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3 medals for 524k healing ~~ nice medal system BW


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So they add objective medals and tank ACs just go from 12 to 15 medals? If they took away a lot of the current medals and added in objective medals I'd completely agree.


Healers can do every objective just as well as any tank.

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When I heal (Sorcerer), I usually get a KB in with Shock, wait till 5% or less and it's all good.


Also, shouldn't you be getting the 10 kills, 25 kills medals?


I can most times get the solo kill and KB medal by bumrushing into a group of enemies and hitting the guy at 10% after a battle. If it happens it happens, if not, no assassin medal.


If/when I hit the 300k healing medal, I usually hard-stop healing and go for the 75k damage medal.


So yeah, I think BW doesn't want your "healbot" spam.


Also, people usually +MVP the green names they see when healed =)


You're under the assumption I have time to tag people while healing my balls off. There's a big difference in healing output from 300k to 600k, but that should be obvious.


In the crazy games where you get a ton of healing you really don't have the spare GCDs to farm medals. Maybe you just haven't played any of these, I really don't know, but I've had 15 minute fights on Alderaan nodes where multiple people were under 50% most of the time. Tagging enemies isn't priority over healing in these situations.


If I'm healing a game where I only have 2-300k healing I usually can get the 75k medal, 10 kills, 25 kills, etc...but even then tanks get 2-4 more medals.


And unfortunately on my server people vote solely based on medals. I get votes from my premade but that's about it, our tank our assassin gets all the pug votes since they're usually sitting at 11-12 medals.

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If you cant get the killing blow as a healer you are not playing to close to your potential, and playing extremely passive. Its PvP, not PvE, you are not supposed to JUST healbot an entire game. My friend always gets the 75k dmg, killing blow and 10 kills atleast, playing a sage. The biggest difference here will be the 25 kills that I will certainly always get, and he most probably wont. The solo kill is bugged to sh*t and i rarely ever get that one, get it about as often as he does.


So the difference isnt alot at all.


Not ture. That depends on the warzone. If it's a really close match, then there's NOTHING you can do except for healing. It's not just the lack of time, but also force. You need every little scrap of it you can get to get the heals going, otherwise your people are going to start dying. You need to keep everyone alive to make sure the enemy fire is kept divided between as many targets as possible.


The problem with assists is that you don't get one when you do YOUR job and heal someone fighting someone else. You actually need to do damage, which means you have to stop doing your job and start DPSing. It's fairly easy in a standard warzone, but when it's really rough out there and you reach the peak of your talent and play the game of your life you are rewarded with 3 medals.



I dont think I have ever seen a tank above 300k, whilst I get it pretty much every single game, and so does an Assassin, whilst spamming taunt on CD for the defensive point.


I have. Even if they don't they still get 3 out of 4 dps medals (2.5k, 5k, 75k). Then they get half of healers' medals (2.5k, 5k), their own guard medals and then kills, which is pretty easy since they're there and they have their AoE, so you can tag many targets. Sages don't get a real AoE on a healing spec, you need to cast a channeled AoE, which costs a sh*tload of force and requires a sh*tload of time to launch (first hit after 2.5s of channeling). You can heal around 8k hitpoints during the same period and save somebody's life. Doing your job. Not getting medals. That's why I switched to DPS spec and enjoy my 7-8 medals every game. Hell, I don't even care if I win anymore. I still get my goods. Ofcourse I try to win to finish the daily asap, but then again the quest is bugged to hell and I had to win 9 warzones on monday to get my daily done, so who cares?




Edited by Kalantris
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Read this with interest and as a healer I feel for the other healers out there.


Personally I play a Smug healer (Sawbones) and in general I can earn 7-10 medals a match. Thats in general tho. If the opponents are good then I'll struggle to get 5.


Now to all the posters saying "throw some DoT's Dont just heal" etc etc. Yes I'm fully aware of how my class plays and like I say I generally get 7-10. This is with a nice mix of DPS and healing with objective play. However, in a tight game stopping to get 75K dmg, solo kills, killing blows etc is just not viable. Sure i may throw out a few DD attacks but I'll be mainly focused on keeping my guys alive and these medals will be hit and miss at best in a close game. For the DPS/tanks however they are practically a given.


Realistically DPS earns medals far easier than healers, and tanks? OMG dont get me started on tanks. Medals for guarding X amount without dying? Why the F are tanks getting that medal? Healers are healing them so they CAN guard X amount without dying .. why are the tanks getting that medal? Blows my mind !!


