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overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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Quite a few number of your "red responses" acquiesce that there was a problem and you think the issues are being fixed in one patch or another.


By your own admission this is not "so much false information". This OP is frustrated to be sure, but it does raise an eyebrow when all of these "little problems" seem to favor the Empire. Should we listen to your wise reason then or the law of probability?


I get tired of people always looking to badger angry customers. Bioware can take care of themselves I'm sure.


Its eyebrow raising so many refuse to look at the whole picture. I don't look to badger angry customers, but I'm tired of people who jump to wild conclusions and believe that everything is against them. It always ALWAYS has to be about devs favoring one side over another. Not one MMO has this claim not been made with various reasons. They don't even bother trying to figure out the other side's issues. When the other side having issues is brought up they expect the person that brings it up to know all the details when they themselves don't have accurate details about all the issues on their side and such on. Its eyebrow raising that people repeat this cycle no matter what.


Do things lean slightly towards Empire in advantage? Perhaps, but these things don't work out evenly. Ever. Its ridiculously improbable to expect otherwise. Pretty much all the mirroring issues can be attributed to the classes not originally being mirrors. I don't know how some of the things got messed up, but it definitely makes sense with the animation issues. Just kind of worked out that way in the end. Is it an issue? Yes, but treating a mistake like a personal attack quite frankly? Wouldn't fly irl, why should it fly online?


Of course they were. All mistakes overlooked that just happen to all favor one side. Nothing to see here, right? Move along sheep! move along!


All? Yeah, now you're definitely wrong.

Edited by Kuari
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Its eyebrow raising so many refuse to look at the whole picture. I don't look to badger angry customers, but I'm tired of people who jump to wild conclusions and believe that everything is against them. It always ALWAYS has to be about devs favoring one side over another. Not one MMO has this claim not been made with various reasons. They don't even bother trying to figure out the other side's issues. When the other side having issues is brought up they expect the person that brings it up to know all the details when they themselves don't have accurate details about all the issues on their side and such on. Its eyebrow raising that people repeat this cycle no matter what.


Do things lean slightly towards Empire in advantage? Perhaps, but these things don't work out evenly. Ever. Its ridiculously improbable to expect otherwise. Pretty much all the mirroring issues can be attributed to the classes not originally being mirrors. I don't know how some of the things got messed up, but it definitely makes sense with the animation issues. Just kind of worked out that way in the end. Is it an issue? Yes, but treating a mistake like a personal attack quite frankly? Wouldn't fly irl, why should it fly online?




All? Yeah, now you're definitely wrong.



ill bite, name 1 "mistake" that favores republic pls.

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If it's overwhelming proof why is it in you humble opinion?

just point this out, nothing to do here!


Regardless of the semantics, he was posting mostly facts. Mass class/armor design imbalances plus the broken turret issue that bad Empire pvpers tried to deny that even existed are irrefutable empirical evidence.

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ill bite, name 1 "mistake" that favores republic pls.


Pulse Cannon has a much more visible range thus is easier to use by far is one good example.

If you haven't noticed there also have been a lot of Empire bugs getting fixed in various patches, a lot of them people on forums weren't aware of because guess what? They weren't getting talked about, despite some of them being severe. (and before you say anything there have been a bunch of Republic ones that got fixed too involving side specific stuff)

There are also likely other issues as well. I'm not going to play every class to 50 to find out what though. Obviously neither are you though. Out of sight, out of mind... that's why some things that are EXTREMELY false are still running rampant.


Really, there are only three key issues that I see with Republic right now.. Mortar Strike, Project (more for visual reasons than what people actually believe it does) and Alderaan. Mortar Strike is the biggy as the difference is VERY distinct. Sure you can still move as soon as the bar is done and the third will still fire off, but the fact that it comes a bit late compared to DFA is unacceptable.


I suppose my point is, there's some legitimate issues, but for the love of god, focus on the issue. Quit trying to pretend you're being treated as an enemy. Do you want to know what treating people like enemies does? Makes them NOT want to help you no matter how legit the complaint will be. Almost everyone who has worked directly with customers themselves should realize that. At some point someone is going to be an *** and blame you, even when its not your fault and they don't have all the information. Not very enjoyable.

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all of it is true all though didnt realize about turrets in alderaan but always thought something was up .. i just watched the youtube video proving it too makes me SICK to my stomach .. they should all three be in neutral postion! not to mention i cant believe the timers are borked tilted to empire

If you get SICK to your stomach about something as trivial as a 5 point lead in Alderaan, I suggest you get out of the house more.


How do some of you people function in society?

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Even after patch,Civil War warzone still beneficts Imperial

Every time I cap left tower,first and they cap after 2 or 5 secs,guess what. They have always made more dmg.

I wonder why.

Some things are takeing to long to fix

The result is bad,atm I can say,I never thought saying this but,new game is near,only playing until then.

I love this game but what I hate most is inbalance,I am Rep player.


