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overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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I love this overwhelming majority of people (mostly Imperials) saying "I didn't read your post but I'm pretty sure you're wrong."



You're like a bunch of kids sticking your fingers in your ears going LALALALALALALALALALALALA over and over again...


Yeah, I know... *sigh* Personally, as a casual PVPer, I don't have an emotional stake in this topic other than clarification of facts (including planned resolutions). What I've read here in this thread is disturbing on many levels: there is ample evidence that there IS an imbalance in opportunity for success, and the imps (not surprisingly) are tossing poodoo at anyone who points it out.


Funny thing is that I think as the heroic underdogs, we are learning to play smarter because we need to learn better tactics and communication in order to be successful. For example, SIs are actually starting to become attractive targets to me because I am learning how to deal with them. And no, I am not sharing my secrets on a public forum... :D

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The Project problem and the Commando one are just too big to be unaddressed so far. Not a single Yellow response on those.


I have both a Shadow and a Commando and I've experienced those numerous times.


I've been also stunned many times in the fires of Huttball after I've deliberately waited for my resolve to turn white, before I use CC breaker and cross that fire, only to find myself stunned again. I don't know which skill exactly makes that happen (we don't have combat logs) and I can't see a honest Imp come here and speak of it, but the fact is - I've been stunned numerous times while my Resolve bar is white.


Every single game in Alderaan I'm the one that runs to cap WEST turret, and every single time when the mini turret icon turns steady green and pointing the right direction, the score is 595:600 for the Imperial, even though their icon is red flashing STILL and at half rotation! (yeah, I'm quick on that cap) - Explain this to me, please!

Edited by Lacressian
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With the Assassin/Shadow there a definate difference between when the damage arrives when using either Shock or the Shadow's mirror (sry only just started a shadow after swaping faction and can't recall its name) relating to the animation.


The assassin damage is applied at the beginning of the global cooldown, the Shadow comes near the end. While both are instant cast and so can be used on the run it does make it 'feel' like you have to wait longer before you can execute a second attack waiting for the animation to finish. Even if the fact is that you get the same number of attacks in the same time frame.


Having said that there are times you want the damage to be applied immediently, particularly when closing on a player planting/disarming as time is a factor, the Assassin gets to do it quicker with shock while if the target is statonary you might be better to hold of on the shadows shock type skill and run in and use a melee attack as this might save you half a second in time.


Players expect an instant attack to apply instant damage, in SWTOR this really means usable on the move and the damage is applied within the global cooldown somewhere depending on the animation.

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You also can't argue that "because more people roll the bad guy, they have an in game advantage" because, simply put, more people roll the bad guy as they are;


1) The Bad Guy. There's almost always a 2:1 favouring of the "evil" side even if that side is WORSE


2) Lightning... rocks. Enough said?



You would have a point IF the server TYPES showed equivalent population imbalances. PvP servers OVERWHELMINGLY favor the Imperials. Guess which type of server is the ONLY type to show a Republic majority? RP SERVERS! Thus, your argument doesn't hold because if this were truly about "oh I am so bad" then you would see the OPPOSITE effect: the RP servers would be filled with people who want to RP EVIL.


Nice try though. :D

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pretty disapointing that I agree with every single thing you said, OP. I, myself leveled a Gunslinger to 41 to only realize it was the most worthless class in PvP, sad I had to level a powertech up to 35. End result.....Empire is disgustingly more powerfull than the republic, bottom line.
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This game suffers from a lot of over powering on one side. I'm giving them a month or two to fix this. If not, then there will be a lot of people leaving. They are on a short leash right now and it's getting shorter everyday the devs let this go on.
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Guys srsly, get a life ...even if its actually true, itll get fixed.


But, If Ull actually tell me that U lost a wz, becouse Youre 1 or 2 minute cd skill takes 0,5- sec longer to activate then other classes, its bs and Youre just making up childish excuses. Itll be harsh but l2p

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Death From Above from Bounty Hunters isn't instant. Please stop posting misinformation at an attempt to nerf a class you don't play.


It takes a few seconds before the ability does damage. I've even been interrupted when using it where it ended up doing no damage.


If you interrupt a BH while he's flying into the air, no damage is done. Once he's at the highest peak of elevation he'll start shooting rockets. He can still be interrupted there and only a handful of rockets could go through. Even then there is travel time for the rockets in which by the time they hit the ground you could have moved out of the way (not to mention a big red circle showing where there will be rockets within the next 2-4 seconds depending on how far away the BH is).

