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Everything posted by KazDvs

  1. Why do you have 3 wasted point in Malice? as Anni, Force Scream and Choke are your ONLY force attacks.
  2. http://buy.swtor.com/us/#optional-game-add-ons - US Site Key Fob available http://buy.swtor.com/ru/#optional-game-add-ons - Russian Site Key Fob Not Available http://buy.swtor.com/fr/#optional-game-add-ons - French Site Key Fob available http://buy.swtor.com/de/#optional-game-add-ons - German Site Key Fob available http://buy.swtor.com/en/#optional-game-add-ons - Great Britain Site Key Fob Not Available Make some French or German friends and have them mail you one?
  3. Regardless, textures are stored in your graphics card's memory not your PC's RAM. Slowdown is directly related to CPU performance, I went from a Athlon 64 x2 4600+ with 4 GB of RAM and a Radeon HD 4850 1GB to a Intel Core i5 2500k, with 8 GB of RAM, and the onboard Intel HD 2000 Graphics (still waiting on new video card). I used to get 10-15 FPS on the Imperial Fleet, I now get 30-40 FPS with an inferior graphics chipset and less video RAM (512 MB dedicated from RAM). The reason is I now have a modern CPU which can handle all the computations of data being sent too and from the server regarding every player. This is the reason that people get lag, your computer is not having great trouble rendering these people (tho it may be in part) it is having trouble keeping up with the data of where they are what they are wearing how fast they are moving etc. The way SWTOR was designed, a CPU from 2-3 generations back cannot handle this with ease.
  4. Please tell me you aren't talking about Jaessa, when you say that it is well written. The dialogue for that romance is pure juvenile garbage. I wouldn't consider it well written if a 15 year old wrote it. I honestly don't know how Rachel Leigh Cook delivered those lines without gagging. OP, if you don't mind spoilers search for Jaessa Romance on Youtube, and cry.
  5. This is one of those rare occasions where I get to say "I told you so", but it doesn't make me feel good afterwards. I said this in two other threads and proved this easily with basic algebra. I knew that they would make make Bleedout additive with surge and not multiplicative. But everyone said "Oh no, you're wrong, the devs said it it would be a buff. They wouldn't lie to us" Maybe they will buff Hemo to 20%, that would give us the actual "slight DPS increase" they said we would get. I also really hope they don't come out with some dev response saying that that this is a DPS increase according to the old system IF it had worked as intended in the first place. You cannot compare our current DPS to a theoretical DPS we never had. edit: swapped bleedout and hemo, my bad.
  6. Ahh, so I did, guess that's where copy pasta gets you. Should be fixed in all my posts now, thanks.
  7. Well I'll agree with you on that last point haha. But as for everything else, I guess we'll see. Maybe I'm too cynical with MMO devs. I'll try to foster a little spark of hope that you are right.
  8. I have never skipped Hemo in any of my examples. But lets use your multiplicative formula and see what numbers we get -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is my math: Base 50% Crit Multiplier (no surge) Old : (131 * (0.06 + 1.3)) * 1.5 = 267 New : (131 * 1.15 * 1.5) * 1.3 = 293 Base 70% Crit Multiplier Old : (131 * (0.06 + 1.3)) * 1.7 = 302 New : (131 * 1.15 * 1.7) * 1.3 = 332 Base 100% Crit Multiplier Old : (131 * (0.06 + 1.3)) * 2 = 356 New : (131 * 1.15 * 2) * 1.3 = 391 150% Crit Multiplier Old : (131 * (0.06 + 1.3)) * 2.5 = 445 New : (131 * 1.15 * 2.5) * 1.3 = 489 There's your magically higher numbers. And that's why you don't multiply Crit Multipliers. I say its wishful thinking, very wishful thinking, but I guess we'll find out come patch day. P.S. When i was talking about not using a multiplicative system I was not talking about crit multipliers, because I though it was obvious it would not be used there. Apparently it was not. What i was talking about was the damage bonuses as they are currently of bleedout + hemo. As some people are using 1.3 * 0.06 and others like myself are using 1.3 + 0.06.
  9. Yes. When you crit you do more damage with a regular strike. The base amount is 150% of the normal damage. If you increase your surge rating you increase you crit bonus. So if you have 50% surge you get, 150% base + 50% surge = 200% bonus crit damage. It stands to reason that if you can crit more you will do more damage. It also stands to reason that if you can increase your critical bonus damage that you will increase this number even further. More crit is great, more crit with more surge is even better. Don't treat me as if I am an idiot. No amount of actually attainable surge or crit, will make up for such a large base % damage loss.
