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People who ninja for their companions


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If they add a Cross-Server LFG tool: I'll be needing on everything, regardless if my companion needs it.


If there is no community, there is no community.


I agree. Group content is going to ruin the community. Its for the best to build the community upon spam in general chat.

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Eh, I play with random people; I very rarely run into anything like this. And when I do run into it, I don't get upset about it, because I don't have an assumption that I'm entitled to gear just because the numbers are favorable for the class I've picked.


Really, if you're getting upset by it, you need to deal with your entitlement issues.


Who has an entitlement issue, the person who will pass on items that another player can use and expect the same courtesy in return, or the person who wants everything?


Personally I agree with the argument that a player who needs on everything is entitled to do so as he pays his subscription, just as I believe other players are entitled to kick for it, or leave a group when people do it and blacklist them.


Anyone else getting tired of hearing claims of entitlement issues left, right and centre? It's the new internet buzz phrase.

Edited by johnhughthom
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Who has an entitlement issue, the person who will pass on items that another player can use and expect the same courtesy in return, or the person who wants everything?
Whichever one of them feels entitled to the gear because of some arbitrary condition (ie, it matches the stats that he likes, for example).


In your example, I'd say that the former clearly does, the latter may or may not (not enough info).


Edit: "the person who will pass on items that another player can use" isn't really accurate; the correct version would be something like "person X who will pass on items that another player can use in a way and/or for reasons that person X finds acceptable"


Anyone else getting tired of hearing claims of entitlement issues left right and centre?
Well, that's a lot of what this comes down to, so it's going to get mentioned; the idea of "I'm entitled to X because it matches Y criteria, so it's wrong of you to roll against me for it" is what NBG is all about.


Personally, I don't care what other people roll on; it doesn't bother me if I don't win the stuff I want, since I don't think that I'm entitled to it until I've won the roll.


If more people could get rid of their entitlement issues, we'd stop seeing these threads so often.

Edited by ferroz
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It's the generation that's coming up the pipe right now. Generation E(ntitlement)


I'm obviously completely out of touch with the new generation, I would have thought it meant somebody feeling they were entitled to something just because "it's me", from my reading of most claims, it seems to mean "you have a different opinion from me, so now I'm going to use a clever sounding phrase to demean you".

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It's not a ninja if he can use it including the companion. Companions are part of the game so you might want to just get used to that fact. I know I won't hesitate even for a second to need on a item for my companions.


Oh wow.. Thats not exactly being polite is it? If we really wanted to go down that path everyone could need on everything since we few companions.


Use your brains for christ sake, i guess im just lucky but i havent seen even 1 person rolling need on companion gear on purpose so far.. You know why? Because they dont want to be *******es like you.


Its no different than needing for an alt.

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Oh wow.. Thats not exactly being polite is it?
Why isn't it polite? He has a use for the item; he's going to equip it in a way that benefits his character.


If we really wanted to go down that path everyone could need on everything since we few companions.


Not that it's true (since most, if not all, classes don't get all armor/stat types), but that doesn't actually bother me.


Its no different than needing for an alt.
No, it's totally different. Rolling for an alt does not, in any way, benefit the character that wins the roll. Rolling for a companion does indeed benefit the character that wins the roll.
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Why isn't it polite? He has a use for the item; he's going to equip it in a way that benefits his character.




Not that it's true (since most, if not all, classes don't get all armor/stat types), but that doesn't actually bother me.


No, it's totally different. Rolling for an alt does not, in any way, benefit the character that wins the roll. Rolling for a companion does indeed benefit the character that wins the roll.


How do you know if he is going to equip it? Or even use the companion he needs it for? There's no way to tell, some people just need because they can.


Besides, companions wont help you in any group content or battlegrounds = the major part of the game after levelling. So if you really cant gear your companion in any other way than needing stuff that other people have much more use for then its just sad.

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Need for main greed for comp/off spec.

Greedy people will roll need for a comp they never even use otherwise.

Now if only Bioware would institute master looter it can be prevented. Hopefully BW will put that in before cross server.


I've just had to resort to blacklisting anyone that does it after dropping group, I'm not gonna heal some greedy lil punk and support his journey to deny others loot... amazingly it's always useless dime a dozen dps classes. You can and will be replaced, make sure to call out in general chat as well. Eventually no one will group with em. :cool:

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I've just had to resort to blacklisting anyone that does it after dropping group, I'm not gonna heal some greedy lil punk and support his journey to deny others loot

That's a tried and true policy that works great...when it's same server.


However, with what appears to be so many people clamoring for Cross Server LFG , that policy matters very little in dissuading such behavior.

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Who has an entitlement issue, the person who will pass on items that another player can use and expect the same courtesy in return, or the person who wants everything?
I would say the person that expects other people to conform to their loot rules would be the one with entitlement issues. That person is choosing for everyone what loot is appropriate for them and what loot is not (those who disagree are "loot ninjas"). They consider that they have a right to certain loot.


I suspect the people that roll need on everything for the most part don't care how other people roll.


However, all that said, if specific loot rules are agreed to by everyone at the beginning of the group, then those are the rules that should be followed.

Edited by sjmc
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On Tarris group of 16 level 32-37 take down ancient one world boss.