Edited by RpTheHotrod
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Yeah, i could honestly care less. Since I'm Empire, I don't get to play Alderran. 90% of my matches are Huttball against other Empire teams. So at least 90% of my matches are PERFECTLY BALANCED.


Just be glad you get to play Voidstar and Alderran.


Edit: Although, I did get two Voidstar matches lastnight. And in both matches, the "more honorable than thou" Republic team exploited and were through the first blast door before the match even started. By the time the Empire team could leave the spawn room and head through the exploded doors, the Republic team was already half way across the bridge.

Edited by ChampionChains
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You would have a point IF the server TYPES showed equivalent population imbalances. PvP servers OVERWHELMINGLY favor the Imperials. Guess which type of server is the ONLY type to show a Republic majority? RP SERVERS! Thus, your argument doesn't hold because if this were truly about "oh I am so bad" then you would see the OPPOSITE effect: the RP servers would be filled with people who want to RP EVIL.


Nice try though. :D


Well I could just point out those stats on that page are a month or two out of date, would that do any better? lol. Regardless; lightning is still more popular than rocks, I get told so on a regular basis... before playing darts with my rocks and their face.

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Death From Above from Bounty Hunters isn't instant. Please stop posting misinformation at an attempt to nerf a class you don't play.



Ok, yes you are correct however you clearly havent seen the stats and differences, go to the trooper forum there is a 20+ page on this topic the majority of which is mature, technical discussion and illustrates how both Full Auto and Mortar volley are not as effective as the BH equivalents. Animation/Time it takes for damage to start are both differnt and in PVP these a big things.


These are the facts and are undisputed. Not even up for debate im afraid.

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i said it once and i say it again. I love it how this is all going towards the original story where it is exactly like that. Darkside is more appealing, holds more power and has the majority. Good side is just good side. You play it for the fact that you have sense of moral and want to help. There is no power but freedom in this way.
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Well I could just point out those stats on that page are a month or two out of date, would that do any better? lol. Regardless; lightning is still more popular than rocks, I get told so on a regular basis... before playing darts with my rocks and their face.


*Shrug* Data are data, and until we have real evidence of the contrary, we'll use what we have. Ignoring evidence just makes people, well, ignorant. :p


BUT if you have REAL evidence you would like to share, we would love to see it! Until then... well.. speculate all you want, but the evidence is on our side.


And regarding the lightning thingy.... frankly, I am glad to see SI is still so popular, now that I've figured out how to deal with them. Everyone has an Achilles Heel... :D

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Give in to your passions, Republic. Let your hatred fuel you. It's true that the developers are just trying to chain you down, they told me so. Do you hear them laughing at you this morning in their corporate meeting as they count your money that they're practically stealing from you one Death From Above at a time? I think I hear it, listen closely now. You must compile your complaints and do your maths, start rioting across the surface of Coruscant, violence will force them to listen! Let your rage guide you, getmadbro! Through strength you achieve victory and through victory, your chains are broken!


Break the chains, Republic dogs!

Edited by ChampionChains
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I swear some of you people are just not happy unless everything is perfect. The amount of time, energy, and planning that goes into a software release of this magnitude would make your pathetic little heads explode. Has anyone even taken the time to compare this MMO launch with any other MMO launch in the history of MMos? The amount of unplanned outages and game breaking bugs has been infinitesimal. we are mere weeks into launch, you need to be a little patient.



I agree with this statement People are ignorant of the fact of how much time it takes to make new things activate get into the game and thats just plain sad. For example take a look at this pages code and I bet you its longer than 4 pages long. People mostly just see the end product and not the work that goes into it.

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The OP is a result of being a butthurt baddie wanting everything spoonfed to him.


Like i've said in other threads about this, the issue isn't the game, it's the player.


The majority of players i encountered while playing my trooper were just plain awful.

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The OP of this thread is ridiculous, as is anyone else who believes faction imbalance causes Republic to lose more games.


I'm not saying the game is balanced because we all know it isn't, but the slight imbalances aren't the problem.


Since the majority of people rolled Empire over Republic it's safe to say Imperial will have more better players as well. You can also say imperial has more bad players, but from my experiences I'm not sure that's the case.


The Repubs on my server are PATHETIC. The premade I run with hasn't lost a SINGLE match to a Repub premade since the game released. Most of our games vs Repub are vs the same 3-4 premades, and only one of them even remotely gives us problems and that's only because they run 2 tanks/2 healers so it's impossible to kill them.


