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Sad to see some people quiting already....


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This is rather amusing, people complaining about the grind, etc., etc. I bet those are the same people with 5-8 85's in that OTHER game, grind out dailies and arena for gear, and do it all over again for each character.


People who have no attention span, and feel self-entitled, hop from one game to the next, seeking to WIN, and once they have done that or they are no longer top of the barrel, they move on.


People from that OTHER game must forget the launch, the constant disconnects, Blizz giving out free game time because the game was unplayable for days at a time, server queues, server lag, pvp imbalances, BG's broken, mailboxes devouring things, accounts being hacked, crafting sucked, bugged instances, AFKers, botters, resource node bugs, client crashes, login servers broken, the list goes on.


The point is they took YEARS to fix their issues, and are still fixing some all the time and some never.


Give it a chance


GW2 will still be more instanced pvp, with a storyline that is not as engrossing as SW:TOR has been.


I guess to each his/her own, but don't bash the game for failing then try to place hope is something else following the same formula.


You can have the soap box back.


GW2 is basically just one big instance. But yeah, many people (myself include) have made the same points over and over but the QQers on here don't seem to get it. They expect the game to be flawless at launch, even thought NO GAME has ever been.

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Always find it entertaining that you people can't just walk away. No on cares if you are quitting. The only reason people read these threads is the same reason they get posted in the first place, ego.


No one but you cares about you on the internet. Have some self respect and a little backbone.






No need for a ceremony. You aren't important.


Omg this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best post EVAR! People seem to think we're supposed to care that they're quitting. I've quit a lot of games but never felt the need to make a public "retirement" post on the forums. People really need to get over themselves. :rolleyes:

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I had to buy a new graph card; not that it wasn't working but I needed a little boost...still, Ilum can be a bit frustrating when there's 150 players on my screen at the same time...but I guess that's kind of normal...


I honestly haven't heard that many people have great success with FPS in Ilum. Don't get discouraged though. The numbers I've read varies really. Some get like 1-6 FPS, some get 10-15 FPS, while others get 25+ FPS. There have been posts though where people have claimed 50-80 fps in Ilum. I'm sure it's not impossible but who knows.

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TOR was actually a terrible idea.


At its core it's an MMO* that focused on the singleplayer aspects above the multiplayer. Unrepeatable content over repeatable. Accesability over community. Add that on top of a rushed launch, terrible engine and little to no customer service/community interaction and you have what we're looking at now.



Edited by Paganini
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This is rather amusing, people complaining about the grind, etc., etc. I bet those are the same people with 5-8 85's in that OTHER game, grind out dailies and arena for gear, and do it all over again for each character.


People who have no attention span, and feel self-entitled, hop from one game to the next, seeking to WIN, and once they have done that or they are no longer top of the barrel, they move on.


People from that OTHER game must forget the launch, the constant disconnects, Blizz giving out free game time because the game was unplayable for days at a time, server queues, server lag, pvp imbalances, BG's broken, mailboxes devouring things, accounts being hacked, crafting sucked, bugged instances, AFKers, botters, resource node bugs, client crashes, login servers broken, the list goes on.


The point is they took YEARS to fix their issues, and are still fixing some all the time and some never.


Give it a chance


GW2 will still be more instanced pvp, with a storyline that is not as engrossing as SW:TOR has been.


I guess to each his/her own, but don't bash the game for failing then try to place hope is something else following the same formula.


You can have the soap box back.


Excellent post. That is how I feel. I love Bioware. It has long been my favorite gaming company. That does not mean I am unable to name flaws and things I wish were different, but I intend to play this game for years, at least.

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Always find it entertaining that you people can't just walk away. No on cares if you are quitting. The only reason people read these threads is the same reason they get posted in the first place, ego.


No one but you cares about you on the internet. Have some self respect and a little backbone.






No need for a ceremony. You aren't important.



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100% agree.


What bothers me are those who strongly defend this game and seem almost offended to those who are quitting. I find that very odd. Are they kids? Those with immature egos? From my observation, every person that I know has quit or is quitting. We are all adults and have varying reasons for doing so. One of my friends canceled because of the lag he experiences, two because they feel there is nothing to do at end game, several of are tired of being frustrated over the random bag nonsense and pointless pvp. So many reasons.


