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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Hey, I loved Baldurs gate...back at the time.


I have fond memories of Chrono Trigger or what not.

But it's 2012 now. I'm living in today, and playing todays games, and todays games have higher standards.

Or..the players do. Same deal.


I agree with you. Which is why I think it's reasonable to be upset over this. I just think threads like this should stay constructive or at least reasonable. If people want to complain, fine, but announcing you're quitting over it... This really isn't the place at all. I'm seeing a lot of fanboy hating posts (which fanboy on these forums means anyone who likes the game), a lot of "This game sucks! I quit!" posts, which neither are helpful, constructive, and in fact both really hurt your cause in the end.

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It's a matter of principle.

Sure the game is fun enough, But by paying for it, you're saying their game with low res textures, and terrible draw distance is just fine with you.

You may as well tell them it doesn't matter, cuz you'll pay regardless.

And unless you simply say you're quiting with no reason why, it IS constructive.

You may not agree with why, but that doesnt stop it from being constructive.


I'll say this: I think providing reasonable, calm, and logical replies will in the end service us (the entire TOR community) more than threatening to quit.

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I agree with you. Which is why I think it's reasonable to be upset over this. I just think threads like this should stay constructive or at least reasonable. If people want to complain, fine, but announcing you're quitting over it... This really isn't the place at all. I'm seeing a lot of fanboy hating posts (which fanboy on these forums means anyone who likes the game), a lot of "This game sucks! I quit!" posts, which neither are helpful, constructive, and in fact both really hurt your cause in the end.

I'll say this: I think providing reasonable, calm, and logical replies will in the end service us (the entire TOR community) more than threatening to quit.



Naw. We I think are having a constructive back and forth, and I respect your point of view.

And I havn't once gone on to say " I quit" etc. I'm seriously considering it however,lol.


I have simply vocally, though maybe abrasivly voiced my displeasure.

And that is constructive.

Edited by Your_dominus
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I understand that, we all have different tastes. I personally wouldn't quit or react severely to a graphics issue, that's why I'm making sure it's known that this is all just MY opinion. My favorite game of all time, probably Baldurs Gate II, so that should show that your observation is correct, I really can play regardless of graphics (I used to play text adventures on the SNES).


I really hope they fix it for all of us, even I like better graphics. I just don't think it's worth quitting over is all :p.


Regarding this issue, to me it's not so much about graphics but about cohesion.


I'm looking at nice textures on the scenery, nice animations... but characters have textures that don't match the "quality" so to speak. If everything was blurry (and not intentionally blurry as in "setting everything to low") and the animations were on the level (crappy), I don't think it won't bother me as much.


It's a subtle psychological annoyance, but it really is bugging me out.

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Naw. We I think are having a constructive back and forth, and I respect your point of view.

And I havnt once gone on to say " I quit" etc.

I'm seriously considering it however,lol.


Ya, I'd agree. My comments are more directed towards those who can't seem to have a civil discussion. You are very civil compared to most in this thread.

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Working as intended apparently.

I'd be fine if it was just lower quality.

BUT IT GOES FROM *********** CRIMSON, TO PINK. That is where I draw the line. I was defending the game's faults till now, but now I'm pissed.


I have to say that looks like more than just low textures or their atlas method, that looks like an outright bug to completely change the color, but who knows. Either way, that needs to be fixed.

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Give us full control of how we want the game to look like. Let us tweak it like we want it. Even if it's just via .ini file.


Us with powerful PCs that run the game without trouble at a constant, capped ~111 FPS with 8x FSAA forced at resolutions of 1920x1080 and higher really have more than enough performance left in their systems to run with the same texture quality as cinematics at all times.


Add an option to let as use these great looking textures and shaders all the time, be it in Preferences->Graphics or just as an .ini tweak for advanced users.


We are PC Gamers, dammit, not some stupid console kiddies! Don't Bantha Poodoo us, we know our stuff and what our gaming rigs can handle and what they can't!

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Nope, wrong. Instead of ************ that you don't have high res textures on the forums, you would be ************ that you are constantly crashing any time you're in a high population area. The difference is, one situation is playable (as in you can actually play the game), and the other is not (crashing).


Can you imagine if they had left it as it was during EGA with all the queues? There would have been 10 times as much rage as there already was due to people crashing any time they went to Fleet and having to re-queue.



ok, so now you are assuming that i, knowing full well that the high rez textures have a possibility of crashing my computer (hypothetically) that i would come to the forums and ***** about that? do you see when i will win the lottery? what are my lucky numbers?!


the ques were artificial and as such a poor argument to try and use. if the que times were legitimate and people were crashing to desktop due to graphics issues, and had not the common sense to lower the fing graphics till it didn't crash anymore, i would have no sympathy for them.


you keep going to this black and white world where people would run the game on max settings even in their machine couldn't handle it and complain till bioware somehow made their machines able to handle it. instead of doing, i dunno, TURNING DOWN THE FING TEXTURES BECAUSE YOU\YOUR (as in, NOT MY) COMPUTER CAN'T HANDLE IT.


don't ruin my experience with a game because you are too poor/ have circumstances which affect your ability to afford a good computer.


that is similar to communism in many respects

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Working as intended apparently.

I'd be fine if it was just lower quality.

BUT IT GOES FROM *********** CRIMSON, TO PINK. That is where I draw the line. I was defending the game's faults till now, but now I'm pissed.


