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Marauders are weak?


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Isn't it mentioned here???


When I read that, it says "Marauders have some problems, because of ability delay, and they just have a ton of abilities to worry about. We're looking into that. Otherwise, though, the class is working great, as we want it to, unlike the Guardian and Juggernaut which need a buff"


Thats the problem. They do address an issue, but it is the wrong issue. Ability delay fixes no doubt WILL help us a ton, but we could use the same kind of mobility/anti-kite and dps survivability help that the Guardian and Juggernaut are getting, and it doesn't sound like we're gonna get any.

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Mauraders surviability is quite low, this is true, and becomes a problem when you get a lot of mobs engaging you at one time... which in later quests certainly becomes a problem. Further the maurader rotation is horridly cluncky until you hit level 40 and get our ultimate ability... at least it felt that way for carnage spec. The story so far has actually been quite good however, and despite the difficulty of actually playing the class, i have kept with it for the story.


Strategy for winning in large boss fights where there are too many mobs, use the healer and focus down the easy ones first... die.... med probe rez and kill the harder mobs. I have done this so many times it has become common practice. We do have survivability cool downs but they are long, and not up enough, and if all of them aren't available in large fights you are gonna die. If there are enough mobs, even w/ all our cooldowns you are gonna die. As long as you can accept this then it should be fine. Also if you don't run the healer companion regularly which i don't b/c i dislike him, then you shall have to heal frequently.


Contrast this all to the BH who is complete and utter easy mode and it is just a joke how much harder it is to play this class and how much better surviavability BH's have. I can continuously fight on my BH and almost never stop between mobs, plus my aoe abilities by level 20 are so good that i can utilize 1 skill for a single group, and then while that is cooling down 2 skills on the next group and kill the entire group. Then on the next group my first skill is off cd and i just repeat the process whooping up on everyone and taking almost no damage. Plus the BH healer is far less annyoing than ours, and she is better looking too!


Forgot to mention it helps if you have one of those mice from razer with the 15 or so buttons on the side to play this class cuz there are so many friggin different abilities and you need to use almost all of them.

Edited by Malrock
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All I have to say about Marauder currently is that I got mine to 40. And then I got fed up.

I didn't feel that my damage was scaling with the mobs I was going up against, and I'd come out of a one-on-one with a gold mob of level or lower nearly dead. Combat felt horribly sluggish and it just was too much for me finally.

I do plan on finally getting her to 50 one day, but right now I can't take much more banging my face into my desk and am playing other classes that don't seem to have so much BLAGH.

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If you want not to be kited, go roll Marauder.


If you want to KILL, go juggernaut..


Marauders' dps is a joke.. I regret playing this class.. I would reroll if i had a chance to get a level 50 jug..:(


funniest joke i ever read... i have never seen a jugg do more dmg than a mara even if he was rage spec'd

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I have heard a lot about marauders being weak and squashy. It makes me less tempted to play this class as I don't really like Juggernaut.


Is it really very weak? Does the damage make up for it? Are these rumours only due to people being very bad at this class?

We have to hit more buttons to release as much damage as other ACs.

In that sense, we are disadvantaged and thus weaker.


This class is made for the hardcore.

If your star wars fantasy is a dual wielding Sith, and that you're not that hardcore, then too bad for you. That's the price to pay.

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47 marauder here. This is a class that you have to constantly pay attention to whats going on. It also helps if you gear out Quinn (Your healer companion who if geared and PLAYED RIGHT can make leveling a breeze). Also you have to keep your own gear up. I've only had maybe 1 to 2 real problems in a couple class quests and that's it. I have a 41 sith assassin specced madness. He's alot harder to quest with.


PVP we do have weaknesses when kited. But other than that I can really pour damage on people and make a healers life alot harder. We have a handful of defensive cooldowns and coupled with someone guarding you and cloak of pain up...whoa!


I am annihilation. Also once you are 40 and get annihilate...that hits hard as hell and makes life easier.


If you have leveled to say 40 and are still having massive problems with this class then it really isn't for you.

Edited by Ihazcrayon
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I'm playing both a sorcerer and a marauder at lvl 50, got with both a valor rank 60 or higher..