Here is the most intriguing part to me. Two months ago this forum was booming with excitement. People were begging for beta invites and extremely motivated to play. Now every single person I know has canceled including me. A few that did before me and I was disappointed because I wanted to pvp with them but when I came to the same conclusion that was it. Although I never lashed out at them or anyone on this forum.


I just never found a reason to bash my friends that cancelled before me or those who got to pvp first and started to hate it. I've played many mmos and canceled. Some of them completely failed and some are still going well. Games like Aion. I didn't care for it but its still doing fairly good. Did I wish gloom and doom for it? Did I stress it would fail? Hell no. So why do people get aggressively defensive after they have went out o their way to participate in a thread about people quitting this game so quick? I don't get it. Makes me wonder if they feel like people quitting will ruin the game or them or that they feel the same way but are lying to themselves. Then again.. could just be kids, teens, or someone still living at home with that younger mentality.


I know I'm shocked but it almost reminds me star trek online. How sensible people left but those who felt almost emotionally attached had to reach and and attack anyone who felt otherwise.


:pHa I just don't get it. This game had great pve but the end game was a flop for so many reasons. Which is why people are leaving.


One thing is for sure, I won't be buying guild wars 2 at launch. I've been burned too many times now. SWTOR's end game was a huge letdown for me. I'm still in denial.


What bothers me are people who feel the need to bash the game before they quit. I did not do that in wow. I just quit. Done.


I love this game. I am sure it will be around for years and years. It's just too much fun.

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There is one simple reason that people are leaving and its the issue of launching a game before its ready to meet an Xmas deadline or to beat another game to market. Many people are just not prepared to pay money for a game thats still in beta. Would you buy any other product and it be accaptable to say, oh they have taken my money, I know its got loads of bugs in but its only a month old.


I like the game concept and think it has potential, just that its poorly implemented and even more poorly supported. Many of the issues people are seeing are things that should have been ironed out in Beta months ago. I was in Beta and being honest it was more like alpha. Support is a joke from auto-droids closing tickets to the minimal number of dev posts on the forums as to what is being worked on.


Flaming posts on a forum for people saying they are leaving, but the only way the game (and future MO's) will improve if people provide constructive feedback. Flaming posts just shows a lack of maturity.

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What bothers me are people who feel the need to bash the game before they quit. I did not do that in wow. I just quit. Done.


I love this game. I am sure it will be around for years and years. It's just too much fun.


Are you that sensitive? :cool:


Clearly you must be, your willing to commit to playing a game for years despite the obvious flaws. I'm assuming since you are blindly referencing WoW that this must be the second mmo you have tried. Thats cool, but there is nothing wrong with people stressing what they are frustrated about in a mmo that they were excited about in hopes that things can still change. I don't know if your young or just new to all of this but this is done with in all facets of buying services and goods. A good example is Amazon reviews or even feedback for buyers and sellers on Ebay. Its the same concept. So if your that sensitive, for some odd reason, just don't read the thread.


There are plenty of games that are around for years that are flat out horrible. Lastly, keep in mind most of us really enjoyed the game until we hit 50 then it all changed. I hope your at least 50 putting up that response. I really find it odd that it bothers anyone who reads others upset with the game. Are you afraid that the truth will scare potential new players from playing? If so, wouldn't that only be fair? :confused:


I wish someone would have been able to warn me in some of the bad mmo's I've tried in the past.

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There is one simple reason that people are leaving and its the issue of launching a game before its ready to meet an Xmas deadline or to beat another game to market. Many people are just not prepared to pay money for a game thats still in beta. Would you buy any other product and it be accaptable to say, oh they have taken my money, I know its got loads of bugs in but its only a month old.


I like the game concept and think it has potential, just that its poorly implemented and even more poorly supported. Many of the issues people are seeing are things that should have been ironed out in Beta months ago. I was in Beta and being honest it was more like alpha. Support is a joke from auto-droids closing tickets to the minimal number of dev posts on the forums as to what is being worked on.


