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If Operatives were not a problem


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No one would be posting ONLY about Operatives but other classes. I have sat here for about 20 minutes reading the first 5 pages of threads and the only class I see people having complaints about being OP is the Operative. Obviously if its more then one person saying something about it, something must be partially true. I personally get 1 shotted from Operatives on my Sith Assassin and only last a few seconds on my Bounty Hunter Merc.


I tried to not jump on the band wagon about "Oh OPS are way too OP" but after tonight's results in PVP I have finally gave in, I'm sorry but Operatives need something adjusted.

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Lol if you get one shotted you must be running around naked. No one can do 12k dmg in one hit. Also if you are lvl 50 and dont have atleast 14k hp something is wrong with your gear. You now have lost all credibility.



So I am assuming the youtube videos which even show Operatives critting over 15k are doctored?

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The only thing I don't like about Operatives is the fact I can get stunned from the start of the fight down to 40% hp, mind you I have 7% dmg reduce on everything ontop of 20% reduce dmg when I'm stunned(only reason I survive). Then when I actually do start fighting them and have dots on them messing them up, they just vanish and get away. Even with putting a sealth scan down quick because I have it binded to a convient key.


The Shadow/Assassin Class this fits into, but giving sucha thing to Ops was just to much.

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I want to see this video. Please post.


If you cannot use a search function on a website I honestly feel terribly sorry for you. As for making my thread valid, I need not to prove myself to you; if you had the slightest bit of intelligence you for yourself could see all the multiple threads posted about the current problem dealing with Operatives. Nice troll attempt 3/10

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No one would be posting ONLY about Operatives but other classes. I have sat here for about 20 minutes reading the first 5 pages of threads and the only class I see people having complaints about being OP is the Operative. Obviously if its more then one person saying something about it, something must be partially true. I personally get 1 shotted from Operatives on my Sith Assassin and only last a few seconds on my Bounty Hunter Merc.


I tried to not jump on the band wagon about "Oh OPS are way too OP" but after tonight's results in PVP I have finally gave in, I'm sorry but Operatives need something adjusted.


So why aren't there just as many scoundrel posts when they are a mirror'd class? It's all the rebels being crybabies.


2 cents.




I think all the crying in general is a joke, if Ops/Scoundrels didn't have stealth you wouldn't notice the dmg. The thing that people hate is the being knocked down and unable to do anything if their escape is on CD.


I have a Merc and an Op, if Ops burst dps gets nerfed the class will be unplayable, they are insanely squishy with no sustainable dps capability, it's all opener burst dps.


What needs to be addressed and is being fixed in the next patch is the adrenals stacking with pvp adrenals etc.


Also a lot of the crying seems to be coming from pre-50's who are ungeared. I can tell you I don't have much problem dealing with Scoundrels / Ops on my champ geared merc, but maybe every single one I've ever fought sucks more than the ones everyone else seems to be crying about lol. -shrug

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The only thing I don't like about Operatives is the fact I can get stunned from the start of the fight down to 40% hp, mind you I have 7% dmg reduce on everything ontop of 20% reduce dmg when I'm stunned(only reason I survive). Then when I actually do start fighting them and have dots on them messing them up, they just vanish and get away. Even with putting a sealth scan down quick because I have it binded to a convient key.


The Shadow/Assassin Class this fits into, but giving sucha thing to Ops was just to much.


I agree with you, I personally think if they brought he Operatives down to par with the Shadow/Assassin it would be perfect. The Shadow/Assassin are lethal but not ridiculous like the current Operative.

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So I am assuming the youtube videos which even show Operatives critting over 15k are doctored?


exxageration much? I've seen one video of an Op doing 10k and the video is old, I.E. pre launch, you can tell because when he shows his talent trees they are in the wrong order (from left to right) and the abilities are not in the correct spots on the tree. That is old footage sorry to say.


Also the skill tree names were changed at launch, his video lists them as "concealment / medic / lethality"


If you roll an Operative they are from left to right "Medicine / Concealment / Lethality".


Old footage from someone on the nerf bandwagon.

Edited by dwgagner
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If you cannot use a search function on a website I honestly feel terribly sorry for you. As for making my thread valid, I need not to prove myself to you; if you had the slightest bit of intelligence you for yourself could see all the multiple threads posted about the current problem dealing with Operatives. Nice troll attempt 3/10


The burden of proof lies on you.


I can't find any videos where the operative hits for even half that much.

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The burden of proof lies on you.


I can't find any videos where the operative hits for even half that much.



I would expect someone to defend their class. All I have to say is look through all the threads in the PVP forums and find just 1 thread complaining about a class that is not OPS and i'll admit I was in the wrong and I should shut my mouth; until then please look at this with an open mind instead of jumping on a person about an opinion shared by the majority.

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If you cannot use a search function on a website I honestly feel terribly sorry for you. As for making my thread valid, I need not to prove myself to you; if you had the slightest bit of intelligence you for yourself could see all the multiple threads posted about the current problem dealing with Operatives. Nice troll attempt 3/10


You're pathetic, insulting people calling you out on your lie. Post a vid or a screenshot of an Op/Scoundrel dealing 15k in one hit and I believe you. Of course, I know that doesn't exist, so I'm intrested in hearing what you have to say to defend yourself.

