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Bioware, you're making it more and more difficult for me to defend you


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LOL at the faction balance. You will never find an MMO that has perfect faction balance with out limiting people where they can play. Oh you want to play on server x with your buddies who are blue, to bad no more blues are allowed to be made on that server until the red population gets more.
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And yeah, there is an auction house. The interface sucks, but it's still a real AH.


Aren't you supposed to be able to bid at an auction house? Maybe I am missing it, but I think all you can do is buy at the listed price. That is a store as the other poster said.

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LOL at the faction balance. You will never find an MMO that has perfect faction balance with out limiting people where they can play. Oh you want to play on server x with your buddies who are blue, to bad no more blues are allowed to be made on that server until the red population gets more.


Reading comprehension my friend. Faction imbalance happens all of the time...I get it and never said I wanted "perfect balance" or "limiting people". But, what are the plans to rebalance it? I want to hear some creative solutions from Bioware. I could probably give the game a few months to see where faction balance settles, but the imbalance is of such massive proportions, I expect to at least hear a plan of action on Bioware's part. Considering Bioware's communication with the community is so poor, I have no idea if they are even aware of the imbalance (the release of the numbers of jedi knights to sith warriors tells me Bioware thinks it's not as bad as it is).

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Aren't you supposed to be able to bid at an auction house? Maybe I am missing it, but I think all you can do is buy at the listed price. That is a store as the other poster said.


Fair enough. I guess I don't really look at it that way because I played WoW for 5 years and pretty much everything was bought or sold at the buyout price. Actual bidding was pretty rare so I didn't even really consider it.

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Well wow is 7 years old , got millions of players , and guess what ? It is faction unbalanced.

One does not simple

Balance Factions.


Look, all of you jumping on my comments about faction balance need to realize the following:


1) I addressed the fact that it is very difficult in my original post (ie, I knew it was a controversial statement before I even typed it).

2) When you look at the gear, animations, partical effects, personal ships, etc. on the Empire side compared to the Republic side, how on earth could they not see this coming? I saw it coming from a mile away and I don't get paid to develop games for a living.

3) All I am asking for is communication, acknowledgement that it's a problem, and some creative solutions (maybe redesign the armor, maybe offer experience boosts on Republic side...I don't know....like I said, it's not my job to sort it out for them).

Edited by Makade
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Why does BioWare need you to defend them? Do you work for their legal department?


Simple answer, is because they don't even bother defending themselves.


We never see any devs replying in the forums.


At this point TC, I would just give up.


Obviously Bioware doesn't even care either or they would at LEAST hire ONE dam guy to come to the forums and address issues in the community.


The fact that they ignore ALL OF IT, is a great big F U to the community IMO.

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Reading comprehension my friend. Faction imbalance happens all of the time...I get it and never said I wanted "perfect balance" or "limiting people". But, what are the plans to rebalance it? I want to hear some creative solutions from Bioware. I could probably give the game a few months to see where faction balance settles, but the imbalance is of such massive proportions, I expect to at least hear a plan of action on Bioware's part. Considering Bioware's communication with the community is so poor, I have no idea if they are even aware of the imbalance (the release of the numbers of jedi knights to sith warriors tells me Bioware thinks it's not as bad as it is).


You not hearing what you want doesn't equal poor communication:




I count 15 Bioware posts....today.

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You not hearing what you want doesn't equal poor communication:




I count 15 Bioware posts....today.


Firstly, the abissmal number of dev posts to date have been razor thin on substance. When glaring issues aren't addressed in any form at any time, yes, I would consider that "not hearing what I want". That's my point. Secondly, in the link you provided you can see that there are members of the community who were surprised by the up-tick of dev posts today....so clearly today is not representitive of communication thus far (a very appreciated improvement though).

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i got to agree with you.


im not going anywhere, because im having too much fun with the class story.


BUT the post today about the textures was an eye opener for sure.


i cant believe thats what their going with.



completely shocking that it was intentionally designed that way, and they thought they could get away with that.

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I agree with some of your points, but there are bigger problems imo like bugged/imbalanced hard modes and game play issues that are way more important than a forum search engine and ui customization. I also find it odd that you say that there are all of these mmo's that have these features on launch and when people disagree and ask for specifics you dodge it by pulling a politician move and avoiding the question. It took wow some time to get some of these things up, and on the ui and combat log things, im sure they will get to them but for right now they aren't game breakers. I don't frequent the forums much, but if we're going to complain about things let's complain about things with a little more substance.
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I agree with some of your points, but there are bigger problems imo like bugged/imbalanced hard modes and game play issues that are way more important than a forum search engine and ui customization. I also find it odd that you say that there are all of these mmo's that have these features on launch and when people disagree and ask for specifics you dodge it by pulling a politician move and avoiding the question. It took wow some time to get some of these things up, and on the ui and combat log things, im sure they will get to them but for right now they aren't game breakers. I don't frequent the forums much, but if we're going to complain about things let's complain about things with a little more substance.




Yeah well the real problem is the fact that something as simple as a search feature hasnt been put into place. SIMPLE and yes I mean simple its not going to take a lot of resources to implement that.

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Firstly, the abissmal number of dev posts to date have been razor thin on substance. When glaring issues aren't addressed in any form at any time, yes, I would consider that "not hearing what I want". That's my point. Secondly, in the link you provided you can see that there are members of the community who were surprised by the up-tick of dev posts today....so clearly today is not representitive of communication thus far (a very appreciated improvement though).