+1 the creator of this thread

sry bad english

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If you get SICK to your stomach about something as trivial as a 5 point lead in Alderaan, I suggest you get out of the house more.


How do some of you people function in society?


You are joking right?

Tipical Imp player

5 points is not the problem,but things like this is realy bad for server imbalance

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You are joking right?

Tipical Imp player

5 points is not the problem,but things like this is realy bad for server imbalance


I'm not joking. All the problem in Alderaan does is gives the Imperial team a 5 point advantage. How many games involve the west and east getting capped at the same time, the middle never getting capped, neither side switching hands at any point in the game, and the Empire winning 5-0? Exactly.


And "things like this" have no impact on server imbalance at all. People aren't making Imperial characters because of anything mentioned in the first post of this thread. The imbalance existed from day 1 simply because more people wanted to play the Empire classes. People wanted to be Darth Maul or Boba Fett more than they wanted to be Luke Skywalker or Han Solo. More people wanted to shoot lightning than little rocks. More people wanted to be evil ba$tards than pure good guys. This isn't new information.

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I'm not joking. All the problem in Alderaan does is gives the Imperial team a 5 point advantage. How many games involve the west and east getting capped at the same time, the middle never getting capped, neither side switching hands at any point in the game, and the Empire winning 5-0? Exactly.


And "things like this" have no impact on server imbalance at all. People aren't making Imperial characters because of anything mentioned in the first post of this thread. The imbalance existed from day 1 simply because more people wanted to play the Empire classes. People wanted to be Darth Maul or Boba Fett more than they wanted to be Luke Skywalker or Han Solo. More people wanted to shoot lightning than little rocks. More people wanted to be evil ba$tards than pure good guys. This isn't new information.


If you say so.

But the ppl that plays Rep side need that things like CW and etc get fixed.

Imbalance server from start yes.

To bad there isnt Rebel side.

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I'm not joking. All the problem in Alderaan does is gives the Imperial team a 5 point advantage. How many games involve the west and east getting capped at the same time, the middle never getting capped, neither side switching hands at any point in the game, and the Empire winning 5-0? Exactly.


And "things like this" have no impact on server imbalance at all. People aren't making Imperial characters because of anything mentioned in the first post of this thread. The imbalance existed from day 1 simply because more people wanted to play the Empire classes. People wanted to be Darth Maul or Boba Fett more than they wanted to be Luke Skywalker or Han Solo. More people wanted to shoot lightning than little rocks. More people wanted to be evil ba$tards than pure good guys. This isn't new information.


Happened twice to me. How many is acceptable? How many would you find acceptable?

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I am not saying the turret problem is acceptable, I'm saying it isn't game-breaking and definitely isn't a reason to leave the game. It happened twice in 800 games for you. I've had people cap nodes where they could not be attacked (which was addressed in a patch) on more than one occasion. Should I have written a seven thousand word dissertation about how terrible the game was because of that bug, and how I was going to quit and join the circus? Or should I have just done what most rational people do and assumed (correctly) that the issue would be corrected? Sure it sucks when it happens to you, but there's a whole big world out there with much bigger problems than one team getting an unfair advantage over another in a 15 minute video game PVP contest, wouldn't you say?


1 month into the game's life, a bug with Alderaan's turrets was noticed and Bioware is now taking the steps to correct that bug. It's not the end of the world. If it's so terrible that it actually makes you want to cry, just leave Alderaan and re-queue when you happen to get it.

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You are joking right?

Tipical Imp player

5 points is not the problem,but things like this is realy bad for server imbalance


I play Republic, and think most of you need to put your tin foil hats on. I have played, in dozens (maybe hundreds, lost count) of Alderaan WZs, exactly ONE time where the score came down to a 0-5 match.


Are the animation bugs annoying? Yes. Yes they are. They are also in the pipeline to be fixed NLT patch 1.2. Learn some patience. None of the existing problems are game-breaking.

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Here's one. The assassins self heal on our Dark Charge stance does not scale. That will be fixed in tomorrows patch I believe because it is a valid bug. Not some unwarranted screams for a nerf without any empirical evidence to back it. Nothing in this thread has any real evidence to support it.


And btw.. your silence is appreciated. Please do remain silent in the future rather than typing it thanks!


Lmao and the shadows combat self heal doesn't

Scale either... Thnx for trying though

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Cool bro, ive had 4

Obviously, then, I wasn't talking about you.


I was simply referring to the OP and the few posts after it. I realize this thread has been necroed but I assumed the following posts were along the same vein.


Forgive me for not reading all 96 pages of this thread and making some assumptions. Congrats on being un-bias and not being over-reactionary unlike some other pubs who whine on these forums about some imagenary imbalance that's biased towards imps.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Im not disagreeing that there is an imbalance here. The republics side is less refined than the Empires but the bounty hunter and the trooper are the most over powered of all the classes. Next to these are the sents and the their counterpart on the empire side. Now I haven't gotten my Gunslinger high enough but from what I have seen they pack a punch when they got the right gear.
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Really, there are only three key issues that I see with Republic right now.. Mortar Strike, Project (more for visual reasons than what people actually believe it does) and Alderaan. Mortar Strike is the biggy as the difference is VERY distinct. Sure you can still move as soon as the bar is done and the third will still fire off, but the fact that it comes a bit late compared to DFA is unacceptable.


