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Please describe ability lag.


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i do not think i have seen this. can someone describe the symptoms.


I have my ability queue turned off but i dont know that i was getting lag before that.


You still have a perfect connection (you can still see everyone running around and using attacks and you are still taking damage in real time) Yet you are smashing a button two hundred million times and nothing happens.

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i do not think i have seen this. can someone describe the symptoms.


I have my ability queue turned off but i dont know that i was getting lag before that.


it is when ppl click/use a skill and it doesn't fire off right away. it's not something you would see unless you where really watching for it or your computer was really lagging

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You still have a perfect connection (you can still see everyone running around and using attacks and you are still taking damage in real time) Yet you are smashing a button two hundred million times and nothing happens.


Happens a lot actually. QUITE frustrating.

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For example mount up and move instantly after the cast finishes -> you will dismount. Use a spell that is instant but will only come in effect when the animation is finished meaning it's not actually instant as it should be. Finish a cast and die = cast never lands.


Some symptoms of the said ability lag.


The other thing is the spell not even activating. I don't know why this is, but sometimes it has taken me seconds to cast certain spells, even though there was nothing preventing it.

Edited by Bosseking
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Some people confuse actual skill bugs with ability lag, like one of the posters above; but they are in-fact two separate issues. (Both requiring attention of course).


The bug where you are mashing a skill a hundred times and nothing is happening is not ability lag. It happens occasionally, and usually, while you have an enemy targeted and you are trying to use a self buff or an ability modifier. You are forced to clear your target and then use the ability.


This happens very often on my Sniper with the ability that makes my next snipe crit, and with my aoe knockback.

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I'm wondering how much server-side lag influences this. I never really had much of a problem with ability delay, until LAST NIGHT. For whatever reason, things started getting really laggy in Voss. Not graphics lag, mind you, but network and/or server lag.


Even when it wasn't lagging noticeably however, the ability delay was nasty. I'd hit the button, and nothing would happen... sometimes I'd have to press it 2 or 3 times, and when it would finally work, it would fire off a full second or two after my last button-press.


I only saw it while in Voss last night, and not when I did some PVP. The rest of the time it's performed pretty well.

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Does it have anything to do with the ability queue?


I am guessing its hard to pinpoint. IE i have to be in heavy active combat.


It has more to do with animations and character responsiveness than the ability queue.


Have you PVP'd very much? It is very noticeable there because of how fast you are required to react.

Edited by chillbro
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for me, it is when you push a button to activate any ability and the global cooldown is activated but no action is taken. alternately, sometimes you click an ability, and the animation starts and then stops. after another global CD the ability actually fires, meaning it took 2 global cooldowns to start casting or whatever.


obviously for pvp, this is insane. i cannot CC or get interrupts off. i cannot keep players who are near death alive on my healer. its just not fun to take 1-2 attacks before you can even begin to defend yourself.


no, i dont have a dialup connection, i have 25mb connection and run at 60-85ms latency usually. i dont have a $3500 alienware pc, but i usually run 40ish FPS, maybe 25 in WZ.


all the snarky nerds love to say its because people have bad pcs or bad connections, but thats a lie. it happens to people i know in RL too, one guy i know has a system that is less than a year old that he spent about $1500 on, and he has the ability lag too.

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i do not think i have seen this. can someone describe the symptoms.


I have my ability queue turned off but i dont know that i was getting lag before that.


ability lag is 2 problems, not 1.


#1 problem -> arena lag. It takes me CONSTANTLY 3-5 hits of my Unbreakable Will (anti CC getaway) to activate. I MUST spam my primary strike, for it to work on a NORMAL rotation (should never happen in a calculated pvp fight), my Overload/force run activates a full 3 seconds after button has been pressed when im in the middle of 3 people or more


#2 problem -> animations are more important than information. Assasinate is a 2k nuke i can use IF the guy is 30% health or under. The problem? The saber has a full 3 second animation interval to go through UNTIL the damage is registered. The saber is taken over my head, spun around 4-5 times, THEN it gets brought down for a strike. 3 seconds in PVP means certain death. In FPS games, a HALF second lag mean you die, MMOs are slightly more forgiving, but not 3 seconds long.


Maul, another main strike, can only be performed from BEHIND the target. Problem? The game never ever registers a target as facing away from you in PVP even when they are and if you try to activate the ability, you get "Condition Failed" error and the ability cannot be used.


Those are some symptoms.

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Some people confuse actual skill bugs with ability lag, like one of the posters above; but they are in-fact two separate issues. (Both requiring attention of course).


The bug where you are mashing a skill a hundred times and nothing is happening is not ability lag. It happens occasionally, and usually, while you have an enemy targeted and you are trying to use a self buff or an ability modifier. You are forced to clear your target and then use the ability.


This happens very often on my Sniper with the ability that makes my next snipe crit, and with my aoe knockback.


There's an option to cast on yourself somewhere in the options, so you don't have to clear target. Found it when I was browsing through there yesterday.

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Yes, I had it explained to me on another forum. Here's a video demonstration:



After canceling an ability (as an example, such as in the above video), the global cool-down continues silently in the background, and there is a noticeable delay before you can trigger your next ability.

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Yes, I had it explained to me on another forum. Here's a video demonstration:



After canceling an ability (as an example, such as in the above video), the global cool-down continues silently in the background, and there is a noticeable delay before you can trigger your next ability.


I like that example. Clearly shows how you are not able to use an ability right after canceling one.


But alas, fanboys will say game is fine, just wait longer before using the second ability LOL

Edited by chillbro
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