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The only thing I don't like about Operatives is the fact I can get stunned from the start of the fight down to 40% hp, mind you I have 7% dmg reduce on everything ontop of 20% reduce dmg when I'm stunned(only reason I survive). Then when I actually do start fighting them and have dots on them messing them up, they just vanish and get away. Even with putting a sealth scan down quick because I have it binded to a convient key.


Are you sure that talent affects the knock-down? I'm not sure it does.

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I could of swore it was posted on here about a day or 2 ago of Ops hitting 10k easy.


Yep, I've seen 10k from an Op myself. But 15k is quite a stretch, I've not seen anything even close to that, not even from an über geared lvl 50 with every possible buff vs a lvl 10.

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If you cannot use a search function on a website I honestly feel terribly sorry for you. As for making my thread valid, I need not to prove myself to you; if you had the slightest bit of intelligence you for yourself could see all the multiple threads posted about the current problem dealing with Operatives. Nice troll attempt 3/10




Listen, Operatives/Scoundrels have high burst dps out of stealth for a reason. They are not any good after their initial burst. Though I do think that separating their knockdown opener from their burst to make them two different skills would be good, they really dont need many other changes.


They are the easiest melee to kite and they cannot stay toe-to-toe in battle or they will die. People need to chill the **** out for the time being. If you are a level 20 getting ***** by a level 50 operative in full pvp gear, good, you should be getting killed by them. They are probably a much better player than you and have expertise to back them up.


The problem with people is that they have a blame the game first mentality. Everyone thinks they are a great player, when in reality, most people PvPing right now are terrible at this game. They would rather say that something is wrong with the game than something is wrong with how they play. As I said before, the knockdown and burst opener being the same ability is not right, the player should have to choose between control and damage, but other than that I think Operatives/Scoundrels are okay for the time being.


Once most people are 50, and geared out in PvP, then we can see what classes need to be changed. But right now people are level 20 getting killed by 50 Operatives then crying on the forums about it. These are the people that expect to be able to kill another player as easily as they do a mob. These are the people that dont know what balance is, who just dont like it when they get killed in warzones.

Edited by Qishari
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No one would be posting ONLY about Operatives but other classes. I have sat here for about 20 minutes reading the first 5 pages of threads and the only class I see people having complaints about being OP is the Operative. Obviously if its more then one person saying something about it, something must be partially true. I personally get 1 shotted from Operatives on my Sith Assassin and only last a few seconds on my Bounty Hunter Merc.


I tried to not jump on the band wagon about "Oh OPS are way too OP" but after tonight's results in PVP I have finally gave in, I'm sorry but Operatives need something adjusted.


the problem is the memory imprint of you being on your face helpless vs you getting killed in under 10 seconds by a sorc bzzz bzzzzzzz for the same damage from 30 meters


the imprint is different, you died more to another class then to a op/scoun


here watch these video:







i think these threads are ridiculous i dont even want to elaborate why and if op/scoun gets nerfed they might as well delete the class unless everyone wants to play the healer spec.


the healer spec is good in pve , but lacks in pvp , since they are the only healer with no ability that counters skill interupts, do not have a bubble, and their stealth is a joke, the 3 min cooldown that gets countered by all the ae , knockbacks and dots flying around...


there has been so many wrongs in so many threads , skill spams that dont happen and cant happen, since ops/scoun have skill delays over 6 and 9 seconds.


they need shiv to land to gain tactical advantage to do another skill they rely on stealth opener, other stealthers do not... etc etc.


anyways feast your eyes on the videos and be amazed... and those are against mostly 50 s.

Edited by naniyo
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You've kinda made your own bed here. See, the operatives have a mirror class named the Scoundrel. The Scoundrel can do exactly what the operative can do with a cowboy hat.


As you pointed out there are tons and tons of nerf OP threads. There are far fewer nerf scoundrel threads. Which shouldn't make sense right? Because their identical. So I propose to you a second explanation for this.


Republic players whine like 6 year old girls that don't get to go over to sallys birthday party because they weren't invited. =)


Get 50. Get all your pvp gear. Then when you get hit for 15k (Which you won't) use your tiny rep brain and realize consumable stacking is the issue. =)

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Pretty sure once non-PvP consumables are forbidden from Warzones the complaints will drop.


Once theres a level 50 bracket the complaints will drop, Ill bet that 80% of the complaints at the moment are from low level players that get ***** in 1 stun by geared scoundrels.

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Once theres a level 50 bracket the complaints will drop, Ill bet that 80% of the complaints at the moment are from low level players that get ***** in 1 stun by geared scoundrels.


Having a geared scoundrel open up on you can be very alarming.


That burst up front is intimidating....but it's not like they can just continue with that kind of burst indefinitely. They have cooldowns to manage and their resource to conserve. :]


As for the OP.....I don't agree with the logic that something must be true because everyone says it's true. That is silly. If you feel that something is OP, provide specific examples to support your argument.

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