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Everything posted by fluid

  1. i think its been said in this thread by someone else... but here is how quitting works. i quit planetside, i made ZERO posts to the forums about quitting. i did not warn anyone that it was coming. i just moved on. i quit everquest, and everquest 2, i made ZERO posts to the forums about quitting. i did not warn anyone that it was coming. i just moved on. i quit swg, i made ZERO posts to the forums about quitting. i did not warn anyone that it was coming. i just moved on. more recently, i quit world of warcraft, i made ZERO posts to the forums about quitting. i did not warn anyone that it was coming. i just moved on. now throughout my game time in every single one of those games, i read post after post after post from people threatening to quit because they wanted change, or because they were bored. the funny thing is, the people that posted it, kept posting it for months...never actually leaving, just threatening to leave over and over again. this early in a games life, i respond to threads like this, because some of the claims are valid concerns, and warrant discussion...but quitters never actually quit. they just want to be the center of attention.
  2. where did i complain? i said this game offers more actual "end-game" content than the current popular MMO title, that happens to be what, 7 or 8 years old? something else I should use as a benchmark?
  3. that is the problem with games that have/offer no player-created content. the biggest profession in SWG was probably mining. it wasnt even a profession in the game, but everyone did it if they werent making money in another way. if you werent a miner, or making a killing crafting, the second most common profession was rental property... ie, renting your lots to other players to harvest. this was also not a real profession in the game. crafting in this game is lame, low-end, static, and it leads to a static and flat economy. not for nothing, but ive stuck up for this game since betas... if i were developing this, had spent so many years doing it, with so much money backing it... id be embarrassed to release in this state.
  4. not for nothing, but the crafting system in SWG was larger than this game in its entirety... deep crafting and a player driven economy was one of the most requested features during development for this game, and they lept in head first and landed flat on their face with a WoW clone of crafting and a crappy static economy. all i can really say is that bioware really needs to get its crap together. guild banks are dandy and all, but they aren't going to keep the playerbase around in the long run, and the server i play on is already beginning to fade as far as players goes... i would wager there was a lucasarts mandate that SWG had to be shut down before this went live to keep there from being inter-franchise competition, but wow what a stupid decision that was. i quit SWG before WoW came out, i started WoW about a year into its existence... i was so looking forward to this game coming out and actually being at least half-way between the two... but alas, it isnt even close to the lame crap that is WoW. i, and every person in my guild have grown very bored...
  5. seperating out pve and pvp gear in general is bad design, and a stupid choice, despite the fact that 90% of the ********s playing MMOs believe it is a good idea.
  6. no content? there is more end-game content in this game than WoW has currently. what this lacks that you are accustomed to is "fluff"...achievements, 100s of mounts, 100s of vanity pets, and even then...this has more fluff than wow had in the beginning. i hate that WoW has lowered the bar for what is acceptable in an MMO so much that people ***** and whine about such trivial things. if you dont like it, go away, or exercise some amount of patience and see where it all ends up going given time.
  7. i kind of disagree with doing anything that lets someone afk-bot in their factions starting area in a zone to earn anything. here are some other ideas though... bases are not "static"... get rid of the turrets in the bases. make bases capturable objectives. have combat around the base determine who owns it. if there is a lot of combat at the gate of the republic base, have the bases swap sides. imperial becomes republic, republic becomes imperial. upon death, you spawn in your new base (if you died at your old base) instead of spawning in the middle. this keeps imperials from zerging a base until they own it, and vice versa. put "hot spots" on the map. if there is a lot of fighting at central, put a flashing "explosion" icon on the map so you can tell with just a glance what objectives are being fought over. planetside used to do something similar to this. spawn armament boxes ALL over the dedicated pvp side of the map, but do so sparsely. as for your "ticking valor" idea. give a buff each time you enter combat. the buff will start awarding you 2 valor per minute for the next 5 minutes. at the end of that time, you lose the buff and will not get it back until you enter combat again. it also expires on death. that keeps the afk-botters from hiding under a rock like roaches and getting free valor. oh and for the love of god get rid of the damned "quest log" tracking of objectives in the zone. again, a simple icon on the map would suffice, and probably get rid of the damned delays we all get when objectives change hands!
