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On the plus side, a lot of players are MMO newcomers.


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I've never played a mmo before :)


I'm having a seriously hard time understanding how people can handle more than 1-4 abilites without needing to look down on the keyboard. I'm serious now but I actually CLICK on the abilites instead of using the 1-9+- :o Guess it's a learning process. Also there's so many stupid words like CC, DoTS, Pots and Bowls and what not xD It would be much more easier if I was allowed to aim/shoot myself instead of clicking the target like a fool all the time haha :)


I am an MMO vet, and I still look at my skills and click on them, and not use hot keys. Why? because I have been hit in the head a couple of time as a kid and got stitches, and my memory isn't the greatest. My brain won't remember what skill goes with what hot key on the fly, and my response time is way slower then if I just looked at my skill bar and press the skill that I want. I did high level raiding as the main tank by pressing my skills with the mouse, and we were the number 3 raiding guild on the server. I can remember what each skill does just by looking at the icon, and I do remember where they are on my hot bars.

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I am getting sick and tired of the "feels like a single player game" crap. I have grouped more in 3 weeks than I did in 6 months of Everquest 2. I don't want to go back to the days of Final Fantasy XI where you had to have a full group just to kill 1 little mob.
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I am an MMO vet, and I still look at my skills and click on them, and not use hot keys. Why? because I have been hit in the head a couple of time as a kid and got stitches, and my memory isn't the greatest. My brain won't remember what skill goes with what hot key on the fly, and my response time is way slower then if I just looked at my skill bar and press the skill that I want. I did high level raiding as the main tank by pressing my skills with the mouse, and we were the number 3 raiding guild on the server. I can remember what each skill does just by looking at the icon, and I do remember where they are on my hot bars.


thanks to the global cool down on the skills button-mashing isn't needed anyway. I usually do a mix of both. some skills I press the button, some I use the mouse for ^^

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The MMORPG genre changed for the worse when WoW was released. So the MMORPG newcomers are attracted to, enjoy, and expect bad MMORPGs that are similar to WoW. I don't even know if you can call SWTOR a MMORPG. It's more like a MMO cooperative minigame.


Yeah, Blizzard brought to the genre a lot of their fan base from their RTS and Lobby based games like Diablo. This increased the market for MMO's ten fold, but it also, imo, steered the genre away from the more social grouping features into the more single player instant action features. I think this had a profoundly negative effect on the genre. Things change, but they don't always get better.

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On the downside, most of TOR's MMO-newcomers have no concept of multiplayer, and create a creepy atmoshpere where no one wants to talk to each other because they're all trying to play the game like a SPRPG.


I have now on half a dozen different occasions seen players actually scold other players for having a conversation in /1. It's sad how little this game feels like an MMO.


2 hours on hutta, not a single word in general, until I decided to try to find a group for my heroics.


got 3 /w almost immediatly in response, I asked why they had not asked in general...and was told they did not think people talked in this game.....lol.

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thanks to the global cool down on the skills button-mashing isn't needed anyway. I usually do a mix of both. some skills I press the button, some I use the mouse for ^^


aye the first 1 to 3, 4 hot keys i use mostly the others i use the mouse, and i fare very well with it.

Edited by Spartanik
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MotherMoreOatmeal.... There's a challenge in doing something alone; feels good to complete the challenge. Used to feel good to go to Anchorhead, get into dancing outfits and relax with the music of the player created bands. Wow, the crowds, the partys, the interaction.... Now-a-days, it's all about the gear and PvP peening. Tell you what...playing through the story line is harder and more exciting (challenging) than any of the PvP arenas. More variety. Maybe the newcomers will relax and bring back the old days. Maybe the Whine Generation will go play something else and complain over there.
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I am new to MMO's and I have really appreciated the help I get on missions from more experienced players. I tried WoW for about two months and got tired of being kicked from groups because I told them I was a newb, and basically treated poorly. I understand there are lots of people that you would rather have, but we all have to learn it the first time and I will get better with help. I haven't ran into a single person here that bashed me for not knowing exactly what I was doing, instead they helped me or forgave my mistakes. Good group of people on here. Longtime SW fan, and really starting to like MMO's.
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I'm fairly new to the MMORPG scene. I have played both LOTRO and SWG in the past but couldn't get into them the way I can SWTOR. I picked this game because I can play as a single player or I can play with a group. I have odd hours and am usually on when no one else is but there are other times when I get on at night and everyone is there. It's nice to have the option: alone or group.


I, personally, haven't seen the RP like I use to in SWG but I'm sure with time the stories will develop and certain servers will be known for RP. Plus no one is stopping you from RP and I'm sure if asked, a lot of newbies would willingly join you in RP. They might not know how to or where to begin. If you're serious about bring true RP to this game, put it out there on the forums or in general chat, someone will answer. Just a thought.



I want to thank those who help us newbies. Sometimes it's nice to have someone who knows what they are doing offer advice or their lightsaber. :D

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I think it´s a great thing that this game attracted new people to the genre. I always try to answer questions and help new players if possible. Though it´s true they sometimes are too shy to ask (which I can understand if they were mistreated by certain individuals too full of themselves in other games... been there myself).
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Yeah, Blizzard brought to the genre a lot of their fan base from their RTS and Lobby based games like Diablo. This increased the market for MMO's ten fold, but it also, imo, steered the genre away from the more social grouping features into the more single player instant action features. I think this had a profoundly negative effect on the genre. Things change, but they don't always get better.


