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I've figured out why i'm not enjoying the game


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All the side quests I've had have been in the same area as a main quest I'm doing. I've been kind of assuming that was the point of them - most of the time you end up completing them in the process of completing your main quests.


Cant believe youre the first to say this!


Does the op pick up one quest at a time or something? All the quests in your hub are desiged to be near/on the way to your class quest.

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I've been trying to figure out why such an originally addicting and fun game became a chore for me to play. It's the running.


Non-stop. Every time i do a sidequests, i have to run across a barren maze which is out of the way of my main objective to complete it. THEN, i have to run back. And then i get a new phase in which i have to run to another competley out of the way and on-the-other-side-of-the-map place.


I have just realized now that when i log out, it's right after i get a side quest. I look at my map, and just like the previous 2 quests that i spent my last hour on, it is located at an unmapped zone that requires a non-exaggerated 10 minutes of running.


When i had the audacity to skip these time-sinks, i was severely under levelled for a story boss. It's just a waste of time. If you're going to force these repetitive side-quests and teeth-grindingly long runs that take you through nowhere land, at least put them on the road to your main objective, or put the objective marks somewhat close to eachother! Not on the other side of the map!


INB4: "This is what MMOs are about noob"; "The environments are amazing brah, why not run for 20 minutes on end?"; "Start grinding *****"


What level are you?


Sprint makes this better. Mounts make this better. Patience, makes everything better.

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what does everyone who agrees with the op want? instant teleportation from quest giver to objective?


or is it you all just want instant gratification no matter what? You might as well just except a quest and have BW automatically have you meet the objectives as it is a waste of time to actually complete it manually also.

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Hmm... What about using 20 minutes on the fastest speeder to get to "the village" (Aurellia)... And having to go back and forth to exchange experience? And doing the missions there every week (or how often did they change?) Those who did that know what I am talking about. And honestly, I kind of miss that. :(


Too much grind, to be sure, but good times nevertheless...





@Gridfire: I am not sure if all of your reply was aimed at me. If so, read my last line again.


No just my first paragraph - I attempted to get back on topic with the rest of my post! I enjoy some sandbox features myself, but ... this game is just not like that.

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Don't agree. The amount of traveling isn't so much at all and adds to the experience and immersion into the world. At level 14 you gain a permanent non combat sprint and at 25 a mount to decrease your traveling time. Each world has plenty of hubs and once you mapped them out travel is not an issue at all.


Only thing I would like is slightly faster level 50 mounts but I suspect their current (110%) increase only isn't higher because of Bioware wanting to be able to add faster ones as new long term incentives in future expansions.

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Sorry but thats pretty much false (with the exception of alderaan).


If you do the quests together in the proper order, and they are almost always paired with the destinations of your class quests unless you are taking random quests and doing one and then running off picking your nose for an hour, you should be fine.


Sometimes it might take 2-3 minutes to get to a quest area, but then everything will be in that general area, quests that are a very long ways away usually have a speeder path opened somewhere near them (again not counting alderaan).


10 minutes of running to get to a quest you just picked up? No, you are lying, thats all.

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Cant believe youre the first to say this!


Does the op pick up one quest at a time or something? All the quests in your hub are desiged to be near/on the way to your class quest.


Yup, I clear all quest in an area, and move on to the next.

I feel overwhelmed with quest in that area.


And yes, I am talking about Tat...Republic side at least.

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My view on this subject is simple - we should have an option of not spending hours of running across the galaxy.

I do not mind to explore, especially if I hit a "never seen before" place but only once... It gets boring in time.

In fact, even once you hit a space port you got to run for few min to your ship... elevators... silly interim shuttles on many planets with no reason to exist in the 1st place...

And many of us have more than one character which means you got to be running again and again until you can't take it anymore and instead of running in the game you go for a real run outside :)


Also, some of us do not have that much patience... Even true to the aged Elder Jedi that is.


On my humble opinion, unless this is resolved - the game will be dead soon enough which would be really upsetting as I think that overall this game is awesome and got a good potential to become even better!


To resolve this issue - I propose to make the "fast" travel option available once you hit a certain level (similar to Legacy line). It got to be account specific and once one of your characters hits high level your lower level characters should be getting that flexibility of traveling fast.


Also would help to boost the speeders to at least +300% to even make it more realistic... As it stands now - I can outrun all speeders on my bicycle!

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Bioware screwed up major on the questing part!


The Class story = Awesome.... Cant get enough!

The mini story side quests = Awesome... Can be really fun and immersive.

The 90% run and go kill 10 mobs quest for filler.. Total FAIL!



Apparently the Empire or Republic has idtiots for officers.


The game could have been amazing if it was just main story and the mini story lines, sure people would level faster but so what after all the game is alt heavy and the stories are great, but the grindy feel and having to hear the same dialog over and over(I am space bar junkie now) makes me really doubt or care to get involved with any other alts outside of a faction change for PVP reasons.


