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This que is horrible


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I love the way they did it and this is the only right way to do a MMO launch. It beats the laggy to death servers and the constant crashes. But ey for the minority that is whining about it here, they rather have the week of no play due to lag, insane queues and server crashes.
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I doubt any company will do this again, at least in this form.



1) This is a MMORPG... yet the launch method splits guilds apart. If you don't see what's wrong with that, I can't help you. Guildies who planned to level together and do the group content are completely screwed.


2) It will also create some serious problems on PvP servers. What do you think the bored level 50 will do while waiting for the others to catch up? Stop playing? Hehe no. Enjoy being ganked at level 25 on Tatooine without even a chance to fight back by those bored people.


What they should have done?


Made sure that their instance servers where strong enough during stress test, and let everybody in at once. All areas are automatically instanced when the population is too high, something other MMOs didn't have (except LOTRO which introduced if way later during their F2P patch). I don't see the point of a staggered release when you have a feature like that.

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people need patience and perspective. i've seen more people pouting, whining and tantrums on this board than I have with my 4 year old. even with threats of cancellations, they'll just buy it later anyway. i mean why cancel if your so angry about not playing a video game, when all you have to do is....wait.....


plus, if bioware would let everyone in at once, then nobody would be able to play anyway. then everybody would be "AAAHHHHHH BiOWRare isThe SUX cnt1 plauyr!!! staggering is a good thing.

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I have been in multiple launches and this is by far the smoothest.


I have to agree with this guy. The launch is very smooth. When you get in the game runs great and the queues are non-existent. People are going to complain no matter what you do I guess. I think the only real valid complaint is that they gave you such short notice on when they were going to let you in.

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This is my third launch of a MMO and I must say it is by far the worst that I have experienced. I do not like the mushroom treatment I feel we are being given. They should have given us some clue of when to expect to get invited rather then have us sit in limbo for seven days possibly. This is a terrible way to treat customers.



Thank you for the bump but unless you have some thing relevant to add to this discussion please refrain from posting in this thread.



christ, go out and get some fresh air, jump on your gf and or get a job

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I do feel bad for those who have to wait to get to play this great game. I got in on wave 4 and due to work and like I have only been able to get about 2 hours of game time. Some times life does not give you what you want, but if you try some times ya get what ya need.



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Logged in today for the first time. (Got my invite early this morning)


1) No lag, which is nice.


2) No queues to get in, which is nicer.


3) No problems with 100 players trying to kill the same 10 rats in the newbie areas.


4) No problems getting the character names I wanted. (went ahead and created some alts, just to make sure I get the names)


Summary: Smooth launch. Previous benchmark for smooth launches was Age of Conan, which is pretty unfair as it is mostly a single player game until level 20. WoW had more queues and waiting. Other games had server stability issues.


BW, you did good. I haven't seen any complaints from people who have actually logged into the game. If the biggest gripe is that people have to wait before getting Early Access (1 or 2 days earlier than what was originally promised) then I think you're in pretty good shape.


As for the QQing folks. Please, keep it up. I am working on a project to turn nerd-rage fueled tears into bio-diesel.



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With the benefit of hindsight I am not so excited about EGA as I was before it was implemented. I think I prefer the free for all of a everyone can try to log on at once launch.


That does not mean that I'm having a hissy fit. I'm calm and will accept my invite like a good girl when it arrives. I think there are advantages and disadvantages to EGA/Standard launch.

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The most hilarious part of all the people going "this is not launch!", is the fact that they (said makers and operators) have called it a launch.


It's just not retail/gold yet.

Launch and gold/retail are two different things in the industry.

A game can in fact launch without having a physical product.

Pre-release is on a retail client, on a retail server, characters will not be deleted.

It's early access to retail content, thus constitutes a launch.


It's just not "Open for all" yet.

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(Up to 5 days of early play) emphasizing the word "UP TO" That is lawyer's term for "no guarantee".


Pre-ordering the game does not guarantee you 5 days of early access, just like buying a new Corvette does not guarantee you to be a better driver. This means you can't blame Chevy because you suck at driving.


Bioware does guarantee you access on the 20th.


I dislike it as much as anyone else, that that's life. People have waited years for this game, a few more days will not kill you.