What i can tell so far is that as sorcerer the "rotation" in pvp is much more easier than the rotation from the marauder. BUT sorcerer is rly boring ..."Oh no somebody is hitting me argh! knockback pew pew-> cc pew pew --> damage pew pew" and then we start over again. May be that some people like it that way but i can say marauder rules. It's a very interesting class. Not only that you need to know a lot of abilities and when to use them correctly(and that's a lot :D ) but also you need to be aware of the current situation.Fighting against opponent xy you'll have to use that ability and that one too etc. ...It depends on the class you are facing and if you master the marauder gameplay there is nothing that can mess with you on one on one.


Marauder simply is nice if you can manage the gameplay. nof said

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Make the class worth playing is what I think everyone is trying to say. We have to put in a lot more work than the other classes to dish out the same DPS.


Purposed changes:


Make the offhand light sabre do more damage -- This will increase our DPS output considering we're attacking with both weapons, thus increasing our overall DPS. Having our offhand do only 10% more (without the buff from Carnage tree) doesn't seem like it's enough.




Let us wear Heavy Armor -- This will enable us to survive longer and take more hits.


Of course, don't give us both because it would make the Juggernaut class useless to play. The Juggernaut and the Assassin should be the great tanks of the game. People shouldn't have to choose to play the Juggernaut because they can easily give the same DPS (very close) with a relatively low amount of effort compared to what we have to do.


I have a Assassin, Sorc and Juggernaut -- So I'm not pulling this stuff out of my ***.



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ok lv50 pve/pvp need to fix Carnage Ataru Form so dmg hits bigger mobs as it stands hit 50% of the time when it should hit 100% and Vicious Throw need to hit harder. Over all dps is low the lowes dmg this should do is 2k most 4k dmg i think. Over all dmg in pve and pvp need to up dps on each move by less 100 in all builds that will fix the dps of all class. Pvp goes love it or hate it are class is not ment to cc so stop crying about that but some cc in pvp should get nerf or for god sack fix the reslove so we cant get cc after so much lol. well that all i have to say im sure some thing i said people will qq abut just what i think. Edited by Badmojoey
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Sadly, I must agree that Marauders are grossly underpowered. I loved their concept from the beginning and stubbornly made it to lvl 40. Rolled a couple alts and understood what the complaints are about. Although I do well in PvP, my friends rather that I run an instance with any other class. Most of our functions, can be taken over by a Sith Inquisitor to much greater effectiveness.


For a melee class to have zero, or extremely limited AOE, CC, Stun, or healing ability the challenge is far greater than any other class option for the Empire. The Marauder board has a significantly higher average of "our class is weak" threads than any other class. I sincerely doubt that complaints of a weak class are based only upon a weakness in player skill level. Our skill trees are far from intuitive for what they're designed to do. For having two lightsabers we're still at our best fighting only one opponent. For a class being regulated to "you need biochem" is insulting. Crew skills should not be a mandatory choice, but I'm resentfully agreeing with such a statement.


I want this class to be good. I love the story and the ideas that go into the functionality. It has potential. Right now, I feel deeply betrayed by this class. The look of our armor has left many of us cosmetically mislead, our DPS is subpar and the skill-set is a punishingly steep learning curve. Our class is one of the few (only?) with a mandatory build, and companion set, whereas I feel other classes can truly breathe with all of their options.


Thanks for giving me the skills to rock out every other class though. After marauder, learning an alt is a breeze. So there's the good side.

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Thanks for giving me the skills to rock out every other class though. After marauder, learning an alt is a breeze. So there's the good side.


Overall, while I agree that Marauders (especially Carnage) need to be tweaked and balanced a little to fall in line with snipers (The ONLY other PURE DPS Imperial AC), I LOVE being a Carnage Marauder.


Anyone with less than full Columi/Champion is saber fodder. And even then, even if I don't kill them, they're gonna be popping ALL their ****WTFBBQ abilities to try to stay alive against the next guy if I didn't already force them to.


