need to change a few things like some said give sents a force push (knockback), more survivability (yes even light armor guys have way, way more survivability then us, we have like 0.5 (the 3 min CD one). also the DMG need to be up'd due to the fact that we sents are a pure DPS class (a RAW DPS class) and since we have to run after every class we need to have something that compensated with that. i'm not saying with a 15% but like a 2% -3% and we will feel the difference .... they also need to make our skills work like how they are intended and not just dont work at all.


if you wear light armor then ofcours you do D%G but this is just insane getting downed in less then 2 seconds is like insane. just being stunned and then drained to death while i can't do a thing and they're CD are way shorter. you guys are saying "they wear light armor" well think of this .... yes they wear light armor but they have they're bubbles wich takes like 3 seconds to work of and those 3 seconds is for them enough to kill us and then they got there light armor ... wich is also there that we have to work off. thats not balancing. its like a the troopers, they deal massive DMG while wearing heavy armor and loads of survivability ...


dont get me wrong i'm not saying that they all need to take it away but all class's should be able to be compared to each other. and not how its like now :)

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"I have had 300k in warzone but its not the norm, nor for any of our class ive seen on server including our few battlemasters on both sides.": I often get over 300k (max is 370k), and I've seen sentinels in watchman spec get 450k with 6 digit heals. My comp is a dinosaur and my university's wireless is crap- making my fps terrible (3-8)- so other sentinels who have good fps should probably be able to do better than me.


"Never seen a 5k hit": Ive hit light armored sith for 5.9k. Inspiration plus expertise adrenal plus relic, fully charged sweep


"When was the last time you saw us top any list?": I'm top dps around 2/3 of my games, and top the medal list about half that often.


"no real AOE": How about our sweep in focus spec that hits for 4k?


"Also noticed that im losing health alot quicker since patch, maybe more targeting of me dunno".: Focus spec has the best survivabilty, with an extra 7% dmg reduction. Also, the talent that grants 10 centering when transcendence ends is amazing, since it actually grants 20 stacks if transcendence buffed an ally, and 30 if it buffed 2. This = endless transcendence in group fights- I shouldn't have to explain the usefullness of this. You don't get hit as much when youre running circles around enemies, and when you do get focused you can run away much easier. Also close distance on targets much easier.

Regardless of this talent, focus spec doesn't get focused- hehe- as much, since youre using more mid range force powers as opposed to getting in people's face hacking away at them with 2 lightsabers. An opponent with 2 sabers hacking at a teammate is an instant signal to stop watch youre doing and kill them. Exhaustion, stasis and even zealous leap isn't as conspicuous as saber hacking, and ppl will leave you alone more often. Until you sweep them for 3-5k that is- then they get mad.


"PvE isnt much better": Watchman spec for fps/raids is awesome. Does so much damage tanks have a hard time keeping aggro. But its ok if they lose it, because I have rebuke, saber ward, camoflage, guarded by the force, and heal myself with crit burns, plus the whole party with zen. Talented camoflage means you won't take dmg if Gharj pounces right on top of you in case you didnt run back in time, and I don't think u take dmg from the lava either.


"It seems just overly complicated": I really enjoy the complexity of the class, and other sents ive talked to feel the same. It takes longer to learn and master, but with practice you can dominate.


Things I agree with: A little shorter cd on leap would definitely be nice.


They should make all 3 trees of similar effectiveness (combat sucks).


Yes, slow skill inductions is a pain. Other players shouldn't be able to knock me back in the middle of my sweep and make it hit the ground 10m away from them. If I am within 5 meters of the person the moment the sweep animation activated, they should get hit. Otherwise, I'm stuck with a felling blow buff and singularity stacks that I can't utilize for the 9 seconds it takes for sweep to cd, which completely blows.