  10. I find it hard to believe that they would use Multiplicative crit bonuses, the numbers get far too inflated with them. You have no way of proving this until they add a combat log, it is supposition based on another game from a different developer. Regardless even if you use a multiplicative system, the damage numbers for the post patch system are lower than pre-patch and that is undeniable.
  11. What are you talking about? None of the talents in question affect Crit Rating (Crit Chance) at all. Marauder damage will scale the same with more crit the same before and after this patch. Annihilation marauders have a ridiculously high crit rate to begin with, none of the changes to these talents will change you crit rate before of after the patch. Bleedout increases Critical Bonus damage, which is the same as surge, not critical chance. ------------------------------------------ Lets do some more of my bad math, ill even leave out surge so it not a factor since you say it means nothing: 25% crit rate Base 50% Crit Multiplier (no surge) Old hit: (131 * (0.06 + 1.3)) = 178 Old crit : (131 * (0.06 + 1.3)) * 1.5 = 267 New hit: (131 * 1.15) = 150 New crit : (131 * 1.15) * (1.5 + 0.3) = 271 Damage over 1000 ticks of bleeds Old - 250 * 267 = 66,750 750 * 178 = 133,500 Total = 200,250 New - 250 * 271 = 67,750 750 * 150 = 112,500 Total = 180,250 Lets try more crit because you say its the bees knees! Lets go with something like 10% more for 35% crit, i would imagine this would be very hard to achieve 35% crit rate Base 50% Crit Multiplier (no surge) Old hit: (131 * (0.06 + 1.3)) = 178 Old crit : (131 * (0.06 + 1.3)) * 1.5 = 267 New hit: (131 * 1.15) = 150 New crit : (131 * 1.15) * (1.5 + 0.3) = 271 Damage over 1000 ticks of bleeds Old - 350 * 267 = 93,450 650 * 178 = 115,700 Total = 209,150 New - 350 * 271 = 94,850 650 * 150 = 97,500 Total = 192,350 We LOSE damage no matter what with this news system. Please go back to your High School Math teacher and ask him to teach you algebra again.
  12. I'm cross-posting my data for this from the other thread about this on the PTS forums. No matter how you look at this it is about a 21% damage nerf. 30% from bugged Bleedout + 6% from Hemo = 36% - 15% from new Hemo = 21% difference. No amount of crit damage bonus (surge rating) seems to balance out the loss of the 30% extra damage. I originally predicted that high levels of surge would help, however I couldn't have been more wrong. It looks like this change will benefit those who are at lower levels of surge and be a detriment to those who are at higher levels of surge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the numbers we will use for this test, they are the same as the example from cosmasterkiller for consistency: 131 unmodified unskilled Rupture/Deadly Saber dot 25% crit chance Old Bonuses: Bleedout +30% DoT Base Damage Hemo +6% DoT Base Damage New Bonuses: Bleedout +30% DoT Crit Damage (same as surge so they are additive) Hemo +15% DoT Base Damage For clarification, cosmasterkiller does his calculation by having Bleedout and Hemo act multiplicatively, whereas my math has them acting addtively. I personally believe this is how it is calculated while he believes Bioware has done it multiplicatively. In the end there is only a 1-2% damage difference which I believe is not consequential as the end result is the same. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is my math: Base 50% Crit Multiplier (no surge) Old : (131 * (0.06 + 1.3)) * 1.5 = 267 New : (131 * 1.15) * (1.5 + 0.3) = 271 This looks like a nice boost! Lets add a moderate amount of surge, something a fresh 50 might have Base 70% Crit Multiplier Old : (131 * (0.06 + 1.3)) * 1.7 = 302 New : (131 * 1.15) * (1.7 + 0.3) = 301 Looks very similar, but we can see a small gap forming, let's kick it up to 100% bonus crit damage base. Old : (131 * (0.06 + 1.3)) * 2 = 356 New : (131 * 1.15) * (2 + 0.3) = 346 Huh? That doesn't look good. Let's go further, bump it up to crazy number and say 150% bonus crit damage. Old : (131 * (0.06 + 1.3)) * 2.5 = 445 New : (131 * 1.15) * (2.5 + 0.3) = 421 It's the same as you go higher with the gap getting wider and wider. Unfortunately there is simply no way to make up for such a loss of base damage.
  13. I understand what you are saying but multiplicative damage bonuses are tricky beasts and I see no reason why BW would caculate damage this way. Without combat logs how is this proven? Regardless the outcome is the same for both of us, with your pre-patch numbers being roughly 1% higher than mine, but the end result is lower numbers with a more linear scaling with surge.
