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Forum Changes Coming!


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Nice effort but organize server forums by groups is a very bad idea. It'll only increase confusion and will cause more moderators effort to keep them clean. We can use tags for 1, 2 months...then?


Give us server forum, one for every server. Stop.


This is the only way, imho, to make the thing clean and simple, for us and for you, BW.



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seriously.....you guys are having enough problems coding your game with stuff we want. On this specific server forums you require no special code, just set it up. You can do this tomorrow.


For the amount of money you guys are losing from people who do not find any community in the game you could have hired several moderators.


Not sure who is in charge of the business side of the game but hell this person needs to get head out of rear.


Send me PM, I will do a conference call with you guys for free and tell you how to fix this game.

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I totally agree with the majority of posters on here for the dire need of server specific forums.


I am not new to MMO's, but I am a complete newbie to this game as i know one person that even plays it. I have tried to search for a guild on my server for a little while now that would fit my specific wants out of this game , as i know they are out there. The way it is set up now is horrible and I do not see this server group forum being any better.


The problem with this is that you are going to get ranters, ravers, trolls, and general nonsense from 1000's of players all the time and to stick those 1000's into a small confined area is going to be bad. as you can see right now your forums are not doing well. This "minor" split of the forums will not help. In my opinion, you are only doing this to quite the mass amounts of out cries for server specific forums and at the same time trying to seem like you have control over what people will say on your forums. What really is going to happen is that the aforementioned posters are going to now be mixed together with the recruitment's and the WTS' making it yet again impossible to find anything on these forums.


I understand you want to be different than every MMO and that's fine. Change is not always the best thing in all cases. Take a page from World of Warcraft's forums and let the community police the forums more than you. You can still moderate what is going on in the more "public" forums like general, community service, tech support, ect..., but leave the server specific forums to the community. It works, you will not need the man power to moderate all those forums and when things do get reported for ToS breaks then check them out and handle them appropriately. It's that simple.

Edited by Meepotron
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Only now do I realise, were still not getting individual server forums, misread.




Why would you actually give half of it, is it really that hard?


As always, if you have any other suggestions for the forums (new forums you’d like to see, changes that would be helpful), we’re glad to hear them.


Easy. Give us individual server forums. The whining stops. Everbody is happy. Why is this so incredibly hard to grasp? You are pretending to be an AAA MMORPG. ACT LIKE IT!

Edited by Tokosteef
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Nice to see something of a change however Server forums will be better suited for this. Its too hard in a group forum with many servers to recruit new members if in a few hours your post is 5 pages away. Where as a server forum it would take a day to a week to move down, a lot longer time if you make a server named recruitment forum. I know its a lot more forums to manage however this community is growing and will need it.
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I have a better idea. How about Bioware spends some money to hire somebody that understands how important server forums are.


I'm sorry, why the heck do I care what other ppl on other servers are doing? Server groups? Give me a break.


Good point there,


Infact, most companies will hire a "Subject Matter Expert (SME)" when venturing down a path they have no knowledge of. In this case it appears they either A) Didn't hire a MMO SME or B) Hired a very poor MMO SME.


In either case it's quite clear they have no idea what they are doing at the moment.

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When you start thinking of examples of what bioware are proposing for other situations it gets slightly more absurd.


Its like creating discussion boards for football clubs from different divisions. Some clubs in the premiership are grouped together althabetically so you have a discussion forum for Arsenal, Aston Villa and Blackburn.


Band forums,

People that like Rock can discuss there favourite bands in groups. The rolling stones, REM and Rage against the machine.


In short bioware don't cause yourself hassle creating a solution which 1) doesn't really address whats been requested. 2) makes you look like you aren't connected with your fan base or your genre.

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Group servers? /SMACKS you!


Wake up BW, it's obvious you dropped the ball here just pick it up and say:


"Here are the the server forums you guys wanted. Thanks for being our customer and we will continue to listen to you in the future."

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Group servers? /SMACKS you!


Wake up BW, it's obvious you dropped the ball here just pick it up and say:


"Here are the the server forums you guys wanted. Thanks for being our customer and we will continue to listen to you in the future."





The bigger man admits defeat and/or when wrong. Bioware should be the bigger man in this case and simply admit to being wrong under initial decisions.

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The bigger man admits defeat and/or when wrong. Bioware should be the bigger man in this case and simply admit to being wrong under initial decisions.

but said person (allison? or is that just the messenger?) would probably get fired / demoted if they admit they were COMPLETELY CLUELESS when they made the original decision to not have server forums.


whereas if they stick to the story of "we have studied the traffic, and the growth in the game demands that we further spread out the forum", it sounds like they did their job.

