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People who ninja for their companions


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It seems like a lot of people in this thread are rolling need for their companions~


It's rude, and saying "my companion is part of my character" is an excuse. You have

companions for basically every stat - why not just need on everything, then?

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Man, don't need on items for companions without clearing it with the rest of the group first. It trashes your rep, and it's not worth it. You're only going to use your companions in solo PvE play; the thing you need those epics for is PvP and ops. Companions get gear with their name on it from quest rewards, and that's pretty much good enough, since you get a decent level-appropriate set on each world. Needing for your companion just pisses people off.
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It seems like a lot of people in this thread are rolling need for their companions~


It's rude, and saying "my companion is part of my character" is an excuse. You have

companions for basically every stat - why not just need on everything, then?


My companion is part of my character and I will roll need until something better is developed. Get used to it.

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It's not a ninja if he can use it including the companion. Companions are part of the game so you might want to just get used to that fact. I know I won't hesitate even for a second to need on a item for my companions.


It's a ninja. Players like you i do not want to play with.

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Ok, why don't you post your character name and server so that we can all see your healer do this without getting blacklisted? You can also take screenshots and post them here so that we have proof that people on your server don't care if you roll Need on every item. Make sure to post screens with different people in each group you run content with.


Oh trust me, when I'm done with the experiment I plan to blog/post all of the details.




You can feel free to blacklist me now if you'd like though. You'll be the first.

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It does seem to have been a complete oversight on BWs part when it comes to gear.


Ideally they'd have allowed need only for the player and greed for companions. But they seem to prefer this free for all that anyone can need absolutely anything and sod the consquences. Lets face it everyone can basically claim need on any item because it's bound to be right for one of the many companions.

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I'm willing to bet that if you spent an enormous amount of time to farm a "best-in-slot" weapon for your main character, and someone won the role just for their companion, you're not going to be too happy about it.


I don't think you're using those words properly. If you're spending time farming a weapon, you're not losing rolls to anything.

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Oh trust me, when I'm done with the experiment I plan to blog/post all of the details.




You can feel free to blacklist me now if you'd like though. You'll be the first.

Don't assume that I will make generalizations like you do. Personally, I don't care if someone rolls need for their companions as long as A) no other PLAYERS in the group need the item and B) that someone discussed it with us before the run started.


I do look forward to seeing all of your details. Again: it has to be in runs where you are in groups with different players each time. Also, I would like to see the details soon (within the next week or 2), rather than 1 year or so, when you can filter out the 2 times you weren't blacklisted from the hundreds of runs you go on.

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It's a ninja. Players like you i do not want to play with.


No it's not and I'm glad. People who feel they deserve the loot just because it's a "main" or their "character" are the truly selfish ones. My companion needs the item so I will roll need on the item.

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It would be nice if companion gear simply scaled with the player's equipped items, or if they just introduced companion only gear. I like this game a lot, but the whole companion thing sucks, imo. It would be somewhat better, imo, if we could at least rename the things or have more control over their appearance.


But, again imo, virtually everything about companions stink.

Edited by Shortwave
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Don't assume that I will make generalizations like you do. Personally, I don't care if someone rolls need for their companions as long as A) no other PLAYERS in the group need the item and B) that someone discussed it with us before the run started.


I do look forward to seeing all of your details. Again: it has to be in runs where you are in groups with different players each time. Also, I would like to see the details soon (within the next week or 2), rather than 1 year or so, when you can filter out the 2 times you weren't blacklisted from the hundreds of runs you go on.


Nobody's blacklisted me yet. The experiment is taking place still. It's got to continue on through raid content though, so that probably won't happen in the next two weeks. Especially since there's a new raid coming in 4 days or so.

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All I ask is one simple thing. If you plan on rolling need for companions say so to the group up front. It's only a problem for me if I've been rolling greed on good items during the run and then have someone do the companion roll thing without warning. Warning people in advance makes it not ninja.
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No it's not and I'm glad. People who feel they deserve the loot just because it's a "main" or their "character" are the truly selfish ones. My companion needs the item so I will roll need on the item.


