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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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I suspect we'll see a "Visual Improvements Patch" somewhere down the pipe.


Question is...when?


The good thing is that we will see it definitely.

My estimate is that it will happen during the next two months tops because it is more than obvious that people want it.


But then the problem will be the thread similar to this one, only filled with users with low-end PC's complaining about how high resolution textures impact their FPS to near unplayable level, how it is unfair and how they feel cheated because their machine meets the minimum system spec and yet something is wrong :D

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I know this is technically considered trolling/flaming and will be ignored due to everyone's blind rage over texture settings (as if that was the biggest problem facing humanity).




You are all a bunch of babies. If you don't like it quit, the galaxy is better without you.

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List one Bioware game with an in game AA option.


Well ME games don't count since that's UE3.


Dragon Age had AA. Dragon Age II had AA. KotoR had AA too I believe.


So all there modern games except for the UE games (Mass Effect series) have AA options. So I don't see what you were trying to get at here unless you never played a Bioware game before.

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It's false advertising plain and simple. The screenshots and gameplay videos they provided for the release of this game does not represent the final product.


This simple issue(and many others.. ie. sharding on low pop servers etc) really drives home the statement that this game is indeed still in beta.

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I know this is technically considered trolling/flaming and will be ignored due to everyone's blind rage over texture settings (as if that was the biggest problem facing humanity).




You are all a bunch of babies. If you don't like it quit, the galaxy is better without you.



...and you are the reason corporations and big businesses get away with selling shoddy products because you bend over, take it and then say thank you after...everyones entitled to receive what was advertised and also to complain when they don't. Grow a spine.

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While im not going to unsub because of this i still find it very very disappointing. My PC is far from amazing but i still run this game quite easily, and frankly the textures on much of the armor are horrific. While i understand their are several issues with this game needing fixed this particular design choice was the wrong one, plain and simple.
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...and you are the reason corporations and big businesses get away with selling shoddy products because you bend over, take it and then say thank you after...everyones entitled to receive what was advertised and also to complain when they don't. Grow a spine.



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And heres my proof. The screenshots were taken durring beta! Guess what folks, the HIGH RES was in beta. Guess what folks, it's called a BETA for a reason. The HIGH res was removed becuase durring their BETA TESTING their learned that it was a problem. Guess what folks. Just becuase their pictures are out of date does not mean their false advertising. It just means they don't wanna work on something they already worked on.. Thus giving them more time to work on other things that we actually do need. Now, stephen said their working on a way to deliver us with high res eventually, and like he said IT'S NOT AN OVERNIGHT CHANGE. So Stop QQ'n and go play something else if your just SO upset over this.

Regardless of the texture problems and the fact they are outright trying to play us for fools by saying that the medium graphics setting was a bug and removing it completely, they were advertising a product with sharp graphics and details that we did not get. This IS false advertising, and its quite apparent between this and the whole FPS article on Eurogamer that Bioware is attempting to play damage control here because these are some serious problems. i don't want Bioware and or EA telling me that my computer can't run the game and stripping out all these options that should come standard in 2012 games. If I buy the game and it doesn't run for me, then oh well, I either upgrade my computer or live with the fact I can't play it. But they aren't even giving us that CHOICE to do so.

MANY people are having FPS problems, MANY people want the textures that were advertise in screenshots and gameplay preview videos, and instead you have Bioware spoon feeding you false information and telling you that FPS problems are due to people with "lower end PCS".

It just simply isn't right and I for one am not sure how much more I can take of it, despite how much fun i have had in game, this is just not a good sign of what is to come for this game in the future.

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I know this is technically considered trolling/flaming and will be ignored due to everyone's blind rage over texture settings (as if that was the biggest problem facing humanity).




You are all a bunch of babies. If you don't like it quit, the galaxy is better without you.


My God I hate people like you.


"Thread: Official High Resolution Textures Post"


Are you able to read that? Yes? So let's move on to step 2.


What do you think people are going to talk about in this thread? Puppies? No? High res textures right?


Good let's move on to step 3.


If you don't care about high res textures why waste your own time and our time by posting this useless, PoS post that adds NOTHING to the discussion.


Lastly, because we would like something added in a game that means we should just quit? If I ever see you voice dissaproval or make a suggestion I am going to ask you to quit the game because the galaxy would be far better without you.

