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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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how is this a scam???
you say how?!? when they show you screens and videos using high quality graphics in advertisements and tell you this is the product you will get in return for your money , then after you buy it u realize that it is not , i call this a scam , i would never bought this garbage if i knew it is going to be a 2005 graphics , they need to replace all the promotional videos and images all over the inter-webs with the actual medium textures not with lies :mad:
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you say how?!? when they show you screens and videos using high quality graphics in advertisements and tell you this is the product you will get in return for your money , then after you buy it u realize that it is not , i call this a scam , i would never bought this garbage if i knew it is going to be a 2005 graphics , they need to replace all the promotional videos and images all over the inter-webs with the actual medium textures not with lies :mad:


they really need to remove that Kaon undersiege game play with high res textures. it is just making the issue worse.

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I'm still toying about what to do regarding my sub for the game. On one side I want to give BW the benefit of the doubt in that they'll get this issue resolved but on the other I'm not confidant that they can do so as a result of decisions taken very early on in the development process.


The fact is; every time I see my character outside of a cutscene I say to myself "what were they thinking?". We've had MMOs with high-res textures for several years now, the current character textures are below what even wow is offering these days, and for a new release MMO that's not really acceptable.

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Hey guys(and ladies:)) I think we all need to relax now... Don't get me wrong I'm pissed off by this issue myself but we won't get far, by just screaming out our hatred here... I'll just hope they heard us, and the only thing we'll have to do is to wait for this 1.2 patch(not some 2.8 or 5.17...)... Cheers:)


This has fallen to the third page? That's not good. [Removed comment about being unable to search the forums, because apparently you can] and this affects everyone to a degree this should probably be stickied, but I know they won't sticky bad publicity.


I think I'm down to 4 days now. I want to like this game -- hell, I do like this game, but I simply can't justify handing money over to people this inept, people that then have the stones to lie about the whole ordeal, attempt to cover it up, and insist that this is the best the MMO genre can offer.


I could feel decent about giving them my money if they come out and say "high resolution (or cutscene) textures are among our top priorities, and we will implement them as soon as we can" but they can't even give that. Instead we get, "Oh, you caught us with our pants down and our hideous junk (this game's graphics) flapping in the breeze, we'll work on increasing the fidelity for you" when in reality they could reduce the texture compression by 1% and say they delivered as promised.


Given the way this was already handled, I won't accept placation in the form of weasel words that guarantee nothing.

Edited by Unruhe
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LotrO, WoW and a couple other MMOs didn't launch with High Res textures so why make a big deal now? They said they are working on it.


WoW released in, what, 2004? This is 2012, TOR released in the last handful of days of 2011.


LOTRO did release with super-high resolution textures. In fact, they had at least 4 settings: Low, Medium, High, Ultra. You had to check a box in the launcher to even download the Ultra textures, and at the time of release they killed just about any computer. But, as hardware got better, more and more people could turn that setting on. LOTRO's graphics destroy what is available in TOR, and they have since day1 of LOTRO.


As others have said, in many cases the cutscene textures in TOR aren't fantastic by today's standards, they're merely acceptable.


And they didn't say they are working on giving us cutscene textures. They are working on "improving graphical fidelity" which could mean bloody anything.

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So what we see now is what we get? This is 2012 and thats that? Yet another reason why I wont be renewing my sub after the 30 days has ended.



I just hit 50. Thats what I was aiming for before I closed my account. I just contacted customer support and they said if you cancel your sub your character will not be deleted. So here I go, canceling until they fix this issue. Once they do, Ill be back. Good hunting peeps. And NO I am not trying to troll....Just sharing what I am doing. You guy's evaluate the game yourselves and make your own informed decision.


Thanks all!

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Even Rift looked better than this. Alot better.


I'm calling you on this.


I have really good vision and don't see a distinguishable difference between the two games outside of artistic style and thats WITH swtor's current texture disparity. As a matter of fact, I think that even LOTRO's graphics are every bit as good as Rift's. Rift's graphics are often overrated.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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In comparison to single player games and other genres of multiplayer online games, MMOs have much higher variability in the number of characters that can be potentially rendered on-screen at the same time. In MMOs, even though most of the time you'll see a relatively small number of characters on screen, there are certain situations in which many more characters will be seen. Some examples of these situations include popular gathering places in-game (in our case, the two fleets), Operations with large teams, and Warzones. In those scenarios the client (and your PC) has to work hard to show off a lot of characters on-screen.

I just wondered if it was programmatically possible to just have high res textures outside of cinematics for your character only, so it doesn't lag in the fleet/flashpoints.

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W"Improved graphical fidelity" is weasel wording. I'm sorry that you can't recognize that.
I'm sorry you are a conspiracy theorist.