  14. I'm not going to hunt through that thread but I don't see anything to say that they aren't additive. Quite to the contrary in fact as this is at the top of the page: "Note: Bonuses from Buffs and Skills are additive to whatever stat they apply. For example a 5% crit buff adds 5% to your total crit, there's no fancy math there."
  15. Looking at the numbers further while his math is a bit off, I do believe the OP is in fact correct now. No matter how you look at this it is about a 19% damage nerf. No amount of crit damage percent (surge rating) seems to balance out the loss of the 30% extra damage. In fact I was WAY off when predicting that high levels of surge would help. It looks like this change will benefit those who are at lower levels of surge and be a detriment to those who are at higher levels of surge. Base 70% crit damage Old : (131 * (1.04 + 1.3)) * 1.7 = 298 New : (131 * 1.15) * (1.7 + 0.3) = 301 Looks like a slight buff, let's kick it up to 100% bonus crit damage base. Old : (131 * (1.04 + 1.3)) * 2 = 351 New : (131 * 1.15) * (2 + 0.3) = 346 Huh? That doesn't look good. Let's go further, bump it up to crazy number and say 150% bonus crit damage. Old : (131 * (1.04 + 1.3)) * 2.5 = 438 New : (131 * 1.15) * (2.5 + 0.3) = 421 It's the same as you go higher with the gap getting wider and wider. Someone please tell me I'm wrong, cause I don't wanna be right.
  16. He doesn't multiply 1.3*1.3, that was an an example the above poster was giving. What he is doing is multiplying 1.04*1.3 which yields 1.352 a 35.2% damage increase from talents, when he should be adding the two together giving 1.34 a 34% damage increase from talents. This is all under the current system with the broken talents. 131 * 1.3 * 1.04 = 177 131 * (1.3 + 1.04) = 175 See the difference?
  17. You're numbers for the current system seem off to me. Why are you multiplying for bleedout and hemorrhage separately? This is inflating your numbers, and I would think that the game would treat all flat damage increases similarly and calculate them together before crits. With this in mind the current system would have a 34% damage increase on all bleeds. Using your numbers this would yield: 131 * 1.34 = 175 normal dot damage (131 * 1.34) * 1.7 = 298 critical dot damage 175 * 750 = 131,250 298 * 250 = 74,500 total = 205,750 What I see is indeed a nerf to our non-crit bleed damage but a definite buff to our critical bleed damage, albeit small. However you have failed to calculate the effect of Berserk in which has a VERY high uptime, so no Annihilation Marauder would every really have anything as paltry as a 25% effective critical chance. This just further solidifies crit and surge as our primary stats, and let's us reach previously unattainable crit damage percentages as we ostensibly gain a free 30% critical damage unmodified by diminishing returns. Our damage will see a noticeable increase in DPS with more surge rating.
  18. It says right on the box that an active subscription is required to play. Just because they give you 30 days of free playtime as a bonus with purchase does not mean that requirement is invalid. It also says that an active Internet connection is required, should they change that too? There is no false advertising, just wishful thinking on your part.
  19. I know this is technically considered trolling/flaming and will be ignored due to everyone's blind rage over texture settings (as if that was the biggest problem facing humanity). But... You are all a bunch of babies. If you don't like it quit, the galaxy is better without you.
  20. You say you want a "true" open world, and that Bioware didn't deliver this to you. But I challenge you to name one other western MMO title that actually delivered this. Name one other game in which the game did not lag, either server side due to immense latency or client side due to poor rendering performance, for a significant amount of players when 200+ people were in the same place? I will tell you now that you cannot. It happened in WoW, it happened in EQ2, it happened in RIFT, it happened in LoTRO, it happened many times whenever any kind of big world event occurs or in capital cities once a game gets boring and people just loiter. You are complaining for the sake of complaining, asking for something you don't even want, because if there were no instances you would still complain of the lag. The lag will always be there until technology advances to the point where network infrastructure and client computer specifications no longer hold us back. And while that may sound asinine to you, its true. Most of the people who are complaining about the lag have 4-5 year old computers, and those just wont cut it. If you want to blame anything blame the marketing team for most likely putting deceptively low minimum and recommended specs on the box. You need a better rig, sorry. TL;DR You are whining for the sake of whining. Get a new PC.
  21. I feel you, I had a network hiccup and got DCed. Now I have to wait 25 minutes to get back on. Very much the opposite of fun.
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