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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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I've been following this topic from page one, thread one. Alas I wasn't part of the Beta, so I can't comment on the deterioration of graphics compared to the current client, but I can say that it's not exactly a technological masterpiece.


I too would very much like the chance to play with high res textures although I don't find the current state that distracting; that is until you zoom in on that new piece of gear...


However, virtually ALL recently posted videos claiming 'false advertisement' are NOT gameplay. Sure, some of the animations correspond to actual gameplay moves, but if there's no UI, it ain't gameplay. Those are vids made to showcase each class and/or its story and it's perfectly legal AND common practice for devs and publishers to use editor quality entities.


I'm glad this topic is being kept alive, but as has been said, posting easily deflated 'evidence' doesn't help anyone.


You're right. There's no way I could hide my UI and still move my character around.



Edited by Xabos
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I've been following this topic from page one, thread one. Alas I wasn't part of the Beta, so I can't comment on the deterioration of graphics compared to the current client, but I can say that it's not exactly a technological masterpiece.


I too would very much like the chance to play with high res textures although I don't find the current state that distracting; that is until you zoom in on that new piece of gear...


However, virtually ALL recently posted videos claiming 'false advertisement' are NOT gameplay. Sure, some of the animations correspond to actual gameplay moves, but if there's no UI, it ain't gameplay. Those are vids made to showcase each class and/or its story and it's perfectly legal AND common practice for devs and publishers to use editor quality entities.


I'm glad this topic is being kept alive, but as has been said, posting easily deflated 'evidence' doesn't help anyone.






Try it and then talk

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I don't know about y'all but in the UK when a game is advertised on TV it will say at the bottom either "actual in-game footage" or "images not representative of gameplay experience" or something along those lines.


For the guy going on about how the lack of a UI means it's not gameplay footage, I mean. That's fine and dandy but if it's not actual gameplay being represented then they should really say so.

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I don't know about y'all but in the UK when a game is advertised on TV it will say at the bottom either "actual in-game footage" or "images not representative of gameplay experience" or something along those lines.


For the guy going on about how the lack of a UI means it's not gameplay footage, I mean. That's fine and dandy but if it's not actual gameplay being represented then they should really say so.


As I said before, lack of UI = Alt + Z

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Another irritating fact is that during summer 2011 they would show the awesome trooper pic and others like it and talk about how that was their current build and then mention that it would be even better during release. Bioware there is no business in having such forced outdated textures.

Open up the hi-rez textures now. I'm sick and tired of having to look at my gear on my companion to see how my character is suppose to look like.

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I'm sick and tired of having to look at my gear on my companion to see how my character is suppose to look like.


lol. I do this too. when I find a new peice of gear I have to look at it on my companions window preview because it's the only place to see it in high-res. absolutely pathetic bioware. fix it.

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6th Thread.



Doesn't this sting the very people who designed the textures?

Who got paid for years to create this part of the game that is supposed to be covered by the subscription fees?


This sounds like a really bad joke.


what is this really about?

too many draw calls drawing on BWs bandwidth?

then install more servers! You want this baby to keep running? Then don't shoo away the subscriptions that are paying for it...



"most successful launch"...so that was what the founder title was about?

a back up plan to get some subcriptions incase of a "foul easter egg" like this?


please don't become just money greedy like Blizz-activ-ivendi...

that is the path to the dark side


Edited by Melfice_Sora
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Wait, wait, wait, hold on a sec.... The textures in the cut scenes ARE the hi-res textures?


Seriously or am I reading the comments wrong? Those look terrible for the most part. Or are we saying no hi-res textures are used anywhere in game? If the question is getting the textures used in cut scenes to be used in regular gameplay all I have to say is .... LMFAO... Why bother?


If we're saying the game needs better textures period, then yeah I agree with that. I doubt I'd even notice a difference if all we get is an upgrade to cut scene level textures outside of said cut scenes.

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Wait, wait, wait, hold on a sec.... The textures in the cut scenes ARE the hi-res textures?


Seriously or am I reading the comments wrong? Those look terrible for the most part. Or are we saying no hi-res textures are used anywhere in game? If the question is getting the textures used in cut scenes to be used in regular gameplay all I have to say is .... LMFAO... Why bother?


If we're saying the game needs better textures period, then yeah I agree with that. I doubt I'd even notice a difference if all we get is an upgrade to cut scene level textures outside of said cut scenes.


Now this made me laugh. You are actually correct in your assessment that EVEN the txtures and clearups used in the cutscenes get outclassed by MassEffect 1, however 99% of folks here are happy with that. It clearly shows how pathetic all this is as we are not asking for miracles LMAO. That is something those need to understand always bagging us for never being happy and we are just QQ trolls.


BahWare needs to REALLY show action.


