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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I've figured out why i'm not enjoying the game


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I agree with you OP. The class quests are fantastic. Most of the main planet storyline quests aren't bad either. The side quests are very repetitive, and get grindy very, very quickly.


My leveling partner and I have been doing all of them on our mains for the sake of completionism, but on our alts, we have been skipping pretty much all the side quests. All those heroic quests are more fun if you're the same level or lower anyways.

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Yea, the game areas are extremely empty because PVE rewards are bad. So the majority of players, even those who dislike PVP spend most of their time in warzones facerolling pvp for twice as much exp you would get doing PVE.


PVE is broken, its boring and due to the intense instancing and loading times compared to other mmorpg that have much better graphics you soon find yourself skipping 90% of side quests and then your game experience (well for a PVEr) dies.


That was what happened to me. After a while a stopped to care about saving someone's child because i would have to spend a lot of time to get a lame reward in experience. I tried to focus on class quests only but then my motivation to play was over.


The world is lifeless, mobs are just standing there to be killed, theres too much trash o go through, theres no dangerous mobs lurking around that could aggro you when you less expect.


Too many corridors filled with trash mobs to clean. BORING.

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The problem isn't that the planets are huge, the problem is that they're huge for no other reason than to have you run forever to get to a new quest area. If there was actually lots of stuff in between Taxi A and Taxi B it wouldn't be as tedious since you'd be questing across the entire planet, rather than in just a few short areas that you get to with 10 minutes of running. However because there's so little content in between areas other than scenery your trek across the planet is filled with a small fraction of your overall time questing and the vast, vast majority of that time being spent just walking, running, speeder riding, forever and ever and ever. Alderaan and Hoth are especially guilty of this. Tiny areas filled with all of your current quests, VAST swathes of land that you have to go through at mind numbingly slow speeds and the only distraction is an annoying mob that keeps you perma stunned just long enough to really piss you off.



It's ridiculous.




Also something fun to do is remember how long running was when you were on your starter planet, go back when you have a level 50 speeder, and try and go from map end to map end. It takes like 2 minutes.

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I don't mind running to unexplored areas. It's the huge buildings I have to run through on multiple floors to turn in a quest 4 or 5 times over the course of a couple of hours that get my goat. Or stuff like the spaceports, where I have to run through it, then run through my hangar to get to my ship. I have no idea what they were thinking there. The Republic fleet hangars are ok (haven't played Imperial) but all the other ones are ridiculous. I hate going to my ship and I'll try to avoid it as much as I can. I doubt they wanted me to hate going to my ship.


Any time they make me run through friendly territory without my vehicle annoys me, I guess.

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this game has one of the fastest grinds to max level of any mmorpg I have ever played. The grind is far better then any other mmo I have played yet people still cry about things. Seriously




Oh no! First custom UI news, then this? If it actually gets fixed, what will people complain about then? AA! Oh wait, they fixed that too….gosh darn!! – Vitellius


This ^

Edited by KindBudhArsh
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You are kinda right. You pick up 2 dailies and they both tell you to go to the opposite sides of the map - yaay!


The 110% speed is a joke, because we aren't riding horses and panthers any more. I don't get it. Give us faster mounts, replace 110% for something like 150% at least.

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No kidding.....


And after paing 230k + creds for the next level vehicle speed I can't even tell the difference :(


You'll notice the difference when you have a horde of Sith chasing you across the icy plains of Ilum. trust me. when you're on a 110 and they're all on 100's.....the difference is a lifesaver.

Edited by TaeAichi
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Not only is the running bad, but the travel between planets sucks too. I hate landing in a space station only to find out I need to run to another shuttle to get the *********** planet. I have a ship...Let me freaking land on the planet and eliminate a loading screen! Design 101...HELLO!
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As it stands right now, my only issue with the running is the ship transport. Having to do the ship hop.

run to spaceport...

run into a huge long building with your landing dock at the back...

run across long landing pad (why are there NPC's in MY landing pad? it's MINE)

get into ship...

refrain from punching that really irritating robot EVERY time you get in the ship...

run up to your console, select the world you want to go to

wait for screen graphic to finish...

leave ship (and deal with the really irritatingly long login screen)

run across ANOTHER personal landing pad (with more unkown NPC's...why is my airlock just hanging open with all these strangers around?)

run across ANOTHER huge spaceport with no apparent purpose.

...and Ill still have to run/fly to the major city to do anything.


Even as a person who doesn't mind the run...this process is clunky and repetitive. we should have it streamlined to this:


1) elavators to our personal landing pads just inside the door...quest elevators can be deeper inside if you want people to be exposed to the "nifty spaceport" that Bio put time and energy into. Quest givers are already just inside the entrance anyways, we wont miss em


2) a Landing pad that is Short! or at least give us reason to have the huge space anyways. put some Vendor NPC's in there, perhaps a GMT terminal? class trainers would be great too...heck, I'm the only person thats going to use the durned pad, might as well give me my own trainer.


3) give us a "drop ship" port, like the Fleet one (but less of a CD for the love of pete!). that silly robot I have that spends most his time watching my crews waistlines can actually do something for once! I send him My co-ords on planet, he drops my relatively small ship down in the middle of nowhere, and picks me up ( you know, like the did in the movies...)


those 3 things will resolve many of the issues we have with ports, without ruining design or immerson.


