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The reason - why ppl are bored of this game already


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Well, i do believe that a few are bored, but it might be that those very few really are impossible to please. Every trustworthy impression and review of the game has said how fun it is, and personally i agree.

You cant expect people to give the same ammount of credit to a few forum trolls... it really is difficult to tell if they are trolling or beeing serious under all that ridiculous QQ over nothing.


I find it interesting that you would immediately assume the bored are few in number and that those enjoying are large in number. It is possible isn't it that there are a large number of bored players out there? I mean there are no numbers to confirm either way.


It's this type of bias on the boards that makes them difficult to have a reasonable conversation. People with issues are complainers, whiners, and trolls while those that like the game are right.


BTW I like the game.

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You are most likely burnt out on the genre. If you grow tired of MMO's switching to a new one isn't going to fix the problem. Or try not playing every single day for 12 plus hours a day and you might not get burnt out. I go through burn out in MMO's when I consume the content so fast that there is nothing for me to do.


It's not a race but in all honesty if anyone is playing this game at launch and have no plans to roll alts and enjoy the stories then this is probably not the MMO you want. That is what it is about just like WoW is about playing by yourself and never talking to anyone if you want. People say this game is a single player but the truth is the single player game is WoW, Rift etc. This game just requires social interaction instead of the game doing everything for you. Probably the most refreshing thing about the game imo.

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There is nothing new or epic or wow-feeling in this game. Its the same game as all the other mmos- wow in my mind.


I guess ppl had way too high expectations about this game, even I see now, I had. I mean for someone who have played Wow then this is the same game- just worse since one huge factor is that this game is more of a singleplayermmo. I mean, all the planets are deadempty and feel like ghostplanets. There is so much instancing in this game its ridicoulus, What a damn good idea it was to have the capital towns in middle of space where u cant do **** besides waiting/afking. There is no place like Orgrimmar where u can go outside and duel. Travelling from the imperial fleet is not worth the time since it takes way too long to go back and forth.


and yes i know swtor has the story which many ppl like. But I know that wont hold this game togheter for a longer time. And thats why since this just feels like bad version of wow or same game as wow. Many ppl will quit sooner then they know it.


Lol. People love this game like never before. Sure you got a few trolls here and everyone cant like the game, but except for these people you got some 2million players enjoying the game as we speak.

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There is nothing new or epic or wow-feeling in this game. Its the same game as all the other mmos- wow in my mind.


I guess ppl had way too high expectations about this game, even I see now, I had. I mean for someone who have played Wow then this is the same game- just worse since one huge factor is that this game is more of a singleplayermmo. I mean, all the planets are deadempty and feel like ghostplanets. There is so much instancing in this game its ridicoulus, What a damn good idea it was to have the capital towns in middle of space where u cant do **** besides waiting/afking. There is no place like Orgrimmar where u can go outside and duel. Travelling from the imperial fleet is not worth the time since it takes way too long to go back and forth.


and yes i know swtor has the story which many ppl like. But I know that wont hold this game togheter for a longer time. And thats why since this just feels like bad version of wow or same game as wow. Many ppl will quit sooner then they know it.


Rubbish and don't talk for me like that. I am not bored, I am having fun in this really good game!

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There is nothing new or epic or wow-feeling in this game. Its the same game as all the other mmos- wow in my mind.


Do speak for yourself and not for me thanks. I'm not bored of this game and won't be for a long time yet.

Also if you don't think fully immersive VO unique class story lines aren't new then I'd love to know what secret MMO you've been playing.

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Why do you post and say why people are bored.


Youre bored, ok fine, dont play, but do not post ike you know the way everyone feels about a game or a group


Hopefully these forums will get cleaned up a bit in the next week or so and we can get some real topics on here

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Holy Crap!

How do these people know what's going on in mind more than I do?!? :eek:


You need to replace 'PPL' with 'I' and let others post their replies on if they agree or disagree with your summation.


I am having fun, not bored at all.

Edited by Fraxture
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The story and how my character progresses is much different than other MMOs ive played.


Game play sure its the same...but that has been pretty static among mmos. Which I have no issue with.


I am still really enjoying the game. This game so far has the biggest replay value of any mmo ive played. Just for the fact that all the main story quests are different and you can have dark and light interactions.


I feel leveling went by extremely fast. I almost had to limit my play just so I wouldn't fly through the game. The game play before the loot mania at max level is so much better imo.

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Why do you post and say why people are bored.


Youre bored, ok fine, dont play, but do not post ike you know the way everyone feels about a game or a group


Hopefully these forums will get cleaned up a bit in the next week or so and we can get some real topics on here


Like, this game is great, there's nothing wrong with it, don't bother fixing any bugs cos it's fine the way it is?


For everyone of these threads there is another from someone else claiming the game is the second coming of Christ. If Bioware have no feedback on why people leave a game the nthey can't attempt to rectify it.

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Interesting how the mood of the forums is changing quickly.


A lot of the vocal quitters, well, quit. And now while whine threads are still common (even if still too few to be relevant) the reaction to them becomes more and more onesided.


The war must be looking pretty grim from the "haters'" fence. I expect something drastic in the next few hours. A flood of pictures of Gungans wearing Slave Outfits maybe.

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There is nothing new or epic or wow-feeling in this game. Its the same game as all the other mmos- wow in my mind.


