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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Is SR trolling us again? Seriously.


Textures aren't nearly as resource intensive as polygon count in terms of rendering 3D graphics; this is further evidenced by the fact that high-resolution, bumped, and high-quality detailed textures have existed in MMOs for years--certainly to a greater extent than what is currently present in SWTOR.


And to expect us to buy this "it is a bug" BS is rather insulting, quite frankly. Is this how we should expect to be treated from this point on--having our intelligence insulted with bogus explanations that are completely nonsensical. If you don't want to put high-res textures in, then just say so--don't come up with some lame "it is a bug" excuse.


It's not news to anyone who has been playing SWTOR that optimization is sorely lacking--the game has trouble handling any medium-high volume zones, be it OPvP or WZs. But according to beta testers and the advertising images BW has been using to promote their game, HR textures do exist and have been in-game; so again this "it is a bug" BS is ridiculous.


Pfft... this is all rather laughable, quite frankly. This was the response we we made to wait for, really? Yall need to step up your game. If you're going to BS us, at least make it some good BS.

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Not to mention it wouldn't take long to code and implement either.


What? No, ofc not. They first need to discuss, then propose their own opinion on a problem, then figure out who is goin to be in a team for resolving that issue, then someone will get histerical and they'll need to replace him with another developer, then they'll completely fail with this issue but find a way to fix another one and concentrate everything to fix it, and maybe THEN they'll add that feature to a game. ETA - looks like 2 months.

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The game looks great, I agree. Zoomed out, far away from my character. The environments are amazing, but sometimes when zoomed in, especially indoors, I see this muddy nasty mess in the foreground, with amazing high-res environment textures in the background.




Example of this someone posted earlier. That character looks like it doesn't even belong in that environment, let alone the same game. Look at the walls, look how awesome those high textures look compared to the characters armor.


It looks HORRIBLE.


Oh god, that's terrible

I'd cry if I weren't laughing so hard at the bizarreness of it

It looks like a photoshop, the texture quality is so different

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Keep in mind the screenshot I posted is on the beginning planet at peak time (hense the 30 FPS). I cannot seem to get it any higher so that is what it is.


make sure you read the little description under the picture.

Edited by Aisar
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This is what I've been saying for pages and pages now.


Perhaps the OP can add this suggestion to the first page so it's more accessible to BW to see?



To Bioware: Please add one of the following two functions:


1) An option to use High-res textures for just your character and your party members/compaions


2) An option to use High-res textures for the first 20-ish character models rendered.



I think that would placate a lot of people and would be a great [temporary] fix. Not to mention it wouldn't take long to code and implement either.


Yeah, I expressed this idea many pages ago and I did submit it to the original poster. I think it is a good idea and a step in the right direction. We spend most of our time looking at ourselves anyway, how vain!

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I'm sorry, but I do not get you. Stephen Reid is talking about hi res textures for characters in a thread about that exact topic, and then states that they will be making changes to increase the fidelity of characters and the characters around you in the same post. How do you get that it he is therefore talking about AA or shaders or whatnot? If it was about AA or shaders or something, it is likely he would have specified that to avoid confusion, as the post is ABOUT hi res textures.


Can someone else tell me if I am missing something here? It seems more logical to assume he is talking about the topic at hand, and not some other random topic. We can't say for sure, but it seems logical.


tl;dr: Mr. Reid was posting in a thread about hi res textures and you assume he means AA or shaders? Why?


And you assume that higher fidelity means hi resolution textures are comming in 1.2, and that'sa exactly what he's saying in his statement.

Edited by Meluna
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Let me be perfectly clear. The armor textures are unacceptable PERIOD. They would be poor in a f2p and they are significantly lower than what I have seen in any other MMO, be that WOW, AoC, Aion ect... to claim it is a flaw in the lack of control on the number of viewable characters while a true point, is one EVERY other AAA mmo company has solved.



I just switched from a 6 month sub to a 1 month. I'm so mad right now at this "It's working as intended" that I almost canceled immediately. I think I'll give myself a day or two to calm down, but I expected way more from any AAA subscription game and in particular bioware.


Before I had hope that high rez textures would be toggled back on in a week or two, a few months at the outside. After this response I have no hope they'll ever be in game and I'll be left with blurry yuck armor should I choose to continue, which I probably won't.

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unacceptable. plain and simple





We CAN'T wait for a fix, 1-2 months


We (at least I) demand a hotfix abling us to play hi-res NOW.



What some user suggest is a good hotfix: hi-res char+companion or hi-res 10-20 characters nearby (even 5 will be "good")

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The game looks great, I agree. Zoomed out, far away from my character. The environments are amazing, but sometimes when zoomed in, especially indoors, I see this muddy nasty mess in the foreground, with amazing high-res environment textures in the background.




Example of this someone posted earlier. That character looks like it doesn't even belong in that environment, let alone the same game. Look at the walls, look how awesome those high textures look compared to the characters armor.


It looks HORRIBLE.

That is just so freaking terrible. Bioware should be embarrassed.

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Games are about having fun.

If you HONESTLY think the resolution is not worth your time, then leave.

