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overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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I'm really getting sick of Star Wars: The Old Republic, playing as a Jedi Sage is just a total joke. Specially in PvP we are so underpowered compared to every other class that there's almost no point even playing and in my case its worse since i've completed the MainQuest and all SideQuests and theres really nothing else for me to do except playing PvP or anything related for fighting against the Empire.... either BioWare starts Balancing somethings out or Powering the Jedi Sage up and Space Combat is seriously boring as hell compared to Star Wars Galaxies Space Combat. How about adding the Option to freely fly in Space and have Space Combat against other Players like SWG did.
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OP is right.


I play both sides have done hundreds upon hundreds of Warzones.


I play both sides too. I have a 38 jugg and a 23 JK.


Empire is ez mode.


It should be the other way around, given the appeal that evil has for the hardcore pvp crowd.

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Also Juggernaut AE Snare is 9 Seconds long instead of 6 like the Guardians. This is serious bullsh... We dont need this Dark Side is stronger crap. Poeple allready like the look of the Imperial Classes more.


A Guardian has to resnare 2 Globals earlier than his mirror. This is just unacceptable for PvP. Bioware should fix the Cooldowns this Month!

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Have you guyz ever bothered listening start of Alderaan?


The empire fleet has pulled republic ship into a trap, we dragged them into the range of anti air to get them down but republic has foreseen our move and has disabled the aa's.. go and take them over!!


so where u want the turrets look at once they meant to bring republic fleet down without a zone fight?!

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8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact



despite the animation, the damage is calculated when the ability is used, not when the animation completes. if i was a gambling man, i would assume that the other similar issues with other mirrored abilities is the same. they way it looks is totally irrelevant to the way the damage is actually calculated.






The devs have admitted this is not the case. L:ightning goes off 0.2secs into the animation, project goes off 0.7 or something, which is PVP makes a big difference.


They have admitted its known, right from development, AND STATED THEY DONT CARE!


I've played a trooper and BH and bountyhunters are so much better, the animation delay is just no there, its pretty smooth.


I've just lost all faith in BW if this is the crap they put out at launch. I have no trust they give a crap, or that they will actually fix anything in a reasonable amount of time. Its actually made me never want to play their games again if this is what they produce.

Edited by Cameirus
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Oh my, now someone wants to nerf the developers as well... what's next... nerfing players on bio break?


Gah... pointless rambling leads to frustration, frustration leads to anger, anger leads to me not giving a ***** and playing some SWTOR because I actually like the game. Stop playing it if you hate it.

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Did you guys miss this from a Dev the other day?


"Statements that we hate a specific class or faction, or that we intentionally underbalance certain classes to make it less popular are conspiracy theory territory."


I agree. Unfortunately, intentionality is not required.


Unconscious bias in the minds of the devs is more than sufficient to upset the balance.

Edited by Tirithius
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YEah for the most part Empire wins more often than Republic does. On my Empire characters I never have any trouble winning pvp matches to get my dailies finished but it took me 2 days to win a single match with Republic.



Even if the game is perfectly balanced (it so isn't even remotely but just for the sake of argument let's say it is) Republic players just seem to suck more. At any rate, Empire is winning more often and the numbers show it. 53% of the time throughout all servers, now that means that even in servers where Republic dominates, there are more servers where Empire is just clowning Republic to offset those Republic victories to the point of an Empire majority.



Do something BioWare, lest we write you off as another ****** EA stooge.

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A lot of Empire players claiming that things are fine and not broken which Bioware has commented are not fine and are broken, really does show a lot of you up.


Yeah. They want to think their leet pvp skills are the only factor. It would hurt their ego to realize they are playing ez mode.

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I'm really getting sick of Star Wars: The Old Republic, playing as a Jedi Sage is just a total joke. Specially in PvP we are so underpowered compared to every other class that there's almost no point even playing and in my case its worse since i've completed the MainQuest and all SideQuests and theres really nothing else for me to do except playing PvP or anything related for fighting against the Empire.... either BioWare starts Balancing somethings out or Powering the Jedi Sage up and Space Combat is seriously boring as hell compared to Star Wars Galaxies Space Combat. How about adding the Option to freely fly in Space and have Space Combat against other Players like SWG did.


Now this is priceless. Sage underpowered? What about proced 126% crit 1,3s telekinetic throw dealing 5k+ dmg? Or 2x instant AoEs for 3,5k and 3,2k? What about a 4s instant stun? 5s root AoE on 20s CD? 6s instant lift on 40s cooldown with a 2s stun if properly interrupted with damage? What about 21s dots preventing the target from caping before you respawn and get back into action? What about force speed, permslow ffs? What else do you need? I play a sage and I tell you: I need nothing more. There are no more free buttons on my keyboard anyway. Clearly you just really need to learn to play your class and if it doesn't suit you just reroll instead. Sages are one of the most powerful classes out there. Difficult also, but still.




