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I quit WoW to play SWTOR, this is why I am staying!


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I'm only a level 21 Marauder, but here's what I am impressed with! This is why I'm not going back to WoW!


- Companions


Whose brilliant idea was this? Absolutely love it! I'm never really soloing, and I feel like content isn't locked to me just because I can't grab someone to help. Sure I need to get a group still for things, but there is some freedom here that I really love.


- Crew Skills


Leave's WoW's grindfest for dead! Love it! Feels like it should in an MMO without being automated and divorced from my character. I have Biochem, Bioanalisys and Diplomacy and I am really enjoying it.


- Meditation


For something so simple and small this has a huge impact on the game. Instead of forcing me to level something like cooking you just let me heal in my downtime between fights. What a time saver. This is what MMO's should focus on, lower down time so you can get into the fight.


- Recall


Thank the good Lord you let us recall to anywhere in the current world we have unlocked. I appreciate this to no end. Just like meditation, it's all about lowering the boring down time and I want to see more of this! The once a day fleet recall is also brilliant. I think more can be done, but we'll see how I feel when I hit level 25 and get a speeder.


Thanks Bioware for such a classy MMO at launch! I won't be going back to WoW and I hope more features can be streamlined like the one's above.


EDIT: Adding a 5th and 6th, why did I forget this.


- Story


I think this plays a part in removing the feeling of a grind. It helps, it helps a lot. I am enjoying the characters and feel involved in it.


- Quest structure.


I love going into an area and getting a quest automatically. Like the Bonus quests, but also things like Hadra's defeat, I got that simply by finding the area. Really appreciate this model, instead of finding the quest giver.

Edited by toomsta
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SWTOR is great. I don't understand how people can even think of comparing it to a game that has been out for 7+ years in terms of features and content. Of course WoW has more but as someone who has played WoW for 7 years I can tell you that SWTOR has more features and is less bug plagued than WoW was when it launched. Hell, it's better than the beginning of BC. SWTOR rocks! And fyi, I am level 50 and I am actively raiding and PvPing.
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SWTOR is great. I don't understand how people can even think of comparing it to a game that has been out for 7+ years in terms of features and content. Of course WoW has more but as someone who has played WoW for 7 years I can tell you that SWTOR has more features and is less bug plagued than WoW was when it launched. Hell, it's better than the beginning of BC. SWTOR rocks! And fyi, I am level 50 and I am actively raiding and PvPing.




For a launch MMO it is very very classy!

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SWTOR is great. I don't understand how people can even think of comparing it to a game that has been out for 7+ years in terms of features and content. Of course WoW has more but as someone who has played WoW for 7 years I can tell you that SWTOR has more features and is less bug plagued than WoW was when it launched. Hell, it's better than the beginning of BC. SWTOR rocks! And fyi, I am level 50 and I am actively raiding and PvPing.


...because the game didn't launch 7 years ago?


Seriously, how does ANYONE think it's at all sensible to compare this game to launch WoW rather than Cataclysm?


Don't worry guys, Homefront is amazing. I mean, compare it to DOOM, its a new IP, you can't expect it to be as smooth and have all the features of Battlefield 3.



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I'm a lvl 50 marauder, as my signature says, and i love this game! Raiding is fun, it is not impossible, but still a challenge. Dailies are quick and easy, and very enjoyable. Space combat is something i can do all day long, and pvp in this game is great!


5/5 for this game, btw Annihilation is the way to go if you are lvling, and seems to do well in raids.

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Apart from not having a speeder, why do poeple get bored at 25?


I remember grinding level 40 in Vanilla WoW... I had done every quest I could and I was still too low to move to the next area. So I farmed in Tanaris or something like that for hours. I got so bored I quit for a month before coming back when a mate was around the same level.

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...because the game didn't launch 7 years ago?


Seriously, how does ANYONE think it's at all sensible to compare this game to launch WoW rather than Cataclysm?


Don't worry guys, Homefront is amazing. I mean, compare it to DOOM, its a new IP, you can't expect it to be as smooth and have all the features of Battlefield 3.




This game is still better than WoW.


I mean, people act like WoW is somehow all smooth and polished, yet somehow 5 years after launch my Mage was still blinking backwards.


And for a game that was supposedly all about endgame, months of "additional instances cannot be launched at this time" was completely unacceptable.

