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Waiting NINE minutes to respawn is RIDCULOUS


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9 minutes? you must have died like 8 times......something should have told you that you weren't ready for that particular fight besides the death timer....


You mean the same level (or lower) area's that have a 5 pack of strong NPCs every 20 meters and respawns about a minute after you finish off the pack?


Maybe it tells you that the game developers didn't playtest their own game nor did they listen to comments about how ridiculous the amount of mobs there are in an area.


as said elsewhere, you die 4 times and you're at 9 minute.

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Wow, people are actually complaining about the amazingly easy-mode medical probe?


OK...remove it entirely, then. Let's have the regular 'die, go to rez point' like every other game has.




Good grief, give someone a winning lottery ticket and they'll say they didn't win enough.

(Yes, I really am flabbergasted over this.)

Edited by Shaz
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This plus (if this was truly old-school MMO) having to do the corpse run naked and retrieve your gear.... Talk about incentive to stay alive


I'll take a more active form of death penalty over SWTOR's timeout. Corpse running or having to re-ship could be more harsh, but at least I'm still playing the game. Getting a long rez timer in SWTOR is just a signal to alt+tab or walk away for a while.

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You mean the same level (or lower) area's that have a 5 pack of strong NPCs every 20 meters and respawns about a minute after you finish off the pack?


Maybe it tells you that the game developers didn't playtest their own game nor did they listen to comments about how ridiculous the amount of mobs there are in an area.


as said elsewhere, you die 4 times and you're at 9 minute.


five packs of strongs every 20 meters? please. don't exaggerate.


no you can't zerg around smacking everything into the ground in a zone in five minutes. you actually have to take time to kill stuff, watch your aggro range, make sure not to knockback enemies into other groups, and use your companions effectively. OH NO!;)



clearly if you're dying that often, you're doing something wrong. what exactly i can't say as i'm not you, but i didn't die that much ...ever... on my sorc. nor any of my other characters. i haven't heard of it either, except for this thread. so....someone is doing something wrong...

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I agree, but surely the biodrones will defend this amazing innovation of MMO and video games alike, surely who would think having to wait 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute 30 seconds then 9 minutes would be a bad thing?? Game innovation at its best.


I love this feature. Do I have to complain about it anyway?


(Most complains in this area has been that the short re-spawn timers make the game too easy. Maybe you just need to learn how to play?)

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True. If I hit the 10 minute rez mark I start thinking I'm either in over my head or I'm doing something wrong in the mission. I'm impatient, but even I don't think "THIS IS TOO LONG! RAAAAR!".


I'd love to see the OPs repair bill.


Eh, I'm so f-ing impatient if I see the timer hit 2+ minutes I'll medcenter and ride back.


The only times I've sat out more than the 1:30 timer was on Tatooine waaaaay out in the far reaches where I wasn't sure if there was a medcenter nearby, or in the harder Heroic 4s after fighting all the way into the back room and wasn't looking forward to having to do that agian.


Otherwise it's generally at most a 30 second to 1 minute ride back from the nearest medcenter.

Edited by evileeyore
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Problems lies somewhere between keyboard and chair.


who knows maybe the problem IS his keyboard or chair? maybe his keyboard is missing a few keys or his chair has one leg shorter than another causing him to play at an odd angle and miss-press key? or maybe he is just bad at the game :D

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I agree that there should be a respawn timer that gets longer to respawn in place...there however should never be any wait timer to spawn back at a med center (which there currently is).




If you're consistently dying in a certain area, because of the way the mobs are laid out, maybe try coming in from another area and see if the pulls are any easier. Otherwise, come back in a level or two. (or, as has been suggested, l2p)

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I wouldn't be surprised if they actually increase the times, so many of the heroics are soloable by suicide running to the boss.


The times are






I'm not sure after that, I think its 5 then 10 so he must be dying a lot. Anyone who dies 5 times is not playing the game right. Especially as a Sorcerer.

Edited by DribblingGiraffe
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I wouldn't be surprised if they actually increase the times, so many of the heroics are soloable by suicide running to the boss.


The times are






I'm not sure after that, I think its 5 then 10 so he must be dying a lot. Anyone who dies 5 times is not playing the game right. Especially as a Sorcerer.


And is going to probably keep dying as his or her armor is in need of repair.

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I just had a shiver run down my spine. For some reason I was reminded of corpse runs where you could loose half a level of more and it would take an extended playing session (I can't go to bed in case my corpse decays) trying to run back (naked of course) to where you died. Of course you might well die in the process and then have another corpse to tag.
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