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Involuntarily flagged for PvP as a 32 by a 50 on a PvE server.


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I was working on the bonus series on Nar Shaddaa on my level 32 character at the time. The bonus quests that take you into the Shared area with Imperials. I think nothing of it, I'm not flagged.


Attack a group of mobs, and just as I'm about to do an AoE burst, a level 50 jump in tags one just before my AoE damage ticks flagging the mob to him, so when my damage hits, I'm flagged also.


I rolled on a PvE server to avoid stuff like this. I don't mind PvP, but I'm not interesting in Open World all the time. Most of my characters are on PvE servers, and that is what I expected, PvE unless I voluntarily decide to PvP. That did not occur here.


There is no PvP buff for it to balance it out some either.




Again I rolled on PvE server expecting not to have to deal with this. That is what the PvE and PvP server difference was for. But seems there are some ways to exploit that.


Players on pve servers should never get flagged unless they want to be. That is after all the purpose of a pve server. Bioware should fix this.

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Do you even read my posts? Im guessing not otherwise you would have known that I do agree the tricking is unfair.


I am defending it, because its a good system. If I flag myself for pvp, while running around in PvE zones, that opens me up for Confrontational combat. allowing players to attack me.

It does not matter to me, if you attack me willingly or not. I do most of the time look at your level. If you are 10+ levels below me, i will assume it was an accident and leave you be.


Some players wont, but it is your responsibility to watch out.


And there's the truth of it, you don't care because the system works for you. You get to PvP whether the other person intends to PvP or not. Nice slip up, Freud.

Edited by Zorvan
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Negative ghostrider, the pattern is full. It is NOT the players responsibility to be aware and to be careful of what abilities they use so some nutswab doesn't gank them. Choosing to play on a PvE server... check... choosing not to flag yourself for PvP... check... those are the players responsibilities... some e-peen running into your AoE because he is 20 levels higher than you falls outside the realm of what the PvE'r should have to take into consideration. It's a bug that people are exploiting to grief other players. It is by no means "working as intended".


It is not a bug, it is working as intended. Again, a pve server does not mean it is free from pvp. It means you cannot be attacked at anytime. Which is working as intended. In 99% of the cases you can quest fully without worry.


If I play on a pve server (which I do) and I decide to pvp I should be able to do that all over the world. Not just the designated zones or instances. That is what the pvp flagging option is for. If I flag myself. Players can attack me if they so desire. Those that are unflagged, I can still not attack.


However if they attack me, whether this is intentional or not, is there problem. Not mine. Why should my play style differ cuz you dont want to be attacked or responsible for your own actions?


It is working as intended. Simple as that.


btw, some players will do it to grief but those are by far the minority. Just deal with it and move on.

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I play on a PVP server. I joined a PVP server because I like the idea that at any moment someone (or someoneSSSSS) can jump out of nowhere while I'm busy teaching rogue imperial droids who's boss and blast me into dirt if I'm not paying attention.


It's fun always having to be on your toes. It's fun catching other people napping and killing them then vanishing into thin air.


That said, I don't understand how anyone can defend level 50's on a PVE server tricking level 32's into fighting. Seems kinda pathetic to me. Definitely not working as intended. If the stated goal of a PVE server was "to find ways to complete quests without being tricked into PVP against vastly overlevelled players" then I would agree it was working as intended, but since that's not the goal, this is broken (and still pathetic).

Edited by racsofp
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And there's the truth of it, you don't care because the system works for you. You get to PvP whether the other person intends to PvP or not. Nice slip up, Freud.


Why don't you read the sentence that comes after it, instead of distorting the truth to your liking.

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I was working on the bonus series on Nar Shaddaa on my level 32 character at the time. The bonus quests that take you into the Shared area with Imperials. I think nothing of it, I'm not flagged.


Attack a group of mobs, and just as I'm about to do an AoE burst, a level 50 jump in tags one just before my AoE damage ticks flagging the mob to him, so when my damage hits, I'm flagged also.


I rolled on a PvE server to avoid stuff like this. I don't mind PvP, but I'm not interesting in Open World all the time. Most of my characters are on PvE servers, and that is what I expected, PvE unless I voluntarily decide to PvP. That did not occur here.


There is no PvP buff for it to balance it out some either.




Again I rolled on PvE server expecting not to have to deal with this. That is what the PvE and PvP server difference was for. But seems there are some ways to exploit that.