3 agents in group. A nice purple protype drops clearly meant for agents. All roll need.


A sith assasin also rolls need and wins, saying he needed it for his companion.





If you unsubbed like you say in your sig, then why would you care?


Why do you care about taris level loot anyway? It will be good for what, four hours?

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I'd like the need button to be modified. When multiple people click need it should compare 1.if the person hitting it can use it. 2. If more than 1 player can use it, which one actually needs it more 3. Then if the companion can use it.


I personally have been lucky enough not to really experience this battle, and what few instances that an item HAS been taken has been inexeperience not any malice or greed. Of course another thing I'd like to see altered is drops that I can actually use. (and by this I mean drops that have nothing to do with anybody in the group) I can't say how many times my Assassin kills an enemy only to get medium armor, a sniper rifle, or some blaster. It's not even something I can give to my companion, all I can do is sell it or give it away.

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That's a tried and true policy that works great...when it's same server.


However, with what appears to be so many people clamoring for Cross Server LFG , that policy matters very little in dissuading such behavior.

And this is pretty much why the community in this game is worse than x-realm in WoW. People like you is just going to ninja everything that drops just because you can.


So its not the x-realm tool that is going ruin the community. Its the people who are against it who is the worst part of the community.

Edited by Marmerus
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I would say the person that expects other people to conform to their loot rules would be the one with entitlement issues. That person is choosing for everyone what loot is appropriate for them and what loot is not (those who disagree are "loot ninjas"). They consider that they have a right to certain loot.


No, they do not necessarily consider themselves to have the "right" to certain loot. Have we really reached a stage where expecting courtesy and good manners has become labelled "entitlement issues" and become a bad thing? I hit pass on something that another player can use, I would HOPE that they would have the courtesy and respect to do likewise. If they don't, I wouldn't make a big issue at the time, but I certainly wouldn't group with them again.

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How do you know if he is going to equip it? Or even use the companion he needs it for? There's no way to tell, some people just need because they can.
I'm not really sure what your point is. We're talking about people who need for their companions, not people who just need because they can. You said the former were being impolite.


Besides, companions wont help you in any group content or battlegrounds = the major part of the game after levelling.
No, it's useful in group content, say, heroics, or in some flash points (particularly while leveling).


for many people, companions are present in more content that they do than the opposite.


So if you really cant gear your companion in any other way than needing stuff that other people have much more use for then its just sad.
I notice you didn't actually defend how it was supposedly impolite at all; you just make vague assertions about it being a bad things to do.


Perhaps it's just not possible to defend that position?

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No, they do not necessarily consider themselves to have the "right" to certain loot. Have we really reached a stage where expecting courtesy and good manners has become labelled "entitlement issues" and become a bad thing?
You're not expecting courtesy and good manners. You're insisting that your loot priorities are the correct ones, and other people's are wrong. That's the opposite of courtesy and good manners.
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And this is pretty much why the community in this game is worse than x-realm in WoW. People like you is just going to ninja everything that drops just because you can.


So its not the x-realm tool that is going ruin the community. Its the people who are against it who is the worst part of the community.

My statement was for effect but if you took it literal, it served it's purpose too. I don't enjoy fighting the spam in general chat any more than you and see the need for an LFG system but I'm hoping it's same server.


If you believe the community is ruined by people opposing cross server LFG, I simply don't follow the logic.

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And this is pretty much why the community in this game is worse than x-realm in WoW.


You would have to play WoW in an insulated bubble to actually believe that.


The more likely story is you know that x-realm makes it worse but don't care as the pros outweight the cons for you personally and there definately is no community according to someone who thinks its all about them.

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You're not expecting courtesy and good manners. You're insisting that your loot priorities are the correct ones, and other people's are wrong. That's the opposite of courtesy and good manners.


I'm not insisting I'm correct and other people are wrong, I am saying I would HOPE that they have the same opinion on it as me, if not I would not make a big issue of it, I simply wouldn't group with them again. As I have said, I agree they have the right to need on whatever they want, just as I have the right not to group with them.

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I'm not insisting I'm correct and other people are wrong, I am saying I would HOPE that they have the same opinion on it as me, if not I would not make a big issue of it, I simply wouldn't group with them again.
Yes you are. By calling your loot priority "good manners" and "courtesy" and asserting that their loot priority does not fit in those categories, you're insisting that their loot priorities are wrong.


You pass on loot that you don't want and need on loot that you do want. They pass on loot that they don't want and need on loot that they do want. If you really just expect courtesy and good manners, without adding in your personal loot preferences as the correct loot priority then there's nothing discourteous or bad manners about needing for companions. Or appearance. Etc

Edited by ferroz
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It works exactly the same cross server s it does single server.

Saying so, doesn't mean so.


The probability I have of encountering the same group of people/person is incredibly slim with the tens of thousands of players in comparison to the same pool of players, likely in the hundreds, on a given server.


Same server: My guild tag, my legacy tag and my name in general can be shouted/messaged/spread across places like the Fleet...creating a fairly bad reputation.


X-Server: None of that is applicable as I'm completely free to prey upon unsuspecting people with my as*hattery ninjaness without warning or consequence.


One system has potential for severe consequence (especially since there isn't a renaming system) while the other has little to none in terms of consequences.


Exactly alike? I think not.

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