Its a shame really! so much great main story and mini story but i have no interest in all the side garbage.

Edited by Razot
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Maybe it is just that I am emp but I only had this problem on Balmora(sp?) I run to a section of the map, do three quests, my class quest, my wife's class quest and then quick travel back to the hub. It is not always this easy but I don't find myself dreading going places and find the pacing pretty well thought out... with one HUGH exception. Balmora questing sucks.
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My view on this subject is simple - we should have an option of not spending hours of running across the galaxy.

I do not mind to explore, especially if I hit a "never seen before" place but only once... It gets boring in time.

In fact, even once you hit a space port you got to run for few min to your ship... elevators... silly interim shuttles on many planets with no reason to exist in the 1st place...

And many of us have more than one character which means you got to be running again and again until you can't take it anymore and instead of running in the game you go for a real run outside :)


Also, some of us do not have that much patience... Even true to the aged Elder Jedi that is.


On my humble opinion, unless this is resolved - the game will be dead soon enough which would be really upsetting as I think that overall this game is awesome and got a good potential to become even better!


To resolve this issue - I propose to make the "fast" travel option available once you hit a certain level (similar to Legacy line). It got to be account specific and once one of your characters hits high level your lower level characters should be getting that flexibility of traveling fast.


Also would help to boost the speeders to at least +300% to even make it more realistic... As it stands now - I can outrun all speeders on my bicycle!


And to think, these past weeks I've been reading about people complaining that the worlds were too small.


Do you want the enemy mobs to form a single file line in front of you, shoot themselves in the foot till they are at 1 HP, then fall on your lightsabre and drop loot? Would that be more convenient for you?


Let's say they implement this, something that has never been put into any sort of game before.


One week later you would be an the forums "OMG there is nothing to do!!! BW is teh sux!!"


Though, a credit sink to lower your transportation cool downs would be nice.

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the main thing that this running time sink ensures is a marginal increase in subscription time--what could have easily been completed in one month for a casual gamer now will take two months due to nothing more than the recurrent travel times.


as precedent, EA/Bioware took over Warhammer Online (WAR) a couple years back; when WAR 1.4 was released it began to feature a lot of running within the capital cities to trainers, vendors, auction house, etc. the services of which had previously been available immediately after porting to the city, or in some cases in various local PvE chapter hubs.


it all comes down to keeping the investment cash rolling in over an extended period of time--likely not a game designers first choice, but something directed from the higher ups in secret council

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I honestly think more than half of the people playing mmos don't belong in the genre.


Are you saying running is fun? I noticed it on my 3rd go around with my consular. Went to Corusant... It takes 5-10 minutes to get from the landing area to the senate tower. That's 5-10 EVERYTIME I TURN IN QUEST TO THE SENATE AREA...


So, no, it's not fun taking 5-10 minutes running to the senate area for the 5th time. >_>

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No kidding.....


And after paing 230k + creds for the next level vehicle speed I can't even tell the difference :(


^ THAT. Even the 1st bike you get doesn't feel fast at all, they need to raise the speeds significantly. imo 120%, 160%, 200% not just what we have now

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I believe that I've spent more time running to and fro than actually doing quests and killing things.


But that could be just perception. If I had more time and energy, I'd start a new character with 2 stopwatches. Click one when fighting, and the other while travelling pointlessly.


After 25-30 levels or so, see which one is greater.

Me too, this is one of my main aggravations. I spend more time getting to and from the quest I'm doing than the quest itself actually takes me to do. I spend so much time running/riding/going through loading screens it takes the fun out of the game for me.

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I was excited when I got my speeder on Nar Shaddaa. I thought Yeah! This'll make the running a little less tedious. After Taris, I'm ready for some hot, speedery action!


Then I hit Tatooine.


And they moved everything further apart. So yeah, I'm going faster... but the travel time remains EXACTLY the same... if not longer!


I'm still trying find out why you went to a higher level planet, then to a lower level planet...

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I honestly think more than half of the people playing mmos don't belong in the genre.


I think its allot more then that, mmo's used to be a niche product now they are for people who dont even like to play them and need instant this and instant that, its already bad enough that my lvl 50 jugg is in full purples already without any effort at all if i look back to the original mmo's UO, EQ, EQ2.... not wow thats where they start to attract people with no time to actually play an mmo or like to spend any ammount of time ...playing it...

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I think the problem is not with the amount of running/driving and its speed. These are just a consequences. The problem is how zones are designed more like single player game and not MMO. Its not only Curuscant and Nar Shaddaa but most of the planets with few exceptions. Even some of the planets that are supposed to be relatively open have way too much "walls" with narrow passes from one small "room" to other - Taris is a perfect example. This makes exploration tedious navigation inside maze where you don't look at beautiful scenery but follow yellow lines on a map. Zones design is the only thing i truly don't like in this game and sadly it happens to be the thing that is beyond impossible to fix.
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