Flaming posts on a forum for people saying they are leaving, but the only way the game (and future MO's) will improve if people provide constructive feedback. Flaming posts just shows a lack of maturity.


You nailed it and I stand with your thinking.:D


Here is the crazy part, my former boss was in the beta for over a year and a half. He works part time with a company that develops strategy guides for games mainly mmos. Early Decemeber he told me that he was hoping they would push the game back and release it later in 2012 because he did not feel it was ready for release. He stressed it was too buggy and that the end game was not complete. Funny enough, I was so pumped and excited, I told him he was crazy confidently advising him they would have it near perfect or complete by the stated release date.


He was right. :mad:

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no content? there is more end-game content in this game than WoW has currently. what this lacks that you are accustomed to is "fluff"...achievements, 100s of mounts, 100s of vanity pets, and even then...this has more fluff than wow had in the beginning.


i hate that WoW has lowered the bar for what is acceptable in an MMO so much that people ***** and whine about such trivial things. if you dont like it, go away, or exercise some amount of patience and see where it all ends up going given time.

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no content? there is more end-game content in this game than WoW has currently. what this lacks that you are accustomed to is "fluff"...achievements, 100s of mounts, 100s of vanity pets, and even then...this has more fluff than wow had in the beginning.


i hate that WoW has lowered the bar for what is acceptable in an MMO so much that people ***** and whine about such trivial things. if you dont like it, go away, or exercise some amount of patience and see where it all ends up going given time.


Is there any particular reason you are referencing WoW of all mmos so much with your complaining?

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Is there any particular reason you are referencing WoW of all mmos so much with your complaining?


Because it's the only most competing monthly sub paid mmo. Until swtor came, wow didnt have any competition AT ALL. Rift and all those others were ok but they had no IP like warcraft has in the same way, swtor does now. Not to mention other games that did very well like say GW 1 simply did well because they had no monthly sub.

Heck if I feel like it I could play GW 2 and SWtor. Even though I never played GW 1 so I have no prior connection with it what so ever, the no monthly fee is certainly a huge motivator to just try it out. WoW has been a great ride for many years, but it was the same old same old. I had alot of fun, but every single year in and out, there was really no other choice then wow. GW 1 would have been a great one, but by then I already had spend so much time and made friends in wow that to just leave that wouldve been meh.

Even back in the early days I wondered how a star wars mmo would(there was SWG but

that didn't do so well I heard).

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I have leveled 4 lvl 50s now waiting for my original guild to level up so we can start doing heroic modes and flashpoints.


We have a small server so doing even HM Flashpoints on the republic side has been IMPOSSIBLE.


People are 50 now, but no-one is online anymore. I'm sad because i wanted to see the endgame raiding and heroicmodes.


I rerolled a new char on a different server but it feels like a chore because i already have 4 on the other.

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With1.7 million people choosing to resub, I am sure that BW won't miss the ones that did not. They reported that they would be extremely profitable with 500K. The real question is how many people will be here in 6 months?


They sold 1.7 million copies no numbers on how many active subs

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Because it's the only most competing monthly sub paid mmo. Until swtor came, wow didnt have any competition AT ALL. Rift and all those others were ok but they had no IP like warcraft has in the same way, swtor does now. Not to mention other games that did very well like say GW 1 simply did well because they had no monthly sub.

Heck if I feel like it I could play GW 2 and SWtor. Even though I never played GW 1 so I have no prior connection with it what so ever, the no monthly fee is certainly a huge motivator to just try it out. WoW has been a great ride for many years, but it was the same old same old. I had alot of fun, but every single year in and out, there was really no other choice then wow. GW 1 would have been a great one, but by then I already had spend so much time and made friends in wow that to just leave that wouldve been meh.

Even back in the early days I wondered how a star wars mmo would(there was SWG but

that didn't do so well I heard).


Your post is well.. dumb.


So you think a mmo is only good if it has a high population? WoW population is high because of one thing and one thing only. Marketing. They had a great marketing team. They advertised that game all over the place. They quickly became the AOL of mmo's. Which is why you have so many people who have never played any mmos before or computer games in general in that game. Not to mention, why so many long time mmo players despise WoW people. It was because of marketing. Not because the game is amazing. Its not. Its actually a fairly easy mmo compared to the others. A family game in a sense. You have to realize that most mmos don't do any advertising outside of PC reviews on websites or magazines. SWTOR has been doing the same marketing which the name and the adverting has helped them get big numbers.