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I know this is technically considered trolling/flaming and will be ignored due to everyone's blind rage over texture settings (as if that was the biggest problem facing humanity).




You are all a bunch of babies. If you don't like it quit, the galaxy is better without you.


I'm glad you enjoy buying a game AND PAYING MONHTLY and not getting what is promised. The textures look bad, and you'll just sit there and deal with it, eh? If Bioware can't even implement High Resolution textures (that probably don't look that good anyway) without having severe problems then God help them with content updates.


Have fun paying monthly, I'll be taking the next stop off.

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I'm wondering why it took this long just to come out and say this? I've been quiet so far because I've enjoyed the game, but have hated the muddy fuzzy character graphics from the start. Now that I know it's "working as intended", my sub may come to an end. I don't like being jerked around with double-talk about how with one patch, they're fixing the high/med/low textures, then weeks later, say "oh, well really there isn't anything wrong with the graphics, our game is supposed to have ****** character textures because our engine can't handle anything more."
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I understand the issue. I even understand that the marketing screenshots might not have been intentionally deceptive as Bioware simultaneously juggled marketing, development, and testing.


But with that said, I do admit I've found the gameplay versions of my characters to be disappointing--to the point that it actually affects my sense of personal attachment to the characters I've created. So I'd like to add my voice to the others requesting individual settings for personal characters, companions, and party members.

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Well, it's nice to have a response, even if it's what I expected 'working as intended, we might improve it later'. I just remember how good the beta looked, and am disappointed we're not getting that. I can be patient, but I don't think this is a small issue.


I think my bigger concern is that on both this & the ability delay issue, the communication from Bioware has been slow. I know it takes time to craft a good response, but gone are most of the developers posting, or dev blogs, or other updates. What would really help are some occasional dev blogs along the lines of 'and this is how we're aiming to address problem X and here's why'.


New developers worry terribly about things like this and there is a balance to be struck between promises that can't be kept and discussions about upcoming work, but ultimately a good MMO developer establishes a relationship with its playerbase. One cannot forever live in fear of the trolls, because frankly they're already finding excuses. Silence on fixes until they hit the PTS for the next patch serves nobody, because by then it's too late to gain any kind of constructive feedback.

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...and you are the reason corporations and big businesses get away with selling shoddy products because you bend over, take it and then say thank you after...everyones entitled to receive what was advertised and also to complain when they don't. Grow a spine.


and you are entitled to vote with your wallet of course. works better than complaining in a public forum.

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Dear Bioware:


Your "we intended this all along" game looks like garbage. These textures are inexcusable (yes, even in the MMO genre) for a late 2011 launch title. You have single-handedly ignored the last 5+ (being very generous by saying 5) years of advancement in texture fidelity in the genre. No other "modern" Pay-to-Play game has texture quality this abysmal. Hell, I'm fairly certain that a large number of "not modern" and F2P games have better texture detail.


Worse, you advertised your game as if it looked fabulous.


I'll be back when your game looks like it's worth at least 20$, let alone the 60$+monthly you have the balls to charge for it.


Dear Forumers:


What are the odds of a class-action for false advertisement on this?

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Since there is no impact to the server side, whether or not we have high resolution textures enabled, we should at least be given a choice. It's our machine, it's our game experience, and if we don't mind lower frame rates, we should at least have the freedom to choose.


Since they are worried about people turning it on and having a "lesser" game experience, they could keep the option out of the UI, and have it only be able to be turned on through modifying the settings file. That way, only people that are explicitly looking to enable it, and who should have a good idea of the consequences, would be able to turn it on.

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I can live with the current textures on gear if I have to. What bothers me more than that is the GAMEPLAY textures stuck on low rez. On Taris for example, buildings, mailboxes my T7 droid, environmental objects don't always render to their highest setting like they're stuck on "low." In fact, there will be a building with several different panels and some will render in high detail and the others are blurred.


My machine is no longer a beast but is well maintained and should handle this rendering with ease.


intel q6600 2.4 ghz (overclocked to 3.0ghz)

8 gigs corsair ddr2 matched RAM

dual nVidia 9800 GT using SLI


This is a bigger annoyance for me.

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