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A lot of Empire players claiming that things are fine and not broken which Bioware has commented are not fine and are broken, really does show a lot of you up.


Show me the quotes from bioware then ??? iv only seen the flash grenade one.


Untill i see the quote your still whining

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I play a Sith Marauder (though I'm Light V so I guess I'm, like, a sympathiser? :p)


Anyway I'm sure that a lot of the stuff mentioned in this thread is true but I highly doubt that Bioware have intentionally borked the Republic. What good would that be for the game?


Sure, some are bugs, some are oversights - these will no doubt be fixed at top priority from their team. Let's not forget that for every gun that's a meter or so closer to spawn on Alderaan there's a shuttle that can be used to climb out of the spawn on Voidstar, for example.


Please don't flame me - I'm not saying all is rosey and enjoying the imbalance being in my favour because I'd prefer a balanced game too! But I'm just saying that I really can't see any way in which Bioware would do this on purpose just to screw with the Republic players.

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Now this is priceless. Sage underpowered? What about proced 126% crit 1,3s telekinetic throw dealing 5k+ dmg? Or 2x instant AoEs for 3,5k and 3,2k? What about a 4s instant stun? 5s root AoE on 20s CD? 6s instant lift on 40s cooldown with a 2s stun if properly interrupted with damage? What about 21s dots preventing the target from caping before you respawn and get back into action? What about force speed, permslow ffs? What else do you need? I play a sage and I tell you: I need nothing more. There are no more free buttons on my keyboard anyway. Clearly you just really need to learn to play your class and if it doesn't suit you just reroll instead. Sages are one of the most powerful classes out there. Difficult also, but still.





Result. I'm tired of sages constantly complaining about being underpowered because they can't hammer everyone. Sages are one of the hardest classes to play against when they know what they're doing. The problem is alot of them don't and they'd suck just as much on any other class. The quoted post pretty much shows all of the reasons why its hard to fight against in the right hands.


If sage is too hard to figure out, try trooper, but don't complain when you wear out whatever key grav round is bound to.


All these favouritism posts are comical. There is a big difference between one side having an advantage and the full on conspiracy against Republic players like you tin foil hat wearers are putting forward.


Its just ridiculous.

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Result. I'm tired of sages constantly complaining about being underpowered because they can't hammer everyone. Sages are one of the hardest classes to play against when they know what they're doing. The problem is alot of them don't and they'd suck just as much on any other class. The quoted post pretty much shows all of the reasons why its hard to fight against in the right hands.


If sage is too hard to figure out, try trooper, but don't complain when you wear out whatever key grav round is bound to.


All these favouritism posts are comical. There is a big difference between one side having an advantage and the full on conspiracy against Republic players like you tin foil hat wearers are putting forward.


Its just ridiculous.


Roll Republic and test **** out.



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Hi, I have a Jedi Sentinel as well as my Imp Jugg and half of the differences between Warrior and Knight abilities are also widely exaggerated.


I don't deny there are things which make it easier for 1 faction than another, but that's not the same as organised bias.

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I'll post another imbalance because our guild has confirmed it.


If you do a google search on swtor-museum-easteregg you'll discover that in the museum of the interfleet on both factions there is a datacron that will give +10 to all stats. That is pretty awesome considering endurance and your primary stat are all buffed.


well, videos are out there in which empire can access this datacron and it gives step by step instructions on how it was done.


republic however, can't get this. the reason - one of the key grapple hook shots that must be done to access the datacron is bugged for the republic version of the interfleet area. the layout is changed just a tad from the empire version of the interfleet and as such, the grapple shot doesn't work.


so - enjoy the additional stats empire. would be nice to access those...but republic apparently is shafted in all aspects... even pve

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Has anyone else noticed that imps can land hits dispite line of sight(LOS)?


I have been force leaped while solid objects have been between me and the warrior.


I have been force lightning'd through solid objects.


My supposed mirror BH can do that missle thing through solid objects. It seems every imperial can fire "auto-attack" through obstacles.


I know I can't. If they run behind cover I CANNOT attack them. Hell, even when I clearly do have LOS I can't hit them. The only thing between us being one of those fuel pillars around the flames in Huttball and it's not even directly between us. On the rails I can't attack them from the pit, put I am always being shot by imps from the pit in the same location they are. I'll be on the far side of the railing from them and they can still hit me. They can be on the side closer to me and it tells me I can;t see them even though their torso and upper legs are blatantly exposed.

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