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The Legacy Alt: Play yourself as a companion!


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I'd have to say no to this - the idea here should be about the "cool" factor involved of playing your own alt, not in making gameplay OP/more advantageous, imo.


That's true. Though there are already plans to give advantages to people who use the Legacy system anyway I thought (Legacy skills or something)?


Personally, I think it's a little silly to have 2+ alts and they are all 400 Biochem...being able to make BoP items for your alts would increase diversity in crafting professions serverwide leading to a more varied economy. As it stands now people are already leveling to 400 Biochem just to get the BoP items and then switching to another craft to get its BoP items. I don't really see why having an alt do it for you would be any different other than saving time and money. Though I guess Bioware does want your time AND money...


And it's not like you'd be able to use the crafted artifact items right off the bat since they have level restrictions on them anyway.


Just a thought, though it probably would require a whole lot of tweaking to balance it.

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i love the idea, it's really great



as to the problem with too many skills - on your character you would have a new quick bar (usually hidden) where you could put up to 10 skills.


whenever your other characters would call this one - he would have those ten skills that you've picked on this special quick bar.

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That's true. Though there are already plans to give advantages to people who use the Legacy system anyway I thought (Legacy skills or something)?


Personally, I think it's a little silly to have 2+ alts and they are all 400 Biochem...being able to make BoP items for your alts would increase diversity in crafting professions serverwide leading to a more varied economy. As it stands now people are already leveling to 400 Biochem just to get the BoP items and then switching to another craft to get its BoP items. I don't really see why having an alt do it for you would be any different other than saving time and money. Though I guess Bioware does want your time AND money...


And it's not like you'd be able to use the crafted artifact items right off the bat since they have level restrictions on them anyway.


Just a thought, though it probably would require a whole lot of tweaking to balance it.


I thought this same thing, right after I posted that: legacy is all about giving advantages anyway. Makes me wonder if those Legacy talents have level restrictions, or will new level one alts be able to use them right off the bat? It'll be interesting to see how it plays out.


I also discovered from a friend that there are Epic Rakata versions of some of the Biochem stuff, including a reuseable stim and medpack. Just thought I'd pass that along.

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I love this idea would make the leveling process fresh and fun again(been playing in beta since july so trust me when I say after leveling to 50 all those times its old and boring to me) but I just don't think they will go for it its to initiative for there style they prefer old worn out ideals of MMO game play I can't see them doing something this unique and fun not to mention there far to hung up on their own greatness to just sweep aside all the work they put into there failed pet system oh sorry I mean fabulously useful companion system that is unless your playing a healing class(gotta love how they removed armor buff in there tank stance so tank pets have the armor of what a player tank would have 10-15 levels earlier. On hoth it was like trying to keep a level 20 tank alive while fighting lv40 mobs what an amazing disine don't you think) then your **** out of luck. Cause I mean who would use 1 of the premade trash when you can make and customize you're own pet to level with.
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When I switched from my main back to my alt it felt a bit anti climatic. I am almost 50, I have so much time and story plus momentum built in my main character that when I started back as a new level one it was kind of exciting with a new story, but same ole stuff.


A companion alt is a happy medium. I can vicariously play with my alt without ruining my leveling and storyline experience.


Like pvp, once I dismiss my alt they return back to their orginal location.

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Great idea, but I think they won't?

I think, this will make it way too easy to complete the "Heroic 2+"?


Not if they scale your alt down to roughly 60% of the damage and defense mitigation that your main has -- like they do with your current companions.

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Great idea, but I think they won't?

I think, this will make it way too easy to complete the "Heroic 2+"?


It might seem that but it would not be affected.


Most people can do a Heroic 2 already solo with a companion, it's not really a big deal in this game. If they can't , then gain a level or 2 and try it again solo.


Instead of just having a companion you picked up on your quest class you can have your alt instead. Who would be at the same power as the companion, just instead it could be your family member, friend, loved one fighting along side.

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I would do it the other way round - create an alt to have it as a companion for my main!


Well, in theory, it should work with all your characters:


Alt 1 could be the companion to your main

Your main could be the companion to Alt 2

Alt 3 could be the companion to Alt 4


so on, so forth, for as many alts as you have.


This would just be another incentive to roll and level new toons -- which should make BioWare happy.

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I would do it the other way round - create an alt to have it as a companion for my main!


yea that would be the great thing about Legacy, is that it works both ways.


The even better benefit would be your alt getting your main for a companion. Let's say your first and only companion is a healer and you do fine without one. Summon your main, who is a DPS and just have at it.

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Funny how, if this had been posted as "I want to dual-box," the replies would have been nearly 100% negative. I guess it's all in how you say it.


Personally, as cool as this sounds, I can't see how this could possibly work. One of the things that makes companions usable is that they have a limited skillset. The companion the OP's proposing would need to be severely stripped-down to be playable. There'd also be fairly major story and voiceover issues to handle.


It sounds cool on the surface, but the devil's in the details.

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OP this idea reeks....of awesomeness!


No reason they can't have a few canned dialogue responses though. Heck, even throw in the ability to set relationship status for our alts, marking them as either siblings, spouses, friends, descendants, etc.


Actually what would be especially cool would be if your alt reacts to a situation as you've defined them (if you're main is a super do gooder and your alt is a baddie they could argue a little bit - we could call those moments "Thanksgiving Dinners").

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