They should just put in hard pvp level caps between players and be done with it, especially on pve servers. There is no reason whatsoever that a level 30 should be attacking a level 50. Block level 50's from attacking anyone under 40-45 and so on. This has been done in other mmos and works just fine (griefers spare us your sad excuses of why 50's should be able to gank lowbies in pve).

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I agree even being a pvp player , really if it was on a pvp server i would say grow balls , but those that chose a pve server for not wanting this kind of fight should not have it.


I understand that some want to PvP. I do not. Not because it is too hard, no. But because it would require me more time than I can dedicate to a game right now. As all know, PvP requires a completely different set of skills than PvE.


That being said, if I chose a PvE server to play on, it clearly means that I do not want to PvP. Buffing someone who is and being flagged as PvP for 5 minutes is not new, another game does it. But, PvP should be a matter of choice and should not be imposed.


However, denying this PvP player a part of his fun by making these servers EXCLUSIVELY PvE would be just as unfair, I think, especially if he has one or 2 level 50 characters.


In my opinion, a possible solution would be that if you attack an obviously inferior target, (like attacking a level 35 when you are level 50), you should then lose "honor" as it was. How much would depend of the amount of levels separating the 2 opponents.


Seeing their hard earned PvP points disappear will be far more painful and a good deterrent. This is also logical. If I, an adult experienced in boxing, beats the crap out of a guy with no knowledge and who is out of shape, I should not expect to be congratulated for winning the fight. There is no honor is defeating an obviously inferior opponent, and as such, I should lose some.

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It is not a bug, it is working as intended. Again, a pve server does not mean it is free from pvp. It means you cannot be attacked at anytime. Which is working as intended. In 99% of the cases you can quest fully without worry.


If I play on a pve server (which I do) and I decide to pvp I should be able to do that all over the world. Not just the designated zones or instances. That is what the pvp flagging option is for. If I flag myself. Players can attack me if they so desire. Those that are unflagged, I can still not attack.


However if they attack me, whether this is intentional or not, is there problem. Not mine. Why should my play style differ cuz you dont want to be attacked or responsible for your own actions?


It is working as intended. Simple as that.


btw, some players will do it to grief but those are by far the minority. Just deal with it and move on.


So, instead of having a system where in order to pvp you have to right click and flag yourself, you prefer a system where you can inadvertently get drawn into PvP by stealthed toons even if you don't want to, and you defend this based on play style?


Sorry, can't take you seriously. You can PVP all you like. You can flag yourself for PvP all you like. You can do it whereever you like. Because that is your fun. But the moment you say "if they attack me" when you have situations where the PvE person CANNOT KNOW they are attacking you, then your argument fails.


If some moron runs up to you blasting away when he's level 23 and you're level 50 and he's flagged himself for PvP, blow him away, we're all fine. But when someone is AoEing trash mobs , there should be NO WAY for that person to be forced into PVP.


Unless you can defend the results and the fact that it can be exploited and show why the current system is better for the majority of players, then I'm sorry, but the only reason you would defend this is that you're a griefer yourself.

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So, instead of having a system where in order to pvp you have to right click and flag yourself, you prefer a system where you can inadvertently get drawn into PvP by stealthed toons even if you don't want to, and you defend this based on play style?


Sorry, can't take you seriously. You can PVP all you like. You can flag yourself for PvP all you like. You can do it whereever you like. Because that is your fun. But the moment you say "if they attack me" when you have situations where the PvE person CANNOT KNOW they are attacking you, then your argument fails.


If some moron runs up to you blasting away when he's level 23 and you're level 50 and he's flagged himself for PvP, blow him away, we're all fine. But when someone is AoEing trash mobs , there should be NO WAY for that person to be forced into PVP.


Unless you can defend the results and the fact that it can be exploited and show why the current system is better for the majority of players, then I'm sorry, but the only reason you would defend this is that you're a griefer yourself.


The red part is exactly where most forum goers in this topic fail. There understanding of reading Fails mostly, because they are blinded by there own point of view.


I'll say it again and you can vision me saying it directly in your face, close up and Very very slowly so you can understand all of it. I DO NOT AGREE WITH PLAYERS TRICKING YOU INTO COMBAT!


Shoudl they change it so that stealthed pvp flagged players cannot be targeted by aoe I guess so. However if I am standing there in plain sight, pvp flagged and you still use aoe around me. Thats your problem. Not mine.