My main is a PT. I got my Trooper up to level 10 and used Mortar Strike and it's laughably delayed. Although the fact that I jump up to use DFA makes it insta-interrupt in PVP, I'd still rather the ability hit when it's supposed to.


The Project thing... I kinda like it. I get that an instant should be instant, but I've gotten off some serious damage back to back. As a Shadow, a boosted Project with the execute ability (forget the name) and the damage lands almost the same time. But it should be fixed so the classes are mirrors.


Lol at the conspiracy theories. Seriously, guys, relax. Half the stuff in this thread is made up. I get bugs all the time on all my toons, especially with channeled abilities. Happens to Imps as well.

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The imps need all the help they can get. 3,000 years from now, they are going to to be on the receiving end of a stellar ***-kicking by a ragtag bunch of scrubs and will shortly after fade into legend.


Let them have their day in the sun, perpetual night will soon fall on them.


Sarcasm aside, the cross-faction inconsistencies need to be seriously addressed and none too soon. The fact the game launched after months of beta testing in the state that it did, with such glaring advantages given to one side, is nothing short of mind boggling.

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(edited for one thing i got wrong that i misread ) so removing the one i got wrong

i stand by the rest






MY LAST STRAW ... i had overlooked or excused or hoped a fix was coming for the list below

but i guess this is my hair that breaks the camels back !!!!



The turret problems favoring empire are ridiculous


screw this game yall have fun ... im walking away until summer ill look back in and see if they cared enough to balance the faction and hopefully management holds some DEVS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THIS BLANTANT ABUSE of POWER IN DESIGNING THE FACTION THEY WANTED TO PLAY to have all sorts of SUBTLE ADVANTAGES!!!!! the EVIDENCE IN ITS ENTIREITY is OVERWHELMING when looked at from a distance other than one at a time







so add it to the list of things that severely imbalance the so called "mirror" classes


things like the following:


1.) trooper mortar volley travel time verses BH death drom above instant!!!


2.) consular animation delays verses their counterpart instant !!!


3.) convert the trooper pool of energy to BH energy BH has 4% more -

same for another classes energy i forget which one


4.) IA can do dirty kick on the run without stopping while Smuggler has to stop perform action then move


5.) Ever wonder WHY it always seems empire starts with lead on alderaan warzone?

two turrets already pointing at republic ship and do not have to turn to begin firing not to mention the BIGGEST KICKER OF ALL .. the dumb DEVS ALLOW THE EMPIRE TO TICK QUICKER THAN THE REPUBLIC ... FILM IT FRAPS IT YOURSELF ... try and figure out how empire one caps and republic two caps and forst 5 secs empire ahead ... REALLY .. I MEAN REALLY!!!! W T F


6.) force way has animation that makes republic jump up then come down before it goes off

empires is instant ... very rough across the bridge in voidstar and in huttball


7.) empires knockbacks are farther


8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact


9.) IA gets gets 30 secs less on its cc grenade cooldown than smuggler


10.) electrocute ignores resolve bar and even dodge it gets through everything ... force stun DOES NOT!!!


11.) smuggler sabo charge requires again you guessed it longer period of time .. IA instant!!!!


12.) IA backstab instant - Smuggler has animation to pull out shotgun to deal with !!!!


14.) im tired of listing them someone else take ove




any reasonable person that understands probability KNOWS beyond a shadow of a doubt there a far too many "oopies and overlooks " to be beniegn




have fun ill look in from time to time and see if they did anything about it

im going to take a break


if you are staying in this game and PvP you SHOULD DEMAND THE ABOVE BE FIXED and a REASON GIVEN as to way it was allowed in the first place and HOW SO MANY BETA TESTERS MISSED these GLARING ISSUES ... i guess they were just playing and not testing





ps im mad and didnt proof read and im not the faster i log out right now the better and put SWTOR BEHIND me for a long while and hope it gets fixed


I agree this is what makes a bad game,this game is not fun anyway

Edited by Meluna
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My only argument against the OP is the complaints about the instants. I have no problem with it. Lightning SHOULD travel faster than a rock. Its F***ing LIGHTNING! If it did anything else it wouldn't make sense. Besides, what's wrong with a few faction differences? I wouldn't mind playing an MMO where each faction had completely different classes. Take Jugg's away from Empire and take Commando from Republic. I wouldn't care one bit.
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Besides, what's wrong with a few faction differences?


Because the advantages in PvP, coupled with the ridiculous population imbalance on every server, is a kick in the nads for anyone that enters a warzone more than once per year.

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