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Everything posted by EtherealPotato

  1. Speaking honestly, what is BioWare thinking? I know comparisons cannot be made to other games in some respect as the engines all have their strengths and weaknesses. I still can't help but feel duped when the fidelity of the textures in modern WoW are better than SWToR. There' just something wrong with that. Anyone seen Rift? Beautiful game, high resolution textures, also an MMO. Just admit it, BioWare... you guys messed up really badly and I hope you offer us your outlook on a solution soon. I'm playing a game in 2012... why does the texture on my armor look like low graphics settings from a game made in 1998. Seriously, some armors are worse than others and ACTUALLY look like someone threw up random colors and symbols on them that all blend into each other. It's an atrocity of modern graphics and it actually physically pains me to look at them. For a short term solution: Call it what it is - Low and Medium. Remove the "High" option from settings. Trust me, it isn't there. After that, it's time to work on fixing the issue and admit you made a mistake. A huge, unsightly mistake.
  2. I understand that bug fixes can take time, but the fact that BioWare has still not addressed this with the community is completely appalling. I'm enjoying this game a great deal despite the lack of high res textures and a sometimes oddly sluggish framerate, and I can live without high res textures for now. The big problem here is that BioWare continues to refuse to even acknowledge this issue or even inform us that there is a fix in the pipeline (however far away it may be). I think getting new content out there so quickly is awesome, but I don't think I'm the only one that would rather be able to enjoy what is already there to it's maximum potential first. Honestly, the graphics engine needs a lot of fixes and updates.
  3. And as I said, not just for patch notes as they're rolling out. I'm talking about a look into what BioWare is working on for all of the unmentioned issues that are plaguing this game. Before everyone gets all up in arms because I do have some issues with this game, this is strictly a request that I think a lot of people would appreciate. In fact, this is a rather standard tactic employed in a lot of MMO forums. If you prefer to be kept in the dark, more power to you. For those who would like to know what's in the pipeline, then this would be a huge boon.
  4. How are those not major bugs? Honestly, man. Honestly... The game runs like crap seemingly at random (and yes, we all knows this doesn't effect EVERYBODY) and it doesn't carry standard features that is not something you generally see missing from a full released game. High res textures and anti-aliasing for instance. When I said major bugs, however, I am also referring to other stuff... some of which have been fixed. The /getdown thing being one of them. As for the threads at the top of the forum, none of them mention anything like what I suggested. Unless I'm missing it, that is... If there is a post listing these issues and a possible ETA, feel free to point me in the right direction. Thread name? Link, perhaps?
  5. And just to throw a TL;DR in there for everyone: Lots of major bugs are debilitating our enjoyment of the game and BioWare should communicate what they're working on fixing.
  6. And I mean the REAL communication, not what BioWare has been doing up to this point. The "Hey, we're rolling out a bug fix within the next 24 hours and you'll find out what it is upon deployment." shenanigans. This is made even more disappointing by the generally small number of fixes per patch that requires hours of downtime. I'm going to precede my ranting and boohoo'ing by clarifying that I absolutely love this game. My friend and I have been playing this virtually non-stop since release and don't plan to stop anytime soon. This being the case, we have both become sorely disappointed by the slow reaction to some major issues this game has been experiencing. What issues? Well... these issues: 1. Still no high res textures. This was acknowledged as an issue, but there's no ETA on a fix? I'm honestly not sure how this made it all the way through beta and into release before BioWare even mentioned they knew about it. I know this was an issue during the beta phases I was in. 2. FPS issues. I know I'm not the only one that experiences huge FPS drops, sometimes seemingly at random. I have a very good computer and I can run most things at max at blazing speed, which makes it even more jarring when this game somehow cripples my system. Sometimes it runs great, sometimes not so much. This isn't even taking into account that high res textures aren't even in yet... that's somewhat concerning. 3. Lights everywhere! This was also an issues I saw creeping up constantly during the beta phases I was in. Why are there random lights that pop up everywhere? 4. Those trees. What is going on with those trees? Surely others have seen them, particularly during cutscenes? Like the alphas are at war with themselves and they start flickering like crazy. Sheer madness, I tell you. 5. "Your companion wants to speak to you on your ship." No he doesn't, BioWare. Why does it keep telling me this? Sure, there may be more debilitating bugs, but these are general issues that are always in your face at all times. You can't play the game without having your enjoyment marred by these problems in some ways. This isn't the point of this post, however. My point is that these are all major issues that need to be addressed, and I'm sure BioWare is hard at work to roll fixes out as quickly as possible... but they're not really telling us that. My problem here comes back from the thread title. BioWare has barely mentioned any of these issues, and certainly have not provided any sort of ETA or indication on how they're handling these. Why can't the swtor user base be kept up to date with what is being worked on and kept in the loop. If these issues won't be fixed for a month or more, that's a bummer, but at least I would know in advance if BioWare would communicate it. As of now, each patch is like a veritable grab bag and mostly I come out disappointed with a piece of bubble gum. We understand these things take time, BioWare, but let us know that you care and you still love us. How about some sort of weekly update with the top priority issues and what else you guys are actively working on? A new operation is great, but it would be great if I could play what's already there at it's max potential. It would be even better if I knew you cared.
  7. I thought I remembered reading somewhere regarding neutral options. I'm just not sure how it's going to play out, but I believe it would include neutral specific gear and everything.