Firstly, compared to what? What other games are you basing this off of?


If you did play all these other MMO's, then you would know that EVERY game has players complaining about the "lack of communication"....which in many cases means "I didn't hear what I wanted."


And you are ignoring twitter, facebook, ect.


Secondly, again this goes to the firstly. Compared to what? What other game company has the communication you require? Give examples. I'm not being snarky man. I honestly want to know.


I played many other MMO's, and Bioware seems to be about par if not better in the communication department then most. I'm honestly curious what game company has better.


I will say this tho, Bioware uses "social media" a bit too much for their communications.

Edited by Skoobie
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OP... you really, really need to relax.


Seriously, are you sitting down at the game and grinding your teeth at how these features don't exist? Are they that important to you? If so, why?


Guild banks would be nice. They're coming.


More graphics options would be nice. That may change. I can understand why they play it safe® and limit the choices here -- folks who cannot run Ultra, but think they can, would set Ultra and then would see terrible FPS. They'd flood the forums even more violently than they are now.


Searchable forums... that's a serious issue for you, really? Wow. I wish I had your life, where the biggest hang-up you're encountering is that you cannot search these fine forums here.


etc, etc.


TL;DR -- the guy who said "OP, go out and get drunk, it sounds like you need it" summed it up best. You really, really need to chill.

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1) You just have to have searchable forums and individual server forums. No exceptions.

2) You just have to have more UI customization. No exceptions.

3) You just have to have more graphics options than low and medium. No exceptions.

4) You just have to have a basic combat log. No exceptions.

5) You just have to have a working auction house. No exceptions.

6) You just have to have plans to encourage/maintain faction population balance. No exceptions. (I realize this one is very difficult to achieve, but I have to admit it looks like Bioware didn't even try on this one).

7) Guild bank. No exceptions.


1- Searchable Forums are being worked on. It's a traffic vs. forum coding issue. They've posted about it. Essentially you all post too much it kills the search button. They're working on getting it back.


2- UI Customization is coming.


3- Graphics options being worked on.


4- Basic combat log being considered.


5- They have a "working" auction house already. Improvements are on their list of things to do.


6- BOLOGNA. There does not need to be any work done by the game developer to encourage faction balance. That's all on the players. If the players want faction imbalance, they'll create faction imbalance.


7- Guild Bank is also on their list of things to do.


So to recap, 6 things they're working no. 1 thing that is all the fault of the players.


List fail.



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Firstly, compared to what? What other games are you basing this off of?


If you did play all these other MMO's, then you would know that EVERY game has players complaining about the "lack of communication"....which in many cases means "I didn't hear what I wanted."


And you are ignoring twitter, facebook, ect.


Secondly, again this goes to the firstly. Compared to what? What other game company has the communication you require? Give examples. I'm not being snarky man. I honestly want to know.


I played many other MMO's, and Bioware seems to be about par if not better in the communication department then most. I'm honestly curious what game company has better.


I will say this tho, Bioware uses "social media" a bit too much for their communications.


For starters, the last new MMO I have played was Rift, and yes, the communication was much more robust.

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Funny thing is, I know where the OP is coming from. Having played MMO's for a long, holy crap long time - have seen many things; so most of what is going on is not newsworthy or worrisome.


however, lately - it has started.


Add to that list the "choice" not to use High Res Textures in gameplay but only in cutscenes. (See Dev Tracker).


That is absolutely boggling - and instantly gave some credence and valid ammo to a very LARGE group of dissatisfied people.

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For starters, the last new MMO I have played was Rift, and yes, the communication was much more robust.




I was there for beta & launch and don't ever remember seeing a dev post. I'm glad it got better.


And now that I'm thinking about it, Cryptic with STO actually had pretty good communication too. Except when the dev decided to go off on the players (which the dev was entirely correct), and when everyone realized what was actually being said was mostly bs.


Turbine, on the other hand, had straight up forum silence for 6mons to a year in both DDO & LOTRO before they went F2P. Now that's a serious lack of communication!

Edited by Skoobie
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OP... you really, really need to relax.


Seriously, are you sitting down at the game and grinding your teeth at how these features don't exist? Are they that important to you? If so, why?


Guild banks would be nice. They're coming.


More graphics options would be nice. That may change. I can understand why they play it safe® and limit the choices here -- folks who cannot run Ultra, but think they can, would set Ultra and then would see terrible FPS. They'd flood the forums even more violently than they are now.


Searchable forums... that's a serious issue for you, really? Wow. I wish I had your life, where the biggest hang-up you're encountering is that you cannot search these fine forums here.


etc, etc.


TL;DR -- the guy who said "OP, go out and get drunk, it sounds like you need it" summed it up best. You really, really need to chill.


Not grinding my teeth AT ALL. In fact, if you could search the forums, you'd find my posts have all been very positive about the game.


So my request for searchable forums somehow tells you about the ease/difficulty of my life? You know nothing about my life or my perceived need for a beer. Bioware prides itself on polish and quality (they've said it over and over during the development of the game). Releasing a game without some of the most basic features smacks of amateur hour and I don't like it. Maybe YOU need to chill on the assumptions, chief.

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