P.S. Did you also notice in the last patch they seem to have fixed the issue with the tentlike planar bleeding lightsources? Was there ANY mention about it anywhere? Nope. God knows what they do and they clearly give a damn to tell us. We are mushrooms guys! :/

Edited by mArchangel
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personally i dont see a problem with the graphics.


mainly cause im not up my characters a** when playing, i like to actually see what im attacking and where im moving. im not standing point blank behind them.


literally majority of the pics iv seen of people complaining are right smack dab infront or beside the character. you dont play with the character taking up the whole screen. and its pretty much guarantee that when your playing, if your staring at your character that close then your playing wrong. and prolly the main reason why you act like idiots and stand in crap to die, cause your to busy staring at your characters ***** to notice around you.


but to each their own, im happy playing and not Roid Raging because i cant see a decal in the armor, or a fold in the jacket

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6th Thread.



Doesn't this sting the very people who designed the textures?

Who got paid for years to create this part of the game that is supposed to be covered by the subscription fees?


This sounds like a really bad joke.


what is this really about?

too many draw calls drawing on BWs bandwidth?

then install more servers! You want this baby to keep running? Then don't shoo away the subscriptions that are paying for it...



"most successful launch"...so that was what the founder title was about?

a back up plan to get some subcriptions incase of a "foul easter egg" like this?


please don't become just money greedy like Blizz-activ-ivendi...

that is the path to the dark side



Yes! I bet it does sting the developers. And I am even so bold to say, that they hate the way the director's at EA ordered this launch. They probably did atrosities to the development team we can hardly imagine. And I bet you anything the 1st to come out with what is truly going on looses their job outright. THAT I think is why we don't get answers and info. They too have lives and families to be looked after. Welcome to the wonderful corporate world of intrigue, politics and MONEY! One of the reasons BioWare had to do to the graphics the way they did may be the fact that indeed they are running all servers on like 2-3 physical machines LOL.



EA probably said to them: Make it work on less - that is all the funding you get until we can see a profit-THEN you can give the mob more. We can even sell it as addon! BW Response: But.....we had such great things in mind-we are not ready. EA: Launch this christmas or look for new jobs!



Something along those lines. What I am getting at is this. I am 100000000% sure all artists, designers and developers want to give us more. And their odd programming (2 processes etc.) had probably a brilliant meaning of sorts behind it regarding on how they ORIGINALLY intended to host the servers and then the money got cut off. Sorry but I can just see it. EA forced a launch in a year when Blizzard had nothing coming. Perfect-even with bugs! Bah!!!

The poor bastards at BioWare-seriously.


It was on my mind for a while and I wanted to share my thougts with you guys. I think the guys at BioWare are our friends - they try to give us what they had REALLY in mind on the 3 breadboxes EA allows them to use for the service. I firmly believe that all anger and grief we feel should be aimed straight at EA. One day an insider will tell us I am certain.






Edited by mArchangel
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personally i dont see a problem with the graphics.


mainly cause im not up my characters a** when playing, i like to actually see what im attacking and where im moving. im not standing point blank behind them.


literally majority of the pics iv seen of people complaining are right smack dab infront or beside the character. you dont play with the character taking up the whole screen. and its pretty much guarantee that when your playing, if your staring at your character that close then your playing wrong. and prolly the main reason why you act like idiots and stand in crap to die, cause your to busy staring at your characters ***** to notice around you.


but to each their own, im happy playing and not Roid Raging because i cant see a decal in the armor, or a fold in the jacket


Stop ridiculing the issue or us complaining dude! Outrageous!


Just because we like to see what was in the BETA does not make us whiners without reason!

See my post above as for my thinking behind why we do not have the game we should.


But you Mr. find me a single female player that did NOT comment on how crappy her garment looks! And I have a few in my guild let me tell you. And enough of the guys are over this as well. Think before writing nonsense. There is like how many pages now about this issue? 10,000??? So mate, this means it is serious. Period. >.< LOL

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Stop ridiculing the issue or us complaining dude! Outrageous!


Just because we like to see what was in the BETA does not make us whiners without reason!

See my post above as for my thinking behind why we do not have the game we should.


But you Mr. find me a single female player that did NOT comment on how crappy her garment looks! And I have a few in my guild let me tell you. And enough of the guys are over this as well. Think before writing nonsense. There is like how many pages now about this issue? 10,000??? So mate, this means it is serious. Period. >.< LOL


You do realize at the distance half the *********** pictures are taken even high resolution textures are going to look like ****? The only thing that this will do is halve the distance before they begin to look like ****.

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Stop ridiculing the issue or us complaining dude! Outrageous!


Just because we like to see what was in the BETA does not make us whiners without reason!

See my post above as for my thinking behind why we do not have the game we should.


But you Mr. find me a single female player that did NOT comment on how crappy her garment looks! And I have a few in my guild let me tell you. And enough of the guys are over this as well. Think before writing nonsense. There is like how many pages now about this issue? 10,000??? So mate, this means it is serious. Period. >.< LOL


you do not play that close to your character, you would not notice any detail level even IF it was in game. because at the distance your camera is at, the LOD would remove whatever detail you set it to

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