One of my regular tanks earns 10-13 medals a game .. another 9-11. A a healer I get 10 (11 once in a blue moon) usually 7-9 is more normal and work my *** off for those medals.


Anyone who thinks that healers medal gains are in line with DPS / Tanks needs to go roll a healer. Hell go roll a tank if your a DPS class and then we can all join in once voice saying this **** aint right.


(PS I play a tank as well .. i can LOL my way through a game lose totally and still walk out with 9-12 medals)

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Do a bit of damage and healing- all healing classes are capable of at least getting a KB, 75k damage, maybe even solo kill. You'll get all the healing medals, likely 2 objectives medals, dps medals and 2 medals for kills- yes, you can never get nearly as many medals as tanks do, which does suck I agree- and with the level of damage/single hit damage you need to do, there's two dps medals out of your reach- you can still outmedal a dps with relative ease though.


I ve been following this thread for a while and I 've read this response countless times... Do you really think that a healer in the heat of the battle has the luxury to waste a 1.5 sec GCD on dps + alt tabing? And as for the objective hunting, healers go where the group goes. What is the point of a solo healer staying in the objective and earning defense points if nobody is there?


Cmon... are you guys in denial, or in battle with common sense?


Even the fact that you can earn the 3 healing medals easily through the use of Biochem should alert you that the mechanic is broken. So far I ve read healers asking for a rationalisation of the game mechanics that will allow them to compete and fulfill their role as intended and not further breaking them i.e. tuning cybertech so it can secure 3 easy medals, and on the other side "L2P" posters who just want to continue this gear gap so they can satisfy their epeen.

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The funny thing is I can play a Voidstar as a Shadow, bombing every single door, and opening every terminal, winning the whole game for my team, and get 0 medals.


Or, I can stand around and not care for the objective, just killing some people away from the door, and easily get 5-6 medals.


Useless system.

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Runing as a healer with our team, tank 10 medals, dd 9-10 medals, me as healer 3 medals. If i want some more i need to do some dps, 2.5k single hit or something else. But problem is when premade goes vs premade for healer is no time to dps od do something else, no heal = match lost.

So what i need to do spit on teammates or spit on medals?

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My feeling is this is working as intended. They want to punish the Healbot style. If you're doing 513k healing and getting 3 medals, you are not playing a Star Wars game. You are playing whack-a-mole with green bars and doing nothing else.


The thing is, this isn't WoW. Healers deal damage here. Hell, simply by using Death from Above on my Bounty Hunter whenever it's off cooldown, I can deal 75k damage in a warfront. I usually always get a killing blow or two as well, as there's almost always a right time and a wrong time to heal.


If you outnumber a guy 2 to 1, you probably shouldn't be standing there, healing the guy. You should be helping him kill the other guy, then after he's dead, you can top him off. You don't help him kill the enemy faster and suddenly, 2 reinforcements come. Now, the original guy gets healed and it's suddenly 2v3, when if you'd stopped looking at the green bars and spent some time looking at the red ones, you could have helped your friend score that critical kill to make it 2v2 when those new guys arrive.


Again, this isn't WoW. As a Healer, YOU DEAL DAMAGE. It's not as bursty or powerful as a dedicated DPS, but you're also not doing 4x less than him by any stretch. In fact, you're probably doing well more than half his damage.


LOL I cant even begin to count how many KB's I have jacked with a well timed Project to the face of an enemy that is about to die.


Oh yeah @OP, if your such a b-a healer then why don't you peel a couple of people and burn them down with the attrition game .. if they can't grind out your "ever replenishing" health bar they are going to die eventually ... I can't tell you how many time I have gone with 1 or 2 people and drawn damn near all of the opposing force away from the cap in Alderaan. All I did was bubble and heal myself and frustrate the others ... Heal spec'd Sage is brutal and almost invincible in PVP.



As Mighty Mouse one said....



Edited by LordTyrantXerxis
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So what i need to do spit on teammates or spit on medals?


Really tempted to just spit on my teammates and respec tbh after all these :D


The reactions on this thread is so unbelievable. Even blaming us healers for being passive so we don't get the medals ***. Go roll a healer and see what you say then.


Am so sick of these crap doing extra work maybe twice as much as dps + tank to get comms yet people who we heal show this kind of attitude.

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That's the reward for playing objectively in huttball as a healer^^^


So while I keep the tanks up who get 100+ commendations per game I'm lucky to get 60-70...


When is this going to be fixed? The fact the medals hasn't been fixed yet is pathetic BW.


make them vote for you?