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This would have been great news...several months ago.


I know this is a good choice for the community over all. However bioware before stated this would be a chance for the community to make their own server forums


thus a good friend of mine made http://www.belgothsbeacon.com. Just when we got a small community together and started to grow...they throw this news down!


I understand it is the best choice they made over all for the community. Just stinks for people like us who took the time to do what bioware stated they wanted us to do

i agree that this should have been provided AT launch (i mean, pre-launch, there wasn't a server list available, so they can't very well have server forums).


I think a lot of people felt that privately run forums never really stood a chance though, at least in the "server forum" thread.

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You're almost there, Bioware. You've almost added server forums.


We ask that you please use a [server Name] tag in front of your threads in these forums when they open to make it easy to see when you make a thread that is specifically intended for other members of your server, and to make sure everyone can see relevant threads easily.


But....this is not the solution. Look, I know you got caught flatfooted and there's technology problems putting up so many forums and making them searchable, but this is just a shoddy halfway workaround. We shouldn't be putting server tags in the titles of our posts, you should simply have a forum for each server - then things are automatically filtered.


Nice attempt, but things won't work until you go all the way with a separate forum for each server. Judging by the fact that you caved despite claiming you had decided that there would be no server forums, I'll wait the month or whatever until your engineers finish putting them together.

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Bring back OFFTOPIC




You honestly think requesting people to put their server name in their thread title.....is the right decision?

I mean, these are the same people you dont allow cross faction chatting because they cant be bothered with how to use the /ignore function....

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Bring back OFFTOPIC




You honestly think requesting people to put their server name in their thread title.....is the right decision?

I mean, these are the same people you dont allow cross faction chatting because they cant be bothered with how to use the /ignore function....


The point with this is how productive the communication is to the game experience. The cross faction chat is disallowed for largely the same reason as their hesitance to add server forums. Alot of what goes down in each is needless trash talking and harassment. Yes, there could be productive uses of each function and the back and forth may be enjoyed by some but, I believe BioWare is trying to specifically avoid facilitating that sort of contentious behavior to prevent it from becoming a cornerstone of server culture. Yes, there are ways for such behavior to occur but, withholding such tools makes it alot less prevalent.

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We need true server forums. Nothing less will do. Other games have them, and, yes, the moderation isn't as pronounced on the server forums as on general. But the lesson in that is: you don't need gestapo-like moderation. The 'secret police' shouldn't be black bagging everyone who opens their mouth in disagreement over the game. Most of us are adults here -- stop catering to the absolute lowest common denominator.
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The point with this is how productive the communication is to the game experience. The cross faction chat is disallowed for largely the same reason as their hesitance to add server forums. Alot of what goes down in each is needless trash talking and harassment. Yes, there could be productive uses of each function and the back and forth may be enjoyed by some but, I believe BioWare is trying to specifically avoid facilitating that sort of contentious behavior to prevent it from becoming a cornerstone of server culture. Yes, there are ways for such behavior to occur but, withholding such tools makes it alot less prevalent.


I understand their thoughts and approach to combat...rather, mitigate this but it's simply unavoidable.




Because everyone can make 8 toons and everyone can have both faction toons. Want to talk to the other side? Just log onto your alt.


Keeping the community divided makes no sense. Nearly everyone plays both sides anyway.

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We need true server forums. Nothing less will do. Other games have them, and, yes, the moderation isn't as pronounced on the server forums as on general. But the lesson in that is: you don't need gestapo-like moderation. The 'secret police' shouldn't be black bagging everyone who opens their mouth in disagreement over the game. Most of us are adults here -- stop catering to the absolute lowest common denominator.



Agreed in full here.


It's one thing to mitigate drama and negative comments but it's another to simply attempt to censor everything so the game appears to be all fluffy bunnies and unicorns on the inside.

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For those that are too dense to get it... there isn't one big PvP server forum where you tag your server name, there are minigroups based on alphabetized grouping, probably of 2-5 servers a group depending on population.


Still not getting it?


These servers are either going to be part of a battlegroup, or MORE LIKELY, merged into one server down the line to balance out server populations.


Probably why they rolled out servers as they did, carefully through the alphabet with newest servers placed near the oldest, largest servers.




edit: alternatively, with individual server forums, it will become obvious where the biggest, most talkative populations are from post count, and people will reroll over to that server compounding the problem. with these groups it is a bit more obfuscated if they balance out to have the same population per group

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