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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Expand OPEN World PVP On PVP Servers


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I support this post.


BW kinda missed the ball with the open pvp thing. Not just end game but levelling as well, I was hoping that while I was questing I would get ganked by the other side but this didn't happen. I selected a PvP server expecting danger.


Tbh to do this they would need to remake a lot of the quest zones, everything is just so disjointed and far apart right now.

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I Support.


The whole purpose of joining a pvp server was to do pvp,


I want this! If i'm lvling I want to get into fights with the other faction.


thats the whole point of a pvp server,


to pvp.




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  • 2 weeks later...

In response to the title... Why?


WAR proved quite well that open world pvp does not work with two factions. I joined a pvp server and fully expected it to have little impact and I was right. A rare tank squad and occasional chance 1v1. But to expect or want anything more is just a sure fire way to have the population imbalances to -really- hurt the game, instead of just lots of hutball.

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Raid-able bases on all planets that support both fractions, making use of a "siege engine" for such raids.


The fact that mythic is involved with the pvp and that there is no siege engines in this game is just silly.


Really? Did none of you play WAR and see how badly they did that. No just no. I'll be happy if they just don't slowly but steadily make the class balance worse and worse.


Open world PVP does NOT work with two factions, BW can not manage population imbalances.

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Really? Did none of you play WAR and see how badly they did that. No just no. I'll be happy if they just don't slowly but steadily make the class balance worse and worse.


Open world PVP does NOT work with two factions, BW can not manage population imbalances.


I actually liked WAR, and the way the order outnumbered us destruction guys. Made it that much sweeter when we held our/ took their keeps.


I'm speaking about WAR a year after launch of course.


Know what was even better PVP? DAoC. And yes, in support of your argument, it had 3 fractions. The keep sieges in that game were a lot of fun, climbing keep walls with my vamp just to get in and get the jump on some poor Heritic up top throwing fire at my homies below, who were busy busting their door down.


Good times...

Edited by Dego_Locc
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  • 3 weeks later...
I so agree with this post. What were SWTOR PVP Dev's thinking when they made this PVP system?? the core of PVP is Open World PVP. Warfronts are fun at the beginning, but repeating and repeating the same all the time bores....Open Worl PVP has always a different scenario and possibilities. Please do something about it, Ilum is dead almost all the time now and as I said, WF are boring at this point.
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They need to make cities or capitols reachable by the opposing faction and also put incentives in like titles, valor, or mounts for those who are successful at assaulting the opposing faction's city.


Even if it was simply available only during certain points in the month it would still allow both sides to know it is coming and could occur anytime during say a 1 week period of that month. Similar to the fair schedule in WoW. Just make a new route available via shuttle from the fleet for that week that would take us to whichever planet we could assault that week.


Also, the new daily area needs to have factions crossing one another. Everyone is going to want to do the new dailies and it would be a prime opportunity to allow the factions to rub elbows. Award valor for PvP kills in the area, and have a middle ground that both factions need to go through to finish a daily or two.


Just some ideas, sorry if they have been mentioned already, but I like a more open world PvP environment also.

Edited by Evilsteps
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All future MMO developers take note, SWTOR did not listen when I posted months ago that if you don't have a thriving world of pvp the game will die.


Sadly I hate being right as I had high hopes for this game, it's too late now, the planets are all made, the quest zones in place, it can not be fixed.



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I fully support this.


An Idea I had:


What if the game, once a day (around prime time) Randomly chose a planet and dropped some sort of NPC spawn in an open world area (like Dune sea on Tat). The NPCs would be a mixed bag of hero levels and champions from each faction and they start their own fight.


Once the spawn drops, a message flashes to all players in both factions that an attack is in progress on planet X and a call to arms is issued. This would create a new random location for open world pvp every day...a small spark so to speak to ignite the pvp machine.


Incentives: WZ comm rewards, Credits and the small NPC contingent would have some nice drops.


They could realy expand on this and make it pretty damn cool I think...Im not to much into PVE at all but the base PVE aspect of this is just to gain a central location for the factions to meet and fight.

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yap this is why I stop playing on a daily base, now I log in sometimes Sundays for 1 hour to check if there are actually pvp updates.. I hate warfronts that is like a sport event I want real pvp, I been playing Warhammer and DarkFall again and know what they both have a lot of new comers from SWG I meet already 20-30 of them on each game, we love SWTOR but we just get bored for the lack of game aim on real pvp.. another thing we all have in common is that none of us like WoW I think people who likes WOW tend to like doing warfronts and people who come form Ultima Online, Anarchy Online SWG, WAR, DARKFAL tend to like open world pvp because the truth is... open world pvp is the first pvp there ever was.. the warfronts alike are something WoW did for people who cant pvp and need a fair fight 10vs10 for example..

anyways here will wait months and month until a real pvp game comes out or SWTOR builds a couple planets with real open world pvp and things to conquer AoC/WAR/DarkFall comes in mind.. is to bad I love the StarWars theme and world and is in my opinion a great game for faction fighting.. but they just dont get it.

Edited by rekwilds
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To start off with, Open World PVP is the best there is. Open World PVP should be the main focus for future PVP content, in my opinion, and not instanced PVP. While instanced PVP can be fun, it quickly becomes stale after the upteenth time playing in the same area, doing the same thing. In Open World PVP, truly OPEN, the battles are always different, and can become massive in scale.


Open World PVP is never balanced, but that aspect is what makes it remain exciting. Overcoming an enemy that has superior numbers is very satisfying. Crushing an enemy that has weaker numbers is almost as satisfying. There are no scripted locations that it can take place. Something as simple as a gank can provoke an hour long confrontation between multiple guilds.


Devs, please expand upon OPEN World PVP on PVP servers. Remove the invisible exhaustion walls protecting factional medical centers. Lower the NPC guard numbers and difficulty protecting factional areas. Let there be no safe havens beyond Coruscant and Dromund Kaas. To prevent game-killing camping of medical centers, allow a medical center recall to a safe planet, such as the starter worlds.


PVP servers should stand out from PVE servers by more than merely being constantly flagged. Why worry with being flagged if no one can attack you? There is no penalty for dying in this game, so please open up the PVP on PVP servers.



Addition #1: Allow the option (for areas already found) to spawn at other medical centers on the same planet, in addition to the nearest medical center, with a small wait time that increments similar to the droid revival. This will keep players from being unable to leave an area if it is under attack.



Addressing comments/suggestions:


  • Corspe looting won't be happening. Devs have stated as such.
  • Faction imbalance can be overcome by guild alliances and planning. Communicate with your peers.
  • Ilum is ONE planet. OPEN World PVP should take place across the galaxy on PVP servers.
  • Incentives to participate, such as valor or commendations etc., are important, but the first goal is for OPEN World PVP to be expanded so it can take place in more areas on PVP servers.
  • Sharding/Phasing of the planets definitely hurts OPEN World PVP, but hopefully it will be gotten rid of soon anyway. Before the forum wipe, it was mentioned that it would at least be reduced sometime after launch.



To all who may post, leave your ganking/camping/griefing complaints to yourself. On a PVP server, those things should be allowed and encouraged, else there be no difference between PVE and PVP servers.



I agree. Open world pvp is non-existant in this game; what is the point of having pvp servers at this point? If you said "none", you are correct.

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