"Pommel strike and opportune strike and master strike is mostly useless as funny enough everyone runs away": Yeah, I agree, these attacks should probably work in pvp, and master strike should probably root the target no matter what spec you are. I hear rumors that even for combat sents (bless their souls) who have the master strike root talent, it still doesn't root them.


and yes you show it, you need to use stims, buffs and other struff to deal DMG wich just shows what we have to do that much also ur saying ur doing 5.9K DMG with a single hit?? then that means ur fully epic'd expertese geared, then dont go like i do this and that since not everyone (almost noone of the sents) are that far. you can't take away the struggle that we have.


what ur basicly showing is that all the other sents suck *** and that you're only good one?? wich isnt the case. ok you're good but that means ur also geared. thats good for you but you have to compare all class's to each other and see where the differences are :)

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I have played Sentinel for awhile now, three weeks at level 50, in that time ive managed to get Rank 55 Valor (without ilum kill trading). I would just like to say, aside from a few MINOR inconveniences, Sentinel's are FINE. Infact almost every class in this game is balanced. The problem people have with 'balance' is that people can not recognise when they have been outplayed, by a better player.


The FEW things Sentinels need is a change to make Force Leap 5-30m range (rather than 10-30) to remove their terrible deadzone (more of a change for Combat and Focus), they also need a class-wide 15% permanent run speed. Combat tree needs some love, but there will always be a 1, 2 and 3 spec. Watchman atm is a very good tree, definately the most potent and balanced melee spec in the game. Sentinels also have some problems with Resolve, but that is a global issue.


The current 4pc Weaponmaster's needs to be changed to 2pc and the 4pc Weaponmaster's should make Force Stasis instant and no channel time etc, however nerf the damage Force Stasis does (will apply to OP guardians aswell).


What Sentinels do NOT need is: A damage buff, changes to Saber Ward, Rebuke, Guarded by the Force, Force Camouflage, A Heal button, more stuns (than the above mentioned), less ramp-up time.


Sentinels are a perfectly fine class in my experience, in a Voidstar i can easily wrack-up 400k damage, and 300k damage in the other two WZs is my norm (with a pocket healer the best ive done in Voidstar is 460k). Without a pocket healer I have minimal deaths, high healing and high damage. Our defensive cooldowns work great and have wonderful synergy, Centering was mentioned as a bad mechanic, which is completely false, it is a great button and a great reward for optimizing your class.


Our damage ramp-up is a staple of any good melee class, and it creates the distinction in gameplay between a melee class and a ranged class.


Our gear-curve isn't that bad, and someone in half centurion gear is completely capable of pulling their weight, if not more (you have to remember that this is against people that have spent ALOT of time and effort gearing their characters, they should NOT be penalised for their hard work).


If you have any problems with Sentinel leveling or end-game PvP feel free to come have a chat with me whenever, my name is Vanirae on the Black Vulkars server, I will be more than happy to talk through each of your problems, as you should be having little, and you should be enjoying your sentinel thoroughly.

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Our damage ramp-up is a staple of any good melee class, and it creates the distinction in gameplay between a melee class and a ranged class.


Our gear-curve isn't that bad, and someone in half centurion gear is completely capable of pulling their weight, if not more (you have to remember that this is against people that have spent ALOT of time and effort gearing their characters, they should NOT be penalised for their hard work).


ur forgotteing that we are the only melee class, the rest are either tanking, ranged or healing class's force stasis doesnt need a DMG nerf since the DMG is already a bit low unless if ur expertese geared (fully) then it will prolly do allot of DMG. however you say that we dont need a DMG boost well we need a slight boost in that due to the fact that the otherclass's deal either with 1 single hit massive DMG or do way more attacks/s for a small amount wich means they deal more amount of DMG in the same amiunt of time as the rest of the class's however i have arround 5 PVP pieces (yes i'm getting there) and if i go against same geared people of other class's for example sorc's or bounty hunters then they will outDMG by even 20% - 25% and due to the knockbacks and stuns/hold effects i barely reach my target, wich means i'm death by the time i reach them.


i do agree on the sprint effect and the force leap.

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ur forgotteing that we are the only melee class, the rest are either tanking, ranged or healing class's force stasis doesnt need a DMG nerf since the DMG is already a bit low unless if ur expertese geared (fully) then it will prolly do allot of DMG. however you say that we dont need a DMG boost well we need a slight boost in that due to the fact that the otherclass's deal either with 1 single hit massive DMG or do way more attacks/s for a small amount wich means they deal more amount of DMG in the same amiunt of time as the rest of the class's however i have arround 5 PVP pieces (yes i'm getting there) and if i go against same geared people of other class's for example sorc's or bounty hunters then they will outDMG by even 20% - 25% and due to the knockbacks and stuns/hold effects i barely reach my target, wich means i'm death by the time i reach them.


i do agree on the sprint effect and the force leap.