That is all matter of opinion though. I couldn't play the MMOs prior to WoW, why? Because those games required way to much time that I didn't have to be able actually get anything accomplished. So in my opinion WoW improved the MMO genre by a huge amount by showing that MMOs can also cater to a casual crowd, and in this case it showed that a large number of casuals are willing to play an MMO. Developers are in the business to make money, so it makes sense for them to make an MMO that also targets the casual crowd.


So WoW had a profoundly positive effect on the MMO genre, and it made things better, at least imo, and probably millions of others.

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Not just MMORPGS, but the whole entertainment industry is changing. We can be part of the solution or we can be a part of the problem. Vegas now caters to families and not just hard core gamblers. Disney now has luxury cruise ships and high end resorts. Times change.


If you want to stop casual players from getting anything, from content to rewards, then you are just the flip side of the coin to the casual player who wants all rewards handed to them. If you are into PVP but look to ruin the good time of a PVE player then you are a fool, in the end rules will be made that will take away the freedom that you want.


Work to come up with better solutions for what you want. Hard core or casual stop the envy and worry about what you are doing, not what the other guy is doing or has.


No game will ever fill a void for affirmation in your life. Learn to live in your skin, the only person that you need to be proud of you is you.

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Not just MMORPGS, but the whole entertainment industry is changing. We can be part of the solution or we can be a part of the problem. Vegas now caters to families and not just hard core gamblers. Disney now has luxury cruise ships and high end resorts. Times change.


If you want to stop casual players from getting anything, from content to rewards, then you are just the flip side of the coin to the casual player who wants all rewards handed to them. If you are into PVP but look to ruin the good time of a PVE player then you are a fool, in the end rules will be made that will take away the freedom that you want.


Work to come up with better solutions for what you want. Hard core or casual stop the envy and worry about what you are doing, not what the other guy is doing or has.


No game will ever fill a void for affirmation in your life. Learn to live in your skin, the only person that you need to be proud of you is you.


As I sum it up, simply enjoy the game that is presented to us and "play" as it was written. If some other game does something better for someone, then the option is to for them to play that game instead.


I for one appreciate a game for casuals that has hard core elements. It doesn't need to be one or the other. If it's appealing and draws in new gamers then that's a success, if it retains those players by providing end game experience that grows over time, then that too is a success.


The experience doesn't have to meet some external bar created by professional game bloggers and players, it just has to be fun to play for those actually pay the monthly subscriptions. Too many times external pressures have altered core designs to meet external professional expectations. Well, as a gamer who pays the monthly subscription, I simply want to have something to do over time, which isn't a race or contest to wave over others and I would wager credits that this is a majority of players...


As for helping others, I apply my class buffs on everyone I meet and help those that need it without expectations of anything in return.

Edited by NuanceNW
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I know that feeling re: no concept of multiplayer. I saw a fellow player getting their arse whooped by a world boss (the elite guys with the white star, not sure what their actual name is) so I stepped in to help kill the guy instead of just taking the tasty looking chest behind the boss while he was busy and didn't even get a thanks or a nod or a wave after.


BAH. Its like holding the door open for people. If no one thanks you, or even acknowledges you, then you're much less likely to do it the next time.


Yet i experienced exactly the same scenario and the guy whispered me to say thankyou, then we exchanged pleasantries

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This was a big discussion on other boards about how the best thing about this game is that it would bring in a lot of new players. The game is what you make of it. It is possible these new players are going to try wow and rift and other new games coming out increasing our player base.


It is unfair or inacurate to blame wow or any other game. The whiners and complainers are the ones who came to this game. They are the ones who are mad it is not more like wow (or insert game here) or it doesn't have their add-on or its not setup the same, or god forbid the playerbase does not know what they are doing. Those of us who enjoy the difference do not complain only wait and understand that it will get better. If you are a veteran mmo player it is up to you to shape this game in a positive way. Be helpful and expect nothing in return, give positive answers and encourage coversation, we had a great one going the other night and it resulted in everyone in chat forming a guild and that is a great thing.


And if you are a wow player there is a better feel in the game although I play it less and have not touched rift at all. People can talk about its demise all they want the real player wants the weeding out so that it can be a fun social place again.

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What kind of sad little troll was that? We were all new once.


New is one thing, and that's awesome.


But resistant and hesitant - what I'm seeing - is another.


Attention solo players: turn your chat back on and group up - you just may enjoy it!

Edited by Lethality
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Nice. I've only seen a few on my server so far to be honest. It kind made me laugh when I got in a group with one as I started spouting off some MMO terminology (simple as "CC") and they (thankfully) said, "Wait what?"


In some ways though, I really feel sorry for the new people because I have a horrible feeling that 7 out of 10 times, they're gonna get hit by elitist, trolls, and rude "MMO Vets". :jawa_frown:

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This was a big discussion on other boards about how the best thing about this game is that it would bring in a lot of new players. The game is what you make of it. It is possible these new players are going to try wow and rift and other new games coming out increasing our player base.


It is unfair or inacurate to blame wow or any other game. The whiners and complainers are the ones who came to this game. They are the ones who are mad it is not more like wow (or insert game here) or it doesn't have their add-on or its not setup the same, or god forbid the playerbase does not know what they are doing. Those of us who enjoy the difference do not complain only wait and understand that it will get better. If you are a veteran mmo player it is up to you to shape this game in a positive way. Be helpful and expect nothing in return, give positive answers and encourage coversation, we had a great one going the other night and it resulted in everyone in chat forming a guild and that is a great thing.


And if you are a wow player there is a better feel in the game although I play it less and have not touched rift at all. People can talk about its demise all they want the real player wants the weeding out so that it can be a fun social place again.


What this guy said.

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