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Am so sick of these crap doing extra work maybe twice as much as dps + tank to get comms yet people who we heal show this kind of attitude.


Do respec pls. Make your premades work against pugs without healers. Any green spammer I see in wz gets special attention from me.

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The moment i hit my 75K healing medal i go dps...


Makes me get

2.5K heal

75K heal

1 kill


75K dmg


and depending on the warzone i get 1 or 3k defender points medal.

but still i'd prefer to go full healing but indeed the game is blocking it..


and if you go full healing, they keep voting the guy with most the damage done.. like he still needs it, really .....................................................

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I don't get how you can get 9 medals as healer in HB or VS.


Typical HB match.


Every time I play I tend to either follow tanks around with the ball and healing them or pulling people over the line.

If the team is less good I tend to score myself.

The matches I am the most useful I get 4 medals tops. maybe 5-6 if I am lucky and the opportunity presents it self.


Even more laughable 3 goals made solo and guess what 4 medals.


1: 2.5k heal

2: 75k healing

3: 400k

4 Killing blow

5: 10 kills.


The 30% healing reduction debuff pretty much wrecks the 5k heal in most situations.

Now I can score a few more medals but that would be by simply standing in the middle,DPS and roam around for solo kill.


Basically when I am being an efficient healer that helps the team and isn't spending his time doing useless stud for medals I get punished.



Sure I can hang around the middle let people die and DPS.

Roam around alone for solo kill and basically farm people while ignoring everything else and hit 7 medals in HB with effort.

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You act like healing takes some kind of special skill, the only skill difference is that there are less of you.


The fact of the matter is the very large majority of healers don't even look at the screen or other players, they just look at the raid bars and use heals on anyone and everyone not at full hp.


Because it's easy. Reward healers for doing things other than making shiny numbers

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Obviously there are healers feeling they shouldn't have to do dmg to earn as many medals as those dps'ing or tanking. This is a completely valid thought and feeling.


Obviously there are healers that like doing the dps thing while healing and feel that's completely ok. This is a completely valid though and feeling.


Obviously there are people who can not resist the urge to comment in threads like this without posting replys that easily could be shortened with "L2P, QQ more and Can I have your stuff".


We all experiance the game in different way as we are different as individuals. Learn to respect other ppls opinion. If you do not agree, at least try and write a constructive reply on why. Save us you adolecent need to shield yourself against a possible attack by writing offensivly from start.


As a reply to the OP's post. I'm a healer at heart. Have been in all games since 2003. 3 days ago I respecced to dps for this reason alone. I am now earning in avarage 8-9 medals in a good game. When and if the system changes I will respec back to heal.


As a carrot for you. Dps is so much easier, calm and enjoyable, not to mention rewarding. Nothing like to focus on yourself and the enemy infront of you instead of having to focus on yourself, your team and where the enemy is placed.


Good luck!

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You act like healing takes some kind of special skill, the only skill difference is that there are less of you.


The fact of the matter is the very large majority of healers don't even look at the screen or other players, they just look at the raid bars and use heals on anyone and everyone not at full hp.


Because it's easy. Reward healers for doing things other than making shiny numbers


Healing is more difficult than DPSing. It's that simple.




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Obviously there are healers feeling they shouldn't have to do dmg to earn as many medals as those dps'ing or tanking. This is a completely valid thought and feeling.


Obviously there are healers that like doing the dps thing while healing and feel that's completely ok. This is a completely valid though and feeling.


Obviously there are people who can not resist the urge to comment in threads like this without posting replys that easily could be shortened with "L2P, QQ more and Can I have your stuff".


We all experiance the game in different way as we are different as individuals. Learn to respect other ppls opinion. If you do not agree, at least try and write a constructive reply on why. Save us you adolecent need to shield yourself against a possible attack by writing offensivly from start.


As a reply to the OP's post. I'm a healer at heart. Have been in all games since 2003. 3 days ago I respecced to dps for this reason alone. I am now earning in avarage 8-9 medals in a good game. When and if the system changes I will respec back to heal.


As a carrot for you. Dps is so much easier, calm and enjoyable, not to mention rewarding. Nothing like to focus on yourself and the enemy infront of you instead of having to focus on yourself, your team and where the enemy is placed.


Good luck!


not +1 but +10 for the post!

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Healing is more difficult than DPSing. It's that simple.





When you face a good team that focuses the healers yeah, it's nasty >< It isn't wow with 4.2k resil where we can just eat the damage and spam cast holy shock/wog lol.

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