Ya notice it on my main when I spam the holoterminal, some of the colors are off, most noticeably on my chararcter it'll go from a muddled light grey to a nice crisp black.

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ok, so now you are assuming that i, knowing full well that the high rez textures have a possibility of crashing my computer (hypothetically) that i would come to the forums and ***** about that? do you see when i will win the lottery? what are my lucky numbers?!


the ques were artificial and as such a poor argument to try and use. if the que times were legitimate and people were crashing to desktop due to graphics issues, and had not the common sense to lower the fing graphics till it didn't crash anymore, i would have no sympathy for them.


you keep going to this black and white world where people would run the game on max settings even in their machine couldn't handle it and complain till bioware somehow made their machines able to handle it. instead of doing, i dunno, TURNING DOWN THE FING TEXTURES BECAUSE YOU\YOUR (as in, NOT MY) COMPUTER CAN'T HANDLE IT.


don't ruin my experience with a game because you are too poor/ have circumstances which affect your ability to afford a good computer.


that is similar to communism in many respects




For the 50th time, it's going to be fixed. If you have a problem with that, unsub until it's fixed. It's not complicated.


Oh, btw the links in your sig are broken. XD

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Are people still beating the dead horse?


If several 100+ page threads are your idea of a dead horse, ya.


You can also google The Old Republic Hi-Res textures and see how many sites are starting to pick it up as well. Ya dead horse.

Edited by United_Strafes
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Is there anything you won't nitpick?


"They gave us a time frame to address the issues that some people have with graphical fidelity."




" graphical fidelity"

You say I'm nitpicking. I call that vague.

They're probably going to improve lighting and shaders, and leave the atrocious draw distance, and low res textures.


But hey they're improving things! so its cool!:rolleyes:


If they were going to fix what hundreds...thousands of people are in a uproar about, don't you think it would be a good idea to say so?

That's what makes me trhink they aren't.

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Honestly? You may notice them sometimes, but it's not like they're screaming your face while you're playing the game. They don't make it harder for you to play, they're pure aesthetics. But like I said, even though I personally don't think it's worth quitting over, feel free to do it if you wish, best of luck to you.


If you order a new Lexus, but it shows up with a terrible paint job, you're not going to just say "well, I don't actually get to see the paint while I'm driving anyway, so it would be shallow to reject the car." You know you'd reject the car, despite the fact that it's against the spirit of the same logic you're using for this issue.


Aesthetics matter in videogames, to a lot of people. Especially people who spent a lot of money on their PC components. Especially in a game of which's major selling point is immersion, which is reduced by seeing development's technological failure when you look at your character.


You may be fine with it, but I, and many other are not. Continually calling us 'shallow', wont change that, even if it was an objective statement, which it is not.

Edited by Khechari
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In regard to the argument about how MMOs are different from single player games:


Actually there are MMOs that use hi res textures effectively while rendering a huge amount of characters (I'll name RIFT as an example which also offers supersampling AA as well). But if we want to get technical, something that my programming background allows me to do, if you can't handle rendering X amount characters then you can simply implement a LOD (Level of Detail) mechanism that can reduce the detail depending on how many characters are present in the scene. Which also would have to be able to be turned off by the user at any time. Even if the off feature makes it unplayable (which I seriously doubt for high-end PCs unless the code is entirely unoptimized) PC hardware evolves and in a year or so maximum quality settings would be achieved by medium end PCs.


Regarding the argument about performance and the majority of the player base:


This is why options exist in any kind of game and/or software. The textures are there, if I can't handle it on my PC, I can lower the setting, apply LOD, etc. Very simple. AOC for example even supports Ambient Occlusion on the DX10 renderer which is very heavy...

Also Tesselation on DX11 allows for insane amount of detail on reduced resource cost. I do understand the decision on not going the DX11 route due to the market share of DX11 hardware out there but having it as an option would not be bad, only more expensive in development. Perhaps a feature for a future expansion.


Regarding the Medium setting vanishing:


I would go as far as making an educated guess. The whole thing sounds like it was deemed cost effective to eliminate the High setting in a non PR-nightmare way because it costs much less than optimizing the engine and actually enabling the high resolution textures (which imho could be even higher rez that they are). I've seen similar decisions before and they are made by people looking only at numbers who also usually think it's a clever way to get around an issue. Well in such big communities it doesn't work as there are people inside the community with the technical expertise and the mental capacity to figure things out. And it shouldn't work, ever.



As a sidenote. I really enjoy the game the stories etc and there are very few things I don't personally like. The low resolution textures are one. The second is the very shallow character specialization system (having 3 cookie cutter specs per class is not fun for me--half the fun is exploring class skill combinations and synergies to tailor your character to your own playstyle and/or finding ways to encounter another players spec in pvp) and the last part is the lack of actual free space flight (like Jump to Lightspeed on the old SWG game). If these 3 things get addressed then it's truly going to be a AAA title that offers everything a gamer could ever want out of an MMO. The interface needs configurability as well but I believe that is already worked on.

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There's nothing wrong with beating this dead horse. This is a major problem. Also, new subscribers who sign up and have the same initial "***" reaction as we did to the graphics, will probably come to the forums/google, to search for a solution. Oh wait, the search feature on the forums is disabled.


I don't have the exact daily new subscribers figures, but it's better to keep this issue consolidated in one thread, rather than seeing several dozen new "what's up with the texture quality/FPS?" threads popping up. Again, if the search feature was enabled, people could do a search before posting, but that isn't happening.

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