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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The empire has won


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I'm on a PVP server, love PVP, but this is ridiculous. There are frequently many, many imps on the primarily Republic quest worlds, but tonight finally broke it for me. There are so many on Alderaan the NPCs weren't spawning fast enough so they began harvesting castle troops and droids for XP (and incidentally killing any players who emerged). EDIT**note I am not complaining about dying, merely providing an example of the population disparity**


This is pathetic. My guild is deciding whether to switch to imp and I'm in favor at this point. Enough is enough.


The Empire has won. Either remove the darn factions already, boost republic players somehow, or something. IDK, nor do I care, but I can't enjoy a game when even questing is impossible for me. It's taking me TWICE as long to level my republic char as it is my imperial one because of this silliness.


AND FORGET about winning a PVP match (and thus getting PVP quest XP). It's an almost hopeless cause.


I'm sure you have employees who play Republic so you're probably hearing this internally as well. Do something already!


/rant over


P.S.---otherwise, I love the game. Storylines are the bomb (tragically they keep coming to a screeching halt because of the imp population. for example, after days of trying, I had to organize a GUILD RAID in order to clear out an area on Tattooine so I could move ahead with my class quest. That is not a joke).

Edited by Emrakkia
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The empire may have won due to "PvP" war issues, but with administration, it's gonna kill itself.


Empire = You failed *kills you*. Next.


Seriously, who works for the empire?

Edited by MagusZ
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The Republic is finding itself the underdog on most servers. And since PVP is borked and not fun or with enough content to be engaging of course the higher levels are slumming. You'd have a certain number of douchebags doing that anyway, just for kicks, but the problem is excaerbated in the current form.


The problem isn't necessarly the population imbalance (which is a problem) the largest part of the problem is Bioware never really implemented PVP. They are making token efforts now, but that isn't likely to change much at this point.


Reroll Empire for PVP "success". It won't really mean much but at least you'll own Ilum most of the time.

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simply because at some time or another the imperials have more people on a planet some people begin to cry about how this server has more imps or this one has more reps.

people cry on my server all the time i see it every planet people cry that the republic is massively outnumbered which honetly i would believe if not for how frequently i am pvping against the same 10 people day in day out and how often i am forced to play against another republic team in huttball.

simply put, if there were more imps on your server by the drastic amount that you are claiming, then you would NEVER play against another republic team in huttball.


ps if your guild wants to re-roll empire then you are really finding a way to fix the system huh.

the republic should execute all of your characters with a perma death for wanting to switch to the empire.

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I'm on a PVP server, love PVP, but this is ridiculous. There are frequently many, many imps on the primarily Republic quest worlds, but tonight finally broke it for me. There are so many on Alderaan the NPCs weren't spawning fast enough so they began harvesting castle troops and droids for XP (and incidentally killing any players who emerged). EDIT**note I am not complaining about dying, merely providing an example of the population disparity**


This is pathetic. My guild is deciding whether to switch to imp and I'm in favor at this point. Enough is enough.


The Empire has won. Either remove the darn factions already, boost republic players somehow, or something. IDK, nor do I care, but I can't enjoy a game when even questing is impossible for me. It's taking me TWICE as long to level my republic char as it is my imperial one because of this silliness.


AND FORGET about winning a PVP match (and thus getting PVP quest XP). It's an almost hopeless cause.


I'm sure you have employees who play Republic so you're probably hearing this internally as well. Do something already!


/rant over


P.S.---otherwise, I love the game. Storylines are the bomb (tragically they keep coming to a screeching halt because of the imp population. for example, after days of trying, I had to organize a GUILD RAID in order to clear out an area on Tattooine so I could move ahead with my class quest. That is not a joke).


Something tells me that because of the population difference on your server, the Imperials really, really suck at warzones.

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Yep, they already cheesed their way to high level gear, so what else but grief lowbies are they supposed to do? But, it's all because they're more skilled, rest assured. It has nothing to do with the fact that they had more high levels first, who in turn carried everyone for easy wins/xp/comms/valor.
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Yep, they already cheesed their way to high level gear, so what else but grief lowbies are they supposed to do? But, it's all because they're more skilled, rest assured. It has nothing to do with the fact that they had more high levels first, who in turn carried everyone for easy wins/xp/comms/valor.


Preach it brotha!

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The problem isn't necessarly the population imbalance (which is a problem) the largest part of the problem...


That's awesome political writing right there.



Seriously though, I do agree with the OP. I play empire because it's interesting and the classes appeal more to me than the Republic side (and, yes, I tried ALL of the classes.) And, this is the first MMO that I've played where I played on the 'evil' faction side (that includes EQ, EQ2, WOW, VG, Aion, etc.)

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Well, I can't speak for any other server than the one I play one-Ajunta Pall-but, yes, the Republic are outnumbered badly.


One only needs to log on to the Republic Fleet to see a huge population difference there compared to the Imperial Fleet 30 seconds later when you log back on to your Imp toon.


Having spent many months in beta, I think most beta testers knew this was going to occur. Obviously, I can only speak for myself, but there are many issues that have resulted in the Republic being less played, and while I do have four Republic alts, I don't enjoy playing them. At all. 90% of what I encounter as a Republic character bores me to tears, and the aesthetics/color choices the Developers chose (who thought that in an MMO set thousands of years before the iconic movies, that they should stick with brown hobo robes for Jedi btw) are just screaming, "it's a game, take some *********** liberties!"


Bioware doesn't seem to realize how important aesthetics are for a typical MMO player. As some have said over the years, playing an MMO is really a modern way of playing Barbie. People play these games for years to keep customizing and improving their character, and so when an entire faction looks like they shop at the local Goodwill, what do you expect when it comes to player populations? There's a reason why blood elves were introduced to the Horde all those years ago; it took Blizzard a few years to realize aesthetics mattered.


We'll see if Bioware comes to this realization eventually, or if they stubbornly stick to the hobo aesthetic that they seem determined to define the Republic as.

Edited by revial
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Log in to fleet on my server, empire side is very nearly at capacity.


Republic side? 10-20 people standing around.


I rerolled Empire simply because I want to be around a lot of people. Also, most of the republics are newbs that don't pvp on a pvp server, so if you want to lose - you roll with repubs.. I lose 90% of the warzones on repub side, and win 90% on the empire side.


Which side is more condusive to leveling, and farming gear? Take a guess. At least on the imp side I can be in Warzones with LEGIONS of level 50's, vs ... 10 50's on the Repub side? Give me a break.


Bioware blew it.

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