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10 Good
  1. Kiyasu

    Slippery Slope

    A) Customer service is not interceding. Bioware development as a whole is. B) The definition of combat is "Combat, or fighting, is a purposeful violent conflict meant to establish dominance over the opposition" getting camped in a manner in which it is evidently impossible to fight back doesn't really meet that criteria. Granted neither does griefing lowbies for the most part but that is a small scale and remote event. The game is designed to discourage that with size alone. But similar behavior on a large scale is not the same. A bully punching a kid is bad. A large group of bullies beating much smaller children mercilessly for hours is criminal.
  2. Kiyasu

    Slippery Slope

    Now they were neither exploiting nor cheating. They were abusing. Not a synonymous statement. There was no glitch to exploit or cheat. Trust me if that was the case we'd see alot more drastic wording from Bioware.
  3. Kiyasu

    Slippery Slope

    Funny. I read that agreement several times. I no part did I find a statement about Bioware not interceding. So they break nothing. EULA>Your misconceptions about what it means to be in a pvp server. If 400 sith camp 50 republic then Bioware has little choice other than to intercede. making an example of a few jerks is a better system then trying to balance a game around unbalanced populations. That's almost impossible and would break the few servers that are balanced. You'd practically implode the game. If Bioware purged every griefing pvp jerk that's a very very minor percent of the total population. Don't try to make those that world pvp into a more important group. Their a minority group inside of a minority group. I personally love world pvp but I also recognize if Bioware doesn't act there will be no one to pvp against.
  4. Implying the two classes should be balanced against each other because they both happen to have stealth. You have a pushback. They dont You can get a force grip. They cant. You can have a ranged root. They can't. (since we're all only talking about concealment since lethality is **** ) You can have an aoe snare (not great but hey). They can't You can taunt, aoe taunt, and guard. They cannot. You can be in tank stance, have good survivability, and still do significant dps. They have one glass cannon dps spec with very minimal survivability beyond vanish (Which you have) You have sprint just in case you decided not to take force grip. your cd for a 30m force lightning is down. Your vanish is down. you can still get in range for a snare. For an operative if vanish is on cd and the target is farther than 10m GG. You're also a stealth class so it's far from certain that they can get the drop on you. If your a stealth class jumped on from out of stealth you're already at a larger disadvantage than a non stealth class for the most part. You jump on them. They vanish. You aoe or put up a tank cd. GG. I'm not saying Assassins are overpowered at all. I love my harnessed shadows Shadow. I think their in a fantastic state balance wise. They certainly do not need a buff.
  5. Kiyasu

    Slippery Slope

    Bioware admitted they made mistakes. Now those that took advantage of a bad situation need to man up and realize they can't keep their ill gotten gains. And implying Bioware has opened a pandoras box is rather.... Silly. you know the EULA right? It's all their **** on their servers. They can change whatever they want whenever they want there is no such thing as a "precedent" to be set. This isn't court.
  6. You have a tank tree. And your much harder to escape. More utility + survi = less damage output. I run a harnessed shadows build for pvp and I definitely would feel op with mmore damage + all the tools I get.
  7. Kiyasu

    Slippery Slope

    Fact. What happened after the patch was not what the developers desired. Fact. Everyone knew that they were getting a larger sum of valor than could possibly be intended. Fact. On my servers the Republic simply had an almost zero percent change to fight back. Fact. Bioware acknowledged that this was a mistake and that some people benefited greatly from an unbalanced system. Fact. Bioware already stated no roll backs and not even a roll back for everyone involved in Ilum. Fact. If you camped Ilum for 8 hours with your snickering guildmates your the same kind of jerk that abuses guard and the acid pit in Huttball then blames either the side your camping or Bioware for your knowing ABUSE of a system. Fact. Only players that abused the system will be affected. If you gained more valor that day then the last 2 weeks you should expect to have Bio come knocking. Opinion. I don't feel like any of the rewards were "worked for" or "gained". spamming AoEs for 8 hours doesn't constitute a rewardable behavior nor does constantly demolishing a far outnumbered enemy. Opinion. I agree it was Biowares fault and it negatively affected whichever group was outnumbered badly. However I doubt many people that in many views abused the short term mega imbalance complained. I doubt that while those people were camping they were also filling in tickets or posting on the forums. Since it was Biowares fault Bioware has decided on a fix. The small group of players that caused so much grief for their opposite faction should not gain greatly from that. They broke it and now they fixed it. If a cash truck accidently crashes it's the drivers fault. But if you walk away with a wad of bills their gonna come for it. Opinion. If they were to simply fix the issue and not look at the players that benefited greatly they would set a terrible precedent. It would be "Hey have you noticed that X new system implemented has a terrible imbalance? Lets abuse the **** out of that and nothing bad will come". Please take note that I used the word "abused" and not the word "exploited". Simply because what they technically did was "legal" (for our intents and purposes. best word I could find) doesn't mean it was right nor does it mean Bioware has to sit with their thumbs up their asses till the fix it and then lets the abusers off with a naughty finger wave.
  8. implying warzones are a fair estimate of overall population? Ops are a fairly rare class however I would wager those that are drawn to ops or more likely to be of the pvp mindset than other class groups. And you may find that more skilled pvpers are also drawnt to ops which might further exacerbate the QQ issues (though the skilled idea is pure conjecture and I do not have any supporting evidence. Hell I play a Powertech. )
  9. Started reading. Read the word "stunlock' immediately knew that op has no idea what their talking about. A 3 seconds stun that maxes resolve to white is faaaaar from a stunlock. Which requires more than one stun in rapid pacing to be considered as such. Multiple fixes in patch 1.1 are excellent. *looks at Ilum one day after patch 1.1* Suuuuuuure they are buddy. Sure. Want a cookie?
  10. I will say 8 seconds of snare/pushback immunity and a 30% movement speed increase on a 30 second timer is hardly minor.
  11. ^^^^ Hence why I think my change could really help it! Anyone have a direct opinion on my change?
  12. Don't get me wrong I like the utility alot. But viewing it as a pure utility spec isn't how I view it. I view it as a dps spec with a nice set of tools to manage its close range style personally.
  13. An AP fix I just thought of. Basically. AP doesn't really have heat management issues at all as long as your careful even just a bit. And the free rocket punches are nice but their not really a dps increase since heat isnt our primary issue and it doesnt refresh the CD. So make the talent that makes it free instead make it cost but remove its existing cd and either A) make it crit (or increase crit chance by like 50% idk) B) make the next rocket punch not set off the cd. It's not a masssive buff since the rocket punch will cost heat and we still kinda have 2 pay attention. (so if it is the proc one that ignores the cd we cant spam them) and I really feel like this is a cool way to fix the spec that makes it feel more meleeish and dynamic. Of course the easiest way is still just buff our cylinder but thats kinda lame. I mainly pvp so idk how this would affect pve but I hear my pve AP brothers arent competitive with pyro either. I love AP overall. I think its a fun spec and while I know most pvpers dont like the flamethrower buff when you do get it off it is pretty awesome if rare (epic voidstar move). I'm just not a fan of a heavy RNG resource system like Pyro and I *********** love all my ap tools. ( ily ret blades 15 second dot ) What do yall think?
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