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People who ninja for their companions


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Your level 37.. the gear will be replaced in 2 hours tops.. WHO CARES?!?!?!


IMO you can not ninja gear if it's not end game gear it's going to be replaced....


Ninjaing is doing an ony raid, having the leader be silly enought to not make it master loot, instanly looting ony when she is killed and leaving. THAT IS NINJAing .. stealing level 35 gear.......................... he wasn't even stealing it his companion could use it....

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Easy solution to this: add a Need for Companion button to loot rolls. Need > Need for Companion > Greed/RE. Problem solved.


+1 to this. It would be the best mechanic imo.


But then greed wouldn't be necessary at all since everyone would just press "need for companion" if they can't use it themselves.


Best solution imo would be that you can't sell items that you need/need for companion (like you can't sell quest items) and that they become bound to you or your companion the same moment you loot them.

If you pressed greed on the other hand, you could sell that item at vendor as you would normally do


EDIT: If you can't sell it, it doesn't mean you can't destroy it... So even if you need on an item that you can't use it would just become a worthless trash item that you can just destroy

Edited by Strina
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As long as there are need and greed buttons - with NO OTHER rules behind them other than the players on discression....


.... this argument will NEVER EVER cease.


Just live with it the way it is... and deal with it when it "DOES" happen.


end of story.

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Yeah, if you're in a PUG, just make sure everyone agrees on loot rules before you go on a quest.


I think it's OK to need for your companion, but a lot of people don't, so just make sure to discuss it.


Not discussing this is about as smart as not discussing tank/healer/dps roles prior to leaving for the mission, so just make it part of the routine. That goes for both sides - don't assume everyone is playing by the same loot rules if they haven't been discussed.

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A companion is NOT an alt. Anyone with a lick of sense understands this.


Yes, have to agree 100% with this. The way this game's mechanics are set up, the companion is not like an "alt" of yourself. You and your companion(s) form a symbiotic relationship and therefore must be armored just like you - so rolling need on a companion is completely justified.


Even though this game mimics WoW in just about every way, this is NOT one of them :)

Edited by DarthSublimitas
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no, as need for companion will basically become the new greed.


Best solution imo would be that you can't sell items that you need/need for companion (like you can't sell quest items) and that they become bound to you or your companion the same moment you loot them. (you can always destroy that item and gain nothing by doing that)


If you pressed greed on the other hand, you could sell that item at vendor as you would normally do

Edited by Strina
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If they wanted companion-only equipment they would have included it.


They did include companion only equipment. Some gear you get can ONLY be equiped by a specific companion, and your companion performs perfectly fine all the way to 50 even with outdated gear, you dont need purples on them. That's just ridiculous.


Ppl just use the companion excuse because deep down, they would take the item anyway, just because they're trolls. There are the occasional noobs who don't realize companion gear is pretty useless and think they need it to level, when you don't. So those newbies are the ones we are trying to educate.

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Companions are part of the game and are still used at 50 for, say, dailies. Gering them is the sensible option. I'm not saying you should gear all of them, but the one you need for your dailies certainly is a valid reason. I've been gearing Khem Val and Talos Drellik as a DPS assassin so I'm covered for my solo missions.


I don't care if some of you think that you can need for your companions, I will just continue adding you to my ignore list and never removing you.


You do realize that effects you on all of your characters on that server, right?


Since you're a nobody, who cares ?

Edited by Vaestmannaeyjar
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Companions are part of the game and are still used at 50 for, say, dailies. Gering them is the sensible option. I'm not saying you should gear all of them, but the one you need for your dailies certainly is a valid reason. I've been gearing Khem Val and Talos Drellik as a DPS assassin so I'm covered for my solo missions.




Since you're a nobody, who cares ?



Since you're a nobody, who cares? lol

Edited by daedalusmachine
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It's not a ninja if he can use it including the companion. Companions are part of the game so you might want to just get used to that fact. I know I won't hesitate even for a second to need on a item for my companions.


then you would be a ninja. players ALWAYS come before companions. Your companion cant be in four man flashpoints. So then why do you need something that comes from a place your companion cannot even set foot in?

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then you would be a ninja. players ALWAYS come before companions. Your companion cant be in four man flashpoints. ?



whose says players come before companions? is this BW rule i never heard of before or is this you pushing your gameplay opinions onto others?


And your compainion can bbe in four man flashpoints, i have taken my along with me. if there is only a total of 3 players, the 4th slot is filled by a companion.

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It's not a ninja if he can use it including the companion. Companions are part of the game so you might want to just get used to that fact. I know I won't hesitate even for a second to need on a item for my companions.