Now, the flip side of this is that I get the EXACT SAME PERFORMANCE out of my Level 18 Sorc for HALF the effort. I can upload screenshotted proof, but as a 5/34/2 Carnage Marauder useing http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bcZGMrbddrRrsZM.1 I can put out 250k+ damage in a warzone so long as I do nothing but fight. Now with the Sorc, I still have to focus only on fighting, but he's only level 18 and can do the exact same thing much much easier.


Idk, tbh I think Marauder as a whole needs about a 5% damage increase. In terms of abilities, Anni is fine except for the need for a SLIGHT damage buff. Carnage, imo, needs to have Ataru taken off of it's 1.5 sec CD and be able to proc constantly as well as have that damage increase. I have no comments about Rage, having never played it. However, considering the numbers people are throwing out there, I'd say it could use a defensive increase rather than an offensive one as it seems to do damage just fine.

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Sadly, I must agree that Marauders are grossly underpowered. I loved their concept from the beginning and stubbornly made it to lvl 40. Rolled a couple alts and understood what the complaints are about. Although I do well in PvP, my friends rather that I run an instance with any other class. Most of our functions, can be taken over by a Sith Inquisitor to much greater effectiveness.


For a melee class to have zero, or extremely limited AOE, CC, Stun, or healing ability the challenge is far greater than any other class option for the Empire. The Marauder board has a significantly higher average of "our class is weak" threads than any other class. I sincerely doubt that complaints of a weak class are based only upon a weakness in player skill level. Our skill trees are far from intuitive for what they're designed to do. For having two lightsabers we're still at our best fighting only one opponent. For a class being regulated to "you need biochem" is insulting. Crew skills should not be a mandatory choice, but I'm resentfully agreeing with such a statement.


I want this class to be good. I love the story and the ideas that go into the functionality. It has potential. Right now, I feel deeply betrayed by this class. The look of our armor has left many of us cosmetically mislead, our DPS is subpar and the skill-set is a punishingly steep learning curve. Our class is one of the few (only?) with a mandatory build, and companion set, whereas I feel other classes can truly breathe with all of their options.


Thanks for giving me the skills to rock out every other class though. After marauder, learning an alt is a breeze. So there's the good side.


Someone needs to L2P, that's all I can say. There really isn't much to it other than L2P. Sigh, a lot of people except to own whenever they pick a class and that right there is plain out wrong. It takes hours of practice and skill before one can actually learn to own. Marauder is one of these classes like other classes. Not to mention you only hit 40 on your Marauder, that isn't even half of it. There's no real skillful pvp in the 1-49 bracket nor are there "hardcore" FP so you can't really say all that if you haven't even hit 50, made an attempt to PvP for hours, and/or have done Hardmode FP and/or Operations. Not only does it take skill to play ANY class, it also takes gear.

Edited by BarcodeX
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Someone needs to L2P, that's all I can say. There really isn't much to it other than L2P. Sigh, a lot of people except to own whenever they pick a class and that right there is plain out wrong. It takes hours of practice and skill before one can actually learn to own. Marauder is one of these classes like other classes. Not to mention you only hit 40 on your Marauder, that isn't even half of it. There's no real skillful pvp in the 1-49 bracket nor are there "hardcore" FP so you can't really say all that if you haven't even hit 50, made an attempt to PvP for hours, and/or have done Hardmode FP and/or Operations. Not only does it take skill to play ANY class, it also takes gear.


I'm finding this to be more and more true the better my gear gets. Take for example, I just recently got super lucky with bags and went from all Orange + Advanced mods to 4/5 Champion + Columi Chest. Snap, night and day difference. I went from only just touching 100k to breaking 200k overnight.


Marauder may be the highest skill cap class in the game, but I still find it insane that people think this game is at all hard.

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Considering how I've been hit with a 9k crit smash before from a maruader I don't think they're bad. Also one of the best 1v1 classes if you know how to play them right, the best marauder on my server has yet to lose in a 1v1.
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idk why everyone keeps ************ about the marauder. I got to my lvl 50 with my juggernaut as vengeance spec and hated it. I made a new character and went carnage marauder and i love it. I really dont get why everyone hates this class. As far as rolling with the jug for pvp, thats crap. If you wanna tank and do huttball, yeah go for it. Good luck killing ppl tho
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