Regarding Force Stasis, what i meant by that is if they change it to no channel time, also nerf the damage on it, as it would be just too much nuke. (I would prefer the trade-off of a 3 second stun rather than the amount of channelled damage FS does.)


Also, you're experiences are not the capability of the class. I have come against War Hero Sorcerers (Rank 70 Valor) and beaten them, easily, 1v1. It is the same with Bounty Hunters, so I just don't know what to tell you in that regard. Infact I easily 2v1 most classes (if the players are worse).


You are confusing class balance with player skill. You are obviously thinking of instances where you have been outplayed by a player of greater skill, and in that case, that is perfect game balance. Because you are not as good as someone else does not mean you get a crutch to lean upon in order to beat them, you have to play better.


Edit: We are not the only melee class, there are Shadows/Assassins, Guardians/Juggernaughts, Powertechs and Vanguards (to a lesser extent) and Scoundrels/Operatives (also to a lesser extent).

Edited by Wolfgarrex
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and yes you show it, you need to use stims, buffs and other struff to deal DMG wich just shows what we have to do that much also ur saying ur doing 5.9K DMG with a single hit?? then that means ur fully epic'd expertese geared, then dont go like i do this and that since not everyone (almost noone of the sents) are that far. you can't take away the struggle that we have.


what ur basicly showing is that all the other sents suck *** and that you're only good one?? wich isnt the case. ok you're good but that means ur also geared. thats good for you but you have to compare all class's to each other and see where the differences are


You should be using stims, buffs, etc. anyway, regardless of your class. The ability to get a 5k hit isn't that important, it's just nice to get an extra medal for it. I'm not fully battlemaster geared (you want to have some columi or rakata gear anyway, because of DR on expertise). At the time I had a BM belt, implants, and earpiece, 2 rakata relics, 5 champ pieces, 2 columis, and an orange chestpiece with good mods (i refuse to wear the knight pvp gear). Maybe it's different on your server but on Nadd's Sarcophagus there are a lot of geared sents. Just because you have to struggle doesn't mean the class sucks, it just means you have to work hard and practice.


I'm not saying I'm the only good one- I can name several on my server that do better than me. They probably have 3x better fps in warzones, but I can't really use that as an excuse since I could buy a new comp right now if I wanted to instead of waiting for this old one to die.

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Seems to me like they tried to keep the complexity of a rogues abilities but they just lowered the Damage output on us.. in almost Every MMO the Rogue is the OP class that in pvp that does massive damage and can stealth speed around.


They definatly kept the speed and a bit of the stealth aspect but the damage is so low u have to get next to sum1 and stay next to them long enough to get attacks in.. with all the knock backs and cover mechanisms getting to some players can be hard.


Increased damage abilities or causing some of our abilities to make it so we cant be knocked back while channeling the ability would be helpfull.. IE ( using Force Stasis or Master Strike u cant be knocked back durring use)

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Explain how a sent can be more succesful then BH in any way imaginable? BH have better dps, better armor, better defense abilities, better cc, better healing...and the sent has...and go..


I'd love to hear one of the devs answer this question.


If a dev reads this, and really can't answer - then you should realize this class, and the mirror class imp side, needs serious buffs to compete, and they need them now. I'm still completely astounded that they decided to gimp jedi and sith in a game primarily about jedi and sith. Maybe they'll come out with a shopkeeper class that will be OP'd.

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Agreed 100% with OP. /subscribed


Plus, I want to point out that we are crippled in PVP by way of abilities: We have no knock back, no CC, no AOE, a severely broken defensive shield, most of our best burst damage never procs in PVP, and we have only ONE closer, that is easily exploitable with other classes.


Please BioWare, show us some love...

Edited by Thoughts
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during PvE the sent is a monster. I love my class. and in PvP. if used right is also a beast. I love the sent in PvP as well. i have very few complaints actually.


1. our cool downs are ridiculously long. Zealous Strike is an important ability. drop that to like 6 seconds. master strick shouldn't be anymore then 12 seconds. we rely on our focus and when we use it all up, we're left with our basic attack. Many of our other abilities could use a 10 to 15second reduction in cool down. It's really hard to fight a sorc or a sage when their main ability has a 6 second cool down and it slows us.