  8. This just in! It turns out that playing the game is awesome and not playing the game is not awesome!
  9. So cancel your pre-order, Mr. Blowing Things Out of Proportion. Just because BioWare apparently has one of those most obnoxious and self-entitled fanbases out there is no reason to hate on them. They're doing what they always said they're going to do, and they're doing it well. The way people twist and contort this stuff into some sort of huge moral dilemma is just insane. Let's just call this what it is, guys. It's Bioware doing what Bioware said it was going to do. I would also like to point out that this is the first day of the original planned early release start that everyone was told of upon pre-ordering. Chew on those digital nuggets.
  10. I sympathize with Mr. Stephen Reid. Honestly, he's completely right. People should not be bringing that crap to his twitter account. It's not an actual issue... it's what's supposed to be happening. That's all they need is for people to flood his twitter account the way the forums have been flooded. And then to come post this on here like it's some huge injustice. Honestly, sometimes the gaming community is like a bunch of kids in kindergarten. You have to talk to them in a specific way and balance their emotions lest they start crying and screaming. Who needs their diaper changed? Ah well...
  11. I'm willing to bet that isn't true. Well, for the sake of everyone's sanity, hopefully they don't roll out a bonus wave this time.
  12. I'm not sure that wiping out everyone's progress after 2 days is going to be a legitimate move. Honestly, man. "Hey guys, I know we've been angering everyone in the forums so we want to share some of that rage with you, the players. And without further ado, say goodbye to those countless hours you spent the last couple of days... suckers."
  13. Unfortunately, those numbers are completely fabricated and will server as nothing more than to artificially feed forum-dwellers' blood lusts. As much as it is a bummer to wait until the day of to tell someone if they got in, they have entire thread that documents their plans. They went into detail about how their rolling out invites, what to expect in the coming days, and they updated every single time a wave was sent out. I'm not sure how much more communication you guys need.
  14. I know people want others to sound "sensible" to make their endless rants appear to have meaning (and I'm not suggesting that's anyone in this thread), but this is only a mildly valid point. I think the point where you claimed that everyone may not be in by launch is somewhat... over the top. I hope as much as everyone else that I get in today, but there have been some truly strange assumptions based on one day. That one day, by the way, being a day that covered what would have been by far the largest number of initial pre-orders. Furthermore, just to reiterate what we were told when purchasing the game, we were told "up to 5 days". We're only on day 6 now. Theoretically, people shouldn't start getting up in arms until after another 2 days (after they learned they didn't make it in on the 5th day).
  15. I understand that people have some more legitimate excuses for wanting to get in earlier that transcends the "I was promised x number of days" excuse (which they were not). Regardless of the reason, I still vote for Bioware to stay the course if it means stable servers and hopefully no queue once we actually get in. All in all, especially with the information available from the beginning, I would hope elitists would have realized that they should have pre-ordered as early as possible. I suppose it's a bummer (though I never understood the "elitist" fascination), but it's just something they'll have to live with. As someone else said, there will be chances for that later once they start rolling out new content. I'm willing to bet Bioware has no intention of dropping their plans, though I wouldn't be surprised to see them rush most people in within the next 2 days.
  16. Sorry, but this is in no way sensible, and I just don't see why this is something "everyone needs to see". It's saying what every other thread is saying, but it's pretending to be more civilized (whether it is or isn't... well, that's up for debate). This is not revolutionizing anyone's lives, this isn't helping them get in the game earlier, this isn't helping anyone cope with the loss of a loved one, this isn't finding jobs for those that are unemployed... it's just stating one person's opinions that has no real impact on anyone or anything.
  17. Oh... and how do you like it when the cat poops outside of the cat box? Not very pleasant, is it?
  18. YES! THEY'RE PLAYING US LIKE FOOLS. Or... you know... they don't want the forums flooded with nerd whining shenanigans. It could be that, too.
  19. I used that site for the first time when GSC closed down and STALKER 2 was put on indefinite hiatus. My soul is still crying. Boohoo for people not being able to play SWTOR today? Boohoo for me NEVER getting to play STALKER 2!! How about that SWTOR game, anyways? Looks good, huh?
  20. Yes, this was at too great a cost! This decision has doomed us all and your MMO will now proceed to fall. To be honest, despite claiming to be "sensible", this response is only less anger induced than all of the other ones... it's not much more sensible. Bioware are doing exactly what Bioware said they were going to do, nothing more nothing lessss... WAIT! They are doing more! They're letting people in 2 days earlier than initially suggested. Bad form, Bioware! It's like telling someone you're giving them fruit by the foot but then it's actually TWO feet of rolled up fruit. That's too much fruit and you're only feeding our blood lust!
  21. I'm highly amused because this thread has not already proven that people don't bother reading the actual thread... but I have also gotten some outstanding lunch ideas. I have a whole jar of pickles, but I just ordered pizza sans pickles. I can always add them on myself. I'll keep you posted.
  22. The topic title says it all. I mean... it's just a plate of pickles. And I'm not even playing an MMO, so this hardly constitutes an MMO lunch. Man, I remember that lunch for Rift. I had a sandwich to go with the pickles. I'm going to order pizza now.
  23. That IS a big issue! I know how much I wish I could cheese my way through the game instead of playing it. Lucky SOBs!
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