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SWTOR is great. I don't understand how people can even think of comparing it to a game that has been out for 7+ years in terms of features and content. Of course WoW has more but as someone who has played WoW for 7 years I can tell you that SWTOR has more features and is less bug plagued than WoW was when it launched. Hell, it's better than the beginning of BC. SWTOR rocks! And fyi, I am level 50 and I am actively raiding and PvPing.


I have no problem comparing it to WoW. Wow hasn't been fun in 5 years and i haven't subscribed in that same amount of time. SWTOR is currently fun and i am subscribing.


Comparison complete.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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You haven't realized EVERY bonus quest is "kill 10 imperials/republic", then "slice 5 droids".....up to 50....every small area...


And you expect something unique? this is an mmo, not a single player game. The quests here are sure as heck more interesting than the ones in WoW.

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Apart from not having a speeder, why do poeple get bored at 25?


I remember grinding level 40 in Vanilla WoW... I had done every quest I could and I was still too low to move to the next area. So I farmed in Tanaris or something like that for hours. I got so bored I quit for a month before coming back when a mate was around the same level.


I can't speak for them but for someone that thoroughly enjoyed the story all the way to 50 i never once got bored or felt like I was grinding. I was always looking forward to what was going to happen next. Other MMO's always bored me during the leveling process.

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I can't speak for them but for someone that thoroughly enjoyed the story all the way to 50 i never once got bored or felt like I was grinding. I was always looking forward to what was going to happen next. Other MMO's always bored me during the leveling process.


It started to feel grindy for me around Corellia, but that was mostly because a bit into 49 I got my eye on hitting 50 and running HM's.

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This game is still better than WoW.


I mean, people act like WoW is somehow all smooth and polished, yet somehow 5 years after launch my Mage was still blinking backwards.


You might want to face your mage in the correct direction, then. If you're talking about not being able to blink forward because you had to have a perfectly flat surface...then, yeah, that sucked (but you didn't really move backwards).

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Oh yeah, love that!


I don't feel like I am playing an MMO at this point. It doesn't feel grindy!


I wish it felt like an MMO, now it feels like playing singleplayer game. And just chatting with other ppl sometimes.


Companion system is cool, and all that. But you're nothing without it. Mobs gonna mob the floor with you unless you have a companion. Sometimes you have to use the RIGHT companion just to level. Annoying.

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I didn't have to grind to get a speeder. I bought my speeder training and still had 50,000 credits. I'm lvl 33 now, still on Tatt...just finished Tatt...and have over 200,000 credits and only did any "grinding" up to lvl 4 as I like having some credits right off the bat, and that "grind" probably only took about 20 minutes.


This game offers a lot, if you choose not to take advantage of what it offers to easily make credits and gain xp (group quests & PVP) that's your fault as an individual and not the game's fault.


I personally vowed never to do any of the group or PVP stuff when I first started playing this game, but decided to give it a try and found them to be extremelynfun and enjoyable. I started this game for the solo story, but am loving more and more for its MMO features.

Edited by Meluna
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I am lvl 50 and loving it. I can't wait to experience the next character I roll and level to 50. I am currently pvping and raiding while my lowbie alts accrue rested bonus. Then I log them and progress their stories.


The only thing that could make this game better beyond basic bug fixes and balance patches which is common place for this type of game would be open world pvp objectives like those found in Anarchy-Online's Notum Wars.


Seriously, Add Notum Wars to SWTOR and this game would be perfection for this day and age of this genre of gaming. (AKA Theme park MMORPGS).

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You might want to face your mage in the correct direction, then. If you're talking about not being able to blink forward because you had to have a perfectly flat surface...then, yeah, that sucked (but you didn't really move backwards).


I mean sometimes I would hit blink, and actually go backwards instead of forwards. I have no idea why, but it was a fairly common problem for mages.

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*cough*Training Cost*cough*


Fair call... But 40k is nothing... I can make more than that in a few days selling mats for Biochem.


And I know it's coming so I have already started saving. In the space of a few hours I have 20k ... It's easy to get credits in this game.

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Oh yeah, love that!


I don't feel like I am playing an MMO at this point. It doesn't feel grindy!


You don't feel like you are playing an MMO. Spoken like a line from the sweetest music ever produced.


I feel validated. Someone who likes the game said this.

Edited by Aisar
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