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Involuntarily flagged for PvP as a 32 by a 50 on a PvE server.


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This is the way it works on pve servers. You used a Area of Effect attack and hit a pvp flagged enemy in the process. It wasn't the mob he attacked, no it was your attack hitting him. He tricked you, sure but in the end it is your fault. Simply should not have used a AOE.


The way it works on pve servers, in every MMO btw, is that You cannot become a pvp flagged person if you do not set yourself to it. However there are exceptions to that rule.


1) Entering a PvP area, were you become automatically flagged

2) Right clicking your avatar and setting the PvP flag on yourself.

3) Attacking an Enemy player that is PvP flagged.


You fall in catagory 3. Though luck.

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I got drawn into a fight on Tatooine too. No idea what was going on, the enemy runs into a mob I'm fighting and suddenly I'm fighting them because my PvP flag is on.


Then I respawned and wiped the floor with them 1 on 1 several times. :D Then my PvP flag was still on and I got blindsided again fighting a mob. Stay classy, sith lords.


Pretty minor annoyance considering how rarely you run into other players, but still--bad design.

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Boohoo, you probably lost more time mashing refresh on this thread than you did dying in game.


Yea, spend 10 minutes to get to quest objective, get involuntary flagged, killed, transported back to medical, wait 5 minutes for pvp status to wear off, just because some level 50 wants to grief someone on a Pve server and BW allows it to happen.

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The trolls all love to jump on the "PvP happens" ban wagon. Most of these trolls are people who PvP all the time or have toons on PvP servers. They completely miss the point that people who play on a PVE server have NO DESIRE to PVP when they're questing.


These same trolls love to call you a "carebear" because you don't like to play the way they do. The simple fact is, the rejects who exploit this aren't skilled at all. It's not hard to kill someone who's questing when you're geared in PvP gear and they aren't expecting it. It's actually pretty pathetic. If you don't want a real PvP challenge, then go play against noobs who actually want to PvP with you.


The moral of the story is, Bioware failed here. It should not be possible to be involuntarily flagged like that. If you're going to give your player base a choice as to whether or not they want to PvP, you need to be consistent about it. Either they have a choice or they don't. It's the hallmark of lazy programming.

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This is the way it works on pve servers. You used a Area of Effect attack and hit a pvp flagged enemy in the process. It wasn't the mob he attacked, no it was your attack hitting him. He tricked you, sure but in the end it is your fault. Simply should not have used a AOE.


Why should PVE players have to adapt their playstyle to accommodate PVP players on a PVE server? Isn't that why they chose a PVE server in the first place? It's a pointless, dated mechanic.

Edited by daemian
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I used to do this stuff in UO and Wow, tricking people to flag. It was pretty hilarious at the time. I agree its pretty lame to do on a PvE server though, but I'd hardly call it an exploit. Dont use AOE in those areas.


... every area in the entire game?

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Cry me a river. There are bigger issues at hand.


Then there is nothing in this thread to concern you. Move along.


What kind of question is this?




Do you know players can STEALTH?!?







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Ignore those guys.


The same thing happened to me on Tattoine. I agree it's an exploit that needs to be fixed. Players of the opposing faction should not be able to trick anyone on a PvE server into flagging for PvP involuntarily.




This has always existed.


1) Bring a friend and stealth up.

2) One gets close to PvE player spamming AoE attacks.

3) Other stealths close to the mobs hes attacking.

4) Stealth into his AoE taking small damage and flagging him.

5) Second guy unstealths and destroys him while he's still like "*** m8?"

6) lol

7) ?

8) Profit?

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Fail pvpers come to PVE servers to act ******, when they can't hack it in the pvp servers




Anyone in this thread that is defending the action, or claiming it isn't an issue, is a straight up trash player that can't take the heat on a PvP Server.


Cowards and nothing more.

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The question is: why?


It doesn't exist in every mmo anymore, regardless how the baddies will try to say it's "normal".


It used to be alowable in WoW, then they changed it.


RIFT has never allowed flagged players to "trick" unflagged players with this mechanic.


ITT: OP met a guy who is so scrubby he needed to roll on a PvE server to gank people 16 levels lower than himself by using an exploit.


Fail pvpers come to PVE servers to act ******, when they can't hack it in the pvp servers



Anyone in this thread that is defending the action, or claiming it isn't an issue, is a straight up trash player that can't take the heat on a PvP Server.


Cowards and nothing more.


Damn straight, that's ALL it amounts to.

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With the caveat that if they are engaged in PvP combat your flag should be set since you are actively taking part in said combat, albeit in a support role.


Should be like in RIFT, you cannot heal, buff, or anything else to a flagged player unless you manually flag yourself first.

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I was working on the bonus series on Nar Shaddaa on my level 32 character at the time. The bonus quests that take you into the Shared area with Imperials. I think nothing of it, I'm not flagged.


Attack a group of mobs, and just as I'm about to do an AoE burst, a level 50 jump in tags one just before my AoE damage ticks flagging the mob to him, so when my damage hits, I'm flagged also.


I rolled on a PvE server to avoid stuff like this. I don't mind PvP, but I'm not interesting in Open World all the time. Most of my characters are on PvE servers, and that is what I expected, PvE unless I voluntarily decide to PvP. That did not occur here.


There is no PvP buff for it to balance it out some either.




Again I rolled on PvE server expecting not to have to deal with this. That is what the PvE and PvP server difference was for. But seems there are some ways to exploit that.


Sorry this happened to you but it teaches you a valuable lesson, don't use aoe attacks when standing around a PVP marked player of the opposite faction or that attack will hit them and instantly mark you for PVP. This is intended and by no means a exploit or griefing. Be aware of your surroundings and choose the appropriate attacks to not get marked.

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Should be like in RIFT, you cannot heal, buff, or anything else to a flagged player unless you manually flag yourself first.


That makes perfect sense. I remember one of the things that was quoted often from the devs on the forums before launch was that in SWTOR, nobody was going to be forced to do anything if they didn't want to. So it surprises me that this mechanic is in the game.


Sorry this happened to you but it teaches you a valuable lesson, don't use aoe attacks when standing around a PVP marked player of the opposite faction or that attack will hit them and instantly mark you for PVP. This is intended and by no means a exploit or griefing. Be aware of your surroundings and choose the appropriate attacks to not get marked.


And yet the only people this benefits are griefers and exploiters. I suppose it would be OK if you had to change your name and speak in character if you wanted to PVE near people who are RP-ing? Same logic.

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I feel for you OP, ran into this myself.


I have added a post to the suggestion box located here , if you support removing this mechanic/bug/problem please add your thoughts to the linked thread. I believe it is more likely to be seen than threads located in the general forum which become buried rather fast. I have also linked this post as well as others that address this .

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Cry me a river. There are bigger issues at hand.


No, there aren't. To the dedicated PVEer, this is as important an issue as ability delay in a warzone is to a dedicated pvper. No one should be forced into pvp by some griefer on a pve server and it's quite important that bioware fix this glaring oversight.

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I've ganked so many people on my server inside enemy bases and I havent seen a single thread about how the turrets in towns need to have longer aggro range or how robots need to have better stealth detection


As soon as one PvE server guy gets involuntary ganked the whole world is ending


Did a PVP hardcore just accuse a PVE player of complaining?


Yeah because the PVP forums are a paradise of well adjusted, content players, who never complain about every thing they can every day, in every game forum, 24 hours a day 365 days a year for the last decade.


Edit to the mods: Don't touch my comments with your lame censor BS.

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