I've had competitive huttballs vs other imperials, yet only one competitive game...EVER...vs Republic. Maybe it's just my server but I have a good feeling it's like this everywhere.

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The OP is a result of being a butthurt baddie wanting everything spoonfed to him.


Like i've said in other threads about this, the issue isn't the game, it's the player.


The majority of players i encountered while playing my trooper were just plain awful.


So the points he mentioned that actually bare truth is a result of him being a butthurt baddie?


So what his anger and frustration is visable in his post, learn to read what he says instead of focusing on his way of typing. I could point out thousands of responses that only says L2P, QQ more and Can I have your stuff.


And I'm glad to read you're doing good on your character.

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i said it once and i say it again. I love it how this is all going towards the original story where it is exactly like that. Darkside is more appealing, holds more power and has the majority. Good side is just good side. You play it for the fact that you have sense of moral and want to help. There is no power but freedom in this way.




Let's face it... more people play Empire (2:1 on PvP servers) because they really do want more power on a personal level and could simply care less about justice, goodness, etc. If they wanted to PRETEND to be selfishly evil, they would roll on an RP server and ACT IT OUT. Instead, they personally gain from the technical imbalances and "go with the winners", so to speak. THEN they have the nerve call people names when these imbalances are illuminated.


People play what they are as real people, for the most part. ONE of my characters is (or was) a DS jedi simply for the RP experience, and it's disgusting. Just not worth it.

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The OP of this thread is ridiculous, as is anyone else who believes faction imbalance causes Republic to lose more games.


I'm not saying the game is balanced because we all know it isn't, but the slight imbalances aren't the problem.


Since the majority of people rolled Empire over Republic it's safe to say Imperial will have more better players as well. You can also say imperial has more bad players, but from my experiences I'm not sure that's the case.


The Repubs on my server are PATHETIC. The premade I run with hasn't lost a SINGLE match to a Repub premade since the game released. Most of our games vs Repub are vs the same 3-4 premades, and only one of them even remotely gives us problems and that's only because they run 2 tanks/2 healers so it's impossible to kill them.


I've had competitive huttballs vs other imperials, yet only one competitive game...EVER...vs Republic. Maybe it's just my server but I have a good feeling it's like this everywhere.


So you believe the huge difference you encounter is mainly and almost entirly based on a bad republic population?

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So you believe the huge difference you encounter is mainly and almost entirly based on a bad republic population?


Half the crap the OP posted about isn't even true, or it's exaggerated. For instance, my electrocute DOES NOT ignore resolve. Maybe he's seen a bug where it does, but that certainly hasn't been the case for me.

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I've had competitive huttballs vs other Imperials, yet only one competitive game...EVER...vs Republic. Maybe it's just my server but I have a good feeling its like this everywhere.


I have seen this but vise versa its too many Republics and to little Empire most of the huttball games I done with my trooper is against my own side and im pretty sure they like yours where a pre-made. But we must forget where only into the 4th week of game so who knows maybe in a month the number of people will get better.

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The OP of this thread is ridiculous, as is anyone else who believes faction imbalance causes Republic to lose more games.


I'm not saying the game is balanced because we all know it isn't, but the slight imbalances aren't the problem.


Since the majority of people rolled Empire over Republic it's safe to say Imperial will have more better players as well. You can also say imperial has more bad players, but from my experiences I'm not sure that's the case.


The Repubs on my server are PATHETIC. The premade I run with hasn't lost a SINGLE match to a Repub premade since the game released. Most of our games vs Repub are vs the same 3-4 premades, and only one of them even remotely gives us problems and that's only because they run 2 tanks/2 healers so it's impossible to kill them.


I've had competitive huttballs vs other imperials, yet only one competitive game...EVER...vs Republic. Maybe it's just my server but I have a good feeling it's like this everywhere.


As a casual pvper, I think I might bring an interesting perspective to your post. If you are already talking about multiple matches of pre-mades versus pre-mades this soon after SWTOR was released, then... I wonder if maybe people who don't have so many RL responsibilities are the ones who are attracted to the evil side? Then they are the ones who can spend inordinate amounts of time leveling/gearing/studying tactics, etc., whereas a higher percentage of the Republic folks have to feed the kids, go to work, etc.


Which reminds me... off to work! Have fun y'all. ;)

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