/epic facepalm

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Companions are part of the game and are still used at 50 for, say, dailies. Gering them is the sensible option. I'm not saying you should gear all of them, but the one you need for your dailies certainly is a valid reason. I've been gearing Khem Val and Talos Drellik as a DPS assassin so I'm covered for my solo missions.




Since you're a nobody, who cares ?




You can GEAR your companion perfectly fine without NINJAing LOOT from other players. This is not a difficult concept. This is why I am led to believe by your answer that you care very little for those around you and how your actions affect them.


I really despise ninjas.

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People use the term "ninja" in an inaccurate fashion because it's an emotionally charged word in MMO circles, and will get them a response.


Did you help down the boss that dropped it? You aren't a ninja for rolling for it.

Can you equip it as an upgrade? Roll Need on it.

Can your companion equip it as an upgrade? Roll Need on it.

Are you going to vendor it/put it on the GTN/give it to a guild mate/friend? Roll Greed on it.


That wasn't so hard, was it?

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whose says players come before companions? is this BW rule i never heard of before or is this you pushing your gameplay opinions onto others?


And your compainion can bbe in four man flashpoints, i have taken my along with me. if there is only a total of 3 players, the 4th slot is filled by a companion.



It's generally accepted as CONSIDERATE. It's called common sense and decency. If that is not something that is important to your GAMEPLAY, then by all means, continue to roll NEED against other players so your companion can be GEARED properly for you to do dailies.

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You can GEAR your companion perfectly fine without NINJAing LOOT from other players. This is not a difficult concept. This is why I am led to believe by your answer that you care very little for those around you and how your actions affect them.


I really despise ninjas.


when will people understand it is not ninja looting if you win the roll. It's not like said player is gaining a advantage over someone else rolling need. they all have the same chances to win. Ninja looting is taking something you are not entitled to, well if you helped kill said boss your are entitled to what drops companion or not just as much as the other people are.

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whose says players come before companions? is this BW rule i never heard of before or is this you pushing your gameplay opinions onto others?


And your compainion can bbe in four man flashpoints, i have taken my along with me. if there is only a total of 3 players, the 4th slot is filled by a companion.


Common sense and universal rule. Don't need on a companion unless you ask first. Players > companions. Arguing anything otherwise for general PUGS is dumb.

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Common sense and universal rule. Don't need on a companion unless you ask first. Players > companions. Arguing anything otherwise for general PUGS is dumb.


Common sense and universal rule according to whom? Show me where this rule was established and where we were all forced to obey it? Did BioWare say it? They're the only authority in this game.


Oh, you just mean it's what you and other players who agree with you want. That isn't a rule.

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It's generally accepted as CONSIDERATE. It's called common sense and decency. If that is not something that is important to your GAMEPLAY, then by all means, continue to roll NEED against other players so your companion can be GEARED properly for you to do dailies.


yes it was generally accepted as considerate in past mmos, but the content in those past mmos was not based or designed around having a companion to run with in all but pvp. NEW game, NEW design, NEW way of thinking. Companions are an extension of my character and thus if said companion needs something then my character needs it to help advance.

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Common sense and universal rule. Don't need on a companion unless you ask first. Players > companions. Arguing anything otherwise for general PUGS is dumb.


no it should be the other way around, game mechanics allows me to make my own decision and judgement if it was deemed otherwise the game would not allow it, so if group does not want soemone to roll for companion they need to make said group aware of it, so those that want to can leave if they so chose.

Edited by Mr_Crueak
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when will people understand it is not ninja looting if you win the roll. It's not like said player is gaining a advantage over someone else rolling need. they all have the same chances to win. Ninja looting is taking something you are not entitled to, well if you helped kill said boss your are entitled to what drops companion or not just as much as the other people are.


when will people understand that a PLAYER is more entitled than a NON PLAYER NPC to a piece of gear? I really don't care how you wish to justify it in your own mind. Need vs. Greed is in place to give the people who can use the gear and will equip the gear a shot at it.


Players should always get priority. You should ALWAYS ask first if you want it for your companion.

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Common sense and universal rule according to whom? Show me where this rule was established and where we were all forced to obey it? Did BioWare say it? They're the only authority in this game.


Oh, you just mean it's what you and other players who agree with you want. That isn't a rule.


If you played this game anywhere past the first Flashpoint, you would know the correct answer. Needing on companions without asking/discussing with group is a noob move or an "I don't give a crap about others" move.


Enjoy doing Operations alone with your well equipped companion. You sure wont have many friends by stealing loot from other players.

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