"My NPC pet needs the gear, how can be you be so selfish as to roll need for your actual character?!"


You silly goose.

Edited by Kuvi
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All I ask is one simple thing. If you plan on rolling need for companions say so to the group up front. It's only a problem for me if I've been rolling greed on good items during the run and then have someone do the companion roll thing without warning. Warning people in advance makes it not ninja.


How many groups do you think he would get saying im rolling need for gear for my companion though to be honest I'd bet 0.

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No it's not and I'm glad. People who feel they deserve the loot just because it's a "main" or their "character" are the truly selfish ones. My companion needs the item so I will roll need on the item.


Obvious new player to MMO's. And if you played WoW let me guess, you were a caster dps who rolled on healer gear because it was your offspec. Selfish player is selfish. Do you really need your companion geared? You dont take them on flashpoints, operations, or PVP and questing is easy enough as it is. I got to 50 with my companion only using the greens that i got from questing.


With the amount of companions you get, are you just going to roll need on every item that drops?

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On Tarris group of 16 level 32-37 take down ancient one world boss.


3 agents in group. A nice purple protype drops clearly meant for agents. All roll need.


A sith assasin also rolls need and wins, saying he needed it for his companion.





Was his companion involved in the battle that resulted in the loot drop? If so, that's fair and perfectly fine. If not, that's lame.


Heck, for all we know his companion character outperformed some of the player characters in your group.

Edited by Apax
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"My NPC pet needs the gear, how can be you be so selfish as to roll need for your actual character?!"


You silly goose.


Whatever, it's not against the rules to do so. I will keep doing it as I consider my companions part of my character.

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Gaah. Another one of these threads.


Ninjaing for companions is still ninjaing.


Need > Need for companion > Greed.


Simple and clean. Abide by this or be kicked from any group I'm in at least (well.... any where I have that power at least).


The best thing is always to talk before the run. I will not suffer ninjas, so if the loot rules are clear before the run, no one needs to throw a fit. I'm sure those of you who think that this type of behavior is acceptable don't want me in your group any more than I want to be there anyway ;).


I try to be a nice guy. But ninja looting is ninja looting.

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On Tarris group of 16 level 32-37 take down ancient one world boss.


3 agents in group. A nice purple protype drops clearly meant for agents. All roll need.


A sith assasin also rolls need and wins, saying he needed it for his companion.




So you're unhappy that the random roll didn't go your way, I see....
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No it's not and I'm glad. People who feel they deserve the loot just because it's a "main" or their "character" are the truly selfish ones. My companion needs the item so I will roll need on the item.


People who roll need for their Mains, and their Main Specs are not selfish. This is because even knowing that they COULD roll on an item for an Alt, or for their Off Spec, they DON'T because they feel they should only gear the Mains (for everyone) first, in order to benefit them through more difficult content.


Those who don't care, or are selfish, only care about themselves. Therefore, regardless of consideration for others and disregard for team effort to progress, they will roll need on something that won't even benefit the content/encounter, at the same time, taking away from someone that could benefit the content/encounter.


Since Companions are not used in Raids, they offer no benefit to the content/encounter. Therefore, giving it to your companion over a main does not benefit the group. When your interest is to only benefit yourself and not the group, that is being SELFISH.

Edited by Paralassa
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People who roll need for their Mains, and their Main Specs are not selfish. This is because even knowing that they COULD roll on an item for an Alt, or for their Off Spec, they DON'T because they feel they should only gear the Mains (for everyone) first, in order to benefit them through more difficult content.


Those who don't care, or are selfish, only care about themselves. Therefore, regardless of consideration for others and disregard for team effort to progress, they will roll need on something that won't even benefit the content/encounter, at the same time, taking away from someone that could benefit the content/encounter.


Since Companions are not used in Raids, they offer no benefit to the content/encounter. Therefore, giving it to your companion over a main does not benefit the group. When your interest is to only benefit yourself and not the group, that is being SELFISH.

Well said, my friend.

Edited by Paralassa
rude quote
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