Other then that, I have no issues with the run. And as it was stated so eloquently before in this thread, I don't like the run, but I don't mind having to do it one bit.

Edited by Elyx
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the points you raise, are only valid until you get your speeder at level 25.


from that point on, everything becomes more real-life like :


1- there is reasonable amount of traveling in between points, giving you a true feeling of distance and space - something lacking in almost ALL mmos out there (they seem to be zones fit into a living room - monsters near the kitchen counter, quest giver near the sofa)


2 - quests seem properly grouped. side quest givers do not send you to opposite direction unless you have missed taking that quest at the proper stage.



I've been trying to figure out why such an originally addicting and fun game became a chore for me to play. It's the running.


Non-stop. Every time i do a sidequests, i have to run across a barren maze which is out of the way of my main objective to complete it. THEN, i have to run back. And then i get a new phase in which i have to run to another competley out of the way and on-the-other-side-of-the-map place.


I have just realized now that when i log out, it's right after i get a side quest. I look at my map, and just like the previous 2 quests that i spent my last hour on, it is located at an unmapped zone that requires a non-exaggerated 10 minutes of running.


When i had the audacity to skip these time-sinks, i was severely under levelled for a story boss. It's just a waste of time. If you're going to force these repetitive side-quests and teeth-grindingly long runs that take you through nowhere land, at least put them on the road to your main objective, or put the objective marks somewhat close to eachother! Not on the other side of the map!


INB4: "This is what MMOs are about noob"; "The environments are amazing brah, why not run for 20 minutes on end?"; "Start grinding *****"

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Its true it feels like a maze. but not only the side quests. Nearly the whole planet (any planet) feels like a maze in this game. In SWG it was wide open. Even WoW had more openness in vanilla(now it is even more with the flying mounts everywhere). And in WoW i missed the openness of SWG. Can you imagine how i feel here. Edited by Rigota
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Every planet, except maybe nar shaddaa/coruscant, feels completely wide open to me. You dont HAVE to follow those road lines on the map, you know.


Now it's true I cant always go in a straight line from a to b, but that's called a hint of realism, not rails. I have never once felt "oh man im being artificially restricted from getting there from here". Quesh is probably the closest thing to an exception there, but even then only if you're trying to get to the opposing faction's area.

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FYI - nearly every side quest has either a shuttle or a quick travel port nearby, making travel a lot faster than you're apparently engaging in.


Your quick travel has a what?? 15 minute cool down. It's usually recharged by the time I finish my side quest and am ready to move to the next location.


Granted, you DO have to discover the quick travel locations first, via traveling to them, but they are all over the place, and personally I quite enjoy seeing the beautiful worlds they've created.

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Every planet, except maybe nar shaddaa/coruscant, feels completely wide open to me. You dont HAVE to follow those road lines on the map, you know.

But if you don't follow them any sort of wall is not far from you. Hoth is maybe a bit open.

But take Corellia thats feels like a boxed maze.


Now it's true I cant always go in a straight line from a to b, but that's called a hint of realism, not rails.
In the Star Wars era it is not realistic. In a city in our reality it can be realistic. But if your talking about planets in star wars and you have spaceships and speeders....


And then where not even talking about the instanced zones(you also had them in SWG though which was not fun), which even feel more claustrophobic.


Compare the openness with SWG. If you pressed M there you saw a map of a planet with nearly nothing unreachable, in SWTOR you press M you see a questzone and if your done your quests in the zone you can take a taxi to the next zone. Or the Star Wars movies, or WoW. SWTOR is like a shoe box with a maze in it compared to them.

Some examples of what i mean with freedom:




Edited by Rigota
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The reason why it feel vast without a purpose is that you always START in a hub and move away instead of start at a spaceport on a map where there are several major, bustling cities and settlements you discover which is a much more classic RPG set up.


Instead you are sent further away out to dungeons and area quests that are to most extents exactly the same.

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I just got to level 41. I spent between level 40 & 41 to aquire enough credits to get the pilot rank 2 & a mount which equals 250k in credits...


damn someone should've told me it isn't even worth it! the rank 2 speeder doesn't go much faster as rank 1. I'd rather waste a few mili-seconds of traveling than 250k in credits.


i have failed...

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Dudes dudes dudes.. running a problem.... Let me take a step back. TO ME having no running means no exploring, no scenery, no reason for in depth worlds.


What do you want ... pick up a quest turn around kill the 10 mobs that were happen to be standing there waiting for you and then turn back turn in the quest. Next quest pick up quest turn around, kill the 10 mobs that just happen to be standing there waiting for you to have the quest, turn back turn in quest.


Dudes running and exploring is part of a RPG experience, seeing new areas, see what is behind that rock or in that cave.. if you are just fallowing your quests and doing only your quests you are missing a lot of the game and the experience of playing a real RPGmmo.


That's just my option.


If you have ever played games like Final Fantasy, Deus Ex... any RPG game you have running and exploring and lots of it.


'Exploring' implies a sense of discovery. You hardly call your daily trip to a local grocery store an exploration, sense you been there quite a few times already. It's the unavoidable annoying running back and forth as a boring time sink 'feature' without any entertaining content that irks and frustrates many players.


I don't know who they hired for the level/area/quest design, but I'm quite sure there were some utter trolls in that crew.

Edited by Beansoup
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