I guess ppl had way too high expectations about this game, even I see now, I had. I mean for someone who have played Wow then this is the same game- just worse since one huge factor is that this game is more of a singleplayermmo. I mean, all the planets are deadempty and feel like ghostplanets. There is so much instancing in this game its ridicoulus, What a damn good idea it was to have the capital towns in middle of space where u cant do **** besides waiting/afking. There is no place like Orgrimmar where u can go outside and duel. Travelling from the imperial fleet is not worth the time since it takes way too long to go back and forth.


and yes i know swtor has the story which many ppl like. But I know that wont hold this game togheter for a longer time. And thats why since this just feels like bad version of wow or same game as wow. Many ppl will quit sooner then they know it.

im not bored. im still having a blast.


then again i didnt spacebar through the storyline and blast through planets without experiencing what drew me away from wow. the story


also no broken hunter pvp and theres not a class like the blood deathknight in which you have to have a raid group to down in pvp.

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Well, i do believe that a few are bored, but it might be that those very few really are impossible to please. Every trustworthy impression and review of the game has said how fun it is, and personally i agree.

You cant expect people to give the same ammount of credit to a few forum trolls... it really is difficult to tell if they are trolling or beeing serious under all that ridiculous QQ over nothing.


I don't know. This is purely anecdotal, but my wife, who can be entertained watching one of those desktop bobbing birds, finds the game rather boring because it's so empty and the quests often times require no effort at all other than running from one point to another. I don't think she is impossible to please, and pretty much is representative of a lot of players.

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There is nothing new or epic or wow-feeling in this game. Its the same game as all the other mmos- wow in my mind.


Nothing new? How about this:


In SWTOR, unlike other MMO's, YOU are the hero. Really, look at World of Warcraft since it is the 'industry standard'. You, and maybe 9 more of your friends, get together and defeat a Heroic boss. You follow through many, many storylines to save Azeroth or defeat some big baddy like The Lich King or Deathwing or whoever. And who's the hero?


Not you. Maybe Thrall, or Jaina, or some other NPC tool. But not you.


In SWTOR, you follow your class story and guess what? YOU rule!!! YOU get the group of Acolytes plotting to take over the galaxy while you head the Dark Council, YOU kill the Chancellor of the Republic, YOU defeat The Emperor, and YOU get the credit. In short, YOU are the hero.


Then of course, you could consider the moddable gear, the companion system, the WORLD RECORD HOLDING voice acting, the ORIGINAL MUSICAL SCORE (which to be fair, other games have, but it's SO good) and so much more. Sure, SWTOR takes alot from other games, but if you were buying a new car you would want it to include the basics too, like an engine, 4 wheels and a steering wheel. Nothing shocking there.



...and yes i know swtor has the story which many ppl like. But I know that wont hold this game togheter for a longer time. And thats why since this just feels like bad version of wow or same game as wow. Many ppl will quit sooner then they know it.


This is your opinion. I'm sorry that you've chosen an incorrect and substantially wrong opinion to share with the general public. I can only wish that you refrain from doing this in other matters in your personal life, as it will cause you no end of grief. In the future, think before expressing yourself, it will save you from all sorts of troubles. :D

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Why would OP even show his mentally challenged face on forums then? Go play something else!


"MY pastime is more fun that YOUR pastime so HA HA."


Well my fiance is gorgeous, I love the book I'm currently reading, my cat is fun and psychotic, I love my job, I'm damn sexy, and I really, really enjoy playing this game.


Sorry your self-esteem is entirely based on MMO preference. Say hi to your mom for me when you go upstairs to pee.

Edited by Face
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I've got a simple solution for you : Go back to your dated wow !

I must've told a hundred of you people the same thing. You're ruining a good community with these pollution threads of yours.


And yes, we all know that you wow-lovers have seen the future and know exactly what is gonna happen. (Quote) : "many ppl will quit sooner then they know it" Dunno what that means, but I must say again : I HATE all the clairvoyant people we seem to have on these here forums.


I repeat ; Go back to your prosperous, never-dying wow. I am SURE it will last forever, and you'll play it until your deathbed since it's a perfect game with pandas and taurens.



This game has like no features other then wz and crap endgame. and dont play that card well wow had time to polish itself. its no reason this game to be such a turd. and story lets get on that subject while were at it. half the freaking class got crap storys and the plots, we all know a 4 year could have done a better job. so keep thinking the voice acting will be awesome forever seen the storys are stupid and your choices have no baring on what you do or how people see you in the quest line. love being a dark side trooper and being called a hero. plus the graphics are freaking horrible for a basicaly 2012 game

Edited by Paralassa
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There is nothing new or epic or wow-feeling in this game. Its the same game as all the other mmos- wow in my mind.


I guess ppl had way too high expectations about this game, even I see now, I had. I mean for someone who have played Wow then this is the same game- just worse since one huge factor is that this game is more of a singleplayermmo. I mean, all the planets are deadempty and feel like ghostplanets. There is so much instancing in this game its ridicoulus, What a damn good idea it was to have the capital towns in middle of space where u cant do **** besides waiting/afking. There is no place like Orgrimmar where u can go outside and duel. Travelling from the imperial fleet is not worth the time since it takes way too long to go back and forth.


and yes i know swtor has the story which many ppl like. But I know that wont hold this game togheter for a longer time. And thats why since this just feels like bad version of wow or same game as wow. Many ppl will quit sooner then they know it.


I think there is going to have to come a point where repetition illustrates the problem for "some people".


I am wondering why "some people" are not seeing a pattern yet. Launch after launch of new MMO's, very good, well formed and feature rich mmo's. And yet the same results. Blast to maximum level in two weeks (or in some cases a couple days), and proceed to walk around aimlessly wondering why there is nothing to do.


There is a void inside you, that no game is ever going to fill. The games aren't the problem, the fact that you are burned out on the genre and chasing that addictive response of your first game is the problem.


You can't even point to WoW any longer. Because it sees the same behavior with it's expansions. People come back in droves with the expansion and quickly depart again, then a new patch adds content and they come back, then leave, repeat the cycle.


The genre is so well known at this point you don't even have a learning curve. It's not the games it's a burned out core of people who have been playing them far too long and cannot admit it to themselves.

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