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Stephen Reid/@Rockjaw: Your EGA tears are not real issues


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Ive heard him on some interviews about the game and he seems like a cool and nice geezer. Who plays and likes the game as well.



I dont envy him his job, but then I guess thats why he gets paid the big bucks.



I mean come on, if it was any of us reprobates in command of the Twitter account it would be a full scale flame war, with possible script and DDOS attacks for afters.

Edited by gnarkilli
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log on to the account you redeemed your code on then



Joined: Oct 2011



as all my accounts are activated


doenst change the fact people in nov are getting the emails.. im not complaining about not having EGA for 5 days. Im complaining about the process that BW is using and being ignorant to the fact that they are killing 50+% of their client base before the game is officially released.

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so.... in your buisness you can tell people to F off and you still make money?


you must be a **** star.... doesnt work that way in anything else.. sorry




There is a difference between going through the proper channels and speaking to an individual in there working environment (through the forums, customer support forums/hotline and the official SWTOR twitter account) and bothering someone in there personal space.


You stepped outside the boundries, thus you are now dealing with a human being, not a customer relations manager...but a human being in there personal and private space, thus you are actually invading there privacy, just to complain about something that is well known and you should have gone through the proper channels for ....IN caps and bold so you can understand this.....



If you took up the same attitude with him as you have with me, I cannot say I'm suprised at his response and I know people that would have reacted much more harshly.


In all honesty ..... You are talking to a human being, not an automated system!

Edited by Qishari
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]doenst change the fact people in nov are getting the emails[/b].. im not complaining about not having EGA for 5 days. Im complaining about the process that BW is using and being ignorant to the fact that they are killing 50+% of their client base before the game is officially released.


see bold, this has been confirmed as total BS after stephen got a dev to pull the database.

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Okay, whether you believe he's in the right or not, this is poor community relations. As someone who has worked support, this would have gotten me fired.


Even if you ignore a customer's issues, you never verbally marginalize it. Never.


Actually you have no idea what customer service is.. I dont think he is your personal customer go to rep for problems...

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Okay, whether you believe he's in the right or not, this is poor community relations. As someone who has worked support, this would have gotten me fired.


Even if you ignore a customer's issues, you never verbally marginalize it. Never.


That is excellent. Basically he does not care about people complaining about a system they all knew about since Pre Orders began. All you whiny people need to take some personal responsibility. Realize this is a game and you will get to play when it is your time. Stop living your life around a game.

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Real issues? Maybe it's not an issue he can help with, but it's not a REAL issue?


Actually, no, it's not a real issue.


They're just talking about the queue above. It's not a technical issue. He's saying "If you pre-ordered, and haven't been let in yet, I'm sorry, but that's how the staggered launch is going that we all agreed upon weeks ago."


You whiners are just moving the goalposts and have no legitimate complaint. It's not a real issue. It's made-up.

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Actually you have no idea what customer service is.. I dont think he is your personal customer go to rep for problems...


A lot of people actually get fired for inappropriate comments they make from their facebook or twitter accounts, and he is using that twitter account as a representative of the company so yeah if he's telling people shove off what you're asking isn't important it's actually really bad P R.

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Actually, no, it's not a real issue.


They're just talking about the queue above. It's not a technical issue. He's saying "If you pre-ordered, and haven't been let in yet, I'm sorry, but that's how the staggered launch is going that we all agreed upon weeks ago."


You whiners are just moving the goalposts and have no legitimate complaint. It's not a real issue. It's made-up.


Correct, something which was agreed upon WEEKS ago which is well after MOST people pre-ordered assuming it was going to be a general five day early launch.

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I don't believe people should be spamming him via twitter but more communication from the devs would be nice. Most people are upset because they are in the dark.


I had real life commitment and I couldn't pre-order the game until recently. I am waiting like everybody else but I would like to know when I will get in.

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Considering it's his personal account and not the official Bioware SWTOR twitter, he can say what he damn well pleases.


And no it's not a real issue. They said from day one that early access was determined by when you pre-ordered. Besides, once all the whiners get in to play they'll magically forget about crying and just enjoy the game.

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lolz... if a tweet is holding him back from helping people he needs to find a new job.. Maybe holding a STOP sign at a x-road so kiddies can walk to school


You have no idea what you are talking about. The guy is literally spammed 24/7 by thousands of accounts. His performance has been nothing short of spectacular. He is right EGA whining is not an issue, it is a misunderstanding. Steve and Joveth have tweeted and blogged the policy and answered questions about it for months. They now have people usign the LIVE client. They now have ACTUAL issues because of this. It kind of ticks me off to see people give Stephen a hard time. The dude doesn't sleep. He tweets to us in his off time. He doesn't have to.

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Hang on. Hold the presses. Let me get this straight.


You are saying that your personal desire to get immediate access from the head of PR is a "real" issue that warrants his attention over genuine inquiries relating to the nature of acquiring the hard copy of the game?




Are you serious?


Can you not tell I'm mocking you yet?


I still am.


Just checking.


Still mocking you.


Still mocking??? =P


Made me lol so hard I think I cracked a rib..

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I sympathize with Mr. Stephen Reid. Honestly, he's completely right. People should not be bringing that crap to his twitter account. It's not an actual issue... it's what's supposed to be happening. That's all they need is for people to flood his twitter account the way the forums have been flooded.


And then to come post this on here like it's some huge injustice. Honestly, sometimes the gaming community is like a bunch of kids in kindergarten. You have to talk to them in a specific way and balance their emotions lest they start crying and screaming. Who needs their diaper changed?


Ah well...

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We are talking about EA here. Has EA ever had good customer relations?


As I remember EA is also a sweatshop that barely pays their employees, or have you forgotten that scandal already?


Face it, you are all getting over excited about paying a monthly fee to play a watered down version of Dragon Age. :p

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