Farmville is a ****** looking game, but it has more players than any game ever.

If your so called resolution problems make it unenjoyable for you, then LEAVE. Quit whining. You're 1 person out of millions. No one cares about you attention wh**ing.

My resolution looks way better than most of the screenshots posted here & runs fine, except in warzones, I have to turn it down a notch.

Go back to Warcraft if it seriously pisses you off that much.

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Where'd you get that? Can't tell without close up on armor, but it looks like slightly better than what we have right now.


Thats cus those shirts have very little detail. I just made a trooper and i can tell you that the only difference for high res that early on is on the armor's emblems. Later on it gets much more noticeable.

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And you assume that higher fidelity means hi resolution textures are comming in 1.2, and that'sa exactly what he's saying in his statement. You are thick buddy, the worst kind of thick. One of those ones that clearly has no clue as to what you're sayin but will just go on and on claiming that you do. Go away, anyone who has read your posts will immediately see you're clueless....move on.


You are absolutely stupid, do you have any common sense at all?

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And you assume that higher fidelity means hi resolution textures are comming in 1.2, and that'sa exactly what he's saying in his statement. You are thick buddy, the worst kind of thick. One of those ones that clearly has no clue as to what you're sayin but will just go on and on claiming that you do. Go away, anyone who has read your posts will immediately see you're clueless....move on.


I can't help you friend, I really can't. I'm sorry, we will have to agree to disagree. Good luck, and safe travels =P (The EQ player in me).

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I tried telling you all in the last thread that you were setting yourselves up for a big let down, and that the textures in cutscenes were for just that: cutscenes.


The game is amazing and I am going to keep playing. The texures look great and everyone in my guild is having a blast.


Happy gaming!


Yeah, the textures look great.

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In regards to the long official explanation: Thank you for nothing. So it is exactly as some feared, you just cut out the option because many people's machines couldn't handle it. Guess Crysis should have had its "ultra" settings removed, too, because no computer at that time was able to handle it. Oh wait. Two years after its release I was able to play it in its full glory on ultra-settings.


Then let's talk plain text - the current "medium" textures are utter crap. Period. They are so bad in places that they could be considered as low at best. When I look at some parts of my armor, especially boots and belt, it looks like the "low" option WoW had at its release, in friggin 2005.



And the thing about calls... yawn. Load the friggin textures into my 2 friggin GIGABYTES of video RAM at the start of the game, if that's not enough put the rest into my friggin 8 GIGABYTES of physical memory*. My rig is set up so memory is the least scarce resource of all. Use it. Don't tell me the game is loading the textures from hard disc all the time, because that would be just stupid on anything with enough memory.



I find it appalling that Bioware even considers playing players' nanny and deciding what their machines should be able to handle and what not.


And then, last but not least - how about dynamic adaption. Render other people in the next-lower texture resolution when two many players are around (but keep your own character in the player's chosen quality at least). Because, as I said, the textures should already be loaded anyway, it would be just a matter of raw parallel processing speed during the actual rendering, and I can see that there might be bottlenecks there with many people around. But in no way do I believe you that the actual memory footprint of the large resolution textures is at fault, because there really is enough memory in better PCs.


But really, at the very, very least, let us see our own character in full detail. Everytime I see those ultra-muddy textures on parts of my armor I kept reminding me it's just a bug, high resolution will be fixed soon enough. Now you're telling me this is what it's meant to be? The difference between low and medium is almost nil on some items.



*Yeah, I know that requires a native 64 bit client. Wait you don't have that in 2012?



Edit: Someone above gave us the perfect example of how wrong it currently is:



The environment is nicely high-res, but the character texturing looks like they are from a 2000 shooter. It's entirely out of place and I cannot imagine how not even half your development team would have burst out in loud protest when this was decided to be as intended. Because if they had, you wouldn't be so surprised at the current outrage.

Edited by Mephane
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I'm just here to say that I think the Medium/High textures look awful, even for an MMO... and I say that despite the fact that I completely understand the technical limitations concerning draw calls and rendering pipelines.


You should seriously re-assign whichever artist or artists you assigned to 'fix' those textures, or if you used a tech solution, you should hire real programmers that understand texture scaling. That looks like someone took a high res texture and used Photoshop to shrink the file down using default sampling filters.


I'm enjoying the game and even plan to remain subbed, but your 'High' quality textures and your response just scream "Amateur Hour!!!"

Edited by Mannoth
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Games are about having fun.

If you HONESTLY think the resolution is not worth your time, then leave.

Farmville is a ****** looking game, but it has more players than any game ever.

If your so called resolution problems make it unenjoyable for you, then LEAVE. Quit whining. You're 1 person out of millions. No one cares about you attention wh**ing.

My resolution looks way better than most of the screenshots posted here & runs fine, except in warzones, I have to turn it down a notch.

Go back to Warcraft if it seriously pisses you off that much.


Farmville characters have better resolution than characters in ToR. That's the sad part.


If nobody cares, why is this the third continuance of the thread? If nobody cares, why is EAware sending in the spin machine to try to calm people down about the issue?


You're right, nobody cares.:rolleyes:

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