I about spit out my drink when I read what you said. So have you played no other mmos? Is this your second? They are many great games, much better games than WoW. Ha I hope you don't think its the best one. There is a reason the average mmo player considers that game easy or entry level. Haha you made me laugh with all of that. I'll never understand why people reference that game like its the standard or the mark of what every other game should have but that person hasn't touched anything else.


Lastly, SWG playerbase never really got all that high. I believe it peaked at 300k. Hell Aion has close to 5 mil now. ( I could be wrong) Eve online is the only older mmo that increases their subs drastically every year. Second life has been steady at a million for years. Linage has been close to a three million way before WoW was even thought of for many years. (last time I checked :))


You might want to play some other games or do some research before you post more empty text. People are frustrated with this game because they expected more. They expected a endgame. They expected great pvp because some of the devs worked on great pvp mmos like DAOC and some others. They disappointed so many people. Who have been around and knew what to expect. That is why people are leaving. That is why people are posting. That is why this is happening.


Got it?


They nailed the PVE side, they dropped the ball on the end game PVP.

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I agree with you, but part of playing a mmo is , well the mmo part.

If the general population of the game is higher then chances are each server even though there are differences between, have enough people to play with whether it's pve or pvp.

I fully agree with you though, but problem at least for me is on my server rep side, you MUST be in a guild to even attempt herpic +4 dailies and such let alone do flashpoints, any kind of raiding or be a dedicated pvper. Atm I can only do mostly pugged pvp and although I enjoy it, having some games flat out ruined because of my team8es is painfull, which makes getting to the valor 60 rank painfull as well.

If I start a new adv.class with a class I already played, I'll be sure to skip all the non class story quests and only lvl through pvp and do some space mission perhaps.

Single player wise I have alot more fun than I ever had single player wise in wow.

Another thing I mentioned is the IP of warcraft and Star wars in general.

I agree with you that there were other mmos back in the daythat were probably pretty good but back then I played the single player games like say diablo 1/2, baldurs gate, heck any of the classic rpg games, not just on PC but also console.

And any kind of multiplayer back then, well either were games like diablo or FPS.

There simply wasn't anytime for a mmo even if I wanted.

Then there's also the most simple reason, my friends are playing it/played it.

Lineage, Everquest whatever I'm sure I would''ve enjoyed them even way before wow came, but things like story weigh heavily into my game choices.

Hence my IP reason for wow and star wars. When star trek came for example I though heh star trek, I think there was even a stargate SG 1 one, but by then I already spent time with wow, I'm not going to invest in another mmo.


Don't get me wrong, I really do agree with you. TDLR: I care about IPs of games.

If Fallout Online gets made and it actually works nicely heck Id give that a try, just because it's an IP I like. Eventually I'll try imps as well just because of the story, something I didn't even bother with wow, I always was ally and stuck with it.

I'll be sure to pick a heavy server though then. On that note are there any quee times for heavy servers? I assume that is probably the case with very heavy servers, but I wouldn't mind waiting 10 mins or so for a heavy server if it means I'll have plenty befriend/play with and joing a relative active and big guild.

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They had to do 3 things after the launch to make this game a success:


- Remove chance of duplicates in pvp bags and RNG requirement for BM gear.

- Make a pre made bracket.

- Fix present bugs.


The game would have been great.


However, as the actual reality resulted in broken dailies and constantly facing the same 2 premades over and over again and only a < 2% chance at getting BM commendations instead of the advertised 25% the fun was gone fast and I unsubscribed. There's tons of things I would have wanted to do in the game, such as leveling and alt and enjoy PVE but doing the two PVP dailies took 4-5 hours per day, which felt like a complete waste of my time.

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They had to do 3 things after the launch to make this game a success:


- Remove chance of duplicates in pvp bags and RNG requirement for BM gear.

- Make a pre made bracket.

- Fix present bugs.


The game would have been great.


