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  1. Damn guys you either play on fatman or tomb of freedom nadd or you`re sponsored by BIO Certain dates interest me more than another "coming soon".
  2. Of course i will unsub as soon as my " lets give them 30 days for free because of our incompetence" finish
  3. Ye im waitng couple of months, i was waitnig before 1.2, Guess what im login to game about 8 pm and see 7 ppl on fleet on rep side and 5 on imp side and im wating ffs! Got nothing else to do but wating every single day!
  4. I guess ill say what generally everyone thinks . We re fine with your new content presented on E3 but what about transfers and 8 man premade warzones. Thats certainly more urgent. U said early summer and that`s it . Early summer already begun. Population issues are not solved. I got 5-30 ppl on fleet every single day .
  5. Kinetic tank shines when got more than one enemies in range . Easly outdps infiltration with nonexistent aoe capabilities. But for single target testing ~600 dps result is preety normal and far behind other specs
  6. I dont understand all those flame trolls in this topic? READ WITH UNDERSTANDING . This dude was really/only interested in ranked warzones/8 ppl premades and that was for him and many others reason to stay with this game. Nothing more to say thats his right, even if he is paying 15$ a month for only pvp.He felt cheated by this untrustfull company. Thats why he is upset and got right to be , So all comments of most clever funny little people about bigger content ha ha ha , obout his preference, about legacy patch just go troll somwhere else if u cant read with understanding
  7. +1 TRUST is the key word. Ppl talking about so many changes and a lot of content in this patch but its all brings down to 3 parts: pve content, pvp content and trash ( customization, guild bank , ui) . They failed on big part of all content Im really looking forward to see subs number in the end of march/ begginig april.
  8. Oh cmon just try to be honest to yourself. If they working on 1.2 many weeks and they were ofc, why they made decision about passing on ranked 8 ppl warzones 12 h before release?? You really think that they started testing yesterday and found major problems? They just wanted to suck our money, liars! You` re just my filler time to D3 and GW2 !
  9. Do not let that topic die guys ...
  10. Developer`s focus on warzones as the only pvp aspect/area in swtor will kill this game . Wanna bet ?
  11. No special tactics, burning defensive cds when needed ( u got quite a few of them them stim armor, armor relic, deflection, resilence..) interrupt him (mind snap, force stun, force wave, lift, force pull) and just dps with force breach double strike project and slow time to stack harness shadows to put full telekinetic throw to self heal. Easy as it sounds. u just have to be prepare to use many of y abilities thats all.
  12. anything beetwen 100k and 350 k as a kinetic speced with a mix of dps and tank gear.If u got a good healer on y back u can survive all wz without dying. Less dying=more dmg. All depends on your duties, less as a ballhandler more on voidstar. Best thing is that u usually get about 30k heal and 30 k protection
  13. Well on 50 lev u can get over 300k dmg in kinetic "tank" spec but your strengh is somewhere else. U got plenty of utility tools to help your team win like dmg reduction from mass controls, guard, pull, stuns ets. 31-0-10 on warzones often do over 40 k healing and protection. That spec gives u 7 medals for free and its not impossible to go 12
  14. You guys got brilliant PR manager. You re giving us a lot of answers but noone ever answered about most important issue in the game: low fps (specially on Ilum) . U can give us a lot of funny things but u will still loose ppl if you wont fix fps problem. Many I said MANY ppl are playing on ilum with ~5 fps so dont give us any b**s*t about companions and fix major problem. Then u can think about future innowations. PS. Thank YOu for 2 weeks waiting for ticket answer! You just behave like producers of first mmo on the market ever but its not true you should learn from others.
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