Edited by Syrellaris
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Why don't you read the sentence that comes after it, instead of distorting the truth to your liking.


I distorted nothing. If all you want is consensual PvP, then you'd agree people should not be able to hit you by accident. But you don't, you want PvP any way you can get it, screw the other player.

Edited by Zorvan
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I distorted nothing. If all you want is consensual PvP, then you'd agree people should not be able to hit you by accident. but you don't, you want PvP any way you can get it, screw the other player.


Again distorting it to your liking. Ive said plenty of times now, that I do not agree with players tricking others to become pvp flagged.


However I see no reason to change the system to a point where everyone has to be flagged before you can even attack anyone.

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This highlights just how little the TOR devs know what they are doing. PvP should not be an option of any kind on the PvE servers. Not even sparring or dueling. PvP should be 100% restricted to the servers dedicated to PvP. PvE players choose a PvE server because they don't want to play with that ganking crap.


More BioWare/EA/Lucasarts fail.


I agree with this, except the first sentence. I think that most devs see what other games are doing and go with it. But on a PvE server there should never be any kind of PvP, except the arena type, because it is voluntary.

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Again distorting it to your liking. Ive said plenty of times now, that I do not agree with players tricking others to become pvp flagged.


However I see no reason to change the system to a point where everyone has to be flagged before you can even attack anyone.


I don't think flagging yourself is that difficult, but as long as the game doesn't force people into involuntary PVP (on a PVE server), great.

Edited by daemian
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You just got tricked into flagging. Not a big deal.


Such a selfish response from this and a few other posters.


Of course it matters if someone chooses not to be involved in PvP and is tricked into it; it is called griefing if it done intentionally. BW just needs to put in a mechanism to stop this from being possible and the griefers can move on to finding some other way to annoy their fellow gamers.

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I have had the same problem and so have many other people - there is a 16 page thread here and I agree this needs changing.


I am a few others have gone to hassle them on Twitter (@Rockjaw and @SWTOR) and I suggest doing the same because we have had no reply on these forums for a few weeks now.


A simple "We plan on changing this" or "It is working as intended" will be enough for me. If they plan to change it I will give them time, if it is working as intended I will find another game.

Edited by _Darkstar
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Again distorting it to your liking. Ive said plenty of times now, that I do not agree with players tricking others to become pvp flagged.


However I see no reason to change the system to a point where everyone has to be flagged before you can even attack anyone.


I don't care if we're standing nose to nose ingame. If we're not both voluntarily flagged, then there should be no chance of PvP between us at all. Period.


If I am not flagged, I should not be able to attack you. Period. I should be getting a "You are not flagged for PvP" message. No attacks from me should hit you. Period. You should be able to stand right in the middle of my AoE with no damage to you.


So yes, the system needs to be changed.

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I don't care if we're standing nose to nose ingame. If we're not both voluntarily flagged, then there should be no chance of PvP between us at all. Period.


If I am not flagged, I should not be able to attack you. Period. I should be getting a "You are not flagged for PvP" message. No attacks from me should hit you. Period. You should be able to stand right in the middle of my AoE with no damage to you.


So yes, the system needs to be changed.


Sorry I disagree. But No, it does not need to be changed.

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Again distorting it to your liking. Ive said plenty of times now, that I do not agree with players tricking others to become pvp flagged.


However I see no reason to change the system to a point where everyone has to be flagged before you can even attack anyone.

Why? It would prevent people from tricking other people into fighting.


All that would be left would be PVP combat that was agreed to by both sides.

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Sorry I disagree. But No, it does not need to be changed.


I'll ask again. Since you agree that it's unfair, and you personally don't use it to trick other players... why defend it?

Edited by daemian
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This highlights just how little the TOR devs know what they are doing. PvP should not be an option of any kind on the PvE servers. Not even sparring or dueling. PvP should be 100% restricted to the servers dedicated to PvP.

Wow, I'm glad you're not in charge of stuff...


That is the most FAIL response in this whole thread.

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Some players wont, but it is your responsibility to watch out.

Not on a PvE server, the very action of picking that over a PvP server was because we do not want to 'watch out'.


Nevermind that you don't take into account that you can't 'watch out' for stealthed level 50's in the middle of the pack of level 30 mobs you are about to AoE.

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