However, as the actual reality resulted in broken dailies and constantly facing the same 2 premades over and over again and only a < 2% chance at getting BM commendations instead of the advertised 25% the fun was gone fast and I unsubscribed. There's tons of things I would have wanted to do in the game, such as leveling and alt and enjoy PVE but doing the two PVP dailies took 4-5 hours per day, which felt like a complete waste of my time.


gear grind progression with guaranteed epics that can never be lost or worn out can only create a shallow endgame.


dailys and weeklys are a sign a game has failed on gameplay terms, that people are dumb enough to keep chasing the carrot means these games can succeed despite being poor games.

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They had to do 3 things after the launch to make this game a success:


- Remove chance of duplicates in pvp bags and RNG requirement for BM gear.

- Make a pre made bracket.

- Fix present bugs.


The game would have been great.


However, as the actual reality resulted in broken dailies and constantly facing the same 2 premades over and over again and only a < 2% chance at getting BM commendations instead of the advertised 25% the fun was gone fast and I unsubscribed. There's tons of things I would have wanted to do in the game, such as leveling and alt and enjoy PVE but doing the two PVP dailies took 4-5 hours per day, which felt like a complete waste of my time.


Well if you enjoyed pve maybe raid for a bit till the pvp game gets improved.

Upcoming in march there will be a new warzone, maybe that will tide you over for a bit?

But you are right though, I've already decided for myself to do both adv.classes of each class and even do that on the imp side, so pve wise Ill be busy for quite a while.

It's just sad to see so few people on my server rep side.

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They had to do 3 things after the launch to make this game a success:


- Remove chance of duplicates in pvp bags and RNG requirement for BM gear.

- Make a pre made bracket.

- Fix present bugs.


The game would have been great.


However, as the actual reality resulted in broken dailies and constantly facing the same 2 premades over and over again and only a < 2% chance at getting BM commendations instead of the advertised 25% the fun was gone fast and I unsubscribed. There's tons of things I would have wanted to do in the game, such as leveling and alt and enjoy PVE but doing the two PVP dailies took 4-5 hours per day, which felt like a complete waste of my time.


I agree wit most of this but not all. Not to mention much more needs to be done outside of this list. A bracket wouldn't fix anything but make small amount of people happy.

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It doesn't really measure up to any of the MMO's.


8 person raids, single player content from 1-50 with the ability of getting the best gear (until 50) without ever having to interact with a single person. Even the forms of communication are restricted to within a planet or area. To engage in cross-zone chat, you have to join a custom channel and hope others are in it.


In terms of PvP, obviously it comes no where close to measuring up at all. Ilum is poorly designed, there are only 3 warzones and you can't even queue for specific ones. There is an obvious imbalance in classes, and one faction continues to dominate the other.


Bioware took the success they had from their single player RPG's (which have a great model, those games are generally well done if you ask me) and basically just made it multi-player. Banking on the Star Wars IP and this single player model was their plan since day 1, and it paid off in terms of being able to successfully market the game and get initial players, but I'm not sure how long it will sustain this success. The game is not very good, and that's why you see people quitting.

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Here's my two cents. I hate to refrence this game to wow but im going to do it. First off, yes, the grind of dailies is annoying and getting owned in pre mades can suck too. i have a bm marauder gring bm gear and i had champ gear i had to grind before they just made it easier on the new patch. Before i quit wow of 6 years. 7 geared 85s. i had to grind just as hard if not harder in wow. example. i just needed shoulders on my heals priest and i grinded raid finder for 7 weeks and lost the roll 7+ times. so hows that for annoying? then my first time doing deathwing. booted me out during the fight. then on the second time of actually downing deathwing. booted me to the gd desktop and i never got to roll on anyything. always was top heals. i never one any roll in raidfinder. so wow has been out for 7 yrs and there still are major glitches in cata. so if u dont like tor you can go make an op'ed panda bear like all the other 5 million people. main thing is. on my bm. i put in the blood sweat and tears to get where i am and i stilll work 14 hrs a day in the army. infantry too. so. gotta grind it up. good things arent just handed to you and every mmo is and will be the same. if they give away awesome gear. people would ***** too. i know i would anyway.
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