  8. This already occurs. Not sure what game you are playing, but pretty much everyone queuing without cross-server warzones is doing so from a central location standing by the pvp bounty terminal and pvp reward vendors. Again, already occuring... 90% of this is already ocurring (again)... the other 10% is a stretch. Power leveling will be done with or without queues, and how in the heck does this lead to "real money trading". regardless of the methods of leveling or gearing a character, these services will ALWAYS be sold online to willing purchasers... You already covered this up there somewhere pretty much. Rewording it to make it appear as though you have yet another bullet on your list doesn't strengthen the argument. I do agree with this in a way...except that I am not sure that we have "low population" servers... they all seem to be populated somewhat similarly, with a few exceptions where multiple large guilds and communities decided to go.
  9. fix: on heavily imperial populated servers, offer characters and guilds "free" faction changes. it was blithering bad design to not allow them in game somehow anyway. mirror classes on both sides? why bother... BW shoulda taken yet another cue from SWG and gone with that style game. its possible to turn NPCs in the game to the imperial side and probably vice versa, why cant a player make the same decision later on down the road? one more area of the game that was ripped off from the "popular" mmo... even though it was a worse decision
  10. and by "most of the other mmos" he means the only one hes played ... WoW
  11. Seems like that buff kind of negates the whole "I am level 50 and have better gear than you" thing...it made sense before level 50, but since everybody b*tched and moaned because level 50s had BM gear and you separated us, I don't see the need to monkey with stats in level 50 warzones... I won't even go off on a tangent about how stupid PVP specific stats are to begin with, I will just leave it at this.
  12. They outta hire the SWG JTL team leader and yes, space combat in this game, compared to other games (particularly in the same licensing franchise) is lame... its not an opinion, the only reason you wouldnt realize it is if you werent exposed to space combat in any of the other SW games...
  13. All I can say is that in other MMOs I have played with housing and a good crafting system (I will reference SWG just because it was also Star Wars) those two elements alone created unintended time-sinks and professions that kept people playing. Most popular professions in SWG? Mining was #1, renting your housing lots was #2... neither of those were actual professions. I even knew people that made money as "interior designers" and "decorators" ...and we played on the "pvp" server. it doesnt matter how much into "roleplay" you might be, those types of things in game keep you from doing things like blabbering in general chat, or running circles on the fleet.
  14. would not be this way had they listened to the most requested features during development and in beta... 1) deep crafting 2) player housing those two things alone would add tons of things to do on their own in your off-time.
  15. im in favor of a stiffer solution than a desertion timer stacking valor debuff, remove 500 valor everytime they quit a losing warzone, and a desertion timer is a better result... or toss them im an imperial or republic prison where all they can do is talk in general chat for an hour. lol...
  16. PVP specific stats and gear has ruined PVP in MMOs to begin with. Thanks WoW for that... and don't look for it to change any time soon. People are too stupid (or prefer easy-mode pvp) too much to admit it publically.
  17. whats funny is when you do /lol...there is no laughing sound at all...but it happens for ops in combat constantly hehe
  18. again, why do people care so much about 1-button rotation scrubs? they arent going to beat you in dps, certainly cannot tank or heal. who cares? if they want to be automatically bad, let them be. lol...
  19. i just dont get why inquisitors are almost impossible to spot as healers while i get this spam-filler thats so loud and obnoxious i cant be missed. lol...
  20. ive looked and looked for examples of music in SWG kicking in when combat begins. it wasnt anything special, a pretty standard SW song... but it DEFINITELY added to the "star warsy-ness" of the game. cant find any videos tho
  21. um, thats why typically in SWG looted items (EXCEPT FOR VERY RARE EXCEPTIONS (RAIDS,etc)) were worse than player crafted items.
  22. development time and money? you do know this game probably had a longer development time than any other mmo right? hehe... that's is what space combat SHOULD BE in this game at a bare minimum... to not do at the very least get that type of space implemented could be considered irresponsible... space combat in this game is worse than a game that came out in June of 2003...
  23. better choice would have been to listen to what we all said pre-launch and pre-beta... i think the most request features in this game were taken directly from SWG: 1 - DEEP CRAFTING AND RESOURCES THAT MATTER 2 - PLAYER HOUSING / PLAYER CITIES (requiring open-worlds instead of this linear path crap) if players had the chance of crafting *THE BEST* items in game (while having to work for 90% of their game time collecting *THE BEST* resources in the game the economy would be player driven instead of flat.
  24. had you ever played another MMO at launch, you would realize this game's launch was remarkably smooth, and the uptime in this game is astonishing compared to others (yes even your beloved World of Warcraft) had a catastrophic launch.
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