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Was SWTOR worth the $60?


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Some of us spent way more than 60 bucks and are still very pleased.


8 fully voiced, fully animated Star Wars stories/movies lasting hundreds of hours each that you participate in. Even with the shared content on the non story related quests this is a bargain and is just effing awesome to a lot of people.


The most exciting thing is the future. The sky is the limit.

Edited by Sparklehorse
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All these people with WoW blinders on. Truly I feel sorry that you are missing the excellent story, can not admit that the graphics are superior, and can not realize the gameplay is a lot better than WoW.


Truly. I pitty you.


And about Skyrim.. You are completely happy that you wasted 60$ for a lot of bugs.. but can not spend ant 15$ to help Bioware solve the bugs that "you claim are game breaking" but you will spend another 60 dollars on WoW expansion?


or 60 dollars an equally buggy game as Skyrim? D3/GW2/etc (because there will be bugs in those too)


These are the acts of insanity.


Where do you live were 15$ = 60$?


Not to mention you are getting far beyond the 40 hours of game play most of these games will have for 15$


Also not to mention: 60$ = 6 months of 40 hours (per month) of game play for SWTOR = to 6 games.

Edited by Chuckskyline
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I rarely buy games at full launch price. So many games I don't enjoy for some reason go on the shelf and sit there, untouched. So I rarely get full value out of any game purchase, as I only see one quarter of the content.


In the case of SW:TOR, I'm having a blast. The combat system is fun, the companion system is new and engaging, the leveling is definitely not a grind, like in other MMO's. If you grind in this game, you will outlevel the content very quickly. The story is entertaining and a unique feature, usually lacking in MMO's with wall o' text driven quests.


For every bit of this RPG I have enjoyed so far, the $60 price tag is a great value. For every bit I want to do in the game like run alts, world boss fights, and crafting, the $15 price will seem like a bargain ( but I will protest profusely if MMO's started raising their prices).


The anti-social gaming community found here on the forums is the one thing that upsets me. No game developer can cater to all gamers, but for some people to bash on a game they don't enjoy and then blame the developer for not kissing their buttknicks really has me anticipating the end of the 30 day game time. When the game time expires, I hope the severe negativity here on the forums will be wiped, allowing those of us who like the game, to share in all the goodness that this game has to offer, both now and in the future.

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Theres only simple small things wrong with it to me, and for others would seem so small but I simply hate the shade of green they went with and it bothers me ingame that I'm using this instead of a solid green that was in the earlier stages of the development. It bothers me that they'd even go from solid perfectness to this yellowish core thing that I hate. I know to some this isn't "such a big deal" but if I'm playing a long term game...its gonna effect my experience. Jedi Academy didn't matter since thats a Solo campaign and nice multi but now thats dead in the water on xboxlive.


But other than that....pretty much I wouldn't mind us being able to "choose" what saber forms we can have as this is the experience closest to being a "real" Jedi. Wouldn't mind if they gave Guardians Makashi or Niman. But for me simple things like this have a long term bigger impact on my experience. Space combat isn't the best but that'll change I'm sure. But something I'm looking forward to is the possible Guild Capital Ships....hell yeah.


Another thing I should cover, solo play...I don't thing we should "need" our companions all the time in any fight, I mean Knight will get beat by just 6 regular enemies if you don't have a companion and if your against a elite....you kinda need your healer. In Dragon Age I loved that my character was so badddass that I would come up to a revenent and tell my companions to hold back so I'd solo beat him. I like to have "solo" saber battles against Sith Lords and its like impossible atm.

Edited by JediMasterRevan
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I'd say yes. I bought I think 5 games this past year, and even though I'd rate SWTOR behind Portal 2, Skyrim and The Witcher 2, I still think it was worth the $60 bucks to try it out. I've already unsubscribed simply because if I'm going to pay for an MMO I'm going to play the one with the most polish (I like my MMO's to have completed MMO features like an auction house, combat log, LFG system, and UI customization) and best gameplay, but I still had fun with the story and expect to enjoy the story up to hitting 50 a couple days before my sub runs out.


Here's hoping it goes free to play and I can play the other stories :)

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I played it for a little under a month including my early-start time. I met some cool people, and got to discover the extent of this game's merits. I would say that in hindsight, i probably would have benefited more from buying Skyrim (but I have friends, so someone will loan me skyrim -eventually-)


I would say it's worth the $60 now if some changes down the line make it playable for me again.

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Was it worth the 60 dollars?


Of course it's a great game in is own right. I may not be happy with the intentional lies (min specs) or the horrid performance that mysteriously varies from machine to machine but in general yeah the product itself is great.


The creative team is amongst the best around, and they alone deliver a great product.


And I agree with several of the other posts, while it is a great game, they have along way to go.

Edited by Acesome
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For me, this game has been worth every NOK and hour i spent on it so far. Only played my sniper so far, hit level 50, done a bit of pvp. I enjoy the fully voiced dialogs, and the amount of detail they have put into it.

I am less sure of the longterm addiction to this game. PvP and raiding isn't what i do best , and that seem to be the endgame play of this, and other mmos. We'll see. I'll play this for as long as i find it fun and entertaining.

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I am giving this game two months of play at lvl 50 then I will better be able to anwer this question. Right now I am hoping for a viable solo endgame of some sort... we shall see.


Space content is ok for beginning, but really, fleet action battle grounds would be cool...


I am playing a JK and feel like I'm constantly healing myself... compared to my Sniper or Bounty Hunter which roll through mobs like crazy... so work yet to be done on that in my opinion.

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