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This is my third launch of a MMO and I must say it is by far the worst that I have experienced. I do not like the mushroom treatment I feel we are being given. They should have given us some clue of when to expect to get invited rather then have us sit in limbo for seven days possibly. This is a terrible way to treat customers.



Thank you for the bump but unless you have some thing relevant to add to this discussion please refrain from posting in this thread.


They did. You just failed to read the announcements.

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This is my third launch of a MMO and I must say it is by far the worst that I have experienced. I do not like the mushroom treatment I feel we are being given. They should have given us some clue of when to expect to get invited rather then have us sit in limbo for seven days possibly. This is a terrible way to treat customers.



Thank you for the bump but unless you have some thing relevant to add to this discussion please refrain from posting in this thread.


You have not been through very many MMO launches honestly. This is the best way they could possibly do it with minimal downtime, minimal player frustration, and the smoothest experience for everyone involved. I preordered Warhammer Online and the server ques and crashing of early access was worse than not getting in at all.

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This is my third launch of a MMO and I must say it is by far the worst that I have experienced. I do not like the mushroom treatment I feel we are being given. They should have given us some clue of when to expect to get invited rather then have us sit in limbo for seven days possibly. This is a terrible way to treat customers.



Thank you for the bump but unless you have some thing relevant to add to this discussion please refrain from posting in this thread.


You can expect to get in up to 5 days early, but guaranteed at least 1 day.

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Logged in today for the first time. (Got my invite early this morning)


1) No lag, which is nice.


2) No queues to get in, which is nicer.


3) No problems with 100 players trying to kill the same 10 rats in the newbie areas.


4) No problems getting the character names I wanted. (went ahead and created some alts, just to make sure I get the names)


Summary: Smooth launch. Previous benchmark for smooth launches was Age of Conan, which is pretty unfair as it is mostly a single player game until level 20. WoW had more queues and waiting. Other games had server stability issues.


BW, you did good. I haven't seen any complaints from people who have actually logged into the game. If the biggest gripe is that people have to wait before getting Early Access (1 or 2 days earlier than what was originally promised) then I think you're in pretty good shape.


As for the QQing folks. Please, keep it up. I am working on a project to turn nerd-rage fueled tears into bio-diesel.




^ The tears to bio diesel will do wonders to get us off of foreign oil.

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i have no problem with waiting. thou some clue of what date of the pree orders now sending would be nice to know instead of that the customers need to find it out them self.


but hey im still not complaining just feedback.


in the end the pre order shouldent start untill 15/12 and still loads of ppl got in before that, nice for them. and good for us other to as we dont have to wait untill relase day to get in as it would been that way if they hadent given us 2 more day.


what iw seen the invites is @ around 2-3 october now. so ill get in tomorow if there isnt a bonus wave today.


and please keep that anger flowing, we wont more of you angry evil ppl on the dark side!!

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Early access or saying game hasn't been launched is false. Once people are making permanent characters that they will continue to play, the game has been launched. So the game "launched" Dec 13th. I haven't gotten in yet, no big deal, I actually don't have time to play much if I did at the moment but lets stop saying the game hasn't launched.
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With the benefit of hindsight I am not so excited about EGA as I was before it was implemented. I think I prefer the free for all of a everyone can try to log on at once launch.


That does not mean that I'm having a hissy fit. I'm calm and will accept my invite like a good girl when it arrives. I think there are advantages and disadvantages to EGA/Standard launch.



Except that there isn't any tangible disadvantage to staggered early access. No crashes, no lag, no overcrowding, no queues.


If you consider people whining that they arent in yet to be a disadvantage, then you are in the wrong. Those same people, and likely more, would be whining just as much or more with crashes, queues, lag, and overcrowding.


So, like I stated, there isnt a tangible disadvantage here.

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Early access or saying game hasn't been launched is false. Once people are making permanent characters that they will continue to play, the game has been launched. So the game "launched" Dec 13th. I haven't gotten in yet, no big deal, I actually don't have time to play much if I did at the moment but lets stop saying the game hasn't launched.



riiiight. what a mindjob some of you people are.

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I agree. I don't like this staggered release. But you know, it would have been much more tolerable if we had some reasonable notice as to when we had access. I too dislike this limbo state of just sitting and waiting, unsure of when I'm actually getting in....
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