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We badly need incentives for people to reroll republic


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So why not make a short "conversion" quest available (e.g. you get duped by the Empire and now repay them by turning coat) on servers for which people can sign up and after a rough server balance is achieved the quest stops to be available. I say "sign up" because that way whole guilds could convert and no one would be left behind.


Wouldnt mind that at all.

Also make Jedi knight battlemaster/champ/cent gear not look retarded.

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Throw out some of the bland republic class stories and start over with better ideas. Consular should be first. I couldn't even finish leveling my consular because the story was so bleh. He was level 46. I deleted him last night out of frustration and boredom. The Republic can't PVP and the story gave me no reason to continue with him. I played him from EGA, too.
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The core of my 400+ person guild would gladly go for the PvP.


Like I said earlier. More drastic solutions may be necessary. But those will take time and have a lot of other unintended consequences in terms of the story. You have to swap companions, track story progression and translate that over in some way, write a gear swap program, and all sorts of other stuff. Even if they decide to do it.


These suggestsions arn't intended to be a complete solution. But there is no reason for BW to be sitting around doing nothing for months when there are some easy ways they could at least START to address the problem.

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It's been gradually balancing out a bit more with time. Don't expect anything to be 50/50 and offering bonuses like that will only cause chaos, outrage, more unbalance or merely a temporary change. People will rush to level up their republics then go back to the imperials they wanted to play.


Another thing you're forgetting is that servers aren't all the same. You may just be unlucky enough to be on a heavily imperial dominant population server.

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You can tell based on the #50s, particularly geared 50s, in your warzone matches that the Republic needs help.


I don't believe for a millisecond that 53% win ratio propaganda we got served by BW the other week.


mmmm wouldn't those ratios include huttball?

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Where are you getting this info from?


Pick a server ask someone in imperial fleet how many there are, usually 500+ go to repub side maybe 120 maybe. From the most part most people are turned away from republic because the Armor sets look ridiclously stupid and whoever designed them should get a pink slip.

Edited by warkat
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The population imbalance is much too drastic right now. Why BW hasn't been on this from day one boggles my mind but there is no excuse for letting things fester any further. Well, no excuse except BW's hurt pride in admitting they screwed up badly.


Faction switches will probably ultimately be necessary but in the meantime there are some easy and obvious things that can be done in an hour or two of dev time:


1. Give a 15% exp/credit/valor bonus to republic on every server with unbalanced populations until the population balances out.


2. Put a character creation warning people have to click through explaining the unbalance and advising new players to roll republic on unbalanced servers.


More drastic intervention may be necessary anyhow but why not do what you can to use the carrot instead of the stick? Neither of those things are going to have dramatic, immediate effects but every single player who chooses to roll republic instead helps.


Unfortunately imbalanced factions (especially just 2 factions) are next to impossible to sort out. Seriously big game mmos to small time f2p, imbalance is never fixed I have yet to see anyone solve this issue.



Level incentives, pvp buffs, character creation restrictions, perks, special cash shop items, events, server merges etc all failed.


I do not know when TOR will be subjected to server merges but I'm confident they will, hah age of conan had so many merges they went down from a 2 page list to 3 measly servers (which are all dead btw), in the future.


Ask around and try to find a balanced server, if not another option @ this point is either join the herd or get together a group of friends and run premades w/ vent.

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Throw out some of the bland republic class stories and start over with better ideas. Consular should be first. I couldn't even finish leveling my consular because the story was so bleh. He was level 46. I deleted him last night out of frustration and boredom. The Republic can't PVP and the story gave me no reason to continue with him. I played him from EGA, too.


I pvped on my smuggler lastnight and we won 8/9 games against equally leveled and geared players. I queued solo. As for deleting your character... that's a bit extreme... It's more sensible to just set a character aside and finish later.. Especially considering most games don't even offer story or at least a continous or legitimate one. If I were you I'd try to get bioware to retrieve your character. Or would you rather level one up all over again when you decide you want to play the class...

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I'd switch if the let me just swap to my mirror class on repub side.


I'd also roll a republic character if I could send him stuff from my imperial character.


Without either of these, I probably won't ever play a Republic character.

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link to proof?


seems fine to me so far.




In the beginning of this thread, please challenged the OP...but as the thread continues, people accept the OP as fact. Now fleet populations at one momenet in time...on one server...are an accepted measure of game wide faction balance?


To get this thread back on track...what proof does the OP have that his/her server is so imbalanced that BW needs to implement his ideas ASAP?

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all the people saying "let me retain character and gear and ill switch"


are you really that emotionally invested in a character that you maxed out in less than a month and the gear you got with it?


hitting 50 on imperial side in 2 weeks was so hard that you couldnt fathom doing it again on the republic side?








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all the people saying "let me retain character and gear and ill switch"


are you really that emotionally invested in a character that you maxed out in less than a month and the gear you got with it?


hitting 50 on imperial side in 2 weeks was so hard that you couldnt fathom doing it again on the republic side?









i duno about u, but after openning 40 champ bags, i only got 3 pieces of champ gear. so i'd say.. yea getting dat random drop pvp gear is hard.

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I'd switch if the let me just swap to my mirror class on repub side.


I'd also roll a republic character if I could send him stuff from my imperial character.


Without either of these, I probably won't ever play a Republic character.


You can...via neutral GTN on Nar Shaddaa

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