Graphical Fidelity, which means the level of detail involved in the graphics themselves, is not weasel wording but it is a customer service answer. When someone says "We are sorry you are not enjoying the product" it isn't meant to be fake. People in companies don't largely make things to fail, now people might assume that the big bad entity does but the actual people on these projects are people. As a person their views and perspectives don't always match up with everyone elses. It is even the same for Blizzard when they release a major content update, then discover someone is exploiting it because they didn't think people would use it that way.

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"Improved graphical fidelity" doesn't mean "high resolution textures outside of cutscenes".


He was very careful to promise only general graphical improvements, instead of the thing we actually want.


Any improvement is a good thing, but Bioware could deliver pretty much any graphical improvement - HDR lighting, shinier but still blurry textures - and still claim they are improving graphical fidelity just like they said they would.

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Well now you can QQ about what his wording exactly means. Have fun lol.


Some people will argue and QQ no matter what.


Please feel free to read all teh posts that were created after the PR rep made his comment.


It's one of the reasons these threads are still going. He did not once state that they're bringing back the High Res textures for gameplay. Only that they're looking at improving the visual fedility. Which could in the end barely be any upgrade at all.


It's all just pr spin to try and quell the unhappy customers and news sights that have commented on the texture issue.

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Where does he say that? I don't see him say that, anywhere.


"Improved graphical fidelity" is weasel wording. I'm sorry that you can't recognize that.


Lie moar plox..


The words improved and graphical are self explanitory. Fidelity in the context it was used means reproduced in high detail and accuracy with little distortion. Thats way more specific than saying "working on improving graphics." Read a book maybe?

Edited by Vlaxitov
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It's one of the reasons these threads are still going. He did not once state that they're bringing back the High Res textures for gameplay. Only that they're looking at improving the visual fidelity. Which could in the end barely be any upgrade at all.


It's all just pr spin to try and quell the unhappy customers and news sights that have commented on the texture issue.

It could be. It could also be redoing the textures or engine to where it is an upgrade. So the complaint isn't that they are going to improve graphics at all? It is that you don't have High Res now.


The threads are still going because people like you keep responding (its the same people responding over and over again) and people like me respond back (same group also responding back). It is a circular discussion of nothing but opinions, conspiracy and more opinions as people try to determine what exactly was said or that they are doing. Even my posts are an opinion.


The fact is they have given an answer. So everyone is going to have to wait to see what that entails. As long as their is improvement and continued improvement then everything is going in the right direction.


Sidenote: Not all High res textures are really that good. The majority of the ones being compared are low end armor comparing to higher end WoW armor. Your character screen is in high res and the movies are in high res, however half the textures themselves just aren't that good. Now some other armor pieces are, just depends on what you are looking at.

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Lie moar plox..


The words improved and graphical are self explanitory. Fidelity in the context it was used means reproduced in high detail and accuracy with little distortion. Thats way more specific than saying "working on improving graphics." Read a book maybe?


I'm not lying. He never, not once, ever said anything remotely close to "we're working to get high resolution/cutscene textures back in normal gameplay."


Not once.


"Improved graphical fidelity" does mean "better graphics" -- I never argued that.


What I will argue is this:


Say we're playing at 50% texture compression right now.

49% texture compression is "improved graphical fidelity."


We're saying: "We saw these textures in beta, we see them still in press release screenshots and videos, we want these textures."


BioWare response: "Those textures aren't possible because this is a MMO, but in 1.2 the game will look less bad."


That's miles of difference. Miles.

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Lie moar plox..
Yeah what they are upset about is they didn't get "We will make High Res textures available". Because that is all they are looking at. They are there, so they should be able to use them. The reason they didn't say that, because ultimately the fix may not be that simple. Optimization could require them redoing parts of the engine and the graphics entirely to make them better. But if he they said the above, then people would make more posts about lies because that is what they said. They want to nitpick.


Now those that really care, just want them to improve the game and that does include improve the quality of the graphics. *cough* "graphical fidelity" ... oh wait I don't think they really care afterall since its all big corporate, lies to them and all an conspiracy.

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It's one of the reasons these threads are still going. He did not once state that they're bringing back the High Res textures for gameplay. Only that they're looking at improving the visual fedility. Which could in the end barely be any upgrade at all.


No thats not what the statement meant at all and some of you need to work on a deeper understanding of the english language.


Improving the visual fidelity means reproducing images more accurately. In otherwords, making it look more like the original high res textures for gameplay. Its sooo simple...

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What I will argue is this:


Say we're playing at 50% texture compression right now.

49% texture compression is "improved graphical fidelity."


We're saying: "We saw these textures in beta, we see them still in press release screenshots and videos, we want these textures."


BioWare response: "Those textures aren't possible because this is a MMO, but in 1.2 the game will look less bad."


That's miles of difference. Miles.


Yes, your argument is miles away from what we're hoping for. However, you have provided no proof for your argument.


Have you heard of Russell's teapot?

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