2. our stones are crap. this whole "this ability does this against a strong mob but this for a week mob and has no effect in pvp" needs to change


3. Force push. it's a staple of the Jedi Knight yet it's missing. this should be a basic ability. as should the saber throw that the Guards have the guards should also have the sent's saber throw. for the force push. just work it like force sweep works but in a cone. up to 3 opponents in front of the sent.


4. and lastly we have from what i can count stuns and only 1 of them works in PvP and we have to channel it. Blade storm, Force sweep are basically useless (and 1.5 stun on force sweep is a joke. at least 2 seconds. that .5 makes a difference)


It's not so much the sent is "broken" stringing combos together you can do some great stuff and great dmg. but the class needs a bit of tweaking. I'm not asking for for lightning. I'm not asking to throw random objects. I'm asking for our cool downs to be re-evaluated, this weak/strong system to be abolished and 2 abilities that should be universal to the knight class. this will help greatly and help with the squish problem we have.

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Regarding Force Stasis, what i meant by that is if they change it to no channel time, also nerf the damage on it, as it would be just too much nuke. (I would prefer the trade-off of a 3 second stun rather than the amount of channelled damage FS does.)


Also, you're experiences are not the capability of the class. I have come against War Hero Sorcerers (Rank 70 Valor) and beaten them, easily, 1v1. It is the same with Bounty Hunters, so I just don't know what to tell you in that regard. Infact I easily 2v1 most classes (if the players are worse).


You are confusing class balance with player skill. You are obviously thinking of instances where you have been outplayed by a player of greater skill, and in that case, that is perfect game balance. Because you are not as good as someone else does not mean you get a crutch to lean upon in order to beat them, you have to play better.


Edit: We are not the only melee class, there are Shadows/Assassins, Guardians/Juggernaughts, Powertechs and Vanguards (to a lesser extent) and Scoundrels/Operatives (also to a lesser extent).


If you make the claim that if a sent isnt winning then they are less skilled, one could also say that beating less skilled players happens in spite of the class deficiencies. Your success is wonderful..but enduring is different then being a competitive class.

How can you claim balance when all a sent has is straight up dps, and say a BH with equal dps, with the noticeable addition of (much more potent) stuns, armor, healing?

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I'm a watchman with full champion and a battlemaster saber. I'm almost always top damage unless I've been playing a lot of d and didn't spend too much time around enemies. If you're not pulling in over 300k damage in a high contact game at level 50, you're playing the class wrong. Consider rerolling?
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We have no knock back, no CC, no AOE, a severely broken defensive shield, most of our best burst damage never procs in PVP, and we have only ONE closer, that is easily exploitable with other classes.


If you're having problems with these things, you should really be in focus spec. The 2 extra abilities it grants both have 10m ranges, very useful if you're having a tough time getting in range. It solves the AOE problem: charged sweep hits for 4k w/o relics adrenals or inspiration. Better cc: shorter cd on stasis. Exhaustion is good dot/slow. Leg slash only costs 1 focus in this spec. Solves the only 1 closer problem: Zealous leap closes when theyre in the 5-10m dead zone, and gives 40% movement speed for 5 secs. You have endless transcendence in group situations with this spec, 50% speed. More incentive to use blade storm than in watchman with focus spec, another 10m range ability.


Focus spec doesnt transform sents into a burst class, but it definitely makes you burstier. Leap, exhaustion, zealous strike or another ability if you can, then sweep. You dealt about 7k dmg in around 5 seconds, assuming you didn't crit at all besides the sweep of course- not including a zealous strike. After the sweep, zealous strike if you didnt before, zealous leap, stasis (or stasis. zealous leap). Around 4k more dmg counting the zealous strike, and still assuming no crits. Use leg slash, strike, master strike (probably not), or blade storm if you have extra focus, then sweep on cd. They are either dead or about to be dead. This assumes you didn't get knockbacked or stunned, but I assumed no crits besides sweeps. Plus, you probably had transcendence active most of the time, popped a relic, use camoflage at some point, and activated rebuke right before you jumped in (doing dmg to them and giving you 1 focus per GCD every time youre hit).


The main reason I pvp with focus is that it's so fun. Fully-loaded-sweeping groups of imps is immensely gratifying.


If you are already using focus for pvp and still think all your concerns are valid.... either gear up, L2P, or reroll.

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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If you make the claim that if a sent isnt winning then they are less skilled, one could also say that beating less skilled players happens in spite of the class deficiencies. Your success is wonderful..but enduring is different then being a competitive class.

How can you claim balance when all a sent has is straight up dps, and say a BH with equal dps, with the noticeable addition of (much more potent) stuns, armor, healing?


sentinel is probably the best 1v1 class in the game. (as a watchman)


yeah BH has better cc and similar ranged damage but they do not have interrupts and their best damage in interruptible, you get interrupts, tracer missile spamers are free kills to a good sentinel.


also awe and force stasis both are severely under used by most sentinels who cry about lack of cc, stasis is especially strong when you put your dots on the target first (watchman). awe is amazing for caping doors/points.


sentinel watchman gets group heals(weak but add up) and buffs, sentinel gets the best defensive cool downs in the game imo between force cammo and guarded by the force which can completely change fights and rebuke and saber ward are pretty solid too. on top of this they are one of the top single target dps and have the shortest cool down interrupts which is key for killing the very casters you complain about.


finally considering our last "buff" let me say please bw we are in a good spot do not try to buff us again.

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Sentinel is the highest DPS-class in Game ( imho ).


Watchman Sentinel can burn down everything with their DPS - the DoT damage is overwhelming.


No other class can put that high constant dmg out.



In PvP sentinel is also fine. As a Watchman, the utility and the immunity with force camouflage and the selfheal and damage of the DoT's works great.



Don't know the other specs, but the Watchman Sentinel is unimaginable powerful.

Edited by LovarBoy
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WHAT?!?! I kill traded my way to BM and i still suck!?!?!




No its





Anyway I offer this as a corollary to those that say Sentinels are terrible.









These are the last three war-zones I was in....notice a pattern?


And yes my toon shares my user name.

Edited by cyvaris
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I have to assume you are comparing your sentinels to pyro powertech BHs since thats the only spec that can do close to sentinel dps. As a pyro, the BH has.....one stun, a couple ranged attacks, and a 10m attack we use a lot, and no charge, just the grip. The powertech in this spec also has no standard shielding, just a CD that heals 10% of health and a -50% damage CD. Sentinel has a short vanish, a 99% dmg reduction CD, charge, and the ability to speed themselves up significantly. Plus in melee their dmg is about as high as it gets in game. Also in 1v1 they are one of the only classes that will generally beat said powertech. What exactly do you guys want? The ability to mow through multiple people at once?
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[*]Force leap needs longer range. Nearly every ranged class has 3x the distance of our only closer.



[*]Outside of Transcendence we are one of the slowest classes.


[*]Opportune Strike - Pommel Strike seem to never proc in PVP.


[*]Force Camoflage would be nice if it lasted more than 4 seconds. This is barely enough time to get you behind a nearby obstacle. We're kind of roguish, why not just make it last until we take damage or cause damage?



There's a lot wrong with your assessment of the class but I don't the patience to cover all of them so I'm just going to point out why your judgement is really questionable.


Force leap has 30 meter range. Every other ranged class in the game sans sniper has 30 meter range. The fact that you think range classes have 120 foot range really bothers me.


Wait you're saying the fact that we can run for 20 straight seconds with double transcendence at 80% run speed isn't enough? When transcendence ends guess what, WE RUN THE SAME SPEED AS EVERYONE ELSE.


Opportune strike and pummel strike aren't suppose to work in pve. Every class in the game gets the same two pve abilities. I mean honestly all you need to do is look at the damn tooltip.


You're saying force camo, which grants invuln and 4 seconds of stealth, isn't enough? The fact that they gave a vanish to a nonstealth melee dps class with the lockdown potential of a sentinel is beyond me in the first place. Don't know what to say to this haha

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I really hope Bioware doesn't listen to Sentinel/Marauder whiners, your class is more than fine and it really is as simple as learn to play.


If Bioware cave into the whiners and buff sentinels/marauders your class would be beyond OP. Do yourselves a favour, watch youtube videos, read the forums learn from the people who have taken the time to learn the rotations, learn to play your class properly instead of coming to the forums and whining because you can't roll your face across the keyboard and everything instantly dies.

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No its





Anyway I offer this as a corollary to those that say Sentinels are terrible.









These are the last three war-zones I was in....notice a pattern?


And yes my toon shares my user name.